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 Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out.

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Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Empty
PostSubject: Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out.   Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Icon_minitimeWed Mar 30, 2011 7:07 pm

As I progress with my story I'm also fleshing out the ideas and organisations which are centeral to the plot. So I think it is time I posted an updated profile for the Investigators and the now defunct Metropolitan Security Division. This is what I have so far; more will be added in the coming days.


The Investigators were once the Ps’isol Magiocrats secret police in charge of all Negav’s internal policing, but are now a less aggressive organization tailored to carry out several specific tasks, most of which still deal with the security of the city. The Investigators can be split into two distinct bodies; the Internal Security Division, or ISD, and the Education and Research Division. The Investigators are controlled by an elite group known as the Command Council, headed by the embittered Magiocrat Lady Visaria Jade, a former Intelligence Officer and ex-liaison between the organisation and the Magiocrat Council.

The ISD is an arrogant and shadowy intelligence agency wholly loyal to the Magiocrats and as a result a bitter rivals of the Vishmitals; one would not be mistaken to almost call them enemies due to their violent history. While they possess their own security troops they do not have the raw power of either the Isolon Fists or Vishmital forces. Rather they focus on intelligence gathering, investigations and overseeing security details specifically those within the Isolon University and a select few of magical sites or artefacts in Negav. The ISD security forces also specialize in dealing with rogue mages or other unconventional threats which could pose a much greater challenge to the current Negav Police.

The Education and Research Division act as the public face for ISD security detachments which oversee the Isolon University while providing the ISD with any useful intelligence regarding those they interact with. They also keep an active census on the ever fluctuating mage population of Negav, while constantly reviewing what can and cannot be taught by the University as per the directives of their Magiocrat masters. The biggest attraction for the Education and Research Division is that they are primarily responsible for conducting any magical research which the Magiocrats believe too dangerous or sensitive for the general public and to test new spells or enchantments which may be added to the University’s curriculum in the future.

Forces of the Investigators: It is rumoured that each member of the Investigators is a mage; however this isn’t strictly true; rather each member has a certain degree of affiliation towards magic which is honed to assist them in specific ways. Those with a higher degree of affiliation and manipulation are usually trained as battle mages; while extremely powerful they generally adhere to a more rigid selection of spells and abilities than their Isolon Fist counter parts.

The ISD is split into three main sub groups; Site Security, Public Security Division and the Intelligence Division.

Site Security are charged with gaurding the Investigator's assests both personnel and material; they are usally based in areas where the Investigators have some form of physical presence.

The Public Security Division, formaly the much larger Metropolitan Security Division, are charged with dealing with criminal activity in Negav; usually assissting the Negav Police rather than acting independently.

Intelligence Division, the backbone of the ISD and the Investigators; the Intelligence Division does its work from behind the scenes; spying assassination and other shady work but all with the goal of keeping Negav safe and maintaining the Magiocrat's rule.

Combat/Security Units:

Intelligence/Support Units:




Coming soon.

Last edited by CauldronBorn24 on Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out.   Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 5:35 am

I am drawing attention to this thread because I believe that the things Cauldronborn has posted here deserve to get the opinions of the forum community.
He already knows what I think.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out.   Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 2:29 pm

well, about them all being mages, having people like the Vishmital's in the city would probably show them the value of having a few scientists, more specifically forensic scientists in their employ.
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Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out.   Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 3:20 pm

asaenvolk wrote:
well, about them all being mages, having people like the Vishmital's in the city would probably show them the value of having a few scientists, more specifically forensic scientists in their employ.

Well I like to think of it as a blend, I don't see the need for any clear division between mages and scientists, esspecially in Negav where both are often found shoulder to shoulder. I am using mage as a broad term; most of the Forth Platoon's personnel would be alchemists, and I see alchemy to be a mix of actual chemistry and magic, rather than just magic.

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out.   Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 3:40 pm

well proper Alchemy is magic, but I could totally see then line being blurred in some worlds, it would be hard to tell where one part starts and the other ends. Still they are separate, but that HARDLY means you can't be trained for both.
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Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out.   Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Icon_minitimeSun May 27, 2012 9:54 am

So are these the only details discussed on the ISD? I checked the Wiki for more and there wasn't much.

I am interested on developing on area too, namely on a sub group that investigates anomalies. In the magical world of Felarya, it would be disasterous and downright stupid if they didn't have a group to investigate such things. Just because you have people with guns, magic and force fields doesn't mean humans should assume nothing can go against expectations (Which anyone here knows happens all the time!) Felarya pretty much runs on the concept of Murphy's Law

If people start exploding on the street, there should be people ready to look into it.
If teleports start taking you the right place, but fifty feet higher than it should be, there should be people ready to look into it.
When mages start turning into Orangutans, there should be people ready to look into it
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PostSubject: Re: Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out.   Investigators/ISD/MSD/ Flesh out. Icon_minitime

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