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 Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.

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Helpless prey

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2015 5:25 pm

Hi! I'm an experienced RPer, but I have trouble writing stories on my own. I've got only 2 very short stories to my name, which can be found on my DA page (Hrathe is my username there too, but I'm not allowed to post a direct link as I'm a new member here).

     I've sifted through various ideas, but never really felt attached enough to finish any of them. It's particularly difficult for me to write convincing interactions between multiple characters. So I'd really enjoy it if anybody here would be up to RP, and would allow me to use that as a basis for various scenes in a story I plan to write. It would feel much more natural that way, I think.

     When I say 'basis for various scenes', that can mean several things. If you'd like, I could basically take our RP and edit it directly into a story, using the same characters and such. Or I could change the setting, characters, dialogue, species, and even personalities to create a scene that's different, but still loosely based on, our RP. Or you can just tell me you don't want any of our RP to be used in my story, and that's OK - simply having more experience writing in Felarya will help me out. Of course, everybody involved would be credited for their contributions and characters, and you'd be free to post our RP and the finished story based off of it to your profile on DeviantArt or any other site you choose.

     My current idea for a story involves a large cruise ship on Earth carrying 8,000 people being transported to Felarya and getting stranded on the beach to the west of the mysterious temple, and north of Bulvon Woods. The premise is similar to some of my favorite Felaryan tales (shout-out to FrenchSnack's 'Lost in Felarya'), but differs in the massive scale.

     This is, obviously, not a story that will be told in one RP. There is no cut and dry storyline, and quite frankly I have no more idea how it all might end up than you do. There are a lot of different considerations, and a lot of different viewpoints the story could be told from. Word of a massive event like this would spread, I imagine. Predators would likely be swarming the stranded cruise liner within days, if not hours. Some native Felaryans would want to save the passengers, but how can you possibly hope to lead thousands of confused, scared humans to safety? Could Negav even accept that many people, even if they somehow made it there safely? Even ignoring the constant predator threat, those on the cruise ship will run out of stored food, eventually - what then? Etc, etc.

     This would allow for a lot of possibilities in an RP. Got an established Felarya character who'd want to be a part of this? Great! Even if they're not interested/able to participate, I'd love to know what they'd think of this all. Imagine they've been informed of the basic premise I shared above - what would they say in response?

     On the other hand, there's tons of room here for new characters. Want to play the role of somebody on the ship? Go for it! With 8,000 people on board, there's room for all sorts of interesting people and stories. And there's even more room in the stomachs of new predators...

     As far as the RP itself goes, I'm open to playing on just about any format that allows me to save the logs. The forums here are fine, as is Eka's chat, or Skype. I'm also fine playing either the predator or prey role - and of course, not every RP has to be 'eat or be eaten'. We can do something story-based, or play out a simple, exciting feast.

     Anyway, I think that's quite enough out of me for now. If you've got any interest in playing along, or any questions about this, feel free to ask! I'm new here, but looking forward to getting to know you all Very Happy
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2015 7:22 pm

Hi there, Hrathe! Welcome to Felarya, we look forward to getting to know you better! ^_^ Then again, I don't really speak for everyone, so I look forward to getting to know you! But most of the people here are pretty friendly so I doubt they'd mind, either. ^_^ Before anything else, allow me to direct you to our introductions thread, where you can introduce yourself formally if you choose. No obligation, though. ^_^

I will say that you have me interested in RPing with you. I like to think I'm experienced, too, and I live for organic character interaction. However, I have to be blunt: I'm not completely convinced of the premise of your proposed idea. Sad Firstly, Earth cannot canonically connect to Felarya. The in-universe reason is that Earth is not a magically-abundant world, but out-of-universe reasons are multiple, including keeping commentaries and references to real-life politics and events out of the fantasy narrative and such. This is an idea I support, so I get a little ticked whenever Earth is referenced directly in-universe. ^^; Secondly, and more importantly, I'm uncomfortable with the scale of your idea. I'm sure, as a coherent story, it'd be very interesting, but as an RP, or a series of RPs, I think there are too many variables to pull it all together into a successful project. Things like players being absent and other things that can't be controlled.

Granted, that doesn't mean count me out. Rather, I think I'd prefer to test the waters first before getting myself or my characters involved in such a large story. Try everything once, right? If I'm understanding you correctly, your plan is to RP multiple parts of the story with different people, and integrate them in one way or another into the overall story. If this is the case, I'd be interested in RPing with you through notes on DA, a section of the story involving my mermaid hearing of the crash site with a ton of human survivors and heading there for a feast. XD PM me on this forum or reply to this thread whether or not that interests you, please and thank you. ^_^
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Helpless prey

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2015 8:44 pm

Thank you for the welcome!

As for the canonicality (canononics? Canon...ness?) of the idea, it's totally possible that I'm misconstruing or misunderstanding something, but it wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened, at least, not in the stories I've read.

Not to spoil anything, but that's the basic premise of the FrenchSnack story I mentioned above, and I know there were several other stories where similar things happened. Granted, those things don't just happen randomly (usually, anyway), and almost certainly not intentionally.

But I could certainly tweak the premise to make things work better. In general, I like the idea of a large group of people being stranded against their will on Felarya, clueless as to why they're there, or about the dangers of the world. But they don't necessarily have to be from Earth, nor on a cruise ship. I thought I'd done my research and that the scenario I listed was a possible thing, but then, that's part of the reason I'm here, to learn the things I don't already know ^.^;

As for the scale, it would be a big undertaking, yeah. But, and I realize I wasn't clear enough on this to start with, I'm trying very hard to make it so that this has as few variables as possible for a collaborative project. At the end of the day, I'm still going to be the core, here. I don't say that to sound pretentious or self-important, no, I realize that probably everybody that helps me out will have more knowledge and experience in Felarya than I do. I just say that because the way this whole idea plays out, it won't be necessary for everything to go according to plan.

Example: Let's say there are a group of 50 or so survivors headed to Negav. I've got an RP lined up with somebody who's going to play a Fairy and eat all of them. That RP never happens, or gets abandoned halfway through. If I can't get in contact with my partner at all, then worst case scenario is I find another pred to do that scene, or just let those people get to Negav safely.

Let's play the opposite role, then. Say somebody's playing a human survivor, but then that person vanishes for months. Chances are, they could be written out fairly simply by having them get lost or get eaten. I'd try to avoid writing too much about that character so as not to infringe upon the creation of the original writer, so that character would just get eaten without much time to talk, or any sort of fanfare. It'd be an awkward, messy, unorganized event - but then, that also sort of beautifully captures the game of survival in Felarya.

Now, if somebody has to leave but will be back soon, that's easy. We can just leave that story thread hanging for a while as we focus on other RPs and other bits of story. I don't doubt that central themes and plots will emerge from all of this, but I think they'll prove strong enough to last, independent of a few of the individual stories.

Of course, in most cases, this shouldn't be a problem in the first place, as I'll try not to publish any stories until the RP is done, and that piece of the story finished. Your idea, for example, would be easily self-contained. If your pred later decided to come back for seconds, we could easily do that, but if our story ended with this one RP, nobody would question it. Of course, not all stories will be so self-contained.

There is obviously the chance that I'm completely wrong and this will all end horribly, but isn't that true of all great Felaryan expeditions? Besides, in that case, I'd be the one taking responsibility, as it was all my idea. You guys are basically helpers. Extremely vital, no, necessary helpers, but if this goes sour and people complain about how disappointed they are, I'll be taking the brunt of the comments.

Anyway, I hope that helps ease your fears, at least regarding the scale of the thing. As far as the premise itself, help me find something that would work better and I'll gladly change what I have to Smile
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2015 10:57 pm

Well, I won't-- okay, first, I have to compliment your typing. You're very clear, good grammar, strong command of the English language. I'm really looking forward to RPing with you. XD

Anyway, I won't ask you to take my word for it. It's very possible that my information about the intricate workings of Felarya is outdated. Did you know we have a wiki? It's the, for the most part, most up-to-date source of canonical information for all things Felarya. ^_^ You could also ask Karbo himself through note or PM, but he's pretty busy. Others like Stabs or Shady Knight might know, too, and you'll likely get a more timely response from them.

In the end, really, it's your story, and it doesn't have to necessarily conform to all points of canon to be enjoyable or interesting. More than anything, it's a personal preference of mine not to mix Earth and Felarya. But despite that, as I said, I'm willing to give this a try. If you're as good an RPer as your confidence indicates, maybe we can work on a more central section of the story after we're done with my earlier suggestion. I suggest we use DA notes, since inboxes in the Forum's PM system have extremely limited space, making having an RP archive all but impossible unless you manually back up your notes to a text document or something. It's late for me, so would you be able to send the first note? You can find my DA page by clicking that "www" scroll at the bottom of this post.
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Helpless prey

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 12:19 am

By the time I finish this post, you'll likely be asleep. In which case, good morning!  Wink

It's pretty late for me, as well. I really shouldn't be awake now as I need to adjust to waking up on-schedule soon, but here I am, anyway.

I'm telling you this to explain why my message on DA isn't going to be much more than a greeting for now. I'm not sure if you expected more, and I apologize if so.

As for the wiki, I'm aware of it, have read a lot of it, and will double-check to see if I can find something of note before I go to bed. However, I admit my primary source of information for Felarya does come from the stories I read, as I find discovering things more interesting that way.

I can assure you that if the idea remains unchanged, and it remains a cruise ship from earth, I'll do my best to keep things apolitical. Now, the people on the ship will have backstories on Earth that will be given various degrees of attention, but I never intended to involve any hot-button topics or social commentary in those stories, and I'll avoid doing so, and make sure that others do the same. The people hailing from Earth isn't necessary, but the reason that was my first choice is simply because I feel that, as standard as it may be, people from Earth, even an earth that might have non-human races, always felt more relatable than people from other planets or realms. That's totally a personal opinion, of course, but that was really the only big reason I had in mind for them being from Earth. Nothing political, and nothing that couldn't be changed.

If the idea does change? Well, we'll have to rewrite our RP somewhat. Let's work for now under the original assumption that it's a cruise ship, and I'll take the responsibility of re-writing details as needed. Of course, you'll be able to make suggestions and help out, so that my changes do not alter the actions or personality of your character in any way. And you most certainly have the right to veto any of the changes I make, or even the final product altogether.

As far as what these alternate ideas would be, I'll discuss them with you more tomorrow via DA notes, once I've (hopefully) refreshed myself on the details of how these things work. But as I see it, the main variables are:

>Where these people are from. Right now, earth.
>What vehicle/thing they're in. Right now, a cruise ship.
>How many of them there are. Right now, 8,000, which is more than what any cruise ship today can carry, but only by about 1,500, so it's not completely outside the realm of possibility.

And to recap the reasons why I chose the above: Earth is a more relatable  (not actually a word, huh) setting, and call me lazy, but I'd rather start on common ground so that I can focus more on the people, and not have to explain in too much detail the place they came from, especially when that place is unlikely to have much bearing on the immediate plot.

I picked a cruise ship because I wanted the survivors to be in as much danger as possible, and I figured they'd have to be vulnerable to both land and water predators. Thus, a cruise ship that's beached, partially on land, part still on water.

I picked such a large number of people because I wanted this story to be a bit different from others I've read. I wanted something big enough so that no one person or RP would be able to determine the outcome.

So in short, I'm open to any alternative ideas for a premise, and am working on a few possibilities myself, but those are the reasons why I picked what I did, so any alternative ideas should probably satisfy those goals, as well.

There's so much more I could ramble on about, but once again, I think I've said more than enough. If you haven't seen it already, you should have a DA note by the time you're reading this, and if not, ask me why I haven't sent you one, because really I should have no excuse.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 2:22 am

I hope you don't mind me poking my head in here, but believe me when I say I'm interested - both in possibly playing one of the ship's passengers, and possibly dragging in someone of a different size (big or small, depends on my fancy [or yours, rather], I guess). I can't say I have any particularly bright ideas or strong preferences, though, so I think I'll leave that sort of thing to the clearly capable Nyaha Razz

Anyway, just... showing my support, I guess. I mean, if you two need a tie-breaker on some thing or other, for whatever reason, I'll add my vote. And I'll try to be as active as possible if/when this comes to fruition. ^^
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Helpless prey

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 7:15 am

I don't mind at all, silly! Everybody is very welcome to post, and I'd love to RP with you. Smile

As for ideas, what we end up doing really depends on your preferences, I suppose. I'd be happy to discuss that with you - should I contact you via PM, or would you prefer another method?
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 9:21 am

I got your note, but haven't looked at it yet. For now, I'll just say two things.

1. Relatable is too a word, actually! I'm not sure why you think it isn't. Maybe it's just not in your browser's dictionary. That happens to me a lot. An easy way to find out if a word is real or not is to search "define (word)" in google. If a definition doesn't show up right at the top, it's likely not real, but double-check in case you get an entry on urban dictionary as a result.

2. I said in my first reply that I wasn't convinced. I think in the following posts, you've done a good job of convincing me. ^_^ I don't see any way to change your idea that'd make it better, not right now, anyway. I'll try to forget my pet peeve while we RP. See you in notes!
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 2:25 pm

Hrathe wrote:
As for ideas, what we end up doing really depends on your preferences, I suppose. I'd be happy to discuss that with you - should I contact you via PM, or would you prefer another method?

Well, I think Nyaha more-or-less shares my preferences (I really don't mind where all the humans are coming from, though, nor what they reference. Albeit the less IRL stuff that gets dragged in, the better), so honestly I'll just take whatever you two decide works. Though if you really want my opinion on things, I guess the best way to contact me is via PM, on here.

Either way, though, good luck on getting this whole thing set up. ^^
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Helpless prey

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeWed Jan 07, 2015 3:29 pm

Hey Bal, are you still interested in the RP? It's fine if you aren't, but the PM I sent you is still in my outbox, suggesting you didn't notice I sent it. This site doesn't seem to give you any sort of notification for that, so I thought I'd let you know. Wink
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeWed Jan 07, 2015 10:46 pm

Oh yeah I'm still interested! Frankly, I forgot to check my PMs... but I did send you a reply via that, just so you know ^^
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitimeThu Jan 08, 2015 2:26 am


What about mine?
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Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories.   Looking for any sort of RP to help flesh out my stories. Icon_minitime

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