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+3aethernavale rcs619 Shady Knight 7 posters | Author | Message |
Shady Knight Lord of the Elements
Posts : 4580 Join date : 2008-01-20 Age : 34
| Subject: Felaryan Medicine Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:38 pm | |
| We all know that the soil super boosts the immune system so it's practically impossible to get sick there. However, you can still be afflicted with parasitic or fungal infect, the universal poison, and probably different types of conditions excluding curses. So with these types of conditions being the most common ways of becoming "sick" on Felarya, chances are there would be special branches of medicine to treat these. There could also be some form of purchasable remedy that would help fight those infections back, but not outright cure them. I'm sure more advanced cities would still have more traditional branches of medicine, since they are less reliant on magic, but that's beside the point. | |
| | | rcs619 Felarya cartographer
Posts : 1589 Join date : 2008-04-07 Age : 36
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:21 pm | |
| - Sean Okotami wrote:
- We all know that the soil super boosts the immune system so it's practically impossible to get sick there. However, you can still be afflicted with parasitic or fungal infect, the universal poison, and probably different types of conditions excluding curses. So with these types of conditions being the most common ways of becoming "sick" on Felarya, chances are there would be special branches of medicine to treat these. There could also be some form of purchasable remedy that would help fight those infections back, but not outright cure them. I'm sure more advanced cities would still have more traditional branches of medicine, since they are less reliant on magic, but that's beside the point.
Injuries would still be a big deal as well. Cuts may heal quicker, but people will still need to be treated following a serious injury. They'd still need stitches, bandages and the like. Same with broken bones. Someone would still need to set the broken bone, make a splint/cast, and fit it on the person right. Also, it is quite possible to die from serious injuries, like falls, wounds, blunt-force trauma, etc. Emergency medicine would be extremely important, so that the injured person can be stabilized, and the healing effect can begin its work. I imagine there is quite a large mixture of medical disciplines in Felarya. Traditional, more modern, or even futuristic medicines brought in from offworld... some more magical forms of healing...probably a few somewhat primitive kinds that rely on things that are found out in the jungle, and so on. | |
| | | aethernavale Great warrior
Posts : 501 Join date : 2010-03-07
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:30 pm | |
| My Ichneumon race use a remedy to assist in healing their bodies (since they're mostly a warrior caste and battle injury is common) that they also trade for raw materials with other races as well as their favourite foodstuffs enlarged by feys (soulnuts). The remedy uses a variety of items/material already found in Felarya combined with their own bodily fluids.
Obviously the people of Westersea Settlement utilize advanced medical and medicinal technologies for healing/treatment of injury.
The Reagere and Zagaru Tribes rely on their more magically inclined for healing, plus some natural remedies as well.
In other discussions I've had with Cauldron, AJ, Asuroth, et cetera - I've also talked about the unique benefits slimoids could offer to the medical field. Using their bodies to purify and cleanse, as well as some potential healing/setting abilities (given how/what they eat and the secretions they would emit/the uses their 'slime' could have). Navia and Cyaer's introduction and interaction will help explain my viewpoints on this.
Assuming of course I ever get around to it. Life is pushing everything to the right so hard right now... | |
| | | Shady Knight Lord of the Elements
Posts : 4580 Join date : 2008-01-20 Age : 34
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:31 pm | |
| From what I assumed, people in Negav would rely on magic more, so they wouldn't have as advanced knowledges of precise surgeries. I can imagine some first-aid training, but I doubt hospitals would be very high-tech in Negav, unless it's run by the Vishmitals. | |
| | | aethernavale Great warrior
Posts : 501 Join date : 2010-03-07
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:35 pm | |
| - Sean Okotami wrote:
- From what I assumed, people in Negav would rely on magic more, so they wouldn't have as advanced knowledges of precise surgeries. I can imagine some first-aid training, but I doubt hospitals would be very high-tech in Negav, unless it's run by the Vishmitals.
Yes, but I also see them using natural remedies. Natural is a bit of a wide term here. For example, one thought I had for slimoids was that their bodies and their abilities would make them aptly suited for the medical field where they could be used to cleanse blood of impurities or how their 'goo' could be used as a salve. That would be dependent on another discussion we had, where slimoids color and property would be based off of what they 'eat'. | |
| | | rcs619 Felarya cartographer
Posts : 1589 Join date : 2008-04-07 Age : 36
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:09 pm | |
| - Sean Okotami wrote:
- From what I assumed, people in Negav would rely on magic more, so they wouldn't have as advanced knowledges of precise surgeries. I can imagine some first-aid training, but I doubt hospitals would be very high-tech in Negav, unless it's run by the Vishmitals.
Keep in mind, Negav may be a primarily magical city, but they are exposed to dozens of different worlds, some with various levels of technology. I imagine there are places within the city that specialize in less magical types of medicine, and probably quite a few more that use a mixture of various techniques. I figure that different types of medicine are better at different things. Things modern medicine can't do can be handled with magic, and vice-versa. There will need to be surgeons in Negav, since surgery, especially emergency treatments will need to be done on occaision. A surgeon with a magical healer for support could really do some incredible things. We have magitech, I don't think magicine (magic/medicine) is too much of a stretch. | |
| | | Shady Knight Lord of the Elements
Posts : 4580 Join date : 2008-01-20 Age : 34
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:35 pm | |
| Now that I think about it, would most clinics in Negav be run by doctors, healers, or both according to the clinic's own policies or whatever? In addition, what would each type of clinic (doctor and healer) would mostly treat? I know there are medical facilities other than clinics, but I figured it may be for the best to start small, then slowly climb the ladder. | |
| | | Solomon Marauder of the deep jungle
Posts : 416 Join date : 2011-03-28 Age : 43
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:48 pm | |
| well I can see clinics in citys and towns in Felarya but I wonder were they would get there midicine from(I think it might be from the plants mostly) | |
| | | rcs619 Felarya cartographer
Posts : 1589 Join date : 2008-04-07 Age : 36
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:17 am | |
| - Solomon wrote:
- well I can see clinics in citys and towns in Felarya but I wonder were they would get there midicine from(I think it might be from the plants mostly)
Would depend on what they have access too. Negav can import more modern medicines and medical technology from offworld, or it can use healing magic or natural medicines gathered from the jungle. There really is a lot of options there, and I imagine you'd see a pretty interesting mix in Negav. Chiotia doesn't have a dimensional gate, so I would imagine they'd be stuck relying on healing magic and natural cures (either from the ocean, or the forest on their island). As for the small, scattered villages...that depends on who they have with them. If they don't have a healing mage, they are going to be limited to natural medicines. | |
| | | Shady Knight Lord of the Elements
Posts : 4580 Join date : 2008-01-20 Age : 34
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:36 pm | |
| Okay, now let's rise it higher. What would a hospital look like? I assume a traditional hospital in Negav would look somewhat like a modern hospital, albeit probably more exotic. However, if said hospital used mostly magic, what would it look like, or would it be necessary, aside from healing multiple people at once? | |
| | | space_samurai Veteran knight
Posts : 255 Join date : 2011-03-29 Age : 29 Location : The Great White North
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:37 pm | |
| hmmm, this may be a bit offf topic but, does radiation effect people in Felarya or dose the magic just absorb it and make it harmless? | |
| | | Tuc135 Hero
Posts : 1059 Join date : 2008-05-01 Location : Chances are between someone's esophagus and duodenum
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:11 pm | |
| I'd say it depends on the level of exposure to radiation. Many of the fatalities from radiation poisoning aren't immediate, but occur after a latent period of a week or so, during which the damage caused by the radiation becomes apparent. (this is called the overt period or illness). However, in Felarya, the healing effect would be working to repair the hidden damage done by the radiation, so the overt illness, when it arrives, would be much reduced, if it occurs at all.
When the radiation gets up to around 8 Sv,that's enough to kill a man fairly immediately, so the felarya healing effect wouldn't have time to repair the damage before death. 6-8 Sv is 90-100% fatal without treatment, but it has a latent period of a week, during which the Felarya healing could repair the damage. Lesser doses have longer latent periods, and therefore more time to heal before the overt illness comes. So basically, if the radiation exposure doesn't kill you on the spot, you're gonna survive.
Mind, this is for a man sized being. A larger predator, having much more mass which would intercept the radiation before it hit the vital tissues, could probably tolerate a larger dose without dying. | |
| | | aethernavale Great warrior
Posts : 501 Join date : 2010-03-07
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:13 pm | |
| - space_samurai wrote:
- hmmm, this may be a bit offf topic but, does radiation effect people in Felarya or dose the magic just absorb it and make it harmless?
It would depend on the type of radioactive isotopes they were exposed to, the dose rate and length of time of exposure, the areas that are exposed, and the overall healing effect they are subjected to. Radiation in our world is a stochastic effect, but in Felarya this probably would not be the case due to the healing properties of the soil. This makes chronic effects of radiation diminutive at best, provided they did not already have the damage from another realm (so someone that came to Felarya vice being born there). In past discussions we've agreed that the healing effect of the soil could have potentially disastrous effects on people with certain types of diseases or cancers, just due to how the soil's effect works. So, I will focus my discussion on acute effects. For reference values, 100 Roentgen Equivalent Man (Rem) = 1 Sievert (Sv). For starters, lets go with an equivalent whole body external dose (assume unless otherwise stated that I am referring to whole body doses from this point on). Anything less than 100 Rem is unlikely to have acute effects in an individual, but it does happen (generally with the young, elderly, pregnant, et cetera). 100 Rem is the threshold where stuff starts happening. Generally speaking, personnel exposed to 100~200 Rem will contract radiation sickness, with the higher dose causing quicker onsets. Even so, this dose does not generally cause death in our realm, even without medical care. 200~400 Rem is still in the same ballpark as the above, with slight impairment of cognitive abilities in the individual. Onset of radiation sickness is quicker and the effects more violent/dramatic. Mortality rates vary but generally do not occur immediately in our realm. Without medical attention, a person is likely to die from chronic complications related to this dose. With medical treatment the risk of mortality related to this dose is mitigated somewhat. 400~600 Rem and the exposed person starts to get blood vessel damage and is guaranteed a near immediate onset of radiation sickness. The blood vessel damage usually occurs to small vessels such as capillaries beneath the skin, and often can result in minor cases of internal bleeding. More pronounced effects of radiation sickness appear. Personnel cognitive abilities are impaired. Slight bone marrow damage occurs. Human body/internal chemistry is negatively effected. Death within weeks/months is likely, with or without medical attention. 600~800 Rem and the exposed person suffers all the above with increased violence in the onset and moderate~significant damage occurs to major blood vessels and bone marrow. Death is assured with days/weeks, with or without medical attention. 800+ Rem and more of the same but worse. Death within days, with or without medical attention. The higher the exposure the quicker the onset of death. Immediate death occurs depending on the individual age and body chemistry with exposures of 1500+ Rem (lower values for children assuredly, though older adults may also fall into similar problems - proof shown with prior incidents with mishandling of radioactive sources [most well known was the incident where an entire family was killed due to the father bringing home a source unaware of the hazards of doing so]). That's all external whole-body though. Internal acute doses are a whole 'nother beast entirely, and depending on the rate of ingestion and through which method the material is ingested the effects will vary. It is difficult to proscribe the same system of dose to damage with such cases, and I will not endeavor to do so myself. Lets just say that ingestion of radioactive sources is always a bad idea and leave it at that. Breathing in radioactive gas that decays into radioactive particulate (radon to radium most well known example, also why some areas sell radon detectors with smoke/co2 detectors) is particularly noted. Something to note - it is unlikely that anyone would use radioactive personnel weapons in Felarya. There are a variety of reasons for this, but my most predominant thought on the subject is the necessity of shielding material for the one deploying it. Tungsten captures are very heavy, and we're talking about sources used in radiography (only viable method I see for a single human sized creature to deploy it in their own vicinity and still have the pretense of survival) which are very small in size (smaller than your pinky finger nail) with dose rates measured in the thousands of Rem/hour on contact (they are point sources, so radiation dose falls off dramatically with distance (dose rate point 1 x distance of point 1 from center of point squared = dose rate point 2 x distance of point 2 from center of point squared)). The use of tungsten captures or other such material will drastically inhibit mobility of said person attempting to deploy a weapon. Additionally, due to radioactive decay the strength of your source will diminish, meaning that long-term storage of viable source material will become problematic. You would require a supplier for refreshed source material. However, the use of tactical or strategic nuclear weapons (not the deployment of radioactive material but the deployment of fissile material designed for explosion) would get the attention of the Guardians, at which point you should be making a quick escape. In my own story I utilized the deployment of such a device by the Scrye Syndicate to kill Reya's mother, but it should be noted that the weapon they used was a very clean one, a shaped charge, and utilized an incredibly small yield - radiation was not the killer in the example, and the effects of the weapon would all be short-lived. Think M-920 Cain discharge effect from ME2 - that's about the highest yield I could personally see you using without attracting the *immediate* attention of the Guardians. Repeated use of such a weapon would most likely attract them though, particularly if you're using a dirty weapon (laced with Sr-90 or equivalent). | |
| | | space_samurai Veteran knight
Posts : 255 Join date : 2011-03-29 Age : 29 Location : The Great White North
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:42 pm | |
| wow that was a bit more info that i expected to get, Thanks! ^^
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| | | luke112 Temple scourge
Posts : 613 Join date : 2011-01-21 Location : Underground bunker taking weapon Inventory
| Subject: Re: Felaryan Medicine Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:58 pm | |
| DAMN aethernavale you answered all my questions about radation and Felarya and Nuclear materials all at once, thank you, now at least i know what to and what not to do in my stories. | |
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