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 My Angel Juliana

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PostSubject: My Angel Juliana   My Angel Juliana Icon_minitimeSun May 08, 2011 6:37 am

I finally made it! This is my first try on a felaryan character. I don't think she's already finished yet (a character is never finished ^^) but after more than one week of development, a few sleepless nights spending on GIMP (painting-program) and a little chitchat with Karbo I decided my character would be ready for being posted on the forums. ^.^ (I'm feeling a bit overexcited here XD)

I developed her mainly due to the data I found in the wiki but also let my own intentions and likings mix with the flow so there are some differences. But well, that's what makes Characters unique, istn't it? angel
One last thing: I developed her for the felaryan world, so you may use her in Stories about Felarya (as long as she's not shown out of character), but I'd like to know if you do, since I'd want to read the story then. Also, if you use her, I want to be mentioned in the description as her inventor.

Even though she may look like an angel from the christian religion, my character has nothing to do with it. This character, despite having the look of a religions being, has nothing to do with any sort of religion and thus does not represent the real heaven, real angels and whatsoever. I'm religious myself, so no offense of any kind is intended.

Name: Juliana
Species: Angel
Age: Unknown (She doesn't know herself)
Sex: Female
Height: About 105 feet (35 metres)
Wingspan: up to 180 feet (60 metres)
Wingcolour: white
Skin color: very bright
Hair Color: blond
Eye Color: turkuise
Other characteristics: looks quite thin through long neck and legs, carries a bag with seeds in it.

Likes: Heaven, People playing calm or uplifting Music, Mages, sunny days, the stars, being tickled
Dislikes: hell, succubi, fiends, demons, pit nagas, fire, thunderstorms
Favourite Food: humans (they taste best) and elves
Location: Juliana doesn't call one spcific terrain her home. She wanders around the centre of Felarya, actively scouting for demons and evildoers. Her route usually consists of travelling from the northern end of dridder forest to misty glade, then north next to the border of fairy kingdom in order to pass the great tree in the northern side. From there she would go east till she reaches the ruins of ur-sagol. Finally the circle closes itself by travelling in between the grove of carnivorous plants and frost peak. But this is just a very vague route, depending on certain events she may alter her course.

My Angel Juliana 001fs
(If you like the picture, I'd be happy if you comment and fave it on my Deviantart page: http://xxamaroqxx.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3fpnyp )

Juliana was born at a unknown date in an unknown place. It is very likely that she lived in heaven forever before she came down to Felarya but today she doesn't know it anymore.
In fact, Juliana doesn't know anything about heaven at all, except that she was sent to Felarya to fulfil her mission to make this world a better place. It is unknown if it was either some kind of punishment or just bad luck for her to get sent to this place but Juliana never regret it.
Once her feet touched the felaryan ground Juliana got to work and wandered around to find some demons to purify.
Her enthusiasm didn't stay long as she soon discovered the disturbing rules of Felarya. In heaven no one ever had to eat or drink and no one even had the idea of killing someone else. Reality hit her like a train and it took her weeks to accept these rules.
Juliana almost died to starvation when she finally made herself eat another being. Some bandits were raiding a caravan on a road to negav city and Juliana coincidentally crossed their way. She tried to protect the caravan and somehow the urge to just eat these villains went unbearable. After eatíng something for the very first time it didn't take long for Juliana to find out that human were quite nutritious AND tasty. Unluckily the travelers she just saved weren't thankful at all and ran away from her in fear.

Other species soon joined her menu but Juliana still tried to only eat people who did something bad. She (like all angels eventually do) thought of it as purifying the dark ones, as she engulfes her victims with her own body, absorbing the evil like a white bloodcell would do with a unhealthy bacteria. This way eating living things to survive and clearing the world from evil people did not seem to seclude themselves. However, after some time all villains in her hunting territory were gone. This was the second time for Juliana to be in some big trouble. She didn't want to kill innocent lives but she had to eat or die herself. At a point where Juliana had no choices left she tried to eat people and revive them afterwards with her magic, but it didn't work at all. In Felarya it is implossible to revive the dead so she had to use her magic to keep them alive while digesting them.
Many weeks and lots of experiments with some poor victims later she developed a way to keep her prey alive, but it was for the help of a elven shaman that she got complete control over her intestines. Actually it was pretty easy to convince him to give her that ability once she had eaten him. So Juliana kept him alive with her own magic while training her stomach and other intestines the way he told her to. So she learned to either digest her prey or just absorb part of their lifeforce in order to keep them barely alive.
The moment she finally mastered it has been the beginning of her current way of judging people.

A few months passed and Juliana got herself used to either purify or spare the people who cross her way. Everything was alright until the day she met someone she once ate. Unlike the others, he did remember their encounter and he didn't run away but thank her for keeping her word and letting him alive. Since he had nothing to fear from her (or at least he thought so) he wanted to befriend her. It was completely unexpectet, but Juliana was more than happy to get her very first friend in felarya. He wasn't meant to stay the only one though... A few years later she had a small community of humans and nekos who follow her in her footsteps. They're all people who have proven worthy to be kept alive and protected until they may enter heaven one day. And they weren't the only ones, their children also became part of Julianas group, forming some kind of tribe over generations. It may have always been a small and insignificant tribe, more a little family then a big one, but the angel liked it that way.
Today Juliana and her group have become a close-knit community. One could not do without the other. Juliana uses her seeds and magic to give her people enough to eat while they look out for Travelers and adventurers she may feed on. The same goes for protection: If Juliana alone couldn't handle the opponent, they fight for each other, going into battle side by side if neccessary and thus forming an impressive team. Their friedship and symbiosis is a bond, so strong it even makes life right in the middle of the felaryan Jungle worth living.

As an Angel Juliana fulfills most of the stereotypes regarding her species. Most of the time she is friendly to everyone and treads all lifeforms with respect. That counts for the puniest mouse as well as for the biggest Sphinx, until you lose her respect by doing bad things (which may happen faster than you think!). Coming from heaven Juliana has a lawful good personality and dislikes evil beings to the point of trying to either purify or kill them. She's not here for the fun, this angel has a mission to accomplish! Hunting down evil is her first priority, even before the protection of her own life. And what better way to do this than getting rid of everything dark by simply eating it? Juliana often refers to herself as the "white bloodcell of Felarya", engulfing and thus eliminating the darkness with her own body.
While loyal to her friends and minions she's mercyless against her foes which are usually all kinds of fiends, demons and villains. It's quite hard to make her kill someone non-demonic but if you have done something wrong in front of her once, you're pretty much done for, 'cause she's most likely going to "purify" you immediately by swallowing you whole.
Juliana is very companionable and only feels comfortable when having someone around she likes. The angel enjoys to be near her tribe, listening to their voices and having fun with them. She loves listening to some calm or uplifting music her humans play and likes to laugh with them. Juliana laughs a lot, especcially when told a funny joke or being tickled. To be honest, she's VERY ticklish, especcially under her chin and the soles of her feet. Her tribe is her life besides her "job" or "destiny" or what you want to call it and she'd do everything to protect it. It is some kind of symbiosis you wouldn't expect from a world like Felarya. To her Felarya is a cruel and dark world she wouldn't want to live in if she were all by herself. To her, her people are like a candle in the dark, a brief sign of hope that everyone may live together in peace and enter heaven when their time comes. Without this light though, Juliana would feel lost in lonelyness and sorrow in front of the anarchy of the jungle.
At times Juliana is very calm and thoughtful. She may spend nights just watching the stars and thinking about something, mostly asking herself if she's doing the right things. A great power results in a great responsibility - Juliana takes this sentence very seriously which makes her kind of different to most other Angels. Juliana often has doubts if she's really able to take on the task she's been given. Then a look at her tribe, seeing them enjoy life despite the cruel universe they live in, makes her believe that she already found her little place in the felaryan world.

Besides using magic and being able to summon her holy sword Arok (look up "fighting abilities" for more information) Juliana has learned to completely control her digestive system (look up "feeding habits" for more information).
The angel is also protected by a holy aura which can burn demons and fiends in direct contact. It won't kill them though, but it'll hurt enough to make most creatures of darkness keep their distance. On the other hand non-demonic beings may also feel that aura and find themselves actually attracted to it.
To fulfil her role as a purifying angel she also may use some sort of mind-linking. By being very close to someone she's able to see into another persons spirit to the point of knowing if the person is a good or evil being. But it is far away from actually knowing everything inside the other persons soul or reading their mind, it just gives some blurry pictures of their attitude and even some memories of their past, making this connection very intimate. It works best with people inside her stomach or after a hard fight, because most people only show their true self at the brink of death. However, a strong minded one may be able to block off Julianas efforts to read their mind and some mages may put up mental barriers to protect themselves so it doesn't work all the times.
Her second ability helping her to fight evil is some kind of a sixt sense, which allows her to spot nearby sources of evil or darkness. If a being with the intend to kill (or do other bad things) gets into a range of about 300 feet (100 metres) she'll notice them. This includes hunting predators but does not work on predators who only passively look out for a fine meal if it crosses their way. Also, if the questioned one doesn't know what he is about to do, she won't be noticed as well. Crisis for example doesn't really know that feeding on humans means killing them, so she counts as innocent and thus doesn't appear on Julianas radar. Anna again, presuming she'd chase a smoking human who accidentally made her latest invention go "boom!", would appear as some kind of "big red X" in the surroundings.

Fighting Abilities
Juliana is not really the one you'd call a born fighter.
As an angel she has the body of a regular human which makes her as strong as a untrained human woman of her size would be. Running on two feet doesn't make her as fast as some creatures and she may be not as strong, resistant or intelligent as others, but her human form gives her the advantage to do quite well in most disciplines where others may have disadvantages (ever seen a naga jumpin' with ease?). Her angelic wings are her greatest physical feature. They let her fly through the air which helps a lot while hunting or fighting. Since Angels are born with wings, flying is completely natural for them and Juliana makes a decent flyer, although she may not want to challenge a harpy for a race.
Juliana also inherits the magic powers commonly found within her species. She has the ability to use the lore of light: the innate magic of all angels. It focuses mostly on protective and healing magic, giving her an astounding defense which is needed to make up for the lack of offensive capabilities.
Juliana may use her magic to heal any wound or poison, build barriers against certain types of demonic energies or even make someone invisible to the naked eye. When attacking she can rely on a blinding light (which may even hurt some demonic creatures) or a growth spell which can be used with the seeds Juliana carries around in her bag to give life to some kind of plant within the blink of an eye.
Those seeds are usually thrown at the enemy. When using her magic on them, the seeds grow into plants Juliana has in mind while performing the magic. She could form giant tendrils that wrap around the enemy, binding or even choking him or vines with sharp thorns rendering their flesh like a scalpel. She may even form poisonous or carnivorous plants if needed but that takes a lot more magical energy.
Her last answer against the most powerful opponents or any demonic creature is summoning her heavenly sword named "Arok". It is a one handed sword, coated in a heavenly aura. It is said to be able to tear darkness itself apart and slaying lesser fiends and demons with a single strike. However, against non-demonic enemies it works as a normal blade and greater demons are pretty much unimpressed by anything less than a holy relic. So in the end the sword sounds stronger than it is, but at least Aroks light aura does some great visual effects at night and it still possesses the ability to shrink enemies down to an eatable size if necessary. This magical effect, inherited by all angelic weapons, does take effect once their enemy has either become seriously wounded, unconscious or lost the will to fight and thus to resist that power.
Due to her self imposed rule of not digesting everyone if avoidable and thus getting less energy from her food she is weakened most of the time, leaving her usually unable to use her full potential. Handling a foe like Crisis or Menyssan (Who have about the same size as Juliana) would already cause her a serious problem so she has to rely on the help of her tribe in order to protect everyone from the bigger threads of Felarya. It is very likely, that a very well nurtured (and thus fully powered) Juliana would be able to stand toe to toe against even a Sphinx... well, at least for about one minute. But luckily Juliana never had to fight a sphinx or comparable strong enemies in the past.

Hunting habits
As an angel it would be pretty bad for her reputation if everyone knew that she eats other people, so, as most of her kind do, she tries to hide her meals. She'll let people "disappear" when no one is around to see them and making them "reappear" somewhere unseen again - if they survive, that is...
Beside her ability to fly and her enormous size, Juliana has no physical advantages whatsoever, so she mostly relies on using her magical powers to hide herself and wait for the best moment to strike. Because of her size she may run much faster than a human and her wings let her get to the highest places within a few seconds, so if needed she may also chase her prey over large distances. However, Juliana lacks the predatory senses most other creatures of her size have, so she has trouble finding hidden people who will not be detected by her sixt sense (it only spots sources of evil). Forests, cities and cavesystems can be named her Achilles heel, but she has good chances on big roads, open fields, in the mountains or inside some ruins. In the end you'd say she's an beneath-average-hunter, at least for Felarian circumstances.
But this classical way of hunting isn't her primary way to get food anymore and is only considered when being outside her home territory. Usually she wanders around with her tribe of human, looking for other beings that could be potential evil people. Then her humans go and bring them to Juliana so she may judge them. If there is no one to judge and Juliana becomes too hungry, one of her people has to do the job and hop onto her tongue, hoping they haven't done anything wrong recently.

Feeding Habits
She feeds mostly on humans, nekos and similar sized beings, sometimes also bigger animals and even other predators, but those are a mere exception. Juliana sees more in her prey than food and treads them with the kind of respect you would not expect from a predator of her size. When having the time she'll even explain to her victim what is going to expect them and that they should not be afraid since, if everything goes right, she won't kill them. Even though she may talk to her victim beforehand she won't change her mind about eating her prey - if you are a good person, you'll (most likely) survive anyway, so you have nothing to fear. On the contrary: as long as you are inside HER stomach, you won't be dragged down someone elses esophagus. Well and if you were a bad person you'd get purified immediately and thus saved from hell. So, according to her logic, being eaten by Juliana would be some kind of a win-win situation for you. That's why, other than most angels, she won't apologise for eating you - after all she's doing you a favor!

Juliana swallows her prey whole, alive and - if they don't fight her in a way that could hurt her - gently. When entering her stomach the victim will notice that their surroundings usually don't hold any digestion fluids at all.
Instead, her stomach walls are able to absorb energy within her tummy and use it directly for the angels needs (i.e. keeping her alive and in this realm, replenishing her magic powers and such) without harming the actual body of her prey.
Let's just touch the topic about life energy in short:
This lifeforce is needed to keep anyone alive, it's the power that you get from burning fat and so on. So if you're loosing it to her by being inside her stomach, you may feel very weak at first, lose your strength and finally break down, fading into unconsciousness. If too much of your life force is taken out of the body, you die. Also, although it may sound harmless, having your life energy absorbed is no cakewalk. You will feel weakened for a long time afterwards and even with felaryans soil recovering your strenght it would take a few months until you are as vital as you have been before.
However, as a purifier angel Juliana doesn't want to kill just anyone so she has complete control over her digestive system. She'll only take as much energy as can be spared without killing her prey, leaving it unconscious in the process. That is the whole point in doing this, this way she may nourish herself without actually taking a life. The downside is that this method brings way less energy for her body than a "usual" full digestion would (only about 33%). So she usually has to either eat LOTS OF things in order to make up for the lack of nutritional value or switch to conventional digestion by flooding her stomach with digestive acids and letting her body do its work.
If she decides to spare her victim, she usually takes as much energy from it as possible, then actually gives back a small portion of the absorbed energy over time to keep her prey alive until she lets them out somewhere save again, usually through recurgitation. Since most of these victims are still unconscious she'll leave them with a weak protection barrier which makes them kind of invisible, concealing them from possible predators as long as they are inside that barrier. Most people who survive Juliana won't know anything about their encounter or think of it as a bad dream since they are still alive after being eaten, but there are exceptions. Some even remind her when seeing Juliana again (which is unlikely), not sure whether to be thankful for keeping them alive or be afraid of a maneating giant angel.

Unfortunately this non-digesting method isn't enough most of the time so Juliana also has to eat other food as well. Since fruits would be way too small for her she feasts on all human (and similar races) who have proven to be bad people. So if she eats you and you don't come out alive, you probably were a not-so-nice person... At least in her opinion. The problem is that she has a slightly other view of being evil than one would think and it changes over time. Depending on her mood, even killing an annoying mosquito in the great marshes two years ago could make her want to purify you. Fortunately for Juliana, Felarya has many people to offer who at least comitted a small sin in their life so she can stay healthy most of the time.
If Juliana decided to purify (in other words: digest) her prey, then it will be literally COMPLETELY: there will be nothing left of it, even the soul of the victim will be consumed and thus hindered to enter heaven or hell, effectively "stealing" it from the collector demons. No one can actually say what happens to the absorbed souls. It is unknown if they become part of Julianas own soul, if they are stored somewhere inside her body to be released into heaven one day or if she uses the power of these souls to maintain her form in this realm. Some rumors say that the seeds Juliana carries in her bag are inherited with souls, being granted the chance of a second live after their purification. The only one who may know about their true fate is Juliana herself and she never told anyone about it other than "they become purified".

One last thing to mention is that under normal circumstances Juliana never considers to eat children or pregnant women. She considers unborn childs, as well as young childs still as pure beings who deserve a special kind of protection. People who had recently been eaten by her are also save in most situations: they have already proven that they are worthy to go to heaven and they might not survive the process of absorbing their lifeforce a second time that soon.

Last edited by Amaroq on Sun May 08, 2011 3:37 pm; edited 2 times in total
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My Angel Juliana Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Angel Juliana   My Angel Juliana Icon_minitimeSun May 08, 2011 2:29 pm

Wow, you've certainly been absent from the forums a while. Welcome back.

This bio is looking pretty good, but there are some things which aren't quite right.
Quote :
Location: Juliana doesn't call one spcific terrain her home. She wanders around the centre of Felarya, actively scouting for demons and evildoers. Her route usually consists of travelling from the dimensional gate south of Negav city to misty glade, then north next to the border of fairy kingdom in order to pass the great tree in the northern side. From there she would go east till she reaches the ruins of ur-sagol. Finally the circle closes itself by travelling in between the grove of carnivorous plants and frost peak. But this is just a very vague route, depending on certain events she may alter her course.
This isn't too bad, except for the beginning of the route.
You have Juliana starting at the dimensional gate at Negav and going to the misty glade.
This means that she passes right by the Ascarlin mines.
Unfortunately, if she tried to do this she would be under constant fire from the formidable guns of Negav and any defenses at the Ascarlin mines, as well as the defenders of any Ascarlin convoys. In addition, the range of the Isolon eye covers the Negav dimensional gate. Even though she is an angel, she is still giant and voracious. The eye wouldn't let her near.
Quote :
Since fruits would be way too small for her
Actually there are giant sized fruit in Felarya. (There are huge trees, tehrefore there's going to be huge fruit.)
The podmaw is just an example of this. In addition, there are various giant flowers. Some of these must produce fruit.
Quote :
Depending on her mood, even killing an annoying mosquito in the great marshes two years ago could make her want to purify you. Fortunately for Juliana, Felarya has many people to offer who at least comitted a small sin in their life so she can stay healthy most of the time.
The following part is entirely my own opinion so feel free to disregard it.
Killing a mosquito is a sin?
In that case then everything is a sinner.
Rather than the action, the thing for defining a sin should be the intent. Otherwise you can't really have innocent predators.
The malicious intent to harm another being is sinful, but killing a duiker so you can eat is not. Neither is swatting a mosquito. It just wants to eat, but you just don't want to have your blood sucked.

That aside, this is a pretty well balanced character bio, taking all into consideration.

Last edited by Anime-Junkie on Sun May 08, 2011 3:56 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Why can't we use html again?)
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Great warrior
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My Angel Juliana Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Angel Juliana   My Angel Juliana Icon_minitimeSun May 08, 2011 3:28 pm

thanks for the welcome ^^

well, I didn't know the negavian defence would be able to attack her there. Maybe I should redirect the route more to the south... like the northern end of dridder forest (without actually entering it)... Would help to stay healthy and alive. angel So thanks for that advice!

About the killing a mosquito-thing:
As you already said, I meant it to be all about thel intentions while killing. You may kill to either eat or defend yourself - that's no problem - but killing an animal just because it annoyed you is something different. It would have been enough to chase it away - that's the reason why Juliana may possibly assign you as a bad person to be digested - but this example really would be some kind of worst case scenario. It really depends on her mood (and if she's hungry, of course ;-P ).
shall I explain that a little bit more in the bio?

ok, I changed her traveling route and made some additions to her sword, going into detail when it's supposed to shrink enemies into nice li'l snacks. Credit for that goes to karbo who explained me how that weapon is supposed to work, so many thanks to him (or you, if you're reading this XD) . ^.^
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My Angel Juliana Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Angel Juliana   My Angel Juliana Icon_minitimeMon May 09, 2011 3:00 pm

I like this character, very well thought out, + your a great artist!
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: My Angel Juliana   My Angel Juliana Icon_minitimeMon May 09, 2011 7:40 pm

I like it. Though I noticed a few misspelled words which I don't think I could find unless I read threw again which honestly I am a slacker and really don't want to. But I have a question. If she lived in heaven wouldn't it be plausible for her to have been born there?

Also wouldn't her tribe be more of a cult of sorts? Not that that's a bad thing but I'm under the impression most people tend to label others following large predators around that feed them humans or themselves to her as a sorta cult and depending on who it is either want to "purge" the cult or the predator or both. So has her tribe ever been the focus of a witch hunt of sorts?

One more thing has Juliana ever come across the cult dedicated to Kallisti and the priestess of her cult Saya? Her route seems to go within the same route as Juliana so an eventual meeting wouldn't really be to far outside the realm of possibility. Actually I would be more surprised if they never did meet, after all Kallisti was originally a succubi now naga and one of her titles was "The Dark Goddess" so I guess my question is. Would Juliana consider Saya and the cult that she leads in need of being purified?
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My Angel Juliana Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Angel Juliana   My Angel Juliana Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 12:41 am

well thanks to both of you! ^^

the heaven thing: maybe, but maybe she was born somewhere else. Maybe she hasn't even been born as an angel but rather became one when entering heaven. I wanted to leave her past in the dark so I can't give you an exact answer to that.

about the cult-thing: Uhm, I tried to stay out of the religious stuff for several reasons, some people might feel offended otherwise. There's also the question where s group can be described as a cult. If you consider a group which worships their leader and living after their rules in order to enter heaven one day a cult, then yes, they're most likely one. But they do not worship any specific god or book or something like that and are no religious fanatics, even though they hunt down the evil and want to purify it.

About Kallisti: I have to admit I needed to ask the wiki about who she actually is. After reading the article I tend to believe Kallisti would be some sort of the opposite of Juliana. I think it's really an interesting concept since they may be more alike than one would think, but, since Kallisti is a succubus, Julianas natural enemy, Juliana would most likely attempt to fight them. The chances for that to happen decrease though, depending on the size of the cult following Kallisti and kallistis own power. Julianas tribe is really small so they might not stand a chance in a bigger fight and my angel doesn't want to throw away their lifes for nothing. Because of that I'm unsure about how she would act but surely it would be some good stuff for a story.
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PostSubject: Re: My Angel Juliana   My Angel Juliana Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 3:02 am

I'm not entirely sure why you're trying to stay away from religious stuff.
If you read the Felarya wiki article on Hell and Heaven, you'll notice that the "gods" there are just really powerful angels or demons who have their realm in heaven/hell. This realm can be considered their heaven. Their followers go to that realm when they die.

These deities have angels/demons that serve them, but I'd say it's possible for unaligned angels and demons to exist. You could just say that Juliana is unaligned with any deity.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: My Angel Juliana   My Angel Juliana Icon_minitimeSat Sep 03, 2011 12:23 am

this is a very well detailed bio with some nice art.

though it does leave many questions on how Juliana would react towards some people, I mean the fact Crisis is friends with Menyssan and took place in a contest with the succubus leaves question as to how Juliana looks at people who are friends with beings like Menyssan......I think that maybe it should be added or mentioned as to how Juliana looks at people like Crisis who are friends (or at least have had contact) with demonic creatures and/or people but hey its just my questions on the matter...
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PostSubject: Re: My Angel Juliana   My Angel Juliana Icon_minitime

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