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 High in Felarya-Intoxicants Unique to Felarya

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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: High in Felarya-Intoxicants Unique to Felarya   High in Felarya-Intoxicants Unique to Felarya Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 9:54 pm

This is something of a take-off on the "Drunken Felarya" thread.

Before I go any further, I must say I have never done drugs, smoked anything, or drank any alcohol. However, I have no issues with those who do as long as their activities don't affect others negatively. I am for total legalization of all substances, as prohibition of any vice causes more problems than it solves.

With all that being said, I've often wondered what kind intoxicants could be found in Felarya. Here are some of my ideas:

Felaryan Daze (Also known as "Vivi's Stash", "Vivian's Best", or just "Vivian")

Felaryan Daze is a name given to a form of marijuana that grows only in Felarya. It is a very potent strain, exceeding any found on Earth with THC levels that would amaze even the most jaded stoner. Height varies between less than 30 cm to in excess of 7 meters, depending on how it is cultivated. This strain was discovered near Chordoni Falls, in Vivian's personal garden...the explorers took a few seeds, and now it can be found sold or grown in many settlements.

Snake Bite (Also known as "Venom")

In contrast to Felaryan daze, this could be classified as a "hard drug" that is both physically and psychologically addicting. It is known that Cobra-Crested Naga's carry venom, but it was found that, in small doses, it produces a certain euphoria not unlike heroin. Harvesting it is a dangerous occupation, as it requires tricking the naga to bite the collection device rather than the gatherer.

The drug is injected intravenously, either by sterile needles or by a knife dipped in the stuff. Some users use two at the same time to create a snake bite sensation. It is a terrible drug, claiming lives by overdose...but, this is only one way. Another is caused by desperate addicts, who throw themselves before such a naga for one last fix...

Those are mine, but feel free to add your own or tear down mine.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: High in Felarya-Intoxicants Unique to Felarya   High in Felarya-Intoxicants Unique to Felarya Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2008 10:26 pm

Appel Juice (also known as "Sweet Sally" and "Horney Honey")

A take on Apple Juice, but this unique nectar comes from a bee girl by the name of Appel. She's... well, unique from other bee girls and her nectar is intoxicating to anybody that tastes it. It has a similar taste to Apple juice, but that's because her nectar is made from pollen harvested from apple/pollen hybrid trees.

If you drink it, you become more drunk than Andy Capp at last call. If you were to bathe in it, however, you'd be able to mess up the hormones of the opposite sex for your own amusement. Very fun at parties (or with sexually aroused nagas).


Toad (AKA "Frenching the prince" or "Doing Kermit")

I'm sorry, but I could not resist a Family Guy joke within Felarya. Since there are toads and toad girls, I assume licking one or having sex with one would create a very trippy acid trip, capable of rendering you vulnerable to getting REALLY high.
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
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PostSubject: Re: High in Felarya-Intoxicants Unique to Felarya   High in Felarya-Intoxicants Unique to Felarya Icon_minitimeWed Mar 05, 2008 7:00 am

Quoting Moony:

Quote :
There was an odd thing that happened and was being talked about throughout Negav.

Apparently a Neko had been intoxicated on some odd looking plant, after sniffing this plant the Neko in question ran out of the city into the forests giggling and disorented, some of her friends ran after her trying to bring her back, but before they could even catch up with her they saw that she had ran into a giant naga. Now usually there Neko friend woulda fled in terror but being basicly completly stoned she wobbled over to the naga and started chewing on the nagas tail! The naga was dumbfounded by this and just watched the odd neko gnaw at her till the neko fell over purring. Puzzled the naga just slithered away deciding not to eat the strange Neko, the Neko's friends quickly dragged her back to Negav, she was purring the whole way.
I dub it Necstasy. For the human version, Nextasy.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: High in Felarya-Intoxicants Unique to Felarya   High in Felarya-Intoxicants Unique to Felarya Icon_minitimeWed Mar 05, 2008 4:20 pm

Vodka would be found there, without a doubt. SOMETHING strong is needed to effect the Preds. Multiple realms contain it as well, so odds are it's winded up on Felarya at least once as a "Lost" caravan.
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Seasoned adventurer
Seasoned adventurer

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PostSubject: Re: High in Felarya-Intoxicants Unique to Felarya   High in Felarya-Intoxicants Unique to Felarya Icon_minitimeThu Mar 06, 2008 8:41 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
Quoting Moony:

Quote :
There was an odd thing that happened and was being talked about throughout Negav.

Apparently a Neko had been intoxicated on some odd looking plant, after sniffing this plant the Neko in question ran out of the city into the forests giggling and disorented, some of her friends ran after her trying to bring her back, but before they could even catch up with her they saw that she had ran into a giant naga. Now usually there Neko friend woulda fled in terror but being basicly completly stoned she wobbled over to the naga and started chewing on the nagas tail! The naga was dumbfounded by this and just watched the odd neko gnaw at her till the neko fell over purring. Puzzled the naga just slithered away deciding not to eat the strange Neko, the Neko's friends quickly dragged her back to Negav, she was purring the whole way.
I dub it Necstasy. For the human version, Nextasy.

Sounds more like some hellishly strong catnip...

Shadon Mushroom (Also known as: Shade ; Sham)

An odd mushroom, it is found growing in the Evernight Forest. It glows a soft red, and the spores are used to make a potent drug. Side effects may include: Nausea, Hallucinations (auditory ; visual). Hallucinations include: Thinking one is a pred, thinking everything IS a pred (instead of everything except for that flower over there, which could very well be a pred), and thinking one can fly (scares the shit out of harpies when they take it, as they CAN fly)
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