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 The unknown creatures of the sea depths idea suggestions

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: The unknown creatures of the sea depths idea suggestions   The unknown creatures of the sea depths idea suggestions Icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2011 12:50 am

Alright this is just a random idea I got don't expect much from it but here's some random idea on how to describe the unknown creatures of Felarya's sea depths with its title.

PS. I know its short and all but this is just a random idea is all I may use it for something else if its no good here.

The unknown creatures of the sea depths of Felarya.

Deep down over millions of feet in Felarya’s seas depths mainly in Dark Claw Reefs deep trench live dangerous and powerful creatures of such size and power that even hearing of them is special in of itself. Not much is known whatsoever about these ancient creatures but from what has been heard from the few people who claim to have heard about these creatures and the even more rare surviving people who have encountered such creatures have very different claims about what these creatures are exactly.

Most people describe that these creatures strike fear the moment you can clearly see them and that they are truly a terrifying sight, many of these beasts are rumored to be sentient predators but there is no clear evidence to these claims as of yet. True there have been rare cases where people claim to have heard of deep sea mermaids that are bioluminescent but the creatures that live far deep in the seas so deep that light is said to have been seen ever by these creatures at least natural light from the skies of Felarya. From the rare eyewitness reports these creatures are said to either be mostly or are entirely predator in nature and spare nothing in these waters size and power are all that truly matters to them in order to survive.

Some claim that anything sentient from these depths is completely unreasonable at all and once you are found by one you’ll be eaten or attempted to be eaten alive or dead no questions asked or any warnings. Many people describe these creatures possessing long sharp fangs that could easily cut through diamond naga skin with ease which is a frightening thought indeed, as well as either being with a few series of bioluminescent lights along the bodies of these creatures while others are completely without these bioluminescent whatsoever yet are able to use their specially developed eyes that can detect and see easily in these low to non-existent lights in the waters which can enable them to easily prey on anything with light of any kind.
Nearly all of these beasts are rumored to vary in sizes from as little as 50 feet in length to lengths and heights that can dwarf even the mighty leviathan mermaids and Kraken Caelias which the very thought of something reaching such a size is both legendary and a nightmare in of itself and the odds of meeting a creature of such size and living to tell the tale is truly something special.

All of these creatures are completely alien at best even creatures that live at depths close to the deep levels these monsters live at can’t really understand what those creatures are and since those deep sea mermaids and other deep sea dwellers rarely ever come to the surface or have contact with their cousins living in warmer waters hundreds to thousands of feet above them any information and contact with anything in those depths is almost never heard of. The rare few of deep sea mermaids and others like the glass caelias that have lived to tell anyone about these creatures can describe some of them looking like a cross between a human and some other sea creature that unlike the average Felaryan is terrifying in form and looks completely alien even to those people.
It is said that if one of these creatures from so far below sea level were to ever be brought or swim willingly up to the surface that due to the extreme and sudden change in pressure and their surroundings that these creatures could easily die even in a world like Felarya these creatures just simply can’t adapt within such a fast and short amount of time in order to survive in a completely different environment.

It is said that anyone who can provide any evidence of these creatures will be richly rewarded and pretty much set for life for having such a rare amount of information and for such a wealthy specimen for the museums and other places especially the black-market.
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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The unknown creatures of the sea depths idea suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: The unknown creatures of the sea depths idea suggestions   The unknown creatures of the sea depths idea suggestions Icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2011 9:56 am

Well it's a nice description I think but it's a little hard to use ^^;
I mean it's essentially a collection of assumptions and rumors...
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: The unknown creatures of the sea depths idea suggestions   The unknown creatures of the sea depths idea suggestions Icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2011 2:39 pm

That's what it was meant to be.

Just giving a simple idea nothing more Karbo thanks for reading it.
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PostSubject: Re: The unknown creatures of the sea depths idea suggestions   The unknown creatures of the sea depths idea suggestions Icon_minitime

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