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 Let's do a little game

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PostSubject: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 7:10 am

Let's play a simple little RP.
No need to create or use your character.
The subject:
Tell a story about you meeting a random starving predator in Felarya, by example a naga, a dridder or a fairy etc...
You know, in general they are going to eat you Very Happy
What would you do to avoid to be eaten?
Describe as if you are telling your story in a tavern or to a friend. Very Happy

-Don't use known characters as Crisis, Anna, Melany...
-Don't use your own character as predator or prey, you need just to tell a story how you meet a random predator in Felarya, describe the place, your reaction and feeling, how the predator try to catch you and the possible turn of event.
-Don't use magic and super-power, all it matters is your reaction.

It's just for fun don't worry about if your reaction is to run or anything else, we are not here to judge you. It's a game after all Cool

Edit: I just did some rewriting.

Edit: Sorry I'm not good in english Embarassed

Last edited by on Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:45 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 7:38 am

If the predator was a dridder...

I would try to run under her belly, going out of her sight, make a faint, paying attenction to her back's movements to understand where is she going to turn, and then flee from the opposite side, hiding myself into the first safe place i can find.

other method, but this could work only if I'm reeeeeally lucky: run away the opposite way until I encounter a naga, let them face eachother while I search for a place to hide far away.

This last method could work just in the Great marshes, and the chance to flee from the dridder until I find her natural born enemy is near to zero Neutral
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 7:55 am

nksrocks wrote:
If the predator was a dridder...

I would try to run under her belly, going out of her sight, make a faint, paying attenction to her back's movements to understand where is she going to turn, and then flee from the opposite side, hiding myself into the first safe place i can find.

other method, but this could work only if I'm reeeeeally lucky: run away the opposite way until I encounter a naga, let them face eachother while I search for a place to hide far away.

This last method could work just in the Great marshes, and the chance to flee from the dridder until I find her natural born enemy is near to zero Neutral

It's interesting, but I will prefer you tell it how it was a story which happened to you. As you were in the Great Marshes and you were attacked by a dridder, you describe your reaction and feelings, the different turn of event and the reaction of the dridder. In the end you can brag to be alive Very Happy
Good luck my friends Very Happy
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 10:56 am

If the opponent was a fairy, I would stand very still. Knowing full well that fairies are quite voraceous and tricky with magic, I would contain any slight sense of fear. Most of them, like other predators, enjoy toying with their food.

If she isn't having fun, she'll get bored real quick. To deal with the shrinking magic, I would try reasoning with her, using clever deception to persuade her that I'm not one to be eaten.

If that doesn't work, and she uses her shrinking pixie dust or whatever, I'd pick up a giant leaf and blow it back at her. While she shrinks and tries to return to normal, I run for the hills with an amazing power I like to call "AVERAGE HUMAN SPEED!"

By the time I get out of range, she'll have lost interest and will go after another nearby human, making him the next meal of the day.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 12:41 pm

Pendragon wrote:
If the opponent was a fairy, I would stand very still. Knowing full well that fairies are quite voraceous and tricky with magic, I would contain any slight sense of fear. Most of them, like other predators, enjoy toying with their food.

If she isn't having fun, she'll get bored real quick. To deal with the shrinking magic, I would try reasoning with her, using clever deception to persuade her that I'm not one to be eaten.

If that doesn't work, and she uses her shrinking pixie dust or whatever, I'd pick up a giant leaf and blow it back at her. While she shrinks and tries to return to normal, I run for the hills with an amazing power I like to call "AVERAGE HUMAN SPEED!"

By the time I get out of range, she'll have lost interest and will go after another nearby human, making him the next meal of the day.

Thanks to answer, can you tell that as a event which happen to you even if it's not really. I mean with description by exemple as the "clever deception" , and what the fairy answer you her reaction etc...
I think I don't correctly explain the rules sorry.
I like the term "AVERAGE HUMAN SPEED!" it's very funny I think Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 1:15 pm

Hmmm well where to begin? Hmmm Well first thing you could do is grab me a cream or something... Oooh! thanks! that's a nice big bowl! I like this place *giggles and begins to drink.

Hmmm Well, I do work out quite a bit, and I'm not too bad at gymnastics at all! the trick, is finding a way so that the predator loses sight of you, or scent, or however the silly thing tracks!

You see, a couple of days back, I was staring down a Naga, she had caught me trying to measure her tail, in proportion, to the rest of her torso, and fortunatly she had not been able to grab me! Well, I was rather surprised that she had seen me at all! But I moved out of the way, staring up at her, and fluttering my eyelashes, showering her in compliments, saying, that as long as I was to be eaten, I was glad it was by a creature as beautiful as she!

Well that sort of put her off guard, a little at least, and when she finally came for me I moved! not letting her hands touch me, careful to watch them, and her tail, so that I could see how she was going to try and grab me!, she got a little... frustrated I think *giggles* Trying to catch me, and finally lunged at me, mouth wide open, to swallow me whole! Well!, that's exactly what I was waiting for, and I threw myself tothe side, quickly running past her head, as she shook herself from the impact, finding herself staring at nothing but dirt!, by this time I had luckily hidden myself in the bushes, curled up into a little ball, and kept very, -very- still, that way, while she looked around for me, she thought I had simply dissappeared! and she moved on... I waited a couple of hours, to make sure she really was gone, and then I made my way carefully through the bushes, and back to town, just to make sure she wasn't still trying to track me!

See! I told you it was worth a free drink! *beams and finishes her cream*
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 1:21 pm

gwadahunter2222 wrote:

Thanks to answer, can you tell that as a event which happen to you even if it's not really. I mean with description by exemple as the "clever deception" , and what the fairy answer you her reaction etc...
I think I don't correctly explain the rules sorry.
I like the term "AVERAGE HUMAN SPEED!" it's very funny I think Very Happy

By clever deception, I meant that I would talk with her very calmly, trying to find common ground. I'd make her laugh with a few jokes, try playing along with her game, so on and so on. Maybe I'd try a bit of flattery, or throw in something sad for mercy.

She would clearly want to talk more, because when you laugh, you're not so hungry anymore. That would buy me some time. Faires aren't that heartless. She'd give me a chance.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 1:31 pm

Kat wrote:
Hmmm well where to begin? Hmmm Well first thing you could do is grab me a cream or something... Oooh! thanks! that's a nice big bowl! I like this place *giggles and begins to drink.

Hmmm Well, I do work out quite a bit, and I'm not too bad at gymnastics at all! the trick, is finding a way so that the predator loses sight of you, or scent, or however the silly thing tracks!

You see, a couple of days back, I was staring down a Naga, she had caught me trying to measure her tail, in proportion, to the rest of her torso, and fortunatly she had not been able to grab me! Well, I was rather surprised that she had seen me at all! But I moved out of the way, staring up at her, and fluttering my eyelashes, showering her in compliments, saying, that as long as I was to be eaten, I was glad it was by a creature as beautiful as she!

Well that sort of put her off guard, a little at least, and when she finally came for me I moved! not letting her hands touch me, careful to watch them, and her tail, so that I could see how she was going to try and grab me!, she got a little... frustrated I think *giggles* Trying to catch me, and finally lunged at me, mouth wide open, to swallow me whole! Well!, that's exactly what I was waiting for, and I threw myself tothe side, quickly running past her head, as she shook herself from the impact, finding herself staring at nothing but dirt!, by this time I had luckily hidden myself in the bushes, curled up into a little ball, and kept very, -very- still, that way, while she looked around for me, she thought I had simply dissappeared! and she moved on... I waited a couple of hours, to make sure she really was gone, and then I made my way carefully through the bushes, and back to town, just to make sure she wasn't still trying to track me!

See! I told you it was worth a free drink! *beams and finishes her cream*

I'm surprise you are in front of after that. Shocked
I paiy you the drink Cool
Anyone except the little girl have an interesting story to tell!

To pendragon do a little story about it that all I want to know.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 6:50 pm

gwadahunter2222 wrote:

To pendragon do a little story about it that all I want to know.

I might do it sometime. First I have a few other stories to finish.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 6:54 pm

Pendragon wrote:
gwadahunter2222 wrote:

To pendragon do a little story about it that all I want to know.

I might do it sometime. First I have a few other stories to finish.
I mean you write just a litlle paragraph as Kat did that's all. It's just a short situation don't worry about that.
Just a question after you escape to the fairy how you come back to your former size Question
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Maniac Monkey
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeMon Dec 10, 2007 8:04 pm

(a small mouse boy climbs onto the table, takes a sip of juice and then begins his tale) Let me tell you about my story... it all started... burp... a few days ago. It was early mornin' and I was on the hunt for my mornings breakfast. Nothing fancy, just a berry or two so my belly would calm down. I found a bush that had plenty and I picked one and started munching on it. As I did, I heard the thunderous footsteps of a neko as it approached. I ducked into the bush for safety and looked up to see her. She wasn't bad lookin' for a cat girl, I wont lie about that. Long blond hair, tan skin, beautiful eyes, all that good stuff, but the thing I noticed about her the most, was the loud growl from her stomach. (takes another sip of juice) I backed away as she started picking berries and gobbling them up. I could have ran, but then she'd notice me for sure, so I just waited in hiding until she would leave. Then it happened! She ripped an entire branch off so she could get more berries. She was about to start eating them when she noticed me. You could imagine the look on my face.


She blinked twice and smiled. "Well isn't it my lucky day," She said, "I found breakfast!" I stepped back until I could go no further, the foilage was too rough for me to back away. As she brought her paw close to me I saw an opening and ran as fast as I could yelling, "I hope you like fast food!" ...unfortunatly I wasn't fast enough and I soon found myself pinned under her fuzzy paw. "Any last words?" She asked picking me up by the tail and dangling me over her mouth. I had nothing to say, all I could think of was to remain brave and to show no fear, but I could feel my lips start to quiver and my eyes start to water. As she began to lower me towards her maw, I couldn't take it and I began to cry, as if the worst possible thing in the world was going to happen! Sure there could be worse, but dying! Now!? I never even had a girlfriend yet! And here I was about to meet my doom. I continued crying and weeping, and started screaming, "I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!"

The neko should have probably eaten me by now, but she didn't, she lowered me down and held me in a grip where I still couldn't escape. She looked at me curiously, not saying a word. "...what!?" I finally said, wiping the tears from my eyes, "wanna rub it in before I die? Make fun of me for being a cry baby?" The was silent for a while, and finally asked, "Are you that afraid of death?" I laughed at this question, "Afraid!? I'm terrified! Each day is the same thing! I could die under the weight of a giant naga and she wouldn't even realize it! Each day I try to live and peace, but instead I find myself running and hiding! I can't even fight back! I'm too small and too weak!" The neko was speechless. "Go, ahead, kill me now, at least then I won't have to worry about this life anymore. The Neko stared at me for a long time.

Finally she lifted me up towards her mouth, and instead of eating me, she did what I never would have expected. She gave me a kiss! Then she placed me on the floor and said, "Never give up hope little one, no matter how bad things get." She picked a berry and placed it in front of me, got up and smiled at me. " 'til we meet again little one," And she walked back towards her village.

That's my story... the moral I guess is... god bless reverse psycology! (takes a final swig of juice)
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 4:44 am

Maniac Monkey wrote:
(a small mouse boy climbs onto the table, takes a sip of juice and then begins his tale) Let me tell you about my story... it all started... burp... a few days ago. It was early mornin' and I was on the hunt for my mornings breakfast. Nothing fancy, just a berry or two so my belly would calm down. I found a bush that had plenty and I picked one and started munching on it. As I did, I heard the thunderous footsteps of a neko as it approached. I ducked into the bush for safety and looked up to see her. She wasn't bad lookin' for a cat girl, I wont lie about that. Long blond hair, tan skin, beautiful eyes, all that good stuff, but the thing I noticed about her the most, was the loud growl from her stomach. (takes another sip of juice) I backed away as she started picking berries and gobbling them up. I could have ran, but then she'd notice me for sure, so I just waited in hiding until she would leave. Then it happened! She ripped an entire branch off so she could get more berries. She was about to start eating them when she noticed me. You could imagine the look on my face.


She blinked twice and smiled. "Well isn't it my lucky day," She said, "I found breakfast!" I stepped back until I could go no further, the foilage was too rough for me to back away. As she brought her paw close to me I saw an opening and ran as fast as I could yelling, "I hope you like fast food!" ...unfortunatly I wasn't fast enough and I soon found myself pinned under her fuzzy paw. "Any last words?" She asked picking me up by the tail and dangling me over her mouth. I had nothing to say, all I could think of was to remain brave and to show no fear, but I could feel my lips start to quiver and my eyes start to water. As she began to lower me towards her maw, I couldn't take it and I began to cry, as if the worst possible thing in the world was going to happen! Sure there could be worse, but dying! Now!? I never even had a girlfriend yet! And here I was about to meet my doom. I continued crying and weeping, and started screaming, "I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!"

The neko should have probably eaten me by now, but she didn't, she lowered me down and held me in a grip where I still couldn't escape. She looked at me curiously, not saying a word. "...what!?" I finally said, wiping the tears from my eyes, "wanna rub it in before I die? Make fun of me for being a cry baby?" The was silent for a while, and finally asked, "Are you that afraid of death?" I laughed at this question, "Afraid!? I'm terrified! Each day is the same thing! I could die under the weight of a giant naga and she wouldn't even realize it! Each day I try to live and peace, but instead I find myself running and hiding! I can't even fight back! I'm too small and too weak!" The neko was speechless. "Go, ahead, kill me now, at least then I won't have to worry about this life anymore. The Neko stared at me for a long time.

Finally she lifted me up towards her mouth, and instead of eating me, she did what I never would have expected. She gave me a kiss! Then she placed me on the floor and said, "Never give up hope little one, no matter how bad things get." She picked a berry and placed it in front of me, got up and smiled at me. " 'til we meet again little one," And she walked back towards her village.

That's my story... the moral I guess is... god bless reverse psycology! (takes a final swig of juice)
nice story so you are mouse boy.
Bring a cat for our guest!! :twisted:
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 8:35 am

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
Pendragon wrote:
gwadahunter2222 wrote:

To pendragon do a little story about it that all I want to know.

I might do it sometime. First I have a few other stories to finish.
I mean you write just a litlle paragraph as Kat did that's all. It's just a short situation don't worry about that.
Just a question after you escape to the fairy how you come back to your former size Question

Oh... well, I'll be happy to.

To clarify, though, if she used a "dust" to shrink me, then I use a branch leaf nearby to blow it back at her. Thus I remain unshrinked.

But lemme run through a whole scenario of it if you want...

I'm walking through the forest, admiring the things that can't eat me. It's a beautiful day.

Suddenly, I spot an oddity.

... It's a fairy! She's gorgeous! (also my size) She flies up to me, looking very sweet and innocent... but there's something wrong. She has a hungry look on her face. She looks me straight in the eye. Now, I know about fairies and their ability to grow or shrink anything, so I remain cautious. She says that she's very hungry, and I can hear her rumbling stomach too.

At this time, I see her bag of shrinking magic dust (because fairies are old school that way) and I try to keep my distance. She obviously wants me to become nervous, because, as a predator, she enjoys toying with her food before eating it. I know this, however, and I keep my cool anyway I can. She tries some pretty unfair tactics to throw me off my game (she teases me, uses sexual advances, and makes contact with me in very... personal ways) but I remain vigil.

Frustrated, she heads for her shrinking magic. Before she does, however, I try flattering her anway I can by using not so common compliments (things a fairy likes to hear, like how her wings are very beautiful and how I'd rather be eaten by her than by any other creature) Pleased with what she hears, she puts her magic on hold and tells me to tell her more. I compliment her hair, her figure, her eyes, and everything else about her that she wants to hear. Then I break out the jokes. I insult the races that hate the fairies, so she would come to like me (two ogres walk into a bar and go, "Ouch!") Then I tell her how great it is to talk to somebody after being seperated from my family. (since I am, after all, in the story) The combination of flattery, laughter and pity would ensure that I remain uneaten.

She was still hungry, so I try an underhanded tactic and tell her about a whole cache of humans lying in wait to be eaten (because it's so easy to just find humans in Felarya). She wants me to take her there, so I point her in the direction, we go there and find the humans, and then she pigs out (every direction has humans. we'd find some eventually). When she's full, she thanks me for the meal by letting me go. I run for the hills and back to a human encampment, where I tell my story to the whole pub. The end.

...but, I think I remember doing something else too when I encountered a second fairy...

B. She used her shrinking magic dust on me, so I took a leaf branch and blew it back at her, remaining unshrunk. While she was confused and tried to unshrink herself, I activated my superpower I call "AVERAGE HUMAN SPEED!" and floored it out of there. The end.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 8:46 am

Pendragon wrote:
gwadahunter2222 wrote:
Pendragon wrote:
gwadahunter2222 wrote:

To pendragon do a little story about it that all I want to know.

I might do it sometime. First I have a few other stories to finish.
I mean you write just a litlle paragraph as Kat did that's all. It's just a short situation don't worry about that.
Just a question after you escape to the fairy how you come back to your former size Question

Oh... well, I'll be happy to.

To clarify, though, if she used a "dust" to shrink me, then I use a branch leaf nearby to blow it back at her. Thus I remain unshrinked.

But lemme run through a whole scenario of it if you want...

I'm walking through the forest, admiring the things that can't eat me. It's a beautiful day.

Suddenly, I spot an oddity.

... It's a fairy! She's gorgeous! (also my size) She flies up to me, looking very sweet and innocent... but there's something wrong. She has a hungry look on her face. She looks me straight in the eye. Now, I know about fairies and their ability to grow or shrink anything, so I remain cautious. She says that she's very hungry, and I can hear her rumbling stomach too.

At this time, I see her bag of shrinking magic dust (because fairies are old school that way) and I try to keep my distance. She obviously wants me to become nervous, because, as a predator, she enjoys toying with her food before eating it. I know this, however, and I keep my cool anyway I can. She tries some pretty unfair tactics to throw me off my game (she teases me, uses sexual advances, and makes contact with me in very... personal ways) but I remain vigil.

Frustrated, she heads for her shrinking magic. Before she does, however, I try flattering her anway I can by using not so common compliments (things a fairy likes to hear, like how her wings are very beautiful and how I'd rather be eaten by her than by any other creature) Pleased with what she hears, she puts her magic on hold and tells me to tell her more. I compliment her hair, her figure, her eyes, and everything else about her that she wants to hear. Then I break out the jokes. I insult the races that hate the fairies, so she would come to like me (two ogres walk into a bar and go, "Ouch!") Then I tell her how great it is to talk to somebody after being seperated from my family. (since I am, after all, in the story) The combination of flattery, laughter and pity would ensure that I remain uneaten.

She was still hungry, so I try an underhanded tactic and tell her about a whole cache of humans lying in wait to be eaten (because it's so easy to just find humans in Felarya). She wants me to take her there, so I point her in the direction, we go there and find the humans, and then she pigs out (every direction has humans. we'd find some eventually). When she's full, she thanks me for the meal by letting me go. I run for the hills and back to a human encampment, where I tell my story to the whole pub. The end.

...but, I think I remember doing something else too when I encountered a second fairy...

B. She used her shrinking magic dust on me, so I took a leaf branch and blew it back at her, remaining unshrunk. While she was confused and tried to unshrink herself, I activated my superpower I call "AVERAGE HUMAN SPEED!" and floored it out of there. The end.

Well-done dude Very Happy
Your story was very interesting, but I heard a group of fairy hunters was eaten lately.
It's a strange coincidence, isn't it Suspect
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 9:38 am

gwadahunter2222 wrote:

Well-done dude Very Happy
Your story was very interesting, but I heard a group of fairy hunters was eaten lately.
It's a strange coincidence, isn't it Suspect

... yeah... well, they had it coming. At least I survived... and I made a new fairy friend.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 10:38 am

*A man walks in, dressed all in black with a hood to cover most of his face. His blaring yellow eyes could be seen for a mere moment as he passed by some torches, cringing at the light as if it burdened him. He sits down and orders an ale.*

I see your guys are telling tales of how you got away from predators huh? I've seen a lot of predators in my days here in Felarya but never had I gotten up close and personal with one until a few days back.

I had just backtracked my way out of a Naga's line of sight when I noticed a looming shadow overhead. It took me only a second to figure out it was more than just my imagination, I was being stalked by a Dridder. I kicked myself for getting cocky in my abilities, but I had no time to contemplate it. She made to grab me with incredible speed, I almost couldn't dodge her massive fist but I had luck on my side.

Again and again she tried for me and each time I barely evaded her; she had the upper hand, so to speak and she knew it. It would've been a few more minutes and I would've been out of energy and ready for the eating.

Somehow, she cornered me next to a couple of large sapling trees and began to smile at me somewhat sadistically. I tell you, I had never been more scared in my life as she licked her lips; I was panting for breath, exhausted from all the moving about. I had my trusty short sword with me; a perfect weapon for moving through the brushes, but a poor choice of weapon for taking on the giants of the forests. With my blade drawn, I knew the end was coming and was going to go down fighting like any man in my situation would but something stopped her.

She turned her head, as if she had heard something close by. As I looked under her legs I saw the lower body of a giant snake, the Naga I had thought I lost only a few moments ago had apparently caught sight of me being inconspicuous in my trying to lose her and had sneakily tried to follow me.

The Dridder's attention was drawn away from me, directed solely at the oncoming Naga. I took the opportunity to run, I had needed to get out of there quick, fast and in a hurry. I knew that Nagas and Dridders were somewhat rivals in their hunting grounds as well as over all territories, I knew that neither of them would be able to focus on me for a good while. It was the lucky break I needed, I'm still thanking the Ancient Walkers for my good fortune that day.

I've since learned of a way to escape a Dridder if the need arises but that day will leave me a tad bit skidish of going into the forest.

*Finishing his ale and his story he paid and got up to leave*

I'll be seeing the lot of you another day, hopefully. Don't get yourselves eaten.

Last edited by on Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Maniac Monkey
Tasty morsel
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 5:01 pm

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
Maniac Monkey wrote:
(a small mouse boy climbs onto the table, takes a sip of juice and then begins his tale) Let me tell you about my story... it all started... burp... a few days ago. It was early mornin' and I was on the hunt for my mornings breakfast. Nothing fancy, just a berry or two so my belly would calm down. I found a bush that had plenty and I picked one and started munching on it. As I did, I heard the thunderous footsteps of a neko as it approached. I ducked into the bush for safety and looked up to see her. She wasn't bad lookin' for a cat girl, I wont lie about that. Long blond hair, tan skin, beautiful eyes, all that good stuff, but the thing I noticed about her the most, was the loud growl from her stomach. (takes another sip of juice) I backed away as she started picking berries and gobbling them up. I could have ran, but then she'd notice me for sure, so I just waited in hiding until she would leave. Then it happened! She ripped an entire branch off so she could get more berries. She was about to start eating them when she noticed me. You could imagine the look on my face.


She blinked twice and smiled. "Well isn't it my lucky day," She said, "I found breakfast!" I stepped back until I could go no further, the foilage was too rough for me to back away. As she brought her paw close to me I saw an opening and ran as fast as I could yelling, "I hope you like fast food!" ...unfortunatly I wasn't fast enough and I soon found myself pinned under her fuzzy paw. "Any last words?" She asked picking me up by the tail and dangling me over her mouth. I had nothing to say, all I could think of was to remain brave and to show no fear, but I could feel my lips start to quiver and my eyes start to water. As she began to lower me towards her maw, I couldn't take it and I began to cry, as if the worst possible thing in the world was going to happen! Sure there could be worse, but dying! Now!? I never even had a girlfriend yet! And here I was about to meet my doom. I continued crying and weeping, and started screaming, "I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!"

The neko should have probably eaten me by now, but she didn't, she lowered me down and held me in a grip where I still couldn't escape. She looked at me curiously, not saying a word. "...what!?" I finally said, wiping the tears from my eyes, "wanna rub it in before I die? Make fun of me for being a cry baby?" The was silent for a while, and finally asked, "Are you that afraid of death?" I laughed at this question, "Afraid!? I'm terrified! Each day is the same thing! I could die under the weight of a giant naga and she wouldn't even realize it! Each day I try to live and peace, but instead I find myself running and hiding! I can't even fight back! I'm too small and too weak!" The neko was speechless. "Go, ahead, kill me now, at least then I won't have to worry about this life anymore. The Neko stared at me for a long time.

Finally she lifted me up towards her mouth, and instead of eating me, she did what I never would have expected. She gave me a kiss! Then she placed me on the floor and said, "Never give up hope little one, no matter how bad things get." She picked a berry and placed it in front of me, got up and smiled at me. " 'til we meet again little one," And she walked back towards her village.

That's my story... the moral I guess is... god bless reverse psycology! (takes a final swig of juice)
nice story so you are mouse boy.
Bring a cat for our guest!! :twisted:

Heh heh... Laughing

...that was a joke right? ^^;
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2007 8:12 pm

Spykeofkonoha wrote:
*A man walks in, dressed all in black with a hood to cover most of his face. His blaring yellow eyes could be seen for a mere moment as he passed by some torches, cringing at the light as if it burdened him. He sits down and orders an ale.*

I see your guys are telling tales of how you got away from predators huh? I've seen a lot of predators in my days here in Felarya but never had I gotten up close and personal with one until a few days back.

I had just backtracked my way out of a Naga's line of sight when I noticed a looming shadow overhead. It took me only a second to figure out it was more than just my imagination, I was being stalked by a Dridder. I kicked myself for getting cocky in my abilities, but I had no time to contemplate it. She made to grab me with incredible speed, I almost couldn't dodge her massive fist but I had luck on my side.

Again and again she tried for me and each time I barely evaded her; she had the upper hand, so to speak and she knew it. It would've been a few more minutes and I would've been out of energy and ready for the eating.

Somehow, she cornered me next to a couple of large sapling trees and began to smile at me somewhat sadistically. I tell you, I had never been more scared in my life as she licked her lips; I was panting for breath, exhausted from all the moving about. I had my trusty short sword with me; a perfect weapon for moving through the brushes, but a poor choice of weapon for taking on the giants of the forests. With my blade draw, I knew the end was coming and was going to go down fighting like any man in my situation would but something stopped her.

She turned her head, as if she had heard something close by. As I looked under her legs I saw the lower body of a giant snake, the Naga I had thought I lost only a few moments ago had apparently caught sight of me being inconspicuous in my trying to lose her and had sneakily tried to follow me.

The Dridder's attention was drawn away from me, directed solely at the oncoming Naga. I took the opportunity to run, I had needed to get out of there quick, fast and in a hurry. I knew that Nagas and Dridders were somewhat rivals in their hunting grounds as well as over all territories, I knew that neither of them would be able to focus on me for a good while. It was the lucky break I needed, I'm still thanking the Ancient Walkers for my good fortune that day.

I've since learned of a way to escape a Dridder if the need arises but that day will leave me a tad bit skidish of going into the forest.

*Finishing his ale and his story he paid and got up to leave*

I'll be seeing the lot of you another day, hopefully. Don't get yourselves eaten.

Phew!! You are a lucky guy Very Happy
I bet the reasons the naga saves you it was because she was hunting you too Very Happy

Maniac Monkey wrote:

Heh heh... Laughing

...that was a joke right? ^^;

Yeah a cat is not nice.

I think I will offer you to a cute neko Cool
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 12:46 am

hmm well its hard to come up with any situation in particular, Lots of creatures I've had to face have different abilities, they have tough scales, magic powers. amazing strength, but alot of times Many of those creatures share the same glaring weakpoints, preventing them from killing you may be hard, but if your goal is to not be EATEN by something like a naga, then it's usualy as simple as carying hotsauce and powder filled throwing bombs, its worked so far... Oh and quick feet
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 1:15 am

*off in a corner at a small table by the hearth a cloaked figure made a gruff noise* ‘ai, that be a tale of chance ‘n woe… but at least ye’r went caught off guard by those you trust! *said the obscured provider of the slightly drunk feminine voice* now… *leans back letting the hood fall off exposing crimson red hair with cheeks to match, as well as long ears and lovely face* In my family, reunions are more d’an a bit awkward, as you can tell….*repositions self in a boastful way* …. *puts drink down with a bit of force* my gran’ma’ma, is a Crimson Elf yuh see… and I have cousins… 80ft bleed’n cousins!

So there I was, not the day before last. *exaggerated hand gesture* in my gran’ma’ma’s forest, wait’n for the event to get started, and i’m sit’n d’er, mind’n my own… and that tart of a girl, picks me up!

Cella, I say’s, what in da name of the fairy queen do ya think yer do’n? bitch cocks her head and just giggles… I mean the nerve. Looked at me like I was one u’ you lot *expressive gesture of wtf*

One thing lead to anod’r and I am look’n at a part of my family I a’nt never wanted to be look’n at. I came to her tenth birthday, too…. Ungrateful lit… huge ass bitch *swigs ale and slams it down again*

So them thankfully grand’ma’ma comes over and tans h’r hide. Just in time too. Ai’ loves all fun and great, but no one thinks of the bloody in-laws you’ll get… *looks around* what?
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 2:38 am

Spykeofkonoha wrote:
*A man walks in, dressed all in black with a hood to cover most of his face. His blaring yellow eyes could be seen for a mere moment as he passed by some torches, cringing at the light as if it burdened him. He sits down and orders an ale.*

I see your guys are telling tales of how you got away from predators huh? I've seen a lot of predators in my days here in Felarya but never had I gotten up close and personal with one until a few days back.

I had just backtracked my way out of a Naga's line of sight when I noticed a looming shadow overhead. It took me only a second to figure out it was more than just my imagination, I was being stalked by a Dridder. I kicked myself for getting cocky in my abilities, but I had no time to contemplate it. She made to grab me with incredible speed, I almost couldn't dodge her massive fist but I had luck on my side.

Again and again she tried for me and each time I barely evaded her; she had the upper hand, so to speak and she knew it. It would've been a few more minutes and I would've been out of energy and ready for the eating.

Somehow, she cornered me next to a couple of large sapling trees and began to smile at me somewhat sadistically. I tell you, I had never been more scared in my life as she licked her lips; I was panting for breath, exhausted from all the moving about. I had my trusty short sword with me; a perfect weapon for moving through the brushes, but a poor choice of weapon for taking on the giants of the forests. With my blade drawn, I knew the end was coming and was going to go down fighting like any man in my situation would but something stopped her.

She turned her head, as if she had heard something close by. As I looked under her legs I saw the lower body of a giant snake, the Naga I had thought I lost only a few moments ago had apparently caught sight of me being inconspicuous in my trying to lose her and had sneakily tried to follow me.

The Dridder's attention was drawn away from me, directed solely at the oncoming Naga. I took the opportunity to run, I had needed to get out of there quick, fast and in a hurry. I knew that Nagas and Dridders were somewhat rivals in their hunting grounds as well as over all territories, I knew that neither of them would be able to focus on me for a good while. It was the lucky break I needed, I'm still thanking the Ancient Walkers for my good fortune that day.

I've since learned of a way to escape a Dridder if the need arises but that day will leave me a tad bit skidish of going into the forest.

*Finishing his ale and his story he paid and got up to leave*

I'll be seeing the lot of you another day, hopefully. Don't get yourselves eaten.

That was nicely told ^_^
I love this thread, it's very informative Smile

Crisis : "I love it too" *grin*
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 10:20 am

Karbo wrote:
That was nicely told ^_^
I love this thread, it's very informative Smile

Crisis : "I love it too" *grin*

Heh, thank you... I'd hate to see what would happen if Crisis didn't like it. *shivers*
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 10:39 am

lami wrote:
hmm well its hard to come up with any situation in particular, Lots of creatures I've had to face have different abilities, they have tough scales, magic powers. amazing strength, but alot of times Many of those creatures share the same glaring weakpoints, preventing them from killing you may be hard, but if your goal is to not be EATEN by something like a naga, then it's usualy as simple as carying hotsauce and powder filled throwing bombs, its worked so far... Oh and quick feet

You can do multiple situation if you want there is no problem Very Happy

Cypress wrote:

*off in a corner at a small table by the hearth a cloaked figure made a gruff noise* ‘ai, that be a tale of chance ‘n woe… but at least ye’r went caught off guard by those you trust! *said the obscured provider of the slightly drunk feminine voice* now… *leans back letting the hood fall off exposing crimson red hair with cheeks to match, as well as long ears and lovely face* In my family, reunions are more d’an a bit awkward, as you can tell….*repositions self in a boastful way* …. *puts drink down with a bit of force* my gran’ma’ma, is a Crimson Elf yuh see… and I have cousins… 80ft bleed’n cousins!

So there I was, not the day before last. *exaggerated hand gesture* in my gran’ma’ma’s forest, wait’n for the event to get started, and i’m sit’n d’er, mind’n my own… and that tart of a girl, picks me up!

Cella, I say’s, what in da name of the fairy queen do ya think yer do’n? bitch cocks her head and just giggles… I mean the nerve. Looked at me like I was one u’ you lot *expressive gesture of wtf*

One thing lead to anod’r and I am look’n at a part of my family I a’nt never wanted to be look’n at. I came to her tenth birthday, too…. Ungrateful lit… huge ass bitch *swigs ale and slams it down again*

So them thankfully grand’ma’ma comes over and tans h’r hide. Just in time too. Ai’ loves all fun and great, but no one thinks of the bloody in-laws you’ll get… *looks around* what?

I would offer you something but I think you drink to much Cool

Karbo wrote:

That was nicely told ^_^
I love this thread, it's very informative Smile

Crisis : "I love it too" *grin*

I'm surprise that a naga comes here to spy Very Happy
Or you have difficulty to catch preys lately ^^

I recommend to everyone to stop smoking from now lol!

Last edited by on Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Rev
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 12:51 pm

I ran into a naga yesterday, a big one. At least fifty feet tall! Unfortunately, she saw me before I saw her, so she licked her lips and wordlessly reached downwards! But, before she grabbed me, I said:

"You can't eat me! That would create a paradox! Since you eat for food, and I am smaller than you, you would have to eat yourself to keep from starving!

While she thought about the gibberish that I just said, I was long gone. Laughing
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Let's do a little game   Let's do a little game Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2007 2:21 pm

Hahaha I also stopped for a few seconds on this one XD
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