Might as well post this here, since quite a few people don't pay too much attention to the Felartya dA group.
As you may have heard, there is a Felarya Ventrilo Server, originally paid for by Chuck, aka Greekmuscle but since maintained through various other donations.
Ventrilo is a chat program that supports both voice and text chat. The Felarya Ventrilo is a great place to get to know community members and discuss Felarya. Although Voice chat is supported you don't need a mic. There are quite a few people who just use the text chat.
If you want to join in on the fun, all you have to do is click here to watch the tutorial video and then download Ventrilo here.
For anyone who already knows how to setup Ventrilo here's the server info:
Hostname: felarya.clanvent.com
Port: 8878