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 Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists

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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists   Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists Icon_minitimeTue Sep 27, 2011 8:36 pm

Elemental magic is the act of influencing the world around you through magical means. Elemental mages (often called elementalists) use their own magical fields to manipulate natural forces in their nearby area.

The main advantage of elemental magic is its intuitive and fluid nature. There are no runes, rituals or complex incantations. The entire process is handled through a combination of mental and physical actions. In some ways, elementalists are closer to psychics than true mages, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by some of the older, more traditional orders of magic. There are also ancient rumors than the discipline of elemental magic was actually started as a joint-effort between a legendary psychic, and a powerful arch-mage. Thier goal was to combine the fluidity and speed of psychic powers, with the raw power and limitless possibilities of magic.

The wide amount of creativity can also be considered an advantage as well. Individual elementalists tend to put their own unique twists on their powers, and even amongst users of the same element there can be a huge amount of variety. A geomancer who specializes in using stone has a whole different set of abilities and tactics than a geomancer who specializes in the use of sand, for example.

In theory, its possible for elementalists to learn how to use more than one element, but it is extremely difficult. Different elements react to magical influence in different ways, and require completely different techniques to manipulate. Generally, most elementalists stick to one element. Considering how flexible an element is, there is always more to learn, and you can never really "master" it. Most consider the effort needed to learn a second element not worth the time they lose practicing their main one.

The main disadvantage of elemental magic is in how it actually functions. An elementalist cannot actually create his/her element out of thin air, and merely manipulate what is already around them. Terrain, weather and environmental factors mean everything to an elementalist.

That being said, an elementalist in his/her ideal terrain is an extremely dangerous foe. Elemental magic tends to be a tiring discipline to utilize. It requires mental and physical endurance, and can cause great strain on the body from prolonged high-power output. Because of this, mental and physical conditioning, meditation and other training techniques are vital for elementalists to keep in top shape.

Among combat mages, elementalists can be some of the most powerful, assuming the right conditions are in place. Because of the endurance requirements and physical and mental strain, they tend to be more geared towards shorter, decisive battles, instead of long drawn-out slugfests. Elementalists are also fond of using weapons and gear made from magically reactive materials such as actinite. Pyromancers, for example, are very fond of using weapons made from infernite, a mineral that bursts into flames when magical energy is applied to it. This not only has an intimidation factor, it creates flames for the pyromancer to then manipulate (it is much easier on the mage to manipulate an already present flame, than to create his/her own flames by causing particles in the air to combust).

Known types of elementalists include:
- Pyromancer (Fire)
- Hydromancer (Water)
- Aeromancer (Wind)
- Geomancer (Earth)
- Electromancer (Electricity)
- Cryomancer (Ice)

- Photomancer (Light <semi-rare>)
- Umbramancer (Darkness/Shadows <semi-rare>)

- Ferromancer (Metal <rare>)

The Elementarium:

((I am working on the premise that the Isolon Academy of Magic has several specialized "schools" within it, like an american university. There are a set of shared, core classes that all students take, but after those are done, they are divided up between the various schools of magic based on their own magical talents and specialities))

The Elementarium is the school of magic within the Isolon University that specializes in the recruitment and training of elementalists, primarily as combat mages to be inducted into the Isolon Fist (due to the generally destructive nature of elemental magic). Within their wing of the university, there are many pocket-dimension training rooms which contain just about every terrain and weather conditions imaginable. This allows the students to not only train in their ideal conditions, but in situations and conditions that are less than ideal.

Because of the prowess of their graduates as battlemages, the Elementarium has secured a good relationship with the Isolon Fist over the years, something that a few of the older, more traditional schools of magic are not fond of (since elemental magic is looked upon by some as a bastard child of magic and psionics, instead of true magic).

Last edited by rcs619 on Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists   Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists Icon_minitimeTue Sep 27, 2011 9:27 pm

A couple of question's for you if you don't mind me asking.

For an elementalist would it not be feasible for them to learn more then just one type of element? Where if a person became a hydromancer would it not be in their interest to learn some Cryomancy? As well as Electromancy? That way they can increase the effectiveness of any offensive abilities.

Or is an elementalist restricted to only one element? Or if they are mandated to learn a primary element can they not learn a secondary or tertiary element then so on and so forth (granted each successive level of known element being weaker then the one before it in terms of knowledge and abilities)?

Also again for hydromancy could they not use the moisture in the air (if they aren't in a dessert or a volcano or some other equally hot place that dry's out moisture) to perform their abilities if a source of water is miles away from them? Sure they may not be able to summon that giant tsunami or make walls of water but given the amount of moisture in the air they would still have limited use of their abilities. Or would that be a combination of both hydromancy and aeromancy?
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists   Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists Icon_minitimeTue Sep 27, 2011 10:12 pm

Quote :
For an elementalist would it not be feasible for them to learn more then just one type of element? Where if a person became a hydromancer would it not be in their interest to learn some Cryomancy? As well as Electromancy? That way they can increase the effectiveness of any offensive abilities.

Or is an elementalist restricted to only one element? Or if they are mandated to learn a primary element can they not learn a secondary or tertiary element then so on and so forth (granted each successive level of known element being weaker then the one before it in terms of knowledge and abilities)?

Gah, I forgot to re-add that part. It was in my first post, which I lost >.>

In theory, its possible, but it is extremely difficult. Different elements react to magical influence in different ways, and require completely different techniques to manipulate. Generally, most elementalists stick to one element. Considering how flexible an element is, there is always more to learn, and you can never really "master" it. Most consider the effort needed to learn a second element not worth the time they lose practicing their main one.

Not saying it doesn't happen though, its just pretty uncommon amongst average elementalists. Their instructors in the academy, or some of the high-ranking officers in The Fist, they are probably more likely to go down that road, since they've been training and conditioning themselves for decades, or even a century or more.

Different elements combine well with eachother. That's part of the reason elementalists work so well in the Isolon Fist. They operate in two-mage teams anyway. All it takes is to pair up an elementalist with a complementary mage (either another elementalist, or someone from another magical discipline) and you potentially have a very powerful combo.

For example, in my "Just another day on the job story" you had a geomancer (Garreth) paired up with a hydromancer (Alicia). Geomancy gets much more difficult when the ground/sand is wet. it adds extra weight, and a substance the geomancer has no power over (water). Alicia can draw moisture out of the ground, making it easier for Garreth to manipulate, and then use that moisture to power her own abilities.

Quote :
Also again for hydromancy could they not use the moisture in the air (if they aren't in a dessert or a volcano or some other equally hot place that dry's out moisture) to perform their abilities if a source of water is miles away from them?

Pretty much. Most elementalists have a fallback method to power their abilities in less than idea conditions. Hydro and Cryomancers can draw out/freeze the moisture in the air. Pyromancers can combust particles in the air to create flames. Electromancers can likely draw out and amplify the electrical field a living body naturally produces. Elementalists can operate in less than ideal terrain/conditions, they just don't get nearly as good returns.

That's where a lot of the magically reactive materials come into play. Infernite weapons for pyromancers, and actinite-based gear for electromancers. They help support and enhance the wielder's abilities.

EDIT: Added that part into the main post too : )
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists   Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 5:57 am

Well that's a really interesting take on elemental magic, and obviously well though out ^^
I'm curious if you see it as a type of magic ( Primordial Magic, Wild Magic, rule-based etc.. ) or more as a way to practice magic ?
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists   Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 10:08 am

Mk, so I think walkingbyself's question patched up my issue, and it seems pretty cool overall.


Quote :
In some ways, elementalists are closer to psychics than true mages

Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists Earthbound7
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PostSubject: Re: Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists   Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 4:28 pm

I remember an old discussion about magic that basically boiled down to how "elements" in magic were treated, with some arguing for the traditional four-element model for the sake of simplicity, and others trying to innovate it a bit for the sake of, well, compatibility with science (as some of us still maintain the view that magic should intertwine with science, or more accurately pseudoscience, and not transcend it).

This sort of echoes a combination of the two sides. I had said that while earth, wind, fire, and water weren't elements per se, they are very prominent materials that each react differently to physical and energetic forces, so it's not at all unthinkable that different applications of magic would be needed to manipulate one over the others, and that learning only one or two "styles" would be easier. I'd imagine that elementalists would be quite common among mages, especially more combat-oriented ones. After all, cultural diffusion on Earth has led to people blending and breeding martial arts styles for the sake of effectiveness, and I cannot see why this wouldn't go for magic, psionics, alchemy, technology, or any other combat-related field. Sure, the Magiocrats could be a little more stuck in their ways, but I'm sure one or two would see the wisdom in exploring new possibilities.

In all, the only point of contention I could see really goes back to the elements vs. styles questions. I see magic as if it were any other art: there are forces that simple are, and we as humans (and elves, etc.) group them according to how we think they should be organized. It's easier to group the four most plentiful materials in nature as elements of magic, and so mages did... not that these four truly are "elements" in their own right. That said, a sand elementalist may find certain aspects of fluid water sometimes make it easier to manipulate than solid earth, depending on the type of manipulation involved (on a micro-sale, earth would be easier, on a macro-scale it would be water); someone who manipulates light could easily manipulate darkness (since darkness is just removing light) and I think those two schools should perhaps be combined into one; and it wouldn't be impossible for a pyromancer to also be able to turn water into ice by removing heat from it (thermomancy?), though he probably couldn't manipulate it any more.

tl;dr, I like super-complicated science-y magic and I think the elements thing is just mages simplifying the complex structure of nature and the universe for the sake of effectiveness and efficiency and not because these materials are distinct from any other type of matter. Also a crazy amount of unexpected and unorthodox effects could be wrought by creative use of the factors within your control.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists   Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 5:34 pm

Karbo wrote:
Well that's a really interesting take on elemental magic, and obviously well though out ^^
I'm curious if you see it as a type of magic ( Primordial Magic, Wild Magic, rule-based etc.. ) or more as a way to practice magic ?

Hmmm, that's a bit tough. It kind of is a little of both. Probably more towards a way to practice magic though, I think. Its not like only a fire elementalist could shoot fireballs, or something.

The main difference is in fluidity and flexability. Lots of mages could probably learn basic attack spells to shoot a fireball, or make an earthen spike shoot up from the ground, but a geomancer for example, could then take that spike break it off into other pieces, send those pieces off to attack different things, etc. An elementalist is controlling their element like an extension of themselves, instead of casting a spell that is going to do the same thing every time. Its kind of like Telekline's powers in a way. He doesn't cast a spell to throw an invisible punch, he just...does it, and controls his telekinesis like an extension of his own body.

Quote :
That said, a sand elementalist may find certain aspects of fluid water sometimes make it easier to manipulate than solid earth, depending on the type of manipulation involved (on a micro-sale, earth would be easier, on a macro-scale it would be water);

Possibly, yeah. Honestly, I'd always considered sand manipulation to be one of the hardest, and potentially most powerful forms of geomancy. In some ways it would be like a completely different element from earth and stone. If someone is an expert sand elementalist, I don't think them learning to manipulate water a bit would be too out of the question. Water is sand's worst enemy, when sand is wet you can't do anything with it... so at least being able to draw water out of the sand to keep it dry would be a huge asset to sand wielder.

Quote :
someone who manipulates light could easily manipulate darkness (since darkness is just removing light) and I think those two schools should perhaps be combined into one

That one, Im not so sure about. Its a bit more complex than that. There's a reason why light and darkness are rarer than the others. Light is a more offensive element, since you can basically create lasers at will, along with flash bombs (probably release heat too), and other such things. Darkness, I see that as a more technical, defensive style. A lot of it would deal with shadows, and being able to manipulate and merge with them. I may change the name to light and shadow, to help differentiate them more in the future.

Quote :
and it wouldn't be impossible for a pyromancer to also be able to turn water into ice by removing heat from it (thermomancy?), though he probably couldn't manipulate it any more.

That could be a possibility as well. I could see a pyromancer being able to remove the heat from water with enough training, but not manipulating it much from there. I imagine controlling solid chunks of frozen water is completely different from controlling streams of super-heated particles.

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Also a crazy amount of unexpected and unorthodox effects could be wrought by creative use of the factors within your control.

That's pretty much the idea. In some ways, an elementalist is limited. In other ways, they are very free. I mean, look at all the different uses for electricity they came up with for the InFamous games. That would be close to how an elementalist would look in action, i think.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists   Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists Icon_minitimeFri Oct 07, 2011 3:05 am

ok thank you for the precision, that's really an interesting idea ^^
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Naga food

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PostSubject: Re: Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists   Elemental magic, The Elementarium and Elementalists Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 10:19 am

So when you mean telekinetic, do you mean somewhere along the lines of Avatar the Airbender telekinetic?
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