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 Tier II Weapons...

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Unit ZER0
Newbie adventurer
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Unit ZER0

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Tier II Weapons... Empty
PostSubject: Tier II Weapons...   Tier II Weapons... Icon_minitimeMon Oct 17, 2011 8:34 pm

I now give you my Tier II Weapons. Less flashy, yes, but no less effective...

Sticky Grenade:
Self-Explanatory, the sticky grenade is a large hand grenade, covered in a sticky resin that is impossible to remove. The resin is covered by a non-stick wrapper that is removed right before this grenade is thrown by its integral handle. (removing the wrapper arms the grenade) The grenade filler is a crystallized version of Octanitrocubane, an explosive twice as potent as RDX. Needless to say, this will do serious damage to most mid-sized, and quite a few giant-sized opponents.

Acid Grenade:
A grenade with a core filled with Hydroflouric Acid. When detonated, the air is filled with a fine mist of this highly corrosive acid. Lethal to pretty much anything it touches via skin contact, inhalation, contact by another surface, even dilution in water. Initially causes deep painless burns, and later tissue death. Locally known as the "Kamikaze Pill" Guarantees that even if you don't survive, whatever ate you won't last too much longer either...

Thermobaric Grenade:
When thrown, this grenade waits a preset time, before releasing it's load of highly flammable fuel. Once the fuel has reached sufficient concentration, the grenade ignites, generating a fiery explosion, and then over-pressured implosion. Good for opponents emerging from caves, and for reducing the population of any standing structure, to zero.

The Folding Machine Gun is a weapon that collapses into an innocuous-looking rectangular package, that can easily be disguised as things like battery packs, a camcorder, or a small valise. Upon depressing the release, it unfolds into a weapon that fires Scramjet Bullets. These projectiles are explosive tipped, and due to their shape, travel at hypersonic velocity, allowing them to punch deep into a target before exploding.

Popcorn Gun:
A 12-celled rocket launcher, that launches its payloads via mechalical springs, or compressed gas. Once launced, each small munition ignites its motor, and homes in on the nearest heat source, before detonating its Explosively Forged Penetrator, usually obliterating everything in the blast wave. Also capable of reducing the population of any standing structure to zero.

Moly Knife:
A knife forged from spun ceramic, reinforced with metallic fibers to create a light, unbreakable blade. Sharpened through laser etching to an edge 1 molecule thick. Can cut through pretty much anything, and never loses it's edge, making it deadly for a large pred to swallow.

A proximity trap, which emits megavoltage levels of electricity, stunning, and/or killing anything that gets close.

Claymore II:
A directional mine, that can be set for proximity, trip-wire, or command-detonated, to spray its 27 submunitions into a fan-shaped pattern. At the apex of the pattern, the submunitions detonate, effectively quadrupling, the "wall-of-steel" effect of the original Claymore.

A basic homing weapon, consisting of a wing shaped airfoil, filled with Octanitrocubane, and a thermal sensor. When thrown, the BOOMerang homes in on whatever heat source it was thrown at, and then explodes.
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