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 Rachel the Tiger Naga, Feedback would be appreciated

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Axel Hunter
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Rachel the Tiger Naga, Feedback would be appreciated Empty
PostSubject: Rachel the Tiger Naga, Feedback would be appreciated   Rachel the Tiger Naga, Feedback would be appreciated Icon_minitimeSun Feb 20, 2011 2:49 am

If this bio dsent work out very well and you still have some questions, i posted part of my story on DA if yuo want to take a look
LINK: http://foreverknight13.deviantart.com/gallery/25681524

This bio is also linked to my character Alex Hunter: https://felarya.forumotion.com/t2554-alex-hunter-story-protagonist

Name: Rachel
Species: Tiger Naga
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 6 feet
Length: 21 feet
(head to tail)
Skin colour: fair
Hair colour: red with black tiger stripes
Eye colour: violet
Top fur colour: Orange with black tiger stripes
Belly fur colour: White

THE BACKSTORY IS DIVIDED BASED ON WHAT I SUBMITTED TO DA, please bear with me, im not that good with bios.

Rachel is a Tiger naga from earth, a rare species in the multiverse that is more mammalian in nature and anatomy than her reptilian cousins. She was born in the wild and was given to Salem Academy for the gifted, a school for individuals with non-human attributes, where she had spent most of her life learning flora magic.

(Before chapter 1)
Like most nagas, Rachel had a tendency to vore other people on school grounds (the academy deals with vore now and then, so they cast a special charm that reforms anyone eaten by another student). Unfortunately, her vore reputation got unwanted attention when a vampire mistress bullied her way into becoming head of Rachel’s school house. This vampire soon reduced Rachel to a mere slave, forcing her to do tasks against her will, which included using an illegal potion that cancelled out the reforming charm on occasion.
That soon changed a week after her 18th birthday. It was the start of a new term at the academy, and that meant Rachel would spend the week hunting new students. Halfway through the week she spotted a 17 year old, first-year boy wandering the grounds, apparently lost, and decided to use him as her next hunt. That fist-year was Alex Hunter, a shadow mage, and soon to become much more than either of them realized. The boy was an easy catch and with a quick paralysis spell, Alex was at her mercy; unfortunately for her a vampire names Klaus noticed the incident and rescued the first year from Rachel’s grasp. Rachel was fuming, no prey in her entire time at the academy had ever been able to escape from her, and so she swore to catch Alex no matter what it took.
For a female tiger naga, they are allowed only one mate during their lifetime, and could mate with any humanoid species… but the only way they can identify their mate was by a kiss, in which a mental link forms between them and the couple may share a specific trait from their “other” as well as sense each other’s feelings. Little did Rachel know, since her hunting technique involved a paralysis kiss (an enchanted kiss that renders the victim unable to move), her kiss formed a link between her and Alex… he had become her mate.

(my story so far...)

Over the next few months Rachel repeatedly tried to catch Alex and devour him, inheriting some of his shadow magic that allowed her to become invisible. This task grew difficult, since Alex had unknowingly inherited Rachel’s ability to sense danger, which warned him of her presence long before she could make a move. with each encounter, Rachel’s side of the link and obsession to hunt Alex grew until she fell head-over-tail in love with him, yet Alex didn’t quite feel the same way… in fact he avoided her as much as possible. The crazy adventure that followed (which included an attempted murder by Rachel, the appearance of the solar dragon Orobus, and a battle against Rachel’s master) soon brought the two of them together as friends, and later boyfriend/girlfriend.
Weeks after Alex left for Felarya, the mental link between him and Rachel began bearing a physical and mental strain on the young naga due to the dimensional distance between them. Desperate to return to his side, she convinced Alex’s three friends to help her get to Felarya. With a slight help from Orobus, they were able to open a portal and landed in Tolmeshal forest. There they were picked up by a pair of Alex’s “Dragon Keepers” that were tracking a slave caravan and since then has joined the quest to help free Orobus, side by side with her lover.
Rachel has the magical ability to communicate with and control plant life. Her powers are however limited, so she can’t control a dryad or plant based creature, nor can she move trees and other large plant life. Her connection to plants has developed a liking for plants more than people, making plants a sort of “family” to Rachel.
Rachel possesses a unique hunting skill known as a paralysis kiss that she can use at will. Just one kiss anywhere on the body will render her victims unable to move, leaving them only to watch in horror as she devours them. This too is limited; if a large predator were to get “kissed” they would only feel a slight numbness in the area where her lips made contact.
Rachel shares a mental link with her human mate Alex, which grows stronger with their relationship. This link will allow her to read her emotions and sense Alex’s activities even if they aren’t together. However, the farther apart they are, the more the link will weaken her. This link has also inherited Alex’s shadow magic that can allow her to turn invisible at will, but since it’s not her natural ability the effect is only temporary.
Alex Hunter: Rachel’s mate. She loves him with all her heart and is willing to do anything for him, even die for him if necessary. Because of her devotion, she gets extremely jealous with any girl that approaches him, suspecting that they simply planned on seducing Alex. This jealousy had caused her to almost kill several women, only to be restrained by Alex or one of his friends. If it were up to her she’d never let go of the human and make out with him till sunrise he next day.
Mizomi the neko: A rival for Alex’s heart, or so she thinks. Mizomi’s favorite hobby is seducing boys, which has gotten her into a few nasty incidents with Rachel if Alex was her target. The first time they actually met, Rachel tried to kill the neko for making out with Alex (the attempted murder in her bio). Over time the two girls have grown close however and have become very good friends. Rachel will occasionally approach Mizomi for advice on romance.
Failiel, the wind mage: The young naga considers her as a big sister, able to talk to her whenever she feels down or just needs somebody to talk two. Back on earth, the vampire that enslaved Rachel (named Sophie) was also an evil rival to Failiel, so when the two girls managed to expel Sophie they became the best of friends.
Klaus: Not much can be said for the relationship between Klaus and Rachel. Rachel admires Klaus’s inventive skills and likes to watch him work as long as she remains silent and doesn’t touch anything.
As one of the five leaders of the Dragon Keepers, Rachel has her own separate team that operates in the Lakelands on the eastern side of Felarya.
Vivian: Because of the naga’s seductive nature, Rachel gets very skeptical towards Vivian if Alex is around. If she is alone with her however, the two of them enjoy sitting by the falls and exchanging gossip and advice to one another.
Rachel, in a nutshell, is two faced. Most of the time the young naga is a sweetheart, always wanting to keep people company if she thinks they need it. The rest of the time, well… let’s just say that her time as a slave gave her a rather intimidating mean streak with a hint of seductive evil.
Because she never been around very many friends, she’s always willing to make new ones, but she has a hard time trusting anyone she meets, so she keeps everyone she knows under suspicion.
Rachel can get mad, or have her feelings hurt rather easily… I dare not mention how, so please treat her kindly or you may not live to see another morning. If angered just enough she will simply eat you or leave you hanging upside-down by one of her plants.
Rachel is voracious, but doesn’t eat people very much. She prefers fruit, apples especially if she can get her hands on them. Her naga anatomy is very curious; her humanoid stomach acts as a storage pouch that can hold one or two people inside and can keep her victim alive for days at a time. When she really gets hungry she’ll send her prey down to her tail stomach. Once in there, her stomach breaks down and uses the entire prey item for nutrients; nothing is wasted.

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Temple scourge
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Rachel the Tiger Naga, Feedback would be appreciated Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rachel the Tiger Naga, Feedback would be appreciated   Rachel the Tiger Naga, Feedback would be appreciated Icon_minitimeSun Feb 20, 2011 11:15 am

Well, your character species choice was by all means unconventional even given the context. Although, your stating that it is a non native to Felarya does a good bit to prevent me from criticizing you based solely upon that. What immediately hit me as odd though was that you used the term 'vore' directly as a verb. In most instances, that's not really used and as such came off as strange. I implore you to opt for a suitable synonym to describe her actions, as it wouldn't require too much effort on your part while still making the whole thing look more professional by several degrees. Secondly, reformation isn't something that tends to be utilized either, simply because it's nonsensible. While I will admit that labeling something as such in a world where tauric sentients are many is a bit funny, it doesn't mesh well regardless. The only possible way reformation can be explained and justified is via magic, and that sort of thing does not a good bio make.

Reading down a ways I was again made to genuinley wonder how a mental link of any sort could be established with physical contact as a medium. Unless of course that too can be attributed to the work of magic. The whole thing is a bit too weird to go unquestioned. That being said, your description of the two inadvertently developing a relationship was fairly interesting, but the root cause of it all is still iffy.

When describing her abilities, you bring up that paralysis kiss thing again. I've already stated why that's perplexing but I feel the need to reiterate myself on that point. How does it even work? Magic is not a suitable response, mind you. Were she to possess some sort of venom that could be delivered via contact, then it wouldn't be such a bothersome thing. It would behoove you to look into adjusting that factor.

Under the listing of friendships there, everything was relatively alright until I got to the point where you stated she has some form of relationship with Vivian. I think a good portion of us here have reached the consensus that the inclusion of a canonical character isn't necessary and is often done in such a way as to portray the character incorrectly that it becomes a negative thing more often than not. Please, take no offense to this but unless you have a near perfect grasp upon a character's persona, it is not advisable to use said character. Oh, and you stated at some point in this bio that due to her alignment with nature oriented magic she has developed a liking for plant life more than actual people, but the issue is that this contradicts directly your later inclusion of the fact that her two faced persona causes her to sometimes be very social.

Overall, at some points it's possible to see what it was you're going for, but there are some fallacies that make it difficult for everything to blend together properly. I urge you strongly to keep working at it though, because should you be able to make appropriate corrections, it doesn't sound like a half bad character. Feel free to message me if you wish to discuss this further or have questions.
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