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 Fields of Rock

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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2011 9:20 pm

Well I've been board as of late not being able to get my role playing fix in so I figured that I would create my own. As of right now there will be no big save the world, find the great hidden treasure, or any other similar plot. The premise of this is simply to survive.
The area where this shall center is the great rocky fields and the locations contained within. I shall take the role of game master sending in things you would wish to avoid and the (very) occasional helpful soul. Just because the danger rating for the area is considered normal don't expect this to be easy as normal danger on Felarya should still be considered dangerous by anyone. Between the fauna and the storms that plague the area survival could become quite difficult especially for the unprepared.

So now I shall lay down the ground rules
3) Realistic abilities please (ie a human can't lift up 5 ton rocks and hurl them, nor can he dodge a bullet)
4) Don't take control of another players character (don't post what your character does and how the target responds)

I maintain the right to kick anyone out of this RP for rule violation or rule abuse. If there is a problem with another player that can't be resolved between yourselves PM me so that I may take care of it.

Characters should be well developed with realistic personality, and preferably a back-story. Remember abilities are not just what flavor of magic your character uses what kind of other skills do they possess (Mechanical skills, wilderness training, ect). Also keep in mind to keep abilities within reason (i.e. no spell casters who can summon a major demon, no 10 year old neurosurgeons, ect). I will accept each character bio individually. As for species make simply make sure that they can exist there (sorry no mermaids) if they aren't native I expect a back-story explaining their presence. If you chose to make a giant species don't expect life to be much easier than it would be for a human size species. I shall make sure to send threats your way as well.

Characters can be posted on the google doc here. So anyone interested?
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Great warrior
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Fields of Rock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitimeTue Jun 14, 2011 3:58 pm

Sounds good, though I cant decide whether to join you or Nyaha. Both Rps seem good. :/
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Fields of Rock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitimeTue Jun 14, 2011 7:13 pm

I propose a simple solution:
Combine the roleplays.
They were inspired by the same thing, so I see no reason why they can't work together.
I like the idea that nyaha had for the dream of the sunken moon. It'll give direction and purpose to the roleplay.
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Great warrior
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Fields of Rock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitimeTue Jun 14, 2011 7:53 pm

I have no problem with combining the role plays if Nyaha doesn't; I would just like to have an idea of what aspects people would like combined.
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Eternal Optimist
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Fields of Rock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2011 12:11 pm

I don't want to combine them, myself. I dislike the idea of survival being a big focus, I'd much rather like to focus on other things, such a creative plot, the characters involved in the rp, and other such things, as I want it to be fun, lighthearted and creative rather than heavyhanded or grim. I also don't see how we could combine RPs that focus on two opposite sides of the map (At least, that is my understanding of where the Great Rocky Fields are in relation to the Topazial Sea). I'm not saying your roleplay is a bad idea, however it is not my cup of tea. *bows politely* I'm sorry, but at this point, I have no intention of combining rps, however, anyone is free to attempt to change my mind.
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Friend of the Jotun
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Fields of Rock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2011 1:54 pm

Well, if this is the more serious Roleplay I may be interested in joining. I'm torn between a few character ideas.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2011 3:15 pm

No problem Nyaha, we have to different styles of RP. You prefer to keep things more light hearted while I prefer to keep things more serious. You prefer to see the characters happy while I prefer to see how characters react to certain situations. I like to see how characters handle certain things, be that simple interaction, how they attempt to resolve a threat, and sometimes death. I don't like to make every thing happy all the time, but that said I also don't try to make everything grim and dismal. I also don't like running plots that guide the players I prefer running things based on where the players guide the plot.

I'm going to put this out here to be as perfectly clear as possible, there will be no save the world kind of thing here. There will be no plots forcing players to go a certain way. That said there still will be plot, but it will be based on what the characters do, where the characters want to go, and how the character interact with each other and with whatever I come up with. The only thing that will force the characters to do anything is their own need to survive. What they want to do after that is completely up to them. If a character wants to work their way from the Sandfall maze to the Abandoned Vishmital Outpost then I shall do my best to accommodate them just expect it to take a good deal of time to get there. I'm not going to send in wave after wave of stuff to kill you off, I am going to send in threats however as this is Felarya and there is stuff out there that will try to kill you. So don't expect it to be endless waves of stuff trying to kill you, but also don't expect it to be a cake walk. I'm going to do my best to provide a realistic level of threat. If it ever seems that I'm doing too much or not enough please message me. I don't want to make this boring, simply realistic to the setting.

This is not to say that I don't enjoy being light hearted once in a while let's say a storm was occurring for example and Sean's old avatar was wondering around waving his sword in the air like he seemed to enjoy doing. I may enjoy sending a lightning bolt through the sword, through him, and finally into the ground leaving a dead knight in lying there. Laughing
and a reference for those who don't remember it or weren't around when he used it

Last edited by buddha66667 on Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2011 3:37 pm

I think I'mma go with this RP as my "New" character is based around serious grim stuff. So far, I'm really liking this. So count me in! cheers
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Eternal Optimist
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Fields of Rock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitimeThu Jun 16, 2011 10:53 am

Now I feel a little discouraged. :/ But, maybe that's just me. I'm thinking maybe thinking of a plotted RP wasn't the best choice, though, you're right about letting it go where the characters want to go. Oh well, just thought for next time! ^.^
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitimeThu Jun 16, 2011 11:01 am

Nyaha there is nothing wrong with plotted RP's it's simply a matter of preference. Plotted RP's are easier to manage then open RP's because you already have the general direction that the RP is going to take figured out. You just have to remember to allow the RPers freedom to roam somewhat before giving them a gentle (or not so gentle) nudge back in the direction you want the RP to take. Open RPs are more difficult to manage because you have to come up with everything on the spot to attempt to keep the RPers interested. And Just looking at the RPers some people like a sense of guidance in the RP while others prefer to be able to do whatever. In the end it's a matter of preference of the person running it and those participating.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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Fields of Rock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitimeThu Jun 16, 2011 12:32 pm

Thanks. I feel better now. ^.^ I'm definitely giving you a nice glass of milk next time I see you in chat.
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Fields of Rock Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fields of Rock   Fields of Rock Icon_minitime

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