Size: Range from 5 to 50 feet in length (not including the barbs)
Appearance: They Have a Flat, smooth body and skin that matches the color of their Ray half. Males tend to be slimmer and females tend to have flatter chests.
Mylians are a species of Stingray Hybrids that live in the seas of Felarya, typically the more topical reagions but not strictly limited there. They range from the coast into deeper waters. They can be seen waiting at the sea floor, looking for a meal or be seen gliding through the water like a harpie would glide through the air. Due to their shape and way of swimming, the Mylians have been given the Nickname "Harpies of the Sea" due o the fact that they look like they are "flying" through the ocean.
Mylians are typically very Docile and shy, though have a unusual curiousity trait to them. They often times come close to things they have never seen before, even going about to rub against it to see how it feels. They also prefer to not confront anything that they feel is a possible threa and swiftly swim away.
Mylians have a unique way of hunting, like stingrays, they hide beneath the sand, using their thinner body to sneak beneath the sand and wait for a possible catch to swim by. Being compleely buried in the sand, they cannot see whats above them. To counter this, Mylians thave special electrical Sceptors to locate anything that is near by. When something that could be a possible meal swims nearby, the swiftly lash out at them and swallow them up in one gulp. Smaller Mylians feed mostly on small pray such as fish while the mch larger ones feed on fish and sometimes even small mermaids.
Mylians posses a large barb like take that could be as long as their own body. Thise barb contains lethal venom that could kill the victim in a matter of minutes, according to how much is injected. Mylians don't actively use this stinger of their, they much prefer to avoid confrontation and use this stinger if it is really nessisarly. Combined with their deadly accuracy, when struck, they uually aim for the neck or the heart to end the battle quickly or to stun the enemy long enough to make their escape.
Since Mylians have a unique form to their body, sporting a set of "wings", they could swiftly glide through the water, able to outswim many predators they may try to eat them and find a spot where they could hide, though this dosent mean that larger mermaids or predators don't try to capture the smaller ons for food, Large predators tend to leave the larger Mylians alone due to their dangerous stingers.
Mylians don't actively hunt humans, at least the smaller ones. Since Mylians are typically docil, they tend to leave humans alone. Sometimes they would even come close to the ships due to their curious nature and speak to the crew. In safer water regons, a human could hitch a ride on a Mylian for quicker transport through the water.
Mylians are unique when it comes to when they find a mate. The females can choose when she feels to have her children after mating. So a Female could get pregnate 5 years after mating and not have had any other partner between then. This is so that the female can find a safe place to raise her children without the worry of being attacked when vulnerable.