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 Racemaster7's babies: Dridder Forest + Deeper Felarya ideas

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Newbie adventurer
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Racemaster7's babies: Dridder Forest + Deeper Felarya ideas Empty
PostSubject: Racemaster7's babies: Dridder Forest + Deeper Felarya ideas   Racemaster7's babies: Dridder Forest + Deeper Felarya ideas Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 1:27 pm

Well I'm finally back and about time too, but this time I'm in the mood! Bigger, faster, and stronger too- I'm the only member of the Racemaster crew.
There are two places I visit more then any others in Felarya: the Dridder Forest and Deeper Felarya. This thread will be where I post my ideas for these two wonderful wonderful places. New ideas, old ideas, and the ones in-between.
I agree with the disclaimer and all that, otherwise I wouldn't be posting here eh?

Dridder Forest

Lantern Beetle
Threat: Low

In a place as dark and dangerous as the Dridder Forest some animals have developed ways to produce light in order to deter the nocturnal predators of the forest. The Lantern Beetle has adapted its abdomen into a light bulb of sorts. Whenever the incest senses danger it opens its wing casing and blinds its attacker with bright light from its abdomen. This trait has made the beetle a useful tool for human sized species, making the loss of a traveler's light source less likely to end in death.

Soul Spider
Threat: Special

The dark places of the Dridder Forest hold more dangers then even the local predators dare face, the most well known being the nightmarish Soul Spider. Creatures of darkness these spiders avoid light of any kind, intense sources causing pain and even damage to their pitch black skin. They stand almost as tall as a human with six foot legspans, their faces dominated by eight glowing red eyes. These spiders are such good ambush predators that if it were not for their disturbing eyes no one would ever see them coming. Though their poison is deadly the most feared ability of the Soul Spider is their namesake: they can take possession of other creatures bodies be they alive or dead. This horrifying ability has allowed the Soul Spider to travel in daylight to new hunting grounds, possessing travelers who ventured too deep into the dark corners of the forest. Not even the larger species of Felarya are safe from these demons: there have been sightings of both dridders and chilotaurs wandering through the woods at night with glowing red eyes, the only marker to the spider's presence. What the local dridders know about these nightmares they will not tell, so until more is known about these creatures always carry a light!

Electric Spitter
Threat: High

The Dridder Forest is well known for the many spiders that inhabit it, and the Electric Spitter is a very dangerous species. Roughly the size of a covered wagon this spider ambushes its prey in a very unique manner. Once it catches sight of its prey it quickly scampers within range and then spits two streams of silk from spinnerets on the sides of its mouth. These two silk strands are then electrified using the special glands running along the spider's back, shocking the prey with deadly force. The spider is then free to wander up and devour its paralyzed and/or dead victim. This local dridders use this odd spider as a weapon, mounting it on their wrists to use as a long short range taser of sorts.

Deeper Felarya

Strangle Kelp
Threat: Medium

The aquatic version of Tangle Weed. This dangerous species of kelp can grow hundreds of feet in length, forming small patches of thick green foliage in rivers and in lakes. The plant acts like any other kelp would until a suitable target swims within range. In the blink of an eye the kelp flings itself in the prey's direction, entangling it in hundreds of feet of kelp. If the prey cannot escape in time the kelp will pull it to the base of the plant and begin wrapping it up even tighter, forming a sac in which digestive juices can enter without too much water interfering. The remains of each victim are released into the water so a wise being would take the skeleton of a mermaid as a signal of danger. Human sized creatures are generally not as susceptible to this dangerous plant due to their size, although smaller species would have a larger chance to target them.

Crimson Clumps
Threat: Low

Crimson Clumps are large mollusks that inhabit the rivers and lakes of Felarya, most sightings being in Deeper Felarya. Little more then ten foot tall round boulders these bright red creatures are a absolutely delicious meat mountains. Any mermaid with the strength to remove these creatures from their perches are rewarded with sweet tasting soft meat. Human sized species are not generally able to enjoy these animals due to their size, though some small communities have developed ways to harvest the clumps. They are a wonderful source of food after all. Inexperienced harvesters should not try alone however; as the small mouth of the Crimson Clump is large enough to fit a human.

Threat: Minimal to High

M-Fish are a extremely rare species of fish found only in underground waterways in Deeper Felarya. Not much is known about these bizarre looking fish as few have survived a meeting with them. Roughly twenty-five feet long these large fish glow with a pale light. There are several small lumps on the sides of their bodies that glow slightly brighter and their two eyes are large and clouded. Swimmers that have encountered them and return to the surface alive report hearing whispering voices and muffled noises when around these fish. The danger from these fish comes from the fact that meeting them is most likely to happen deep underground in dark underwater passageways. Anyone that sees these fish is most likely lost already, and following them is unresistible as they are the only source of light down there. This leads to many a mermaid and human getting completely lost deep underground never to see the light of day again.
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