An idea of a new race of elves to inhabit Felarya.
The Quick-Elves
Size: Tall Human. Their skin comes in various shades of red and hair in shades ranging from brown to red to blonde, but most usually use enchantments to make their hair grow in a platinum color, reflecting a shimmering rainbow of colors on a silver background.
Slender, usually with short hair and long legs. They focus on beauty and martial arts than magic and bows, but still employ enchantments and spells occasionally. They live all across Felarya; their incredible speed allows their 'cities' to be spread out for miles and miles, but they prefer forests due to their ability to mentally harmonize and feel the presences of the trees in the forests they visit. Their 'countries' or lands can cover entire continents, and often among other peoples and countries, largely unnoticed. They have a tribal society, but every few centuries the tribal leaders from every tribe meet to discuss the future of the race as a whole.
Experience time at an accelerated rate (they perceive time at about 5 times faster than most other creatures). Because of this they seem bird-like in their behavior to others. Their esoteric language is quick and clipped (seeing as common doesn't transition well to the speed they're accustomed to), but all are fluent in common. The language is known to few outside their communities, and consists of mostly breathless stops (t, d, p, etc.,) followed by vowel-sounds. Humans describe the sound as if someone were speaking backwards really fast.
They don't sleep, rather spend about two hours at 'normal' speed. Their lifespan is shorter than most elves, usually only lasting 400 to 500 years (2500 years subjective). They usually like to trade with humans during this time for blades, wares, among other things. Legendary runners, they prefer this method of travel and can traverse great distances quickly. This speed also makes them very agile, allowing them to jump great heights and deal large amounts of pain to most creatures (i.e.: not giant) vulnerable to physical harm.
Like to keep to themselves. try to avoid the 'inferior' races, which encompasses everyone their height or smaller. They respect giant races and revere dryads.
Hunt the mirror-birds in Miragia for the feathers, which they attach to their outfits. considering themselves superior to all the slowpokes that inhabit Felarya, supposedly 'leveling' the playing field for all those who would wish them harm.
Worship Drayla, often leaving gifts or human sacrifices. They don't approach during their 'slow-time', but those who do manage to slip up and get eaten, they consider it divine judgement and bear her no ill will, allowing themselves to be eaten. Their mental harmony with the trees allow them to keep track of her and other dryads, they being the only trees they cannot 'feel' in their mind, but they are only accurate to small areas. They sometimes shout to her outside the area in which they feel the absence in the long-speech, trying to divine wisdom from her responses. They respect her friends, but don't regard them in the same manner as Drayla.
They wear tight-fitting clothes (nothing that could snag) and special sleeves on the ends of their arms that generate a lot of friction. Should a giant that is not Drayla pick them up with hostile intent, they flail their arms about at speeds fast for them, often burning the skin of the attacker, causing them to drop. This is not failsafe, however; many species may pick them up by the leg, knock them unconscious, or simply drop them into their gaping maw.
Quick-elves execute their criminals not by sacrificing them to drayla (considered sacred), but leave them drugged a short distance inside the bounds of Dridder forest.
Quick-elves are considered a delicacy among the carnivorous giant races; seeing a quick-elf is rare, and catching one is quite difficult, but rewarding, since their taste rivals that of Nekos. Traps for them over the years have become more and more advanced and ingenious, the speed and reaction time that comes naturally to them keeps most trappers at bay. Smart hunters sometimes create small holes in the trails, lining the sides with arrow barbs, so that merely stepping in one will latch permanently into the flesh and bone of the leg of the unfortunate victim. Can be sold as slaves or food.
Do you think it is possible to incorporate into the Felarya universe? Or is this just a race of Mary Sues?