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 How to escape a giant preds stomach

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PostSubject: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 3:32 pm

In order of chances of this happening highest to lowest.

1.The 'natural' way.
2. Be Teela Brown who is the sixth generation of a line of ancestors all born because - in each case - both parents won a Birthright Lottery and probably end up like Anna.
3. Beam me up Scoty
4. Befriend a pred willing to eat you and then through you back up.

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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 4:06 pm

thejackle123 wrote:
In order of chances of this happening highest to lowest.

1.The 'natural' way.
2. Be Teela Brown who is the sixth generation of a line of ancestors all born because - in each case - both parents won a Birthright Lottery and probably end up like Anna.
3. Beam me up Scoty
4. Befriend a pred willing to eat you and then through you back up.

1. The 'natural' way (though the chances of you trying to get out that way and live... highly unlikely. But although the odds are very highly against you the odds still say 1:however many will actually make it)
2. Be Teela Brown? (Can you explain this to me please?)
3. Beam up Scotty (wait inst there something in the wiki about not being possible or am I imagining things?)
4. Befriend pred to both swallow and *cough* you up (likely but I don't think that topic was mentioned yet unless I'm being to lazy to look for it >.>)

Order swap!
1. Natural way
2. Beam me up Scotty
3. Be friend pred ( still have doubt but willing to belive it'll work ^.^)
4. Be Teela Brown (again can you explain this scratch )
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 4:10 pm

If it was me i would try my luck cutting my way out with a titianum knife, machete, or katanna that has a dimond edge that is sharpend to a point 1 micron wide.
If it was mac he would also due the same or just force his way up ( trust me mac is freakishly strong)
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 4:35 pm

walkingbyself wrote:

4. Be Teela Brown (again can you explain this scratch )

Teela Brown is a character from Lary Nivens Ringworld, essentially she has been bred to be incredibly lucky. She's so lucky that if you held a perfectly clean brand new gun up to her head and shot her it would jam.

Quote :
. Beam up Scotty (wait inst there something in the wiki about not being possible or am I imagining things?)

Yes but I think it only mentions dimensional magic, technological transport beams should still work.

Last edited by thejackle123 on Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 4:40 pm

Ah thanks but I'll leave last order as is...

I know I sure as hell am not a Teela Brown my luck sucks horribly
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 5:28 pm

thejackle123 wrote:
walkingbyself wrote:

4. Be Teela Brown (again can you explain this scratch )

Teela Brown is a character from Lary Nivens Ringworld, essentially she has been bred to be incredibly lucky. She's so lucky that if you held a perfectly clean brand new gun up to her head and shot her it would jam.
Actually, it's arguable that she was the least lucky of the bunch. Puppeteers considered the possibility, considering she was pretty much the only one they could get their hands on (and thus being the least lucky as she was found).

thejackle123 wrote:
Quote :
. Beam up Scotty (wait inst there something in the wiki about not being possible or am I imagining things?)

Yes but I think it only mentions dimensional magic, technological transport beams should still work.
I think it was imagined, actually. Only a few types of beings are immune to being teleported out of the stomach of. It's usually a null point, however, as Teleportation Spells aren't exactly common on Felarya (Note: There is a difference between Portal spells and Teleportation spells). Technologically, most of the things you're limited from leaving magically also have something making you non-tangible to tech (Ex: Turning you insubstantial, while putting you inside a stomach that's highly magic resistant).

Anyways, theoretically, you could escape a Giant Predator's stomach somewhat easily if you had a decently sharp weapon on you. Not too hard. The problem is that you just cut yourself out of their stomach, not their body: You've got only as much time as you can hold your breath (plus or minus a few seconds) to cut not just through the stomach, but through the muscle, through the blood veins, the skin, and pull your way outside. Barring something like a Vorpal +2 Weapon, or Death's scythe in Reaperman, you probably aren't going to be able to cut your way out through conventional means*. One of which you'd probably be very lucky to hear a factual rumor about in your lifetime, the other you'd pretty much have no chance of getting your hands on.

Chemicals that could induce throwing up would work. The catch is that, seemingly, Predators in areas where such plants / their use is common have taken to using natural counters to such things. Furthermore, you're most probably going to either be unconscious when such occurs (having passed out for who knows how long for the plant to work), or be in no state to pull yourself away. Magically you could attempt to induce such, but if you can make such a state that a Predator immediately gags you up, you can probably avoid ingestion in the first place by making them gag whenever they try to put you near their mouth.

Another theoretical, any spell that can make you "phase" / non-tangible should allow you to escape in short order. The catch is, once more, that it's both rare and something that - if you're capable of - you shouldn't be eaten in the first place.

*Note, I do not consider "Bankai" or "Omnislash" or any of the sort "Conventional Means". I consider Conventional Means to be basic "Hack / carve until something gives".
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 7:42 pm

Actually, I wouldn't be so certain of the sharp weapon technique.

A human stomach has five layers, at least two of which are muscle, plus mucus protection from the gastric contents used for digestion, and atop that is generally very elastic. Considering the size of the stomach in relation to the food (our human survivalist, in this case) and the nature of the physical qualities that protect the body from the harmful material used in digestion, I'd say comparatively speaking you might not be able to cut your way out.

Especially when we start to examine the weird cases where people swallow sharp objects for no apparently good reason. Open safety pins, scissors, knifes, etc. The stomach is an elastic organ and it compresses to churn - there is no reason that an object of comparative size to the weapon a human would be wielding in the predator's stomach (or something that no human could ever hope to wield) not piercing the stomach wall would be able to pierce the stomach wall in our scenario as presented.

Granted, our human has the benefit of localized strategic application with his blade, and that will give us a force multiplier over the argument of people swallowing dangerously sharp items without issue. I'm still skeptical though. That mucus membrane is going to make finding purchase with either foot, hand, or blade difficult at best. The idea of humans walking around inside a stomach always struck me as 'meh' given the internal linings and churning action.

Still, the human stomach has a wall of 2.80 ± 0.12 to 4.23 ± 0.03 mm varying thicknesses so if we assume crude 1:1 ratios, then a 100ft giantess stomach would have 44.667 mm ~ 71 mm of thickness which is certainly not thick enough to stop even a short blade lending credence to possibility of being able to pierce through it.

I would propose a shaped charge or concussive weapon to be a better bet for you than a blade, provided you can do something to minimize the damage to yourself from the explosion, the shock of the body's response, the chance of ricochets, and the mess you're going to find yourself quickly upon in the body cavity. Maybe if you were aiming to take them out at the same time as you, but I'd say without outside help you're probably still going to die. Gravity is a rather cruel mistress.

Of course, this entire thread is missing the biggest point of all - not being eaten in the first place. I generally chalk things up to once you're past the esophagus you're not coming out except as waste in these scenarios. Some things suggested in the earlier posts reek of embellishment.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 9:57 pm

I'd say, bring an accordion with you, and play that for them inside the stomach until they eventually force you out and flee. Works even better if you don't even know how to play the accordion.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 10:33 pm

Salvyrn wrote:
I'd say, bring the bagpipes with you, and play that for them inside the stomach until they eventually force you out and flee. Works even better if you don't even know how to play them.

Fixed it for you.
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeMon Feb 21, 2011 10:56 pm

thejackle123 wrote:
In order of chances of this happening highest to lowest

1.The 'natural' way.
2. Be Teela Brown who is the sixth generation of a line of ancestors all born because - in each case - both parents won a Birthright Lottery and probably end up like Anna.
3. Beam me up Scoty
4. Befriend a pred willing to eat you and then through you back up.

Well let's go over these...

1. as mentally scarring as it would be... it's still probably the most likely escape chance, especailly since if the pred notices your escape... there's a good chance they aren't just going to pick you up and eat you again... Worst case scenario there is they find you, give you a good washing, then try again. Also do remember that not every species has a human digestive system, so it might not even be possible for that escape route to be taken.
2. Considering you were caught and eaten, you don't have good luck in the first place, so sorry brah.
3. Teleportation does work, just not in all preds. For example Crisis or Anko get you, you can teleport out, but if you get caught by someone like Katrika or Melany, who's guts were designed to prevent that, tough luck.
4. Best option, befriending a pred keeps you safe in more ways then one, since not only will they not eat you, they'll also protect you from other preds, though why you'd want to do the "eaten and spat back up" plan is beyond me if survival is your goal, especially considering they might not have the proper gag reflex to let you out (like dryads) and then you're proper screwed.
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 7:26 am

If you've got ice magic or some insanely cold stuff, like liquid nitrogen, you could freeze your way out.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 10:57 am

Yea, like said just before, I've always wondered what if someone tries to use fire or ice (magic) inside a pred's stomach.
Freezing all the stomach wall AND the acid should normally hurt the pred and keep you safe for a while.
If the ice is kept for a long time, stomach's membrane may be damaged, and eventually start to drop bodies temperature (not counting that without the acide, the pred can't digest you or anything).
Same goes with fire constantly used on stomach wall, tough there you have quite less chances cause you may end up "toasting" yourself xD (unless we consider that being a fire mage, you have some resistance to heat) and you have no way to escape the acid.

In the case of ice, I think it would be preferable for the pred to let you go and try her chance on another human. ANd for the fire, depends of the wall resistance, but I think cells can't handle that much heat.
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 11:00 am

Also, keep in mind that sustaining a fire requires oxygen, so it may increase the rate at which you suffocate inside the stomach.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 11:05 am

Most likely, trying to start a fire is going to wind up with you roasting yourself in short order.

Ice would theoretically work much better, especially since it could readily damage the lining. Freezing moisture could readily do some nasty damage to the stomach that, even though it may be healed by the soil's nature, would prevent consumption for some time. Anywhere there's moisture, though, using Ice Magic has room for being evil when applied internally.
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 11:24 am

Yea, I wasnt really convinced for the fire, ice is defenitly a better choice Smile

Edit: though now that I think about it, would ice magic still work on a magic resistant stomach?
After all, the magic doesn't affect "directly" the stomach, but decreases the temperature, and magic resistance doesn't mean resistance to changes in temperature, doesn't it?.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 11:42 am

I imagine that Magic Resistant Stomachs also keep Magic outside, so unless you go off the "internal battery" mechanic you aren't going to get it working inside. You'd pretty much need to sneak in a bag of holding, some power stones, and a lot of water before you could do anything, and you'd best hope you have a talisman of ice / cold immunity as well.

Of course, normal stomachs are all fair game.
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 12:07 pm

Hmm, I'm not sure about the"keeping the magic outside"; it would more or less mean that between the mouth and pred's stomach there is some kind of" barrier" that drains all the magic from your body out in matter of seconds.
When I hear magic resistance, I hear "a wall you can hardly penetrate with magic", a bit like the idea of a bullet proof wall; you can still shoot at it, but you won't do that much damage.
That would also explain why you can't teleport out of the stomach; if we supose that in order to teleport, you need to connect your magic to the area you want to teleport, and that we consider that in this case magic works like a wave , the wall just blocks this wave, keeping you inside whatever you do .
Then, my next theory is that there are different levels of magic resistance, and that eventually, a very powerfull mage can pass trough this barrier (the same way, taking the same exemple as before, that different bullets would do different dammage to a wall)
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PostSubject: Here's an idea.   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 2:06 pm

Size-changing magic.

Since most predator's stomachs can expand to great sizes the key is to utilize the growth magic before you reach the stomach. Best place to do this is mid-esophagus right around the lower neck where the bronchial tubes branch off from the gullet. If you can swiftly grow large enough to wedge yourself in that area, you can cut off the predator's breathing and force him/her to either gag you up or suffocate to death. Or, if you can grow to massive proportions, simply keep growing until you pass the predator's threshold to be able to contain you inside his/her body. It will be utterly gorey and horribly bloody, but you could simply burst out of the predator's body like a xenomorph alien. Again, it's preferable that you activate the growth before landing in the stomach.

I have a character who can alter her size at will, maxing out at just about the same height as Felarya's Naga Predators. Of course she makes it a point to grow to massive size before she can be swallowed, but I just thought I'd throw this idea into the ring and see what everyone thinks about it.
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 2:27 pm

A while back I came up with the Idea of de-fib'ing a preds stomach, however unless you happened to have a metal suit to act like a Faraday cage you would probable just kill yourself.

As with magic resistance ( I allways think of magic as electromagnetic radiation ) you could overpower it with pure force (highly unlikely - would need a LOT of magic).
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 10:22 am

Atlthough rare and most preds would remove it, liquid nitrogen is completely uneffected by anti-magic and small amounts can do tons of damage. If you can't use that, well placed hits with a weapon of the bladed or spiked type can do some damage. And you could always use a powerful base to corrode their stomach.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 1:05 pm

This one is a possablity but aslo "risky" useing a Radioactive subsatance. Sure maybe its gonna harm you and the pred but the pred it gonna feel it more. For example
pred eats you and you have a radation suit on and a large concentrated sample of plutonium and press it agaist the throat while your going down.If that doesnt work the press the radioactive lump aganist the side of the stomach. The pred is gonna feel it burn the skin and flesh of the stomach and may throw you up.
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 1:25 pm

I believe that it's far more prudent to carry things to prevent you being eaten than to carry things to get you out, since the former are going to be far more usable.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 1:58 pm

Anime-Junkie wrote:
I believe that it's far more prudent to carry things to prevent you being eaten than to carry things to get you out, since the former are going to be far more usable.
Hence the notification that a lot of spells that can get you out of a Predator's stomach, by most accounts, should prevent you from getting inside said stomach in the first place.

The only real reasons to enter a Predator's stomach are:
1) Fetish Fuel.
2) Suicidal tendencies.
3) Science! / Magic! (Testing a theory on how to make one of the phasing nymphs asplode internally, for example, while in the middle of a phase).
4) Some sort of delivery system that requires internal application (which in most instances is heavily convoluted)

Barring those, you typically aren't going to want to enter a Predator's stomach. Well, unless you have some sort of "Digestion = Possession" ability, but in that case you aren't very much going to want to leave.
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 2:34 pm

Digestion = Possession? Do you mean a parasite taking control of the preds body?
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PostSubject: Re: How to escape a giant preds stomach   How to escape a giant preds stomach Icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 2:56 pm

There is a story where a predator ate what pretty much amounted to a Dark goddess who then took over the predator's body since her own had been destroyed by the predator's digestive system.
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