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 Salvyrn's Character Database

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Salvyrn's Character Database Empty
PostSubject: Salvyrn's Character Database   Salvyrn's Character Database Icon_minitimeWed Oct 20, 2010 8:25 am

Alright, so, at the time of this post, I don't actually have any 'Felaryian' characters yet... I have some other characters that I've already made, and I suppose it'd be easy to say that they could have been brought to Felarya and all... which I guess is fine. I personally like to have quite a bit of storyline with my characters, so a lot of the stuff about them actually happened during role plays I've had with other people. From this, I guess it can be a bit confusing to others who have no idea who I’m talking about, but it’s easier to bring some older characters than make new ones for now. I’ll try to make it as clear as possible. Since most of the storyline is still in progress, I can’t go into too much storyline detail, but I have more detailed storylines and such elsewhere. These are so far all previously made characters, but I plan to make more 'native' characters in the future.

PS: So far, none of my characters are macros. They have human sized bodies, just longer tails.


Species: Naga

Clan: Vinarion (Vin-air-ee-un)

Age: Twenty Two

Head to ground height: Five feet.

Length: Twenty feet.

Coloring: Dark red scales all along the top of the tail, which slowly bleed into an orange coloring near the center, with a yellow underbelly, for a fire-like appearance.
Bio: Salvyrn was an ex-slave along with his brother and sister, Zinverinth and Sycniele respectively, but managed to escape from slavery at an early age. After being on the run as a vagabond for around twenty years, he managed to find a home in an area known as the wilderness, where he met another clan of nagas, the La Nagas, and was granted access to live in their clan area. After meeting the local nagas there, Trinity, Azia, and Locura, he was able to rescue his siblings from enslavement and bring them back with him, making the La Naga clan site their new home. After getting mated to Azia, complications arose, in which he was moving too slow in the relationship to the point where she figured he didn't truly want her, and broke up with him. Soon after, he acquired a mind wipe to forget the traumatic experience, yet eventually re-learned nearly everything that had occurred. In more recent events, he and his siblings got sent to an unknown land due to an error in a spell that was about to be performed, sending them to the far off land of Felarya.
Personality-wise, Salvyrn is probably the friendliest of all his siblings, yet also the most cowardly. Having the traumatic experience of nearly being killed so many times, he learned to fear most people, and likes to take the time to get to know people better before actually going near them. Once one manages to gain his trust, he'll become an irreplaceable friend. He usually manages to put others before himself, striving to improve the lives of his friends rather than himself. He's been known to have brief, yet eventful moments, usually while he or his family is in peril, in which he can become enraged, and do all he can to protect them. His primary method of offense is uprooting nearby trees to use as giant clubs, mainly when he feels he, or something close to him, is in danger. Of course, being a naga, he's been known to eat other people for food when it's absolutely necessary, although prefers not to when he has the choice. Salvyrn doesn’t seem to possess any sort of magical abilities, relying more on strength, luck, and charm to get by.


Species: Naga

Clan: Vinarion

Age: Sixteen

Head to ground height: Five feet.

Length: Twenty feet.

Coloring: Bright crimson scales all along the top of her tail, with a darker maroon color for her underbelly, and large brown eagle wings that can either be hidden or exposed from her back

Bio: Sycniele is Salvyrn's younger sister, who had been a slave for sixteen years, and free for only a few months. During her years as a slave, she managed to learn magic on her own, mainly involving transformation and shapeshifting. Having been born and raised in slavery, she has a more gruff and violent outlook on life, taken to using violence and swordplay as a means of manipulation, rather than simply talking things out. She was finally freed from slavery along with her older brother, Zinverinth, when Salvyrn and Locura came to rescue them. Soon after she joined the La Naga clan, she ran into another teenaged naga, Chinamori; the son of Locura. At first scared of her, he soon started to have feelings for her, and vice versa. Eventually they fell completely in love and got mated, before having their firstborn son, Trent. Wanting to please her new mother in law, Locura, Sycniele began to take after her more, which resulted in even more violence than usual, and a desire for evil. She got over it soon enough, when Locura admitted that Sycniele didn't need to do much to make her proud, and offered her a position to become the next priestess of the La Nagas after Locura passed away, which she accepted. In an attempt to learn more about being a priestess, she consulted an ‘enemy’ naga clan for help, much to Locura’s displeasure. One day while returning from some training, she discovered that her mate had died, and went to extreme measures to find a way to bring him back, enlisting her brothers to help. During the spell to do so, a slight miscalculation caused them all to vanish, and teleport to a new land. Unable to reach any of her materials, she caused herself and her brothers to become stranded in this new land.
Sycniele has a more mixed personality, and will often act hostile to anyone she encounters, except for rare occasions wen she's in a good mood. She would probably be the most likely of the three siblings to hunt down other living creatures and devour them unwillingly, unless they manage to convince her not to in time. Of course, being in a land where many creatures are much larger, she has a tendency to get over-protective and a bit paranoid. With enough time, it would be possible for her to learn to grow and adapt to her new environment, but she still doesn’t fully understand how Felarya works.


Species: Naga

Clan: Vinarion

Age: Unknown, assumed around Thirty.

Head to ground height: Five feet.

Length: Thirty feet.

Coloring: Zinverinth's coloring differs from that of his siblings, having a shiny silver tail, and a platinum colored underbelly.

Bio: Zinverinth is the eldest of the siblings, and was the only one not to be born into slavery, but rather got captured with his parents at a young age. Being a few years old already, Zinverinth taught Sycinele most of the things she knew while their parents were taken away from them. After being rescued with Sycniele, Zinverinth went to the La Naga's clan area, but soon left to find a home of his own, preferring to stay away from the general public. Zinverinth usually does not partake in the events his family does, preferring to be on his own most of the time. He spends a lot of his time practicing his magic, and a small amount meeting people. Being 'one with the forest', he does not prey on the animals of the forest, but rather eats the fruits and plans that grow in it. He occasionally will eat other sentient beings though, but his demeanor usually prevents it. Zinverinth can most easily be described as manipulative, and more complexly described as persuasive with wordplay. He's smarter than his siblings, and knows how to convince people out of things when needed, relying more on diplomacy to survive. He dislikes weapons and most acts of violence, preferring to talk things out, or if needed, use the nature magic his clan is famous for. His ability to communicate with animals and control nature is something his siblings have yet to discover. His demeanor and outlook on life which stemmed from having had the most traumatic experience possible, made it so he could never feel fear again, which makes it difficult to determine where he stands on most things, usually having a neutral reaction. He's known for offering advice, but usually not very often. Just like his siblings, he was involved in an incident which sent him to Felarya, although is determined to find a way home.
As stated, Zinverinth has a more courageous and gentle personality, able to stay calm in even the most dire situations. While he can act hostile or devour unwilling prey, he usually needs a good reason to do so. Although he doesn’t show it, he’s probably the most powerful of his siblings because of the unique magic that he controls, but seldom uses.


Species: Nagaling

Clan: Vinarion/La Naga

Age: Around two months.

Head to ground height: Two feet.

Length: Two feet.

Coloring: Bright red scales on top of his tail, similar to his parents, but a golden underbelly, from the La Naga blood in him.

Bio: Trent is a baby naga, also called a nagaling. He's able to move around by himself, due to his extended growth, and already began teething so he can eat solid food. He’s the son of both Chinamori and Sycniele, giving him a unique magical upbringing. Trent's first word was 'never', which he used often at a young age before learning to actually communicate with others, although awkwardly. He’s still small and young, so at most he can eat tiny creatures or animals that he manages to catches, or just plain food. Although none of his family found out how, he learned how to use several varieties of magic at a young age; possibly more than his own parents. He’s currently able to manipulate and weightlessly slither on water’s surface, and can create static electricity to give harmless jolts to people, which are more surprising than harmful. His personality is spontaneous and friendly, and often wanders off on his own in attempts to meet new people. Obviously, he was sent to Felarya with his mother and uncles.

Last edited by Salvyrn on Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:37 am; edited 3 times in total
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Salvyrn's Character Database Empty
PostSubject: Re: Salvyrn's Character Database   Salvyrn's Character Database Icon_minitimeWed Oct 20, 2010 9:06 am

By the way, Nagas are human sized. Giant nagas are, well, giant. You don't need to say "human sized."
Also, if you could lay out your bios in the appropriate format found here, that'd be great.

Quote :
she managed to learn magic on her own, mainly involving transformation and shapeshifting.
On her own..? Eh... Well I can imagine someone learning basic magic on their own, but transformation and shifting are definitely not basic in my book.
Quote :
winged naga
There is a reason that there are no flying snakes in nature. It doesn't work, at all. I know this is fantasy but it's got to make sense. Even if they could fly, predatory birds (or in Felarya, harpies) would snatch them out of the sky with ease.
Quote :
Sycniele has a more mixed personality, and will often act hostile to anyone she encounters, unless she actually takes the time to get to know them.
How can she get to know them if she's hostile? You're better of saying that she's be wary.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

Posts : 188
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Age : 33

Salvyrn's Character Database Empty
PostSubject: Re: Salvyrn's Character Database   Salvyrn's Character Database Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 10:38 am

Edited and changed a small bit of the earlier profiles.

Name: Crescent Nethielsol

Species: Giant Mermaid

Age: 68

Sex: Female

Length: 90 feet

Hair Color: Navy Blue

Eye Color: Dark Green

Skin Color: Light Blue

Other Characteristics: A bit shy, but otherwise can be friendly to the few people that get to know her. Usually lonely, so she can be a bit clingy to anyone she deems as a friend. She has a decently long tongue, but possesses no magical abilities.

Biography: Crescent was originally born into a fairly small family off in the Topanzial Sea. While still at a young age, she was stolen away by a member of a rival mermaid family in an attempt to sever their family lineage. Seeking revenge, and striving to win the long lasting feud between the two families, the mermaid travelled off far west with the younger mermaid so that her family wouldn’t be able to find her again. In hopes of having her killed, the mermaid left Crescent close by to Negav, before swimming back towards the sea. Unaware of what was going on at the time, Crescent tried to follow them but got lost in a matter of hours. Completely lost and unsure of where to go, she wandered aimlessly until she reached the shore, gazing off at a lake in the distance. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she flopped out onto land and managed to crawl across awkwardly until she finally managed to slip into the lake. While exploring the lake, which was called Lake Andoroth, she had met another larger mermaid named Amber already living there. Feeling sorry for the lost child, Amber helped raise her for a few years before disappearing one night, and Crescent hadn’t been able to find her since then. Already a few years old, she continued to live in lake and made it her own home, referring to it as Crescent Lake instead.

Since the location of the lake isn’t a large or important landmark, or too out in the open, Crescent rarely gets visitors, so she doesn’t get to eat often. Due to the lack of food, she’ll often try to eat whoever comes near, unless she’s already managed to eat beforehand, or the prey manages to convince her that they’re not food. The lack of visitors, on top of providing her with little food, leaves her with little social interaction, so she barely knows anyone, and hardly anyone knows of her either. Although Crescent probably could leave the lake on her own, she chose to stay in the chance that Amber might return one day. In the years she lived there, she managed to survive on some of the aquatic life living in the lake, and the occasional traveler that stops by to rest. The only real people she’s managed to make friends with were Sycniele and her family, having failed to eat her originally.
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PostSubject: Re: Salvyrn's Character Database   Salvyrn's Character Database Icon_minitime

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