Name : William Frost
Age: 17
Skin colour: White/grey(when undernourished)
Nationality: British
Eye colour: Amber green/yellow(when undernourished)
Height: 6' 2"
William is a British individual who was born into a comfortable lifestyle in the city of Southampton, on the fourth of August, 1993. He was born with a hyperactive disorder, and also low blood pressure, which fortunatley only caused minimal issues. Whilst by no means rich, he and his family had a reasonably sized house, and were financially sound. During his youth, William took an interest in horror films, the first he saw being "The Thing" by John Carpenter when it was displayed on a TV viewing when he was ten years old. Despite being horrified, William was instantly drawn to the spectacular special effects shown in the film. In the years following, William immersed himself in science fiction and horror movies, until, at the age of twelve, William began experimenting in the field himself.
Williams innate creativity allowed him to surge ahead with his practise, easily qualifying himself in makeup special effects. During this time, upon recommendation from his parents and other peers, William also took up instruments. Based upon the most common, he chose piano and guitar. Whilst not exceedingly especially successfull in either instrument, he was capable of playing enough for his own entertainment. At the age of fifteen, William expanded his interest in the special effects area, spanning into animatronics and props work, creating gory dioramas, turning them into art forms.At this time, William was succesfull in getting several jobs as a trainee and a runner on several films. However, William's interests made other people shun him, some in disgust, others simply for being overly caughtious.
At the age of seventeen, William moved into university housing, along with two roommates. For the first time in ages, he found he was able to open up to a select few individuals. But they still didn't truly understand him. During the year he spent learning Media Production, William met a person, a girl, who he took a risk with. For a single night, he was with her, not even bothering to learn her name. When he woke up in the morning, she was gone. Flying into rage, William inebriated himself, trying to drown the pain. Then for a moment, there was nothingness. Except for a burning pain in his heart. When William awoke, his first thought wasn't of heartache, but of hunger.
Following his instincts, William tore apart and devoured the first creature he saw, a young aboreal frog. Afterwards, he slipped into delerium as the parasite began growing. To him, the weeks following were blurred, with only moments of clarity to escape predators or catch prey items. One such prey was an Emerald Pheonix. However, overcome with guilt for capturing the beautiful creature, he set it free again, but kept a tail feather as a memento. Three months after being brought to Felarya, and hiding in the mists of the Chordoni waterfalls, satiating himself upon the shoals of glittersquids, William's true nature began to display. Parasitic appendages began sprouting through his skin, the torn flesh healing once they returned. Fearing for his life, William now desires to have it removed.
During his time in his own world, William became accomplished in special effects, particularly props and makeup effects. Since coming to Felarya, despite his reduced supplies and materials to work with, William has found an adequate use for his skill. These skills are now used for setting traps for various prey items. One particular favourite of his is a variation of the snare trap. By making creatures believe that they are about to receive a delicious meal, they are brought amongst the web of the parasites tentacles, which are disguised as vines, and are snared by them to be eaten at leaisure.
William’s musical skills have also found their use in Felarya. Although generally more for himself than others, William has found that many of Felarya’s inhabitants will be eager for songs they haven’t yet heard, some even to the point of deciding against eating their would be meal.
True to his origin, William is pale skinned, but with a distinctive blush upon his cheeks. As with many college students who try to balance their large workloads, William has dark circles around his eyes, a tribute to his dedication to his work. This “bookish” nature has also provided him with a rather slender build, but there is some rather defined muscle left over, but it is not particularly thick. His hair, a dark brown that borderlines black, falls to his eyes in a rather flat style, but is naturally spiky in his bangs.
This changes if he goes to long without feeding though. Due to the parasite feeding from him, his skin loses some of its colouration, and his eyes dull to a sickly yellow. This is quickly resolved once he eats.
To most people he talks to, William seems charming and polite. This is a lie. His personality is constructed, based upon the many films he has watched, and is primarily used to wile people so he can take them by surprise. Despite this, William is by no means socially inept, and is capable of opening up those he trusts. To those he does not, William displays some insecurity around people when the try to converse with him.
(Neuro Energy Roaming Vasucalar system Anomaly)
Nerva parasites are parasitic entities that exist in the space between worlds, presumably trapping and feeding from hosts. In William's case, the parasite came with him, and this is the only such recorded instance. The particular parasite that has attatched itself to Williams heart has a build very similar to that of a tick, but with several pipette like tendrils in place of mouthparts to suck blood from each chamber. Given how perfectly attuned the parasite is to Williams heart, it seems unlikely this is their true shape, based on the the additional fact that William remembers seeing a silverfish like creature burrowing into his chest.
Within the first few weeks, the parasite spreads through the hosts nervous system, causing delerium and disorientation. When the host organism is near prey or in danger though, the parasite stops its growth temporarily, so the host may be lucid enough to capture its prey.The first part of the body affected is the immune system, allowing the host to heal faster, so that it may take the strain of the parasite. From there, the parasite affects the brain of its host. Though the brain is left mostly untouched to allow the host optimal conditions to hunt, it does make the host less remorseful, and willing to hunt. An increased sexual appetite is also present, which presents itself at suitable opportunites to gain more potential prey. Other alterations are forcing the adrenaline gland to work non stop, allowing the host to act with improved strength and stamina. Muscles are also reconstructed, allowing for temporary bursts of superhuman level abilities, but at the expense of the parasite requiring sooner feeding.
The parasite actually alters very little of its hosts physical structure. Instead, objects such as tendrils and claws sprout straight from the parasite under the skin, ripping it open, only to be healed by the parasite. Feeding with these appendages directly feeds the parasite, reducing strain upon the host. The host typically has some control over the appendages, but cannot use them as dextrously as its original limbs for some time. Difficulty is also related to appendage complexity.
The Nerva parasites are capable of regenerating their entire limbs.However, this doesn't extend very far to their host. Whilst the host may regenerate grevious flesh wounds, the maximum they can regenerate in solid matter are digits, like fingers and toes. Despit this regeneration, the hosts and parasites are not immortal. An injury such as a head or heart shot shall kill them easily. It is also easier to heal bullet injuries, due to the speed the bullet leaves the wound. An injury where the object remains embedded will turn the healing upon itself, causing the wound to malform.
Once the parasite is fully established in its host, the hosts lower digestive system shuts down, becoming unused. Any unused matter is sweated through the skin, giving the host a sickly smell. This acts as both a defense from predators and a lure for prey. The unused organs wither, and can be torn out, leaving a cavity. Due to the size of such a hole, it would necessitate stitching to allow healing.
This is by no means perfect, and I know I'll probably need to alter this again.