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 Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics

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Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Empty
PostSubject: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 10:35 pm

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Claire-Header-Forum

Change Log


  • Added a Title Image.

  • Supprozad being the real capital and Brissila is a part of Supperzoid that is underground

  • Claire was cloned using magic rather then science.

  • Took out character titles.

  • Claire was cloned after the great destruction of Negav.

  • Lizz was the Naga that Killed Sinerias grandmother,Queen Amyssandre

  • Put more info on Sineria's mother

  • Added to the plot for the second season, Claire started the rebuilding of Supprozad. She also invited Dridders who were exiled during Sineria's rule back to the city. (checked)

  • Added a Log for the differences between Cannon to avoid confusion

  • Take out Disclaimer. (it came off as a little harsh)


Differences Between Cannon

  • Sineria's mother was alive during the destruction of Ur-Sagol

  • Sineria in my story does not see humans or nekos as potential food due to her childhood I constructed.

  • There was a lot less rebellion with Dridders against Sineria. I have it that she killed her mother because she was trying to make peace with the Naga's, redeeming her family name. Dridder nobels supported her as a queen rather then her mother. Also the Dridder Court brainwashed her to kill her mother, so I wouldn't see Dridders rebel against her.

  • Sineria wanted to destroy Felarya itself rather then just Nagas, which caused her downfall

NOTE- This is a rough draft of my story and characters. Anything is subject to change as my comic starts to progress and I will keep this page updated. Nothing is written in stone.

Dridder Queen Comics Links
Deviant art page- http://greekmuscle.deviantart.com/ (underconstruction)
Story Thread- (under construction)
Character Thread- You are here

Season One

Season One
Deals with Claire as a child being trained by humans and how she grows up and becomes the Dridder Queen.


Chamyra “Sineria's Mother”
*Note (even through she was given a name in the wiki, she will remain nameless in my story. I feel not having a name adds to her mysterious character)
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics SineriasmotherAvatar
Original Queen of the Dridder Kingdom and was also known as a Dridder Guardian.
Race: Dridder
Height: 140 Feet
Skin Color: Healthy Skin Tone
Hair Color: Light Blue
Eye Color: Light Blue
Exoskeleton: Black/Dark Purple

Not much is known about her, most of her past is a mystery. She hated the Dridder and Naga war and wanted to bring peace between the two races which eventually lead to her demise. During her rule she was able to seal a very powerful Naga that killed her mother, Queen Amyssandre (Lizz was the Naga that killed Queen Amyssandre). Sineria's mother is also very good friends with the Fairy Queen Nemrya.

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Sineria3Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Sineria1Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Lizz1-1
Former Queen of the Dridders
Race: Dridder
Height: 140 Feet
Skin color: Heathly Skin Tone
Hair Color: Light Blue
Eye Color: Red
Exoskeleton Color: White


Sineria was automatically born into Dridder royalty with her mom being the Dridder Queen. The Naga and Dridder war was still going on during this time so Sineria was forbidden to go outside of her palace for her own safety. Her mother was very busy, trying to bring peace and end the war; she didn’t have time to see her daughter. Sineria never saw anything beyond her palace, she heard stories of Felarya but that’s about it. One night when the Dridder Forest was extremely busy she was able to sneak out to explore Felarya. Sineria saw some lights in the distance, and the first thing she saw besides her own race was……….humans. She was fascinated how they had “two legs” and decided to sneak around the little village. Sineria stumbled upon human books and out of curiosity she brought them back to her palace. Sineria quickly fell in love with these human books. Sineria read fairy-tells of human princess, love stories and had constant fantasies about them (Later when she grew up, she created a huge library, all kinds of literature from different races, time periods, and dimensions). Her favorite story was “Beauty and the Beast.” Unfortunately…there was one time she returned to “borrow” more books from the humans and she was caught by a little human girl. Both looked at each other and were frozen in place. Suddenly screams came from outside the tent and the human village was being attacked by Nagas. This was the first time Sineria saw Nagas…and was very scared of them, she then watched as one of the Nagas picked up the little girl and swallowed her whole, right before Sineria’s eyes, the facial expression from the Naga when she swallowed the little girl haunted Sineria for the rest of her life. The Naga noticed Sineria frozen in place, Sineria was wearing one of her formal outfit, and it was really easy to tell she was Dridder royalty. Because of the war the Nagas chased after Sineria, who was now running for her life. Dridder soldiers spotted Sineria and confronted the Nagas and a little battle took place, (Brokk was one of the Dridders that protected Sineria). Sineria was able to escape.. The images of those Nagas were permanently inside her head, she hated them, she called them monsters…. During this time, Sineria’s mother earned the title as guardian for Felarya. As Sineria grew up, she watched as her mother tried everyday to bring peace with the Nagas and could not stand it and she wasn’t the only one, the Dridder court couldn’t stand it either.. Dridders are a proud warrior race.. Trying to find peace wasn’t the Dridder way and with the Dridder Queen being a guardian, she has a lot less time with her own people, and her daughter… Sineria trained night and day to take her place as queen and gained enormous amount of power and influence with the Dridder Court. Marcus, who was one of the members of the court, saw this and decided to take advantage of the situation and fuel Sineria’s hatred towards her mother even more. The Dridder Court completely warped her mind. Sineria could not take it anymore, with her mother neglecting her daughter and with her own people. To Sineria, Naga's are nothing more then food, inferior life forms and trying to bring peace with them is an insult to her race. Sineria challenged her mother and after a huge fight Sineria killed her mother and became the new Dridder Queen. She was obsessed with humans…but learned their bad qualities…Hatred, Anger, Greed, Gluttony, ect. She hated Felarya from the bottom of her heart. Sineria’s mother cared more about Felarya then her, and it drove her insane. She didn’t care about winning the Dridder/Naga war; she wanted to burn Felarya to the ground. As a result, Dridders ended up with a very bad reputation and were feared by all races and labeled “evil”. The guardians had no choice but to confront Sineria, or Felarya would really be burned to the ground. A huge battle took place, the Guardians barley defeated Sineria and her army. The Felaryan Guaridans had a lot of respect for Sineria’s mother, and decided to bury Sineria in a tomb hidden in an unknown location in Felarya and leave the Dridder Forest untouched. It's a mystery of how Sineria died, no one knows, but legend has it that she will return and eliminate Naga's once and for all.


Kiyoshi (The leader of the Seekers of Sineria) was able to locate Sineria's tomb. Necromancy is completely useless in Felarya. As a result, Kiyoshi had to resurrect Sineria outside of Felarya using a drop of Claire's blood that he gathered when fighting her. Claire was made from Sineria's blood, they both share a bond with one another. That is why Kiyoshi was able to bring Sineria back to life. Sineria is much stronger then before…and is itching to finish what she started.


She is one crazy cute little spider girl, backstabbing people and plotting disaster comes natural to her. (reading too many human books). She is always obsessed with her looks and is very…very self-centered. She also has a sick and twisted sense of humor and her ideas of “fun” seems to always involve the possibility of death. She loves to act all scary and is VERY intellectual/intelligent from all the literature she has read. The funny part is that her personality fits the stereotypical Dridder very well. Usually she will tie her prey up with spider webbing and when they are completely scared, starts to read them a sick story then devours them. Despite her sadistic behavior she acts VERY different in front of children. She loves to talk and play with children and is very open with them as well. Children are the only thing she would treat better then herself, this is probably because of her past. She does not want children from any race , even Naga's, to suffer the same fear she went through in her past. Her reason for sparing Naga children is that she feels even monsters deserve better treatment, even if it contradicts what her main goal is.

Claire Didier
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Claire2Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Claire3Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Claire4Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Claire1

New Queen of the Dridders.
Race: Dridder
Height: 140 Feet
Skin Color: Healthy Skin Tone
Hair Color: Light Purple
Eye Color: Red Eyes
Exoskeleton Color: Black/Dark Purple


After the war the Dridders were getting desperate, with no queen their order became weaker and more corrupt. The Dridders needed a new queen or their kingdom will quickly turn to rubble. The Seekers of Sineria were counted on by the Dridder race to find Sineria’s tomb. They weren’t able to find it but they were able to find a blood sample of Sineria and with this blood the Dridder court decided to make a new queen. The Dridders worked with human mages to clone Sineria using magic. Everything was going to plan; they were able to construct a Dridder egg. Some how, the experiment was leaked out to the rest of felarya, Nemrya heard of what was going on and personally showed up to destroy the project. A mini battle took place.. The Dridders are strong fighters.. But normal Dridder soldiers where no match against the Fairy Queen and were easily defeated. Nemrya were going to destroy the egg, but Sineria's mother interfered as a spirit and bonded with the egg, giving it a “new life”. As a guardian, Sineria's mother loved Felarya so much, that her love bonded her to the land and made her into a wondering spirit, refusing to go to afterlife. Nemrya could not bring herself to destroy it because of the friendship she once shared with Sineria's mother. To a fairy, friendship means everything. The egg was lost, and some how was found by a human French colony (after the great destruction of Negav). The humans decided to keep the egg because it was shining with a magical aura and produced “gold” silk from its outer shell. After a couple of years of owning the egg it hatched causing a huge explosion in their storage room. The Leader of the colony, Master Henry de St. Didier, and a couple guards ran to the storage room to see what happened and they found a little spider girl that was hatched from the egg. Master Didier told his men to stay back and was ready to kill the little Dridder. The little Dridder gave Master Didier a hug and said, “papa!” The voice coming from the little Dridder and her face reminded Didier of his daughter that died. As a result he could not bring himself to kill the Dridder and named it after his daughter, Claire.

…………………..A New Queen is born.

The story first starts out with Claire living with the humans. A Seeker of Sineria discovered the human settlement and found out a Dridder was living amongst them that displayed power only a noble would have. The news was brought forth to the Dridder community that a Dridder with royal blood was living amongst the humans. So they sent two Dridder soldiers who were very close to Sineria to kill the humans and “rescue” their queen. Claire confronted the Dridders with Master Didier and explained the situation to them. Claire told them that the humans were training her. The two Dridders soldiers were surprised and decided to go against their orders. If the humans could mold a strong and powerful queen to save their race, then that’s something they can live with. Master Didier personally decided to train Claire who was still a little girl, not only about being a leader, but being a solider. Master Didier gave his life teachings to Claire. Being a master fencer he was able to teach Claire how to naturalize her eight legs with powerful fencing techniques. When Claire arrived to the Dridder forest as a full grown Dridder to take her place as the new queen, the Dridder court was shocked, not in a good way…. Claire didn’t care so much for the Naga and Dridder war; she wanted to make peace with the Nagas, (following the footsteps of her “mother”). The court was outraged, they did not wait all these years to have their new queen to be soft, they wanted Claire as a weapon, to eradicate all Nagas. They needed to make Claire hate them. The Court sent a Dridder to the human colony to destroy it and make it look like a Naga did it. It’s still a mystery of what happened because the Dridder never returned. When Claire received notice about what happened, she rushed to her old home only to find it in complete ruins, there were no survivors. She completely broke down and became mentally unstable; she then saw fresh Naga tracks that went right through her human colony.

…....The Adventure Begins.


Claire is one tough “little” Dridder. Living with her human master, she gained a lot of his “good” qualities and some “not so good ones” such as bragging at times and maybe a “slight temper”. Claire is very courage's and headstrong like her master, always accepting challenges, but at times a little too self confident which often gets her into trouble. She loves to spar with other opponents and greatly respects those who have a strong fighting spirit. Her Dridder nature also plays a role with her headstrong attitude. Claire tries not to let her tomboyish attitude get in the way of acting “lady like.” When ever she encounters someone, Claire gracefully bows and says something along the lines of, “It is a pleasure to meet you.” Despite her intimating outer personality, shes a kid at heart. She can be very kind and soft at times, sometimes too kind for a “Dridder.” Being the new queen, Claire is very busy and as a result does not really have time to make friends. When her human village was destroyed, she was left with nothing and became completely lonely. Whenever she try's to make friends with humans they run from her size now, other races avoid her prescience because of the predatory reputation Dridders have and her own race looks at her as a queen rather then a normal Dridder to befriend. Claire becomes shy and hesitant with making friends because of this complication. Some of her shyness can make Claire blush and sometimes prudish when the opportunity presents itself. If someone asked why she wears clothes or makes a naughty joke, Claire will immediately blush and sometimes responding, “Because Dridders have a sense of style!!! HMPH,” or just saying, “Pervert!!!!!!” Being fused with Sinerias mother's spirit, she developed a second personality that is hidden deep within her. When it emerges, her voice becomes deeper, her eyes glow light blue like her mother and an ancient power emerges that once belonged to the deceased Dridder Queen. Claire is still trying to learn how to control it. Her second personality currently emerges when her heart is in the right place and is fighting to protect something that is important to her. Claire wont be able to use this power if her mind is clouded with hate, fear or confusion.

Hunting Habits/Values:

Claire is always in constant conflict with her predatory side. She was raised as a Human and not a Dridder. As a result her human emotions sometimes do not agree with her Dridder instincts and Claire does not know how to deal with these emotions. Her body tells her to hunt when she does not want to kill. Her biggest fear is turning into the monster that humans fear. She values human life and admits that even through they are not perfect they should not be looked at as a free meal. Whenever Claire hears humans in trouble she will immediately rush to the scene to protect them. This is another reason why she really does not have any friends outside of the Dridder Kingdom. Claire just like a good majority of the Dridders in the Dridder Kingdom pride themselves of being strong predators and hunting something defenseless such as humans, its an insult to their very nature, (a other reason why they see Nagas as inferior predators). Claire has never tasted a human before because she fears (and knows) she will enjoy it. When Claire catches a sentient predator in her web, she is also hesitant about eating it. Her Human emotions tell her not to eat sentient races while her Dridder emotions tell her to devour it. Claire's conversations with her prey can be very complex at times. Claire needs to eat but at the same time she wishes deep down inside that her prey will say something to make her snap out of her predatory senses. Just like her mother, she is able to drain a victims life force/spirit rather then inject digestive juices into its prey like a normal Felarya Dridder (she can also feed on spirits and other ghost like creatures). Claire is able to drain some energy to hold her over until she can find non sentient prey but sometimes that is not always the case. Claire being very merciful to her prey had raised a lot of questions. Claire claims that her heart is bigger then her stomach and just say's shes a predator with manners!

When humans act frighten around Claire or do stupid things, Claire will get very annoyed and try to snap them out of their senses. Also in her own way tries to help them talk to predators.

An example

*A Human wont stop wiggling in her hand

Claire, “You know... your making it harder for me NOT to eat you with all the wiggling your doing.....”

*A Human keeps asking Claire if shes going to eat him or not

Claire sighs, “When your talking to a predator the last thing you want to talk about is food!”

Fun facts About Claire

When Claire was living with humans, she worked as a waitress in a local tavern at night

She knows how to play the violin

Despite being a Dridder, her favorite food is pizza! Rumor has it she will do anything for a slice of pizza.

She was always fascinated about human economics. She used some of her funds to buy a very well known formal restaurant in Negav which is now known as “Claire's.”

Master Didier (Henry de St. Didier)
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Master3Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Master2Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Master1

Claire’s Master and Adoptive Farther
Race: Human
Height: 6.5 Feet
Skin: Healthy Skin Tone
Hair Color: Black Hair
Eye Color: Orange Eyes


(Some of the history is practically the same as non-fictional current events, the name Henry de St. Didier, was based off a 16th Century French fencing master, the actual character in the story is different.) The world he lives in is filled with powerful magic and the super natural. Master Didier was the number one solider and protector to the Queen of France. Sea exploration became very big during this time period. Christopher Columbus discovered that the world wasn’t flat and found new land, causing an increase in exploration. Countries were competing to finding new land. The Queen of France decided to gather an exploration team of her own and made Master Didier in charge of the project. Master Didier gathered men from numinous army divisions of France, the best of the best. His “daughter Claire” wanted to come along with him for the ride as well. Everything was running smoothly and the ship left according to plan. The world is not flat, so what is the worst that can go wrong? A giant storm hit as they were sailing, after the storm cleared up they crashed on land and the ship was destroyed, but that was not the main problem…They were not on earth anymore. ( maybe it is the giant snake girls that gave it away). The storm caused some kind of dimensional portal and transported them to…..Felarya. As they got off the ship they found a mysterious giant gold egg that produced gold silk, they decided to keep it and maybe use it to bargain with the inhabitants. They merged with a human village, learning and adapting to the land, they are the best of the best after all. The weren’t just regular humans. Master Didier was curious about the magical properties of Felarya, he felt stronger, and constantly tested the magic in the land. One day, Didier’s daughter went wondering off away from the colony and encountered a fairy (The fairy used illusion magic to draw the girl closer to her)…The fairy played with the little girl then….ate her in front of Master Didier's eyes. Master Didier went insane and was determined to avenge his daughter. He decided to travel to Negav to find fairy hunters so he can learn how to hunt and track fairies. When Master Didier was in Negav he visited the “Tomb of Unknown Adventurers” ( http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Various_Landmarks ) and he wrote down his daughters name. Sadly, he wrote down his name as well. Even through he is not dead, he feels dead in the inside after losing his daughter. Didier knows that hunting Fairies is suicide and plans on not coming back. He was able to hunt down the fairy that killed his daughter. He challenged her and her friends around her and somehow defeated them; it’s still a huge mystery of how he managed to win. He went completely insane and was never the same after that. No one knows how strong he really is, he is more of a "mysterious character." There is something dark inside of him that is trying to get out.

Master Didier encountered Claire when she first hatched from her egg. He was going to kill her but she looked exactly like his daughter so he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Master Didier also named the little spider girl “Claire” after his daughter. Master Didier constantly test’s Claire and trains her hard every day until her eight legs can not move anymore, from doing intense conditioning, to extreme leg strength training. Despite Claire being a little spider girl, he made her do the same military training as his soldiers and then have constant sparring matches with him. Being a fencing master, he was able to make an entirely new style of fencing for Dridders. He knew with their eight legs, they are able to perfectly neutralize the techniques in fencing without any weaknesses. In addition to the harsh training he puts Claire through; he has her work a night time job at the village tavern as a waitress. It drove Claire out of her mind; she was being a waitress in a place full of drunken perverted men! Master Didier, “Claire if you are going to be a queen you must have a lot of patience and tolerance for things you don’t necessarily favor.” Despite the unorthodox methods, it paid off in the end.


Crazy, ladies man, has a sense of humor, likes to drink a lot (Ever since his daughter was killed by a Fairy, he’s been drinking a lot more to ease the pain) and he is not "all there" in the head anymore ever since he came to Felarya. Despite his child tendencies, he’s very courage’s, lives by a code of honor, and enjoys a challenge. His strength is a mystery and his very existence gives predators MORE then enough reason not to underestimate humans. For some reason, being in Felarya has made him happier to be human, and doesn’t hesitate to “playfully” bash on his opponents with his human pride. He sees Claire as a solider and as a future queen but also has a farther/daughter relationship with her. In some cases, he taught Claire all the things that he wanted to teach his daughter…

Hephaestus (Gramps)
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Gramps

The Dridder Blacksmith (made Claires armor), gives Claire guidance, awakened Claire’s alternate personality.
Race: Dridder
Height: 130 Feet
No Hair
No Eyes (Blind)
Weapon of choice: A giant hammer.
Character Quote: Whats WRONG with having so many DOLLS, it..its just a hobby I swear!!!!!


(The name is based off of Greek mythology; Hephaestus is the Blacksmith of the Gods) Hephaestus was a member of the Dridder court during the time Sineria’s mother was running for being the King/Queen. They both competed for the spot and like most Dridders, they ended up settling their matters with a Duel. Sineria’s mother won the fight, and Hephaestus ended up losing his eye sight. As a result he lost his position as a court member. Sineria’s mother sympathized for his lose because causing him to lose his eye sight was unintentional and decided to give him a job as a Blacksmith. He had a natural knack for making armor and weapons, he lost his eye sight, but his other senses became stronger. He can sense things that other Dridder blacksmiths couldn’t when making armor. Due to his enormous power, his spiritual senses become greatly heightened. He could “see” the world through spiritual energy (based off of the idea of having a “third” eye). He was able to imbue spiritual energy, raw power, into the weapons and armor and because of this ability he quickly became known as one of the best black smiths, arguably in Felarya. Making armor and weapons for royalty figures, powerful warriors, and its rumored for the Fairy Queen as well. He designed and constructed armor/weapons for Sineria’s mother when she became queen. When he met Sineria he shivered in excitement, he never met a being with such a strong spirit. Sineria gave him a fairy tell book of a warrior princess with armor, and told Hephaestus that’s what she wants, it really was one of his greatest works. When Sineria took over the throne, Hephaestus mysteriously disappeared realizing her plan and the future war she was going to wage.


(Unkown) What is known at this time is that he trained Claire to awaken her second personality. He also modified Claire/Sinerias mother's armor to fit Claire and modified the former Dridder guardians’ weapon into an Epee (Artemis). Also has some kind of connection with the mysterious forces in Felarya and gives Claire guidance and advice when she needs it. Claire thinks his name is too complicated so she just calls him Gramps. Hephaestus also has some kind of doll making obsession. In his spare time he would make dolls from different races of Felarya. He made a doll of Claire and Sineria as well!!!


“Gramps” is more of the comic relief of the series; he takes a serious matter and always manages to find some kind of humor in it. He is very wise but in most cases is VERY creepy.

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Kiyoshi1Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Kiyoshi2

Leader of the Seekers of Sineria/Sineria's "lover"
Race: Human
Height: 6.3 Feet
Skin: Tanned
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green


Leader of the Seekers of Sineria and is the MAIN reason why the Dridders respect the Seekers of Sineria so much because he was the only living being that was personally trained by Sineria. Born on Earth, in the 15th century of Japan, he was taken in by the Iga Clan of Ninjutsu. Ever since he could walk, Kiyoshi has been practicing Ninjutsu and was at the top of his class. At 12 years old, Kiyoshi was practicing his normal exercise routine and suddenly he found a mysterious light in a tunnel during his training route. When he entered the tunnel white light flashed in front of his eyes and all of the sudden found himself in a new world, Felarya. Completely in panic found himself squared off with very hungry Naga. He never saw anything like this before and was frozen in his tracks. The Naga was about to grab him but then a Dridder showed up and swiftly chopped the Naga’s head off with her giant claws, it was Sineria. Sineria saw the little kid covered in Naga blood, his violent eyes matching Sineria. She decided to take care of him, Sineria hates leaving little children alone after all.

Sineria was amazed in Kiyoshi's ability in stealth and being able to travel throughout the Dridder City undetected. Kiyoshi became completely attached to Sineria. He shared the same beliefs and values Sineria did. He even started to act like her as well They both shared a very strong bond with each other, if they were both the same race one would think they are related (they actually share a love relationship with one another despite their size). Sineria taught Kiyoshi powerful shadow magic and illusions, other Dridders in the city noted his abilities and some were even frighten by him. The Dridder Court valued his abilities and wanted to use it for their own selfish gains. They convinced Kiyoshi to form an elite group that is trained in his abilities to serve Sineria. Kiyoshi agreed without hesitation, to him he was destined to serve the Dridder Queen, Sineria.

(General information of the Seekers of Sineria can be found on the second post).


Kiyoshi has a narcissistic personality. He has a huge hunger for power and doesn't care for others. The only person Kiyoshi cares about is Sineria. He will do anything to satisfy her, even give himself up as food to her when she is hungry. Sineria blushes when he offers himself to her and simply replies with a smile, “idiot...” He can be seen overly obsessive with her. Every time Kiyoshi is in a conversation, he mentions Sineria's name at least once. Kiyoshi mimics Sineria's personality completely, including her predatory side as well. Kiyoshi developed a taste for the same food that Sineria enjoys, including Nagas and they would even “romantically” hunt together under the moonlight. He completely threw away his humanity and created his own Dridder personality. Kiyoshi can be considered a Dridder living in a Human body.

Minor Characters

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Usha

Crimson Fire Maiden
Species: Fairy
Height: Varies
Skin Color: Tan
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color Yellow


Leader of a small group of Fire Maidens in the Crimson Forest. Usha hated how secluded her race was and always talks about how powerful proud fairy's should not stay in one place of Felarya. She had a very violent nature to her and love causing trouble and it is on a extreme scale even to a Fairy. Due to her behavior, Usha and her follows were exiled from the Crimson Forest. They did what ever they felt like in Felarya, even torturing humans before devouring them. She sees them as lower life forms, lower then food. She enjoys making them suffer, its “amusing” to her. In the story she encounters Master Didier's group, Usha lures his daughter away and has fun torturing her. She devoured Didier's daughter in front of his very own eyes. Usha found it more amusing watching Master Didier suffer then eating him and left his group after she had her fun.

Later on Master Didier confronts the Fairy's and extracts his revenge, through it is a complete mystery of how a human managed to accomplish killing the Fairy and no one knows how he did it. All what is known that is he returned carrying her head by her antennas and was covered in blood. Even through she is dead, she appears in a lot of flash backs and is mentioned several times by Master Didier.

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Marcus

Member of the Dridder Court
Race: Dridder
Height: 120 Feet
Skin Color: Pale
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Red


The lowest of the low! He is one of the main evil forces in the series and caused a lot of the problems in the plot of the story. Marcus is weak physically, his main strength is manipulation and wont hesitate to use someone to achieve his selfish goals. Marcus is the one that manipulated Sineria to wage war and kill her mother. He also sent the Seekers of Sineria to try and kill Claire. He schemes to use Claire as a weapon just like he did with Sineria. Marcus despises Nagas, he sent a Dridder to destroy Claire's Human village and made it look like Nagas did it. He wants to manipulate Claire to accomplish his selfish goal of wiping Nagas completely from Felarya. Will anyone stop this scum bag?!

Season Two

Season Two

Years later after Claire became queen, she decided to start the rebuilding of Supprozad. Claire also invited Dridders around the Dridder forest that were exiled by Sineria to enter the city gates once again. During this time a powerful group of Nagas kept attacking the Dridder Forest and eventually challenged Claire into battle in exchange for a cease fire. Claire must now travel up to northern Felarya to face an ancient Naga who wants revenge for being imprisoned by Sineria's mother. Through her journey, she encounters a Naga named, Bell. They eventually become friends and through their hardships and adventures, Claire makes peace with her hatred towards Nagas and now fights for a very different reason.


Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Bell1Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Bell2Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Bell3

The Naga Explorer, Claire's best friend
Species: Giant Naga
Age: (She lost track T__T)
Sex: Female
Height: 120 Feet
Length: You try measuring a Giant Naga
Skin Color: Dark Tanned
Top Scale Color: Goldish (based off the Ball Python
Bottom Scale Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Baby Blue


Bell lived her life as a orphan with very little knowledge of who her parents are. Bell lived by human settlements in secrecy, scavenging for food. She was really curious of human beings, coming from mysterious worlds and time periods, all arriving to Felarya by choice to explore its vast world. Bell developed a sense of adventure of her own and dreamed of being a great Naga explorer! She experiences a thrill when shes exploring, and as a result feels alive. Her deep passion for adventure caused her to follow a human group without them knowing it. The group ran into a Giant Naga that was hunting. The Naga was going to eat the entire group but Bell stepped in and persuaded the Giant Naga not too, making up a lie that these humans were taking care of her. The adventures owed their lives to the little Naga that saved them, so they made Bell's dreams into a reality when they taught her tricks and methods of exploring. A women in the group had her hair braided with leaves from the jungle, Bell thought that was cute and as a reminder to the humans that made her dreams into a reality, she braided the side of her hair with leaves also. When she got older and turned into a Giant Naga they parted ways to walk their separate paths.

Bell currently lives in isolation from her kind by choice. She eventually found her self to be trapped in a Dridder's web. The Dridder approached her which turned out to be Claire. Bell could tell that Claire was lonely as well and tried befriending her. Claire thought this Naga just didn't want to get eaten. To Claire, someone trying to befriend a monster like herself is nonsense. Claire could not take anymore of it and she just let Bell go. Bell was then attacked by a pack of Giant Kensha beasts, much bigger then the average Naga. Claire heard her cry's and decided to intervene and saved Bell by slaying the Kensha beasts. Ever since then, Bell did not want to separate herself from Claire and forced herself to join Claire in her travels up northern Felarya. Through their adventures and hardships she showed Claire that not all Nagas are bad and they both developed a strong bond with one another.


Bell is a very kind and cheerful Naga with a strong will to push forward in life. She is always trying to find ways to make life into one big adventure. Bell developed her Naga senses and practiced unhinging her jaw so she can be a good huntress as well. She does this because she doesn't want to depend on eating humans for food. Observing them and sharing the same dreams with some of them, she just cant give into her instincts and accept that they are just food. There are times where there is nothing else to eat but humans and is left with little choice. Bell does regret her decisions and tries to make it as quick as possible. Bell is strongly against taking innocent life and holds a grudge with other predators that enjoy doing it, saying that its irresponsible of them to do so. A other reason that she has a grudge against other predators is that she blames them for humans running away from her. She feels that if predators did not abuse their status in the food chain so much then she may have human friends that share the same dreams she does. Even through groups she tries to befriend run from her, Bell follows them around in the shadows to make sure they arrive to their destination safely, feeding off of any non-sentient predators or animals that would harm the human group. She knows most predators wont bother the humans if they sense a Giant Naga following them.

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Artemis1Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Artemis2Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Artemis3

Claires Talking Sword
Sword type: Epee, Artemis's can transform into a giant lance when Claire's second personality is in control
Dimensions: Sword Pommel is 1 head in length. Blade Length is 4.5 heads in length (in proportion to Claire)
Appears in the end of Season one


Artemis was the weapon used by Sineria's mother and handed down to Claire from Gramps. It is a mystery of how Artemis was originally created. Gramps said that Artemis used to be a wondering spirit and was forged into a legendary sword. Artemis brags that he used to be a famous explorer that documented Felarya's fauna, animals and races. Artemis also claims that he was one of the first humans that was able to document a good majority of Felarya. Claire thinks he is over exaggerating because some of his information is a little “off,” Artemis responds yelling that hes memory is a little rusty! Artemis acts as a guide for Claire, helping her travel up northern Felarya (sometimes getting a little lost in the process). He also informs Claire on varies races and wildlife that she has never seen before. In some cases Artemis is a mentor for Claire, giving her advice and always telling Claire of the adventures he had with her mother, constantly comparing the both of them. It drives Claire absolutely crazy saying that they are nothing alike. It is unknown what Artemis's abilities are, the only two that are revealed is that he can see through illusions and transform into a giant lance.


Artemis tends to act as a know it all at times and he loves to tease Claire. Artemis enjoys telling stories of the past and always compares Claire to her “mother,” saying that they act exactly the same. The shape of his “eye” changes depending on Artemis's mood. If he is expressing what he loves, the “eye” of the sword will take the shape of a heart. Artemis gets annoyed at times when Claire doesn't fully listen to his advice and when she finds herself into trouble, Artemis does not hesitate in scolding her! Artemis tries his best to only talk to Claire and not give himself away (he made that mistake when Claire met Subby!). In a strange way, Claire and Artemis enjoy teasing each other even through it looks like they are not getting along. After being alone all these years, Artemis is happy that he has a purpose again and loves being with Claire even through he wont admit it. He sometimes makes comments or jokes that may seem a little naughty, (Claire calls him a stupid pervert all the time). He is not used to all the giant women running around!

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Lizz3Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Lizz2Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Lizz1

Earth Naga
Species: Naga
Height: 160 Feet
Skin Color: Bronze Tan
Top Scale Color: Dark Blue (Based off the King Snake)
Bottom Scale Color: Gold
Hair Color: Light Blond
Eye Color: Orange


Lizz lived during the Dridder and Naga wars. She didn't know her parents because both of them were killed during the war. As a baby she was adopted by a colony of humans that excelled in martial arts. These humans believed everything in life has a purpose and all things were connected. Humans were allowed to have a colony deep in Naga territory if they agreed to teach young Naga's martial arts for the Dridder and Naga wars. Their leader decided to take care of Lizz because he felt she had a strong spirit inside of her. Through vigorous training, Lizz developed strong Naga senses, and were heightened to an extreme degree. When her Naga senses were awakened, she felt a strong urge to fight and get stronger. To Lizz, being a fighter was a way of life. Despite being a Naga, she got along with everyone in the colony. Lizz was trained in mix martial arts, ranging from hand to hand combat, such as boxing to wrestling. Lizz's main specialty was capoeira, using fluid motions to confuse her victims then smashing them with her tail. Lizz is also an earth Naga, using earth magic to enhance her body, such as turning body parts (includeing her scales) into unbreakable stone. Lizz's use of magic beyond modifying her body is very weak and limited because she had no need to develop them any further.

When Lizz grew up into a giant Naga she immediately entered the war. She quickly became famous for her success in battle. Many knew her name when Lizz challenged and defeated the Dridder Queen Amyssandre. There was talk about peace between the two races, Lizz completely ignored it. She gave into her Naga senses and became mad with power. The powerful Earth Naga had very little interest in peace talks and became completely addictive with annihilating her opponents.....she had too much power and was out of control. Anyone who got in her was would be destroyed including her own race. Her bloodshed was enough to get Sineria's mother involved. A fight broke loose...The Dridder Queen tried to avenge her mother but could not kill Lizz and was only able to seal her away in a tomb using magical spider webbing that drained half the Dridder's life force. Over thousands of years the seal became weaker and was able to be broken by the Ice Naga Eva. Lizz was about to devour Eva. Eva quickly told Lizz that there is a reincarnation of Sineria's mother that is alive named Claire. That was more then enough motivation to get Lizz to cooperate with Eva and finish the battle that she started with the Dridder Queen many years ago.


Lizz was not always power hungry, before fighting in the war she held a code of honor. Very similar to Claire, Lizz was very headstrong and had a code that she believed in. The difference is that Lizz completely gave into her predatory instincts because of the war and eventually turned her into a monster. After being released from her bonds by Eva, all those years of being imprisoned, Lizz finally acted like her formal self before turning insane. Lizz's hunting habits is completely random, she does not distinguish between races. The worst thing to do when being confronted by Lizz is act scared Instead, the best thing to do is act normally. Lizz also respects those that have courage, including humans. Despite being humbled after so many years, Lizz feels that fighting Claire will bring closure to her past. Being able to get a rematch with the Dridder Queen is the only reason she agreed to work with Eva.

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Eva

Ice Naga
Species: Naga
Height: 100 Feet
Skin Color: Pale
Top Scale Color: Ice Blue
Bottom Scale Color: White
Hair Color: Cyan
Eye Color: Deep Blue


A extremely powerful ice Naga born in the heart of Frost Peak. Eva was famous in the Dridder and Naga wars for wiping out entire army's and villages with her ice magic. She is so proficient with her ice elemental abilities, that snow naturally falls from her hair. It is unclear so far the reason why she has a deep hatred for Dridders. She commands a small army of giant Nagas, their height ranging from 200 feet tall and are fully protected by armor. Her tribe is one of the very few that still hunt Dridders and hold a grudge against them since the war.

Eventually Eva was overpowered by Claire's alternate personality. With very little choice she decided to free Lizz from her bonds to kill Claire. With the Dridder Queen out of the way, Eva can accomplish her plans of turning the Dridder Forest into a eternal frozen nightmare.


Eva is completely heartless and cruel. She claims that her ice magic has given her a cold heart. Being a ice Naga, she is very good at hiding her emotions giving blank facial expressions.

Dr Zane
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Zane

Mad Scientist
Species: Human
Height: 6 Feet
Skin Color: Brown
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Silver


Dr. Zane's blood line goes back to ancient Ur-Sagol. It is uncertain what his bloodline had to do with it and what he knows about its destruction, everything remains a mystery. He holds a grudge against Felarya with how human life means so little. He wants to prove to the world that Humans have the ability to create a God using technology. He created #01 and the mech she pilots. Dr. Zane uses them to collect data of all Felarya's inhabitants to create the ultimate weapon. The only thing that Dr. Zane reveals about his past, is that he was a child when the destruction of Ur-Sagol happened. There were innocent people living in the city, and were about to be turned to ash until a Dridder showed up with glowing blue eyes with immense power. The Dridder was able to save the innocent lives of the city before its destruction. Zane recognized this power again when #01 confronted Claire and now is completely fixated on it. He has droids lurking in the shadows monitoring Claire's power when she travels up northern Felarya. Dr Zane knows this is the power he needs to fight against the mysterious forces of the jungle, that appeared 2,000 years ago.


Dr. Zane personality is a chaotic one. Completely bent on constructing a “God” that his ancestors started in the past. Dr. Zane feels that everything can be solved and created with science! His goals are completely selfish and wont stop at nothing to accomplish them. He completely dehumanized his test subjects including #01 for his own purposes ny completely erasing their memories and feeding them horrific images of a made up past he created. Dr. Zane would not hesitate to sacrifice everything, including his humanity for the name of science.

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics 01Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics 02Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics 03-1

Species: Human
Height: 5.5 Feet
Skin Color: Healthy Skin Tone
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Brown
The Mech's Height: 210 Feet


#01 was created from a powerful being, the origin is completely unknown and very little is known about her in general. She was a experimental project that was started in Ur-Sagol. #01 lost her limbs after the destruction of the city. Dr. Zane continued with the project and gave her cybernetic body parts to enhance her ability's. Dr. Zane created false memories and installed them inside #01. He wanted her to hate Felarya and to kill without hesitation. He gave her memories of being eaten by a predator and being partly digested before being rescued and its the reason #01 thinks she is a cyborg. #01 pilots a 200 foot mech and she is the only one capable of generating enough power to operate it.


#01 is a very shy girl when she is not piloting her mech. Very calm and always blushes when she is put on the spot of a conversation. When #01 is inside her mech she becomes a killing machine that shows no mercy. This is a result of Dr Zane's doings, he installed a chip inside #01 that allows him to forcefully control her. Anytime #01 hesitates to kill a target or shows compassion to her enemy, Dr. Zane amplifies the images of her being partially digested, the images are so real to #01 that she is able to feel pain from these images as well. This method tortures #01 and a lot of people do not agree with this method but Dr. Zane claims its all for sake of science.

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Mitch

An Average Adventurer
Species: Human
Height: 5.6 Feet
Skin Color: Tan
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue


Mitch comes from a proud family of adventurers. Both his mom and dad were expert explorers in Felarya, discovering new land and treasures. Now they are retired from exploration and currently live in Negav. Mitch feels its up to him to continue his family's legacy and become a famous explorer, that all of Felarya knows his name. Unfortunately, Mitch is nothing like his parents and is very clumsy when it comes to venturing off in Felarya. Mitch and a couple of other inexperienced adventurers traveled too far into Felarya that they got lost. They were confronted by a pack of Fairies. Right when they were about to become meals Claire showed up. Claire protected the adventurers from the Fairies, she didn't kill or eat them, just scared them off. Claire for once sympathized with the Fairies, saying that it wasn't their fault and instead stated that its the adventurers fault for throwing their lives away for meaningless treasures. Mitch quickly replied saying that it is human nature to explore the unknown, it makes humans feel alive. Claire could not stand his reckless attitude but it did remind Claire of her master and decided to join the group on their little adventure to the Mysterious Temple! She wanted to have a little excitement in her life as well, thinking to herself, “Why should Humans have all the fun.” Claire and Mitch develop a crush on one another when they constantly teased each other during their adventures.


Mitch has a very cocky and carefree attitude. Mitch would walk recklessly right into a place full of danger and not even notice it. Mitch feels that the danger gives him excitement and with that excitement he is able to feel alive. You can consider Mitch an adrenaline junky. Unlike other adventures, Mitch will go out of his way to help others that are in danger and is very caring for other people. His parents taught him that its not always about the treasure, when your exploring in a group, you will form an unbreakable bond with one another through the hardships and dangers of the jungle. For a real adventure that is the greatest reward you can ever ask for. Mitch forms a bond of friendship not just with his fellow adventurers, but with Claire as well.

Included Characters

Vivian ( Character Page http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vivian ) ( owned by Karbo)
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Viv

Alvar ( Character Page :http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Alvar ) ( owned by Karbo)
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Avalar

Masumi ( Character Page- :http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Masumi ) (owned by Macdaddy)
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Masumi

Anna- It will be with Anna in her human form before she was turned into a Naga. She some how meets Claire and they both have an interesting encounter. (Character Page http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Anna (owned by Karbo)
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Anna

Scala ( Character Page http://blazbaros.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2ag43u ) (owned by Blazbaros)
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Scala

Kaiten Monroe “Kai” ( Character Page http://kaiman123.deviantart.com/art/Updated-Kaiten-bio-177518511 ) ( owned by Kaiman123)
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Kai

Subeta (Character Page http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Subeta ) (owned by Karbo)
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Subby

Jade (Character Page http://ravana3k.deviantart.com/art/Jade-Bio-78004099 ) ( owned by Ravana3k)
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Jade

Season Three

Season Three

Claire secretly invests in a very popular restaurant in Negav and puts the Seekers of Sineria in charge of it to gather information about Negav's interests towards Felarya. The Seekers have gathered information that Negav wants to expand to the south into the Dridder Forest and some how knows about Claire. Claire decides to setup a way to confront the Ps'isol Magiocrats, but little does she know shes falling into a trap and confronts the Maiden of Curses (Lady Lesona Sister!) who wants to use a powerful curse to use Claire as a weapon for the Ps'isol Magiocrat council! (Season 3 also fills in all the loop holes in the previous two seasons


Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Angelo

Species: Human
Height: 6 Feet
Skin Color: Bronze Tan
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Dark Reddish Brown


The master of economics! Angelo owns a popular restaurant in the heart of Negav. After a century of success Angelo decides its time to sell his business and go into retirement. He was contacted by an unknown source with an offer that doubles the original price. He thought it was too good to be true and decided to meet the source in person to close the deal. Angelo was waiting in a dark ally way for the source to appear, it was very suspicious but Angelo did not care, he was going to be a very wealthy man! A mysterious figure appeared from the shadows, and quickly injected sleeping poison that was made from Dridder's. Angelo completely passed out and woke up to find himself in the Dridder Forest, face to face with the Dridder Queen herself, Claire. Angelo could not believe the buyer was a Dridder and completely panicked, saying he would give hes restaurant for free in exchange for his life. Claire got annoyed that this human, who was suppose to be a well known businessman, not treating her fairly and threaten to eat Angelo if he was going to treat her as a hungry predator (she wouldn't of gone through with it). Angelo quickly came to his senses and negotiated with the Dridder Queen and made a deal to transfer ownership of the restaurant to her. Claire wanted to use the restaurant as secret base of operation for the Seekers of Sineria to gather intelligence of what Negav's interests are with Felarya. Angelo showed his graduated to Claire for sparring his life and offered hes services to run the restaurant.

With all the money the Dridder put into expanding the restaurant, it quickly became the talk of town (little did they know its owner was a Dridder), becoming a hotspot for the powerful figures of Negav. Angelo decided to rename the restaurant, “Claire's,” he thought it had a nice ring to it.

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Mia

Species: Neko
Height: 5.8 Feet
Skin Color: Tan
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Light Brown


Mia is the hostess for the restaurant Claire's. Claire's just opened up and was currently looking for a hostess. There were tons of applications, Mia needed the money and decided to apply. The application seemed normal except for one question, “Do you like spiders?” Mia did not really know what to make of the question and decided to mark “yes.” The next day she was contacted for an interview at the restaurant with someone named Kiyoshi, little did she know it was the leader of the Seekers of Sineria. Kiysohi told her out of the hundreds of applications for the job, she was the only one who answered “yes” to the spider question. Mia thought he was weird and was wondering what was up with the question. Kiyoshi then asked Mia if she wouldn't mind working with spiders. Mia hesitated with such an awkward question, and replied, “I guess........” Kiyoshi was not really convinced with her answer but he decided to himself, “Meh, good enough,” and quickly knocked Mia out. When Mia woke up she was at her “real” interview with the owner of the restaurant, Claire. Claire decided to test the neko's patience by teasing her. The Neko quickly gained enough courage to snap at Claire, surprising the Dridder. Claire was pleased with Mia standing up for herself and gave her the job as the hostess. She felt if Mia had the courage to stand up to a Dridder, she will have no problems dealing with customers.

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Lina

Leader of the Dridder Royal Guard
Species: Dridder
Height: 145 Feet
Skin Color: Healthy Skin Tone
Hair Color: Light Blond
Eye Color: Red


The strongest member of the Dridder Royal Guard and the leader as well. Lina comes from a family of noble warriors with only one purpose, to protect and serve the Dridder Queen. When Sineria took over the throne, Lina did not recognize her as the Dridder Queen. Lina decided to lead the Dridder Royal Guard away from the Dridder Forest and not get involve with Sineria's war against Felarya. Rumor has it that they took refuge in the Fairy Kingdom under the protection of the Fairy Queen. When word got around that the Dridder's in Brissla found a new queen, the Dridder Royal Guard came out from hiding and returned to their old home. Lina and her brother Brokk wanted to challenge Claire and see if shes worth being called the new Dridder Queen. Lina stats that the Royal Guard has a power older then Sineria's mother and should not be taken lightly.

Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Brokk

Second in command of the Dridder Royal Guard
Species: Dridder
Height: 155 Feet
Skin Color: Healthy Skin Tone
Hair Color: Light Blond
Eye Color: Red


Brokk is the second strongest member in the Dridder Royal Guard and is Lina's brother. Before Sineria met Kiyoshi, Sineria shared a relationship with Brokk in secrecy. Sineria fell in love with Brokk when he saved her from a small group of Nagas when she was little. When Sineria killed her mother and became the new Dridder Queen, the Dridder Royal Guard vanished from Brissila. Brokk had no choice but to leave with them and ending his relationship with Sineria.

Valentina Lesona
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics ValentinaLesona

The Maiden Of Curses
Species: Human
Height: 6 Feet
Skin Color: Pale
Hair Color: Dark Purple
Eye Color: Purple


One of the most feared members of the Ps'isol Magiocrats. She mastered the art of cursing her opponents just by looking at them. When Claire confronted Sineria, huge explosions and bright lights erupted from the Dridder Forest. Valentina was a little at that time, she witnessed the power Dridder's have and wanted that power for her own selfish reasons. All her life, she has been working on a powerful curse to bring the evil out of a person, ready to do her bidding and plans on using this curse on Claire. Her intentions aren't clear with what she wants to do with Claire's power. Valentina trained her sister, Alastazia Lesona, in the art of dark magic and curses. Alastazia served as a apprentice to her big sister. She developed the habit of making amulets to keep track and monitoring her sister's victims (including one for Claire). Alastazia eventually earned her sisters title “The Maiden of Curses.”

Alastazia Lesona
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics LadyLesona

(Character Page: http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Lady_Lesona ) (owned by Karbo)

Ramtov Telekline
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Ramtov-1

(Character Page: http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Telekline ) (owned by Karbo)

Thas Voidfingers
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Void

(Character Page: http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Voidfingers ) (owned by Karbo)

Cursed Claire
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics CursedClaire


Cursed Claire is controlled by the Maiden of Curses by a powerful amulet. When Claire is in this state, she has an uncontrollable hunger and becomes completely predatory. Her humanity is completely gone. Cursed Claire can also perform powerful shadow magic.

The Curse
Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics CursedMaster


The curse that controls Claire eventually manifests itself into the form of Claire's master. But there is more to that form then meets the eye.


Last edited by Claire on Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:12 am; edited 24 times in total
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Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 10:44 pm

Dridder City Information

Brissila, The Dridder Underground City (thanks :icontora044 for the name), - Located deep underground in the Dridder Forest, is a huge and mysterious city of Dridders. There are huge towering Gothic structures that are tall like skyscrapers. The city itself is very ancient and was around way before Sinerias mother's time. The City has its own lighting coming from up top powered by magical energy. The City draws its power from the Dridder Forest itself, sapping the Forests energy and using it to power itself. (so no wounder the forest looks half dead Razz ). Originally the city was part of the main Dridder City Supprozad. After Sineria's rule, Supprozad was in complete ruins. The only thing that remained intact was the underground city and it became the new capital for survivors of the war.

Predatory values

The Dridders in Brissla act very different then the Dridders that live outside the forest. Just like with Claire, they consider themselves to be predators with manners. These Dridders are proud predators, they feel that hunting clueless adventures is an insult to their status. They believe in the human saying, "you are what you eat." If a Dridder eats weak prey all the time then they feel that the Dridder will be spoiled and overtime will become weak. Sometimes eating weaker prey is unavoidable. They also trust in a code of honor when they hunt outside the city. The Dridders in Brissila believe in "fair game."

The Dridder Queen's Shrine

(please note the Queens Shrine is the giant mysterious mansion in the Felarya Wiki http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Dridder_forest ) In the Past, it acted as a shrine for Dridder royalty with a powerful force field where only royalty figures could enter. Through once a year the force fields disappear and the Dridders used it as a giant ballroom! (That day is equivalent to October 31... Halloween!!!) After Sineria's time, the force field stayed on, and Dridders now despise it because it acts as a memory of Sineria and the brutal war she inflicted on Felarya, giving a bad name to their race. Ever since Claire became Queen of the Dridders, rumor has it the force field will open up once again, and Dridders will continue to party and dance under the Felaryan moonlight!

The Dridder Court

A Governmental body found in the Dridder's City Capital, Brissila. There are 50 court members in total, coming from Nobel and Warrior families. They are extremely ruthless and unmerciful. They are the MAIN reason why the Dridders are seen as evil beings. They have done disgraceful acts, using Sineria to kill her mother, manipulating Claire to hate and destroy the Nagas by sending a Dridder to destroy her human village and making it look like a Naga did it. At first they thought Claire was a threat to their power so they even lied to the Seekers of Sineria, saying that this new Dridder Queen is an abomination of Sineria and must be destroyed. Through some of the court members are part of the court because of their strength, there are others who are very intelligent. These Dridders are sneaky and manipulative and will not hesitate to use you to achieve their selfish goals.

The Dridder Royal Guard

Very similar to the Seekers of Sineria, they were a privet organization with one purpose, to serve and protect the Dridder Queen. The Dridder Royal Guard was made up extremely powerful nobles in the city, the elite. It takes a century of intense training to be offered a position into the group. The Royal Guard did not care for the war because their queen hated it and instead acted as protectors. The Dridder Court despised the Royal Guard because they had no power or influence over them, they were incorruptible. The Royal Guard would accompany the queen whenever she left the city and meet with other powerful beings, such as the Fairy Queen. These Dridders were heavily armed with armor very similar to the knights in medieval times and carried a sword/shield with them. The groups origins and power is older then the Dridder Queen herself. When Sineria killed her mother in cold blood and wanted to rage war on Felarya, the Royal Guard did not want any part of it. They did not recognize Sineria as the new Dridder Queen and vanished from Brissla until a worthy Queen would rule over the city. When they heard of a New Dridder Queen named Claire, they decided to reappear once again and see if she is worthy enough to serve under.

Fairies in the Dridder/Naga wars

Fairies during the war remained neutral. Fairies did not understand why the two races were fighting. To a fairy, race means very little to them, they cared more about the individual and friendship. Fairies would act as healers for the war because they had friends from both sides, healing both Dridders and Nagas after their intense battles. The only thing Fairies wanted was for the war to end. Dridders had a lot of respect for Fairies for healing their own. In return, Dridder's promised not to eat Fairies and come to their aid when they needed help. When Sineria took over and waged war on all of Felarya, the Fairies decided to help the Naga's and fought to protect the jungle.

The aftermath of Sineria's War:

It is a complete mystery of how Sineria was defeated and who killed her. After the war, the reputation Dridders once had was completely destroyed. The war left Dridders scattered all around Felarya. Dridders became more independent, some formed tribes and other lived alone doing what ever they pleased. Also their formal attire became a thing of the past, Dridders started to become more primitive in appearance. If there was any good from Sineria's war, its that Dridders and Nagas eventually forgot about the war. They still consider each other enemies but its not as bad as a war. There are still Nagas that have a grudge from the war and continue to fight Dridders. The remaining Dridders in the Dridder Forest still live within Brissila waiting for a queen to rule them once again.

The Seekers of Sineria

(From the Wiki Entry http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Religions#Seekers_of_Sineria )

A very small, but not powerless, group of humans, usually enlisted by dridders, whose role is to seek rumors about, and scan human lore about, the location of the tomb of Sineria the dridder queen. These agents of dridders receive extremely harsh training in stealth and assassination techniques. Few even survive the training process, but those who do are held in high regard among dridders and are completely under their protection. A dridder killing a seeker of Sineria commits an atrocious sin against his race and had better have an excellent reason.

Added Description:

The Seekers of Sineria in a way are considered to be Dridders living in a Human shell. Becoming a Seeker means completely abandoning your humanity and embracing a new Dridder persona. These humans are trained to hunt like Dridders, act like Dridders, and even speak like Dridders (even through they may seam very similar to “Ninjas” they are very different). The Seekers are considered to be the “ears” for Brissila. They constantly bring back information from the outside world, from various locations such as Negav, unexplored territories and even the Fairy Kingdom. Nothing is a secret to a Seeker. Being trained by Dridders, they are able to sneak into places undetected, it is VERY rare to spot a Seeker of Sineria in uniform unless the Seeker wants his/her prescience known. The Seekers of Sineria are more efficient at gathering information then Dridders themselves because of their human size and mobility. They are able to slip through places a Dridder cant. In addition to their covert operations, they aid Dridders from time to time in hunting other predators such as Naga's. They secretly gather in groups scouting potential prey for the Dridder and lay powerful magic traps to capture it. They are very proficient with shadow magic and creating illusions. The Seekers of Sineria wear large black cloaks with a mask that have 9 red eyes (representing the face of a spider). They also have large claw weapons and they use these weapons much like a Dridder would use their claws. At best, an individual Seeker can keep a predator at bay but in a group they are considered extremely deadly and should be avoided at all coasts. Dridder's know better not eat or even go against a Seeker's will because that is going against one of their own, but more importantly its out of fear because they will never sleep safe at night again.

The Final Test For A Seeker Candidate:

After extremely harsh training, potential candidates must undergo a final test. They must travel across Felarya to the Jungle of Pearls and bring back a red leaf from that location. Only then they will be considered Seekers by Dridders. Also during the test, it is the ONLY TIME a Dridder is allowed to eat a Seeker. The candidates must accomplish their goals undetected, even from Dridders! It is a Dridders duty if they like it or not, to eat a candidate that they catch during the test because if a candidate can not accomplish their goal undetected, then they are no use to a Dridder. If a Dridder is caught letting a candidate go, the punishment is death for both the Dridder and the Seeker Candidate.

Last edited by Claire on Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:39 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 11:18 pm

Holy shit.

This is amazing.

Where can I read your stories? Do they exist yet?

As a fan of Victoriana and steampunk I am absolutely in love with how you have developed the dridders.

Also, I'm trying to work on a history of Felarya, working out how the elf, dridder and sagolian Empires rose and fell. I'd like to hear your ideas on the Dridder Empire.

I'm also considering writing some stories besides my main one, dealing with human-sized dridder mercenaries working out of Negav, trying to keep their ancient warrior tradition alive.

Where can I contact you? o.Q
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 11:39 pm

Well i do have some ideas in that topic on my second post. I havent gone that much into detail with the actual war, more with its aftermath, but yea I love to talk about it.

My msn is WNxGrEeK@hotmail.com

My stories dont exist yet!!!! but they will, im planing on doing comics from these seasons, and maybe in the future make a webcomic out of it.

Im completely drained right now. Developing all this has sucked every ounce of life from my body T_____T. Must recooooveeeer
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 12:13 am

The thing to remember with this kind of story is that you are going to have to be working VERY close with Karbo on it. You're dealing with characters, and events that are entrenched firmly in the history of Felarya. He's going to have to approve most of the events that occured in the past to be sure it doesn't conflict with his own ideas for the past and present. Its going to be tricky, and probably require some re-writing here and there (I mean, look how many times Cauldron has had to re-write his stories because they deal with historical stuff), but a decent chunk of your ideas should end up being workable.

Quote :
Sineria's Mother

Original Queen of the Dridder Kingdom and was also known as the Dridder Guardian.

First example of something Karbo would have to approve. It has been hinted that there have been other guardians in the past that have died in one way or another though, so this is not necissarily that big of an issue. A Dridder guardian seems plausible enough.

Sineria's backstory doesn't seem too bad. Once again, only Karbo actually knows what the naga/dridder conflict was actually like. So, most of that is going to have to be approved and possibly tweaked to fit in with what really happened.

There are a few potential issues though...

Quote :
As a result, Dridders ended up with a very bad reputation and were feared by all races and labeled “evil”.

I don't think we need to go back to where Dridders are feared and labeled evil. That used to be a horrible stereotype within the Felarya community, and we've only just seemed to have gotten rid of it within the last couple years or so. Dridders from the Dridder Empire (now the former Dridder Empire) could have a reputation because of Sinera...but it isn't like they are the only group of Dridders.

Quote :
A huge battle took place, the Guardians barley defeated Sineria and her army.

If more than one guardian actually participated, Sineria bringing an army would be kind of pointless. Mercreti, Trejal or Nemyra would just one-shot the entire army before moving on to Sineria. If Notys actually got involved, she could just erase them from time or something so the rest of the guardians don't even have to waste the energy on them.

As for Sineria, well...she's certainly strong, but she is still an individual. She isn't even a giant growing mass of evil like Demechelle (who I imagine was the strongest threat the guardians have faced to date). She probably caused a few wounds, but if multiple guardians responded to her, I imagine she would have been subdued after a relatively short fight.

Quote :

Kiyoshi (The leader of the Seekers of Sineria) was able to locate Sineria's tomb. Necromancy is completely useless in Felarya. As a result, Kiyoshi had to resurrect Sineria outside of Felarya using a drop of Claire's blood that he gathered when fighting her. Claire was made from Sineria's blood, they both share a bond with one another. That is why Kiyoshi was able to bring Sineria back to life. Sineria is much stronger then before…and is itching to finish what she started.

This part worries me. Sineria's return would require guardian intervention...and anyting involving the guardians can be very bad, unless handled right. She was already strong enough to challenge them before, if she's stronger, well that could cause some serious problems.

Quote :
The only main thing that isolated them from a good majority of Felarya was Negav with its Isolon Eye. The eye kept most Nagas at bay and other races won’t dare to come close to that city

This is the first major continuity issue. Sineria existed around the same time as Ur-Sagol. Ur-Sagol fell long before Negav was even a thought in anyone's mind. Even with modern Negav, the Isolon Eye is fairly recent, only having existed since the Great Destruction that occured under King Micolon. The Naga/Dridder war would have been over for centuries by the time Negav was even first constructed. Sineria is a myth nowadays, and I doubt most of the Nagas and Dridders in the main jungle would even know about the war. You act like Felarya is still gunning for the Dridder Empire...but in modern day Felarya, people either don't remember it, or think it was a myth.

I always assumed the Guardians burned it to the ground like they did with Ur-Sagol. That seems to be their thing.

Quote :
The Dridders found human scientists who could “clone” a new Queen

...How? Negav isn't nearly that advanced. The only scientests that could do that kind of stuff would be from offworld, and why would cloning experts be coming to Felarya in the first place.

Quote :
Nemrya heard of what was going on and personally showed up to destroy the project. A mini battle took place..

Why would Nemyra even need to fight a battle? She could just magi-nuke the whole area from the outside. That's what Mercreti or Trejal would do. The Guardians flattened Ur-Sagol in a single night, I doubt destroying a couple of buildings would be too tough. Once again, any soldiers are kind of useless against a guardian. Nemyra would either one-shot them, or just shrink them as she causually strolls by.

Quote :
When Claire arrived to the Dridder forest as a full grown Dridder to take her place as the new queen, the Dridder court was shocked, not in a good way…. Claire didn’t care so much for the Naga and Dridder war; she wanted to make peace with the Nagas, (following the footsteps of her “mother”). The court was outraged, they did not wait all these years to have their new queen to be soft, they wanted Claire as a weapon, to eradicate all Nagas

I hope this is all happening in the past, because the Naga/Dridder war is supposed to have been over for centuries.

Quote :
Anna, The Deluran Engineer- It will be with Anna in her human form before she was turned into a Naga. She some how meets Claire and they both have an interesting encounter.

Yeah...that pretty much confirms that this is supposed to be happening around the present. That brings up huge continuity issues, since the Naga/Dridder war has been over for centuries. I also don't think that the Dridder Empire is still around anymore.

Quote :
The Seekers have gathered information that Negav wants to expand to the south into the Dridder Forest and some how knows about Claire.

I just don't think the Magiocrats would do that. The walls are there for defense, but also to discourage further expansion. Negav is an inter-dimensional trade hub, trading with dozens of worlds and with several satillite colonies on the worlds they trade with. They don't really need, or have a reason to risk expanding deeper into Felarya...especially a place known to be home to a bunch of Dridders.

Quote :
The Lesona sisters

This is going to have to be talked with Karbo about. Lesona, and possibly her sister, have an important part in his mangas, so you just need to be sure your own story does not conflict with that too much. Always good to check on that kind of stuff when you're dealing with a story that criss-crosses as much continuity as this one does.

The pic of Voidfingers is pretty badass ^^ That is something that is easily noticable throughout this post. Your art has definatly improved by leaps and bounds since you first started participating within the community.

Quote :
The aftermath of Sineria's War:

It is a complete mystery of how Sineria was defeated and who killed her. After the war, the reputation Dridders once had was completely destroyed. The war left Dridders scattered all around Felarya.

Dridders didn't all come from the Dridder Empire. It is likely that the Empire is just a relatively small group of Dridders that got really powerful, kind of like Ur-Sagol.

I don't think we need to bring back the "Everyone hates Dridders. They are evil" stereotype. We worked hard to get rid of that.

Anyway, lots of potentially good ideas in here, but it is going to be a very tricky story to tell. You're dancing across a lot of continuity, a lot of canon characters, and a lot of important events. It will take a lot of cooperation between you and Karbo to make sure it all fits with the real continuity of Felarya, and to keep it from being a mess. Its going to be a tough ride, and its going to mean paying close attention to the forums, since that is where a lot of the discussions on history, events and such happen, and where changes to the setting come from.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 12:25 am

Hmm - good points Cliff.

Hopefully when I get working on a timeline I can maybe help.

The one error that will definately be a problem is Negav - both the Sagolian and Dridder Empires were gone by the time it emerged.

My own idea is that the Dridder Empire existed alongside the Sagolian Empire in a smaller form, but eventually surpassed it.

Also, while I understand that there might be some dridders not from the Empire, I sort of like the idea as the dridder forest as a "homeland."

The idea of modern dridders being "primitivized" descendants of the Empireis something I was think of myself, actually.

Anyways, this is stuff for my ideas thread, or a private discussion, so I'll stop here.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 5:40 am

Holy crap! This is probably the best thing I have seen today.

So many new faces, and such an interesting story with so many possibilities.

Indeed you have outdone yourself this time.
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ravaging vixen
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 11:58 am

Holy Blam! this is freaking awesome.! Ha ha ha every ounce of life in that body of yours was freaking worth it, just outstanding.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 12:22 pm

Actually Claire, I could use your help with something. My "Abyssal Forest" idea I put out saying that it borders the southern edge of the dridder forest, and reaches all the way around to the Shatterock Caldera. I would like to talk to you about dridder life and the reasons why they fight and such so I can perfect my forest region
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 12:54 pm

I have to agree with Cliff on this one. Being ambitious is a good thing, but being too ambitious is another. With all of that, it sounds like you are shooting yourself in the foot by making a story so epic that it must be tied to Felarya's mythos, but as Cliff pointed out, doing so will require you to work extremely closely with Karbo, which in my cynical opinion, is most likely going to be far too much effort to be worth it.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 1:03 pm

My good sir, I have to bow down to you. Even with all the complications that this may have, the amount of work you put on this is simply amazing
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 1:32 pm

@ Everyone, thank you very much for like my stuff so far, its the only reason that keeps me going!!!

Archmage_Bael wrote:
Actually Claire, I could use your help with something. My "Abyssal Forest" idea I put out saying that it borders the southern edge of the dridder forest, and reaches all the way around to the Shatterock Caldera. I would like to talk to you about dridder life and the reasons why they fight and such so I can perfect my forest region

Yea defiantly XD. If you have your own thread send me the link so i can check it out!

@ Cliff

Cliff I am sorry to say you might be disappointed , I will put personal matters aside when responding to your post and try to be as respectful as possible. I really do not want this thread turning into a giant argument, its not what this thread was made for and thats not the point of my story, it is unfair to all the people that want to see it happen. I know you have my msn, please contact me there if you have any further questions about my response.

rcs619 wrote:
The thing to remember with this kind of story is that you are going to have to be working VERY close with Karbo on it. You're dealing with characters, and events that are entrenched firmly in the history of Felarya. He's going to have to approve most of the events that occured in the past to be sure it doesn't conflict with his own ideas for the past and present. Its going to be tricky, and probably require some re-writing here and there (I mean, look how many times Cauldron has had to re-write his stories because they deal with historical stuff), but a decent chunk of your ideas should end up being workable.

OK, besides all the minor stuff you may not agree with, to me this was the message you wanted to get across, working with Karbo because my story may conflict with the past and present of Felarya's history.

I can understand that but here is the problem.

Years ago when I was still developing this story in my head, you were working with Karbo to develop the Manga and the history of Felarya. Your concerned about seeing things conflict because you KNOW what Karbo has planed. When I asked you and Karbo about what your working on so it WOULDN'T conflict with my story, you refuse to tell me because both of you choose to keep a secret.
OK i respect that, you didn't want to spoil anything, BUT holding me accountable for conflicting with his work when both of you refused to tell me what your plans are is not fair at all. Its not Fair to artist and writers in the community to hold them responsible for conflicting information when you do not want to tell them. I am kind of hurt that you made poor Cauldron re-write his stories.

How am I suppose to work with you guys...when both of guys don't trust me. I mean that's the bottom line. This thread has ALL my cards on the table, its everything the heart of the characters and the plot of what my vision is. If you want me to work with you, its only fair you lay down all your cards on the table as well so I have a clear picture of what Felarya is really about.

Getting more specific now.

rcs619 wrote:

Quote :
As a result, Dridders ended up with a very bad reputation and were feared by all races and labeled “evil”.

I don't think we need to go back to where Dridders are feared and labeled evil. That used to be a horrible stereotype within the Felarya community, and we've only just seemed to have gotten rid of it within the last couple years or so. Dridders from the Dridder Empire (now the former Dridder Empire) could have a reputation because of Sinera...but it isn't like they are the only group of Dridders.

Its still in the wiki, its not something the community has gotten rid of. The hate isn't extreme in my story, only enough to be believable.

rcs619 wrote:

Quote :
The Dridders found human scientists who could “clone” a new Queen

...How? Negav isn't nearly that advanced. The only scientests that could do that kind of stuff would be from offworld, and why would cloning experts be coming to Felarya in the first place.

I never mentioned Negav had anything to do with the cloning. Everyone knew about this since 2008, including yourself which you did like, so whats wrong with it now?

rcs619 wrote:


Ok let me clear some things up. They are ONLY mentioned in descriptions, THEY DO NOT APPEAR AT ALL IN ANY OF MY STORIES. I RESPECT KARBOS WISHES OF KEEPING THEM MYSTERIOUS FORCES, Your so big on the whole guardian issue that your missing the whole point of my story. They are mysterious forces to get the plot of this story going nothing more. I'll eventually tweak some things with the descriptions but it shouldn't be something to get worked up over.

rcs619 wrote:

Quote :
When Claire arrived to the Dridder forest as a full grown Dridder to take her place as the new queen, the Dridder court was shocked, not in a good way…. Claire didn’t care so much for the Naga and Dridder war; she wanted to make peace with the Nagas, (following the footsteps of her “mother”). The court was outraged, they did not wait all these years to have their new queen to be soft, they wanted Claire as a weapon, to eradicate all Nagas

I hope this is all happening in the past, because the Naga/Dridder war is supposed to have been over for centuries.

Quote :
Anna, The Deluran Engineer- It will be with Anna in her human form before she was turned into a Naga. She some how meets Claire and they both have an interesting encounter.

Yeah...that pretty much confirms that this is supposed to be happening around the present. That brings up huge continuity issues, since the Naga/Dridder war has been over for centuries. I also don't think that the Dridder Empire is still around anymore.

Yes the Dridder and Naga war is over, the story starts in modern day Felarya. In my story, the Dridder Kingdom DOES exist, the only part that remains is underground in the Dridder Forest, and the Name of the city is Brissla. This wont change, so many people love this idea, and it will kill so much potential to disregard it. Fairies have their own "kingdom" as well, and humans have their city Negav.Keeping the Dridder city is something that isn't too far fetched.

rcs619 wrote:

I don't think we need to bring back the "Everyone hates Dridders. They are evil" stereotype. We worked hard to get rid of that.

Its not to the degree of racism, but its there to make the story more interisting and creates obstucles for the characters to overcome. And we didnt get rid of it, that is something you think, Let me quote the wiki
WIKI wrote:

Little is known about them, but dridders in general carry a grim and dark reputation. Many of them display a cruel and ruthless behavior in the frenzy of combat which has gotten their whole race wrongfully labeled as evil.

rcs619 wrote:

you and Karbo to make sure it all fits with the real continuity of Felarya, and to keep it from being a mess

Again you guys refused to tell me what that was, and my story wont be mess. I worked on the heart of story for over a year now.... its FAR from a mess.

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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 2:13 pm

Quote :
Cliff I am sorry to say you might be disappointed , I will put personal matters aside when responding to your post and try to be as respectful as possible. I really do not want this thread turning into a giant argument, its not what this thread was made for and thats not the point of my story, it is unfair to all the people that want to see it happen. I know you have my msn, please contact me there if you have any further questions about my response.

Okay, first of all, i find this post somewhat insulting.

I take the time to read through your entire post, and compare it to the wiki, and forum posts, and rumors on Felarya history so YOU know possible problems and so YOU don't look back later and find yourself written into a hole...and you act like I did it just to piss you off and to try and provoke you? What the hell, man. The last time we talked, you apologized for all the rude shit you'd done to me, and I thought we were cool.

Quote :
Years ago when I was still developing this story in my head, you were working with Karbo to develop the Manga and the history of Felarya

All I've done is help with some editing and propose a couple random ideas here and there.

Quote :
Your concerned about seeing things conflict because you KNOW what Karbo has planed.

No, Im concerned about conflicts because you are treading over a LOT Felaryan history that has yet to be clearly defined, and a LOT of canon characters, who's creators you will need to work with to make sure your stories fit around. You don't visit the forum that much, and it can be seen from some of your ideas that your understanding of the timeline and events is a bit outdated. THAT is why I am concerned and why I was trying to help.

Quote :
OK i respect that, you didn't want to spoil anything, BUT holding me accountable for conflicting with his work when both of you refused to tell me what your plans are is not fair at all. Its not Fair to artist and writers in the community to hold them responsible for conflicting information when you do not want to tell them.

When did I become part of a conspiracy? I didn't tell you anything because it wasn't my place. Like i said...talk to Karbo. He knows what he wants to do with his world, and only he knows how some of the events your story is dependent on actually happened.

Quote :
I am kind of hurt that you made poor Cauldron re-write his stories.

"Poor" Cauldron is the only person that made him re-write his own stories. He knew he was writing about stuff that wasn't very defined, and he chose to re-write things to make sure his stories were right. That is what was important to him. Hell, he either proposed, or actively participated in most of the discussions that caused his stories to need to be re-written. You know what happened because of it? His stories got better, and Negav got way more defined and interesting than it had been before.

Quote :
How am I suppose to work with you guys...when both of guys don't trust me

I wonder why people may not trust you these days, huh? Like I've told you many times. You treat people like shit long enough, and even your friends won't want anything to do with you. Like I said, last time you talked to me, it was to apologize for being an ass. I thought things were alright between us. Apparently I misunderstood.

Quote :
Again you guys refused to tell me what that was, and my story wont be mess. I worked on the heart of story for over a year now.... its FAR from a mess.

Once again, when did I become part of a conspiracy? All I know is what gets mentioned on the Forum, the wiki and in the mangas.

Quote :
In my story, the Dridder Kingdom DOES exist, the only part that remains is underground in the Dridder Forest, and the Name of the city is Brissla. This wont change, so many people love this idea, and it will kill so much potential to disregard it. Fairies have their own "kingdom" as well, and humans have their city Negav.Keeping the Dridder city is something that isn't too far fetched.

The Fairy Kingdom never got wiped out by the Guardians. Yes, the humans have Negav...but do you see Ur-Sagol around anymore? Any trace of them besides some scattered ruins? No, because the Guardians shattered their civilization when they got out of hand and now there are none of them left. It just doesn't seem to fit the Guardians' style to take out Sineria, but leave her advanced, militaristic, well organized civilization unharmed and completely intact.

Anyway, I will restate my original concern, because this is the kind of story that can get messy and quick. You are making a story that is DEPENDENT on other people's characters, and a currently undefined set of historical events. You will need to work closely with all the owners of the various characters, and Karbo in order to make this work. Going around saying "Well, he wouldn't tell me a year ago" is no excuse. Times change. Note him or something. I've been sitting on my own series for close to two years now, tuning and reworking things as changes and refinements to the setting have come around.

Also, my second point. Stop taking every little thing as a personal attack. Its insulting as hell when someone is really trying to help you.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 3:20 pm

Please try not to fight guys. You both are known for your respect for Felarya and Felaryan lore. I'm sure this story won't have any problems with Karbo whatsoever.

I read through your posts, and I don't see any personal attacks against either of you. So I'm praying there won't be any misunderstandings.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 4:00 pm

Pendragon wrote:
Please try not to fight guys. You both are known for your respect for Felarya and Felaryan lore. I'm sure this story won't have any problems with Karbo whatsoever.

I read through your posts, and I don't see any personal attacks against either of you. So I'm praying there won't be any misunderstandings.

You of all people should know thats not true. There are constant misunderstandings in the felaryan community that get people hating each other for tiny reasons which does nothing but further the division of the community and cause more fighting.

As for karbo having problems with it... theres alot more going on right now then most know.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 5:23 pm

moonlight-pendent13 wrote:
Pendragon wrote:
Please try not to fight guys. You both are known for your respect for Felarya and Felaryan lore. I'm sure this story won't have any problems with Karbo whatsoever.

I read through your posts, and I don't see any personal attacks against either of you. So I'm praying there won't be any misunderstandings.

You of all people should know thats not true. There are constant misunderstandings in the felaryan community that get people hating each other for tiny reasons which does nothing but further the division of the community and cause more fighting.

As for karbo having problems with it... theres alot more going on right now then most know.

Oh yes, I'm sorry for trying to help diffuse the situation. It was soooo wrong of me to think I should try to help.

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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 5:28 pm

Pendragon wrote:
moonlight-pendent13 wrote:
Pendragon wrote:
Please try not to fight guys. You both are known for your respect for Felarya and Felaryan lore. I'm sure this story won't have any problems with Karbo whatsoever.

I read through your posts, and I don't see any personal attacks against either of you. So I'm praying there won't be any misunderstandings.

You of all people should know thats not true. There are constant misunderstandings in the felaryan community that get people hating each other for tiny reasons which does nothing but further the division of the community and cause more fighting.

As for karbo having problems with it... theres alot more going on right now then most know.

Oh yes, I'm sorry for trying to help diffuse the situation. It was soooo wrong of me to think I should try to help.

Point proven. If someone hates someone else nothing but the negative will be seen which is whats going on with chuck. It's a wait and see of who says what next now.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 9:13 pm

I had a talk with a very good friend, I updated my front page and da page of the course of action that i am takeing right now.

Hopefully one day I can be in the Felarya community and smile at the same time.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeWed Jun 01, 2011 11:51 pm


^ updated the front page.

decided to revive this thread again. But thats how I feel in a nutshell on the matter. This story is part of my dream and I will let no one take it away from me.
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 8:37 am

The discussion was split off into General Discussion.
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 8:49 pm

Claire wrote:

^ updated the front page.

decided to revive this thread again. But thats how I feel in a nutshell on the matter. This story is part of my dream and I will let no one take it away from me.

So this is why you crossed my mind today... Interesting stuff.
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitimeFri Jun 17, 2011 2:42 am

Updated the main page!!!

I also have a change log, instead of going through those big walls of text to see what I changed : P. Enjoy! cheers

I am currently working on a small comic with Claire right now, I will make a poll on my DA page to see if you guys want weekly updates, or have the comic posted all at once.
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PostSubject: Re: Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics   Official Char/Idea. Database for the Dridder Queen Comics Icon_minitime

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