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 The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2011 1:24 pm

(Welcome to General Zaroff the 3rd's Most Dangerous Game! Have your char sheet ready before you post anything else! Be prepared to die, surviving this RP will certainly be a challenge. So play with your human wits about, and not your strengths. We will need a lot of contestants before we get this RP going so I will not post anything else until we have a good amount of people joining)

Deep within the forests of Felarya lived a man who held his grandfather's legacy of being the greatest human hunter of his world. He had sent out invitations to many great survivors of this deadly forest and was waiting at the entrance for their arrival. This game would not be like his grandfather's where he would hunt down his guests one by one. He had a very special idea just for the Felaryan adventurers. He took a sip of his drink. The day was just dawning as the guests were approaching his hidden estate. He gave a wide smirk at all of them. "Ah, welcome my friends, it is certainly an honor to meet each and every one of you" he said he he shook each of their hands.

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Seasoned adventurer
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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2011 1:40 pm

My Char

Jane kept her hands hidden in her cloak, her hood up, the shadow hiding part of her face, she had no desire to shake hands with this man and so when he came to her, she shrugged him away, but did give him a polite nod. Jane stood firm at the edge of the crowd, she had no intention of mingling with the crowd, nor did she want to hide, she just came because of the invitation. Jane's eyes glanced around the area, looking about she smirked slightly, as she looked over at all the people this man had lured here, just like he did her, the invitation seemed too good to pass up.

Last edited by Kitten on Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2011 4:41 pm

(Kitten, you forgot your char sheet)

(EDIT: disregard that)

Last edited by Beefnautz on Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Optimist
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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2011 5:35 pm

(Can nekos join, too? Also, by character sheet, do you mean bios? Because if you're looking for a specific character sheet, you'll have to give us a template in a link or something.)
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2011 5:36 pm

(nekos can join XD and yes I mean bios)
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2011 5:52 pm

I wished to use Gavin, if this is truly a problem, please notify me. Should Gavin be the character i use, odds are he will kill people, though not without their permission. I give every one the right to kill Gavin should he pass inspection. His bio is down there in the signature.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2011 6:15 pm

(Okay, agaisnt my better judgement, I'm going to join this RP with this character. I'll probably be really busy, but RPing is fun!! *waggles tail behind me excitedly*

Name: Kira Southsmith
Race: Neko
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'9"
Fur Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Purple
Threat Level: Low (you might get a few bruises hanging around with her), Medium for smaller species, which she does like to eat
Picture: [link]

Kira is a very tough neko who lives in Safe Harbor. Her jet black hair is always very messy, as she never takes any time to brush it, and she has sharp-looking purple eyes. She wears a black t-shirt torn at the neckline, arms, and bottom of the torso, that's short enough to show her navel, as well as a plaid skirt, and blue jeans with holes ripped in them. She wears black, heavy boots, and special brown leather work gloves with metal plates attached to the backs of the palms. Her skin is very pale, as she doesn't get much sunlight. She is seldom seen not wearing her gloves, and she often sleeps wearing them too. She also often gets grease stains on her face and arms, which she usually neglects to wipe away. Kira is best friends with Nyaha.

Where Nyaha is outgoing and fun, Kira is shut-in and antisocial, usually preferring the company of machine parts, gadgets, and metal scraps. She has a very tough-girl attitude, and greatly dislikes the idea of someone else controlling her or her life. She tends to act rather tomboyish as well, punching people that upset her and hitting guys that compliment her looks, especially concerning her rear. She's very prone to sarcastic remarks, though there is often a hidden element of humor to them. Even so, she's not a horrible person to be around when you get to know her, and she's a great person to have around for defense. If someone comes to her with a problem, she'll use whatever means at her disposal to solve it, mostly out of pride in herself. She considers herself a break in many molds, that of both nekos and girls, and takes initiative to not be like other people, which is one reason she never brushes her hair.

While her main skill is working with mechanics, she also likes to dabble in magic and alchemy as well. Her ideal is that mechanics and magic together have the potential to accomplish more than either could alone. In terms of self-defense, her father taught her many ways to survive, but she tends toward using her strength to deal with any small threat, and even most large species, too. Kira wears a pair of gloves that can be fitted with different materials to give them different magical enhancements. There are metal plates on the backs of the palms of these gloves with permanent strenth-enhancing charms placesd on them, which each multiply her physical strength by 0.5 of her normal strength, giving her a total of double her strngth. For larger threats, she can attach extra strength-enhancing plates to her gloves, and further increase her power, or attatch plates that enhance other stats, like speed or magic ability. Kira also has limited ability with lightning-based magic, an affinity for which she got from her father, who is a master of it. Though she isn't very good at it herself, she has a few signature moves that combine her magic ability with her physical strenth, such as the Thunder Claw - A move utilizing retractable metal claws in the fingers and thumbs of her gloves to conduct her electric magic energy, thus creating electrically-charged claws that she can do much damage with. Offsetting her immense strength is the fact that she isn't nearly as agile as most nekos, and has a much slower foot speed.
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The Ultimate
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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2011 6:19 pm

(I'll just join in!
Name: Shadow
Species: Offworlder human
Chrono/Bio Age: 20/18
Sex: Male
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Weight: 210 lbs
Skin color: White
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Other Characteristics: He likes to wear his favourate hoodie with a black jacket over it with his name on the back of his jacket. He wears tracksuit pants and trainers that go with his style. He always keeps his hoodie up so it creates a "shadow" on the upper part of his face. He has a big scar on his fore head by getting involved with a fight with a gang ages ago, therefore the reason he keeps his hoodie up at all times.

Background: Shadow was raised as any other child would, he ate well, he slept well, he studied well. He had very close friends, Until he stumbled into the wrong people who where thugs and they wanted no witnesses of them stealing from a shop. So Shadow was bruttaly beaten and he had a whack on his fore head with a glass bottle knocking him out. The next morning he woke up in the hostpital with more bad news from the police that came in, that other witnesses around the area had seen the thugs steal most of his items such as his mobile phone, his contact list with all of his relatives phone numbers and his wallet. Then he thought well atleast i'm ok and it could'nt get much worse. He turned the T.V on by using the remote by his bed. The news channel was on but the headline of the story was "PARENTS KILLED AS THEIR SON IS IN HOSTPITAL" this had made him go wha! and then speechless. His parents gone, quickly deciding vengance he got straight up got home got changed in the clothing which were a hoodie a jacket to go over it, tracksuit pants and trainers even though he was in a terrible state. He put the hood over his head which created a shadow on the upper part of his face which coverd the scar.
Walking down the street with rage he found the thugs but this time there was more of them. But this didnt stop him as he enraged on. All the thugs looked at him and the leader thug went over to him and pushed him to the ground. Shadow got back up but with no reaction and he just thought for a second that him killing is'nt doing anyone good so he walked away. As he walked through an alley way, he felt him self being sucked back but thinking its only the wind he walked on... but it was pulling him back more and more till he fell forward and then he loked behind him and there was this thing that was pulling him in remembering what it was it was a riptide! He slided past a dumpster so he holded on to it but the dumpster went flying too! Shadow got sucked into it eventually and after Shadow had gone the riptide stopped... with no witnesses seeing this. As he opend his eyes getting up he found himself in this forest. Not one that he ever had seen or recognised, but he ventured off anyway not knowing that he was in Felarya! He had seen someting around the corner not knowing it was a predator waiting to pounce. Shadow then seen more things lurk left and right of him so he turned arournd and he ran! He was lucky to get away from whatever was chasing him. He came to a halt when he ran out of breath but luckly he saw a cave to rest in, he checks inside... there is nothing inside so he blocks the entrance with some convienent objects lying around, he figured this was an old camp site. With the provisions and left over food around him. He sets the cave as a place to stay safe... for now...

Personality: Shadow was a person who would seem to be depressed all the time, even though he just had something on his mind most of the time. A few years ago he was as chatty and as wise cracking as ever. But a day came which changed his personality quite dramaticly... he now never speaks to anyone but to himself and has never been social ever since... he is a person of mystery that no one knows much about or where his whereabouts are now. He is very quiet and he has a big attitude towards other people, though he keeps his feelings and emotions inside. Being quiet, he is quite smart and he is very, very good at science, despite his looks he could be a teacher of science having knowing lots about biology. He is strong willed and quite brave.

Abilities/Survival Skills: Having a lot of knowladge on biology this won't protect him but he did study on a lot of wepons and survival tactics. After arriving to Felarya he found himself to have a better cardio that he did before and he felt stronger (gradually increasing not by a huge amount though). Using this to his advantage he can fight of most things in his way.
He doesent communicate well with others, but knowing deep inside he has to sooner or later to survive. Theres strengh in numbers!)

Shadow entered the place wondering on what "fun" adventure he would be going on this time and he seen the man offer him a handshake so for good first impressions he did and so he just remained silent looking at the other people who were here too.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 22, 2011 12:17 pm

Gavin circulated among the other adventurers talking from time to time, but mostly listening and fiddling with his tooth necklace. In a world of humanoid hunters naga teeth looked so very similar to human teeth, so much so that only the most trained eye could see it. After years of pulling such teeth he knew just what to look for, and he was. This adventurer had good meat, but a cavity he would be low priority. That one had perfect teeth, but was scrawny, medium priority, then there was a tomboy person who he had learned to be a mechanic, nice muscles, nice teeth, she looked delicious. He didn't speak to her, rarely even looked at her, just worked his way around the crowd listening, learning, and waiting. He wold feast well.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 22, 2011 1:40 pm

Kira pulled her hand away. "I'm not your friend," she said with a glare at the man. Nyaha had gone and woken her up all early to come here, then just ditched her. She assumed it must be another one of his "games". She hated getting dragged into them, but she would never admit that she always did sort of end up having fun in the end. Usually. But being woken up so early, before the sun had even risen, just to meet this tool? It was more than a bit disappointing. She gave a yawn that was half fatigue, and half boredom, covering her mouth with her free hand, as the other one she was using to carry a bag of handy tools over her shoulder. When she removed her hand from her face, she left a noticeable grease stain on her cheek.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeFri Dec 23, 2011 4:01 pm

(I'm gonna need a few more people before I begin XP sorry if I'm making you wait too long)
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeFri Dec 23, 2011 4:20 pm

(Bluh! X3)
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Veteran knight
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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 3:34 pm

Here's my chap! Created solely for roleplaying so his bio's a bit thin. He has no natural abilities and is all round a bit pathetic, but that should hopefully make things interesting. Very Happy

Name: Jason Alvin
Species: Human
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 107 lbs
Skin Colour: Caucasian
Hair Colour: Dark brown and messy, slight greying at the temples
Eye Colour: A light yet vivid blue, dulled by his square framed glasses
Appearance: Tall and wirey, with growing shadows both on his jawline (from stubble) and around his eyes (from exhaustion.) Has a slumped posture. Wears a beaten, faded casual tweed jacket over a creased white patterned shirt, with a dirty set of plain black trousers and large, brown boots.

A homely, bookish chap in both appearance and nature, Jason has reluctantly come to Felarya in search of a family heirloom that his much more adventurous brother had once callously traded away. A chronologist on his home world, he is shy, quiet and not entirely personable - he keeps mainly to himself, only banding together with others out of necessity. He is very quick on both his feet and in his mind - the former from long isolationist running routines and the latter from years of dedicated scholarship. Since coming to Felarya he has redeveloped a long dormant nervous twitch due to his constant paranoia.

As expected of such a booksmart person he came woefully underprepared for any fighting and massively overprepared for jungle survival, sporting a knapsack stuffed with lightweight essentials such as rope, flint and water purification tablets. He carries only a small dagger stashed in his right boot, and a supple beating stick in his belt (his sword having long been stolen in Negav upon his arrival.) So far, he has survived on a curious mix of luck, hastened retreats and a hightened sense of alertness fuelled entirely by fear. He had just returned to Negav after escaping from a slave convoy with the help of a naga and a group of other men.


Shirt now firmly stuck to his back with cloying sweat, Jason trudged nervously towards the entrance. Wiping the mist from his brow, he looked around at the other guests. The 'real' adventurers; all dressed in the garb of many successful endeavours. Jason was an alien; only here by happenstance. He had overheard rumblings of a great gathering of some of Felarya's toughest survivors from some of the louder mouths in an inn in Negav. Any one of them could have the vital information he needed to find his family's heirloom. He wasn't sure what the gathering was all about, but he knew he couldn't pass up this opportunity to canvas some of the locals for information - if he could build up the courage to talk to them, that is.

Feeling a sudden strike on his shoulder, he jumped as a tough looking neko pushed her way past him. He watched her ignore the host's proffered hand and slink inside. Realising it was his turn, he hesitantly approached the man and, wiping his palm on his jacket, weakly shook the host's hand with a slight bow of the head. Another strike of realisation hit him - he wasn't returning the host's grin. Awkwardly, Jason pulled his mouth into what he hoped looked like a smile. Not a good start.

Face reddening, Jason shuffled inside. He resolved to ask around for information on the heirloom as quickly as possible before making a hasty exit. He didn't like being around lots of people. Casting his gaze around at all the different people from all walks of life, he got a strong feeling that he didn't belong there. A lamb amongst wolves. He knew the feeling well.
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Felarya cartographer
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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeSun Dec 25, 2011 7:41 pm

(Hmm intriguing. I want to join, but beffore I do a question: How is this fellow a human hunter? Like "man eating canibal" wise or just like "crazy rich guy who put human heads on his mantle" kind?)
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Veteran knight
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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeMon Dec 26, 2011 2:18 am

(I'm guessing the latter, the title suggests it's based off of Richard Connell's short story "The Most Dangerous Game". In it, a general becomes tired of hunting normal trophy animals and starts hunting shipwrecked sailors to satisfy his bloodlust. It's a fantasticly horrific read if you haven't already, although the ending was a bit disappointing. Then again, this is Felarya - it wouldn't at all surprise me if someone got eaten!)
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Felarya cartographer
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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeMon Dec 26, 2011 4:11 pm

McKindle wrote:
(I'm guessing the latter, the title suggests it's based off of Richard Connell's short story "The Most Dangerous Game". In it, a general becomes tired of hunting normal trophy animals and starts hunting shipwrecked sailors to satisfy his bloodlust. It's a fantasticly horrific read if you haven't already, although the ending was a bit disappointing. Then again, this is Felarya - it wouldn't at all surprise me if someone got eaten!)

(Oh okay thanks! Nah I haven't read it. Mostly don't read horror outside of here. Some Michael Critchton here and there, but that's mainly becuase he and Prinny have a simular style I think. Anywho I'll go formulate a bio. )
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2011 9:46 am

(Hm 6 people huh? Well as soon as Jedi-explorer posts, I'll get this RP started.)
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2011 3:33 pm

(Hurry Dave!! X3)

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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2012 5:33 pm

(Done! Took long enough. Sorry for the wait and I don't have time to prof read as I'm about to get off the PC. I'll check it tomorow.)

Hair: White blonde on top, but dark along his side burns and goatee.
Eyes: Blue, sea blue with green viens.
Skin: pefectly sun tanned.

Weapons: A Defershir...What? You were expecting an enchanted long sword??

Abilities: Wind Magic and advanced Alchemy

Dress: A tight fiting zip up shirt with a scabard tied to his back, cargo pants with spiked boots.

Items: A medical Bag containing some homemade medicines and tonics, Flash Bangs and a specialized Tent.

-- Back Story --

Rigel was born to a weathly magical family. He lived with them a number of years but never turly felt at home. His home was the seedy streets of the lower level where he made freinds a girl named Alison. After a argument with his parents over where his life was going and hearing them name her as "trash" he made up his mind. He was leaving never to return again. He took to the streets and planned to share his life with Alison, but his family had other ideas. Though his dreams where soon shatered when Alison was assainated by one of his fathers loyal servants. He tried to avenge her death, but ultimately received a near-fatal curse and blacked out. When he awoke he was in Negav's lowest level: the pit.

When he awoke he found himself dazzed and very grogy. After a while he got up and started to call for Alison, but no luck. All he found was a scrap of cloth in her favorite color stained with dried blood. More than a day old. Soon while he was wondering around calling out to his love he was nearly killed though he was saved by a woman with a sword, though they were soon outnumbered and she tossed him a weapon. A lowely Defershir, made fun of by the highest warriors, and then as he wacthed he saw she weilded on too! They were surely doomed. But this was not to be for this woman moved with a grace and flidity that belied the gray in her hair and cut the enemies weapons to bits with her Defenshir soon rendering her opponet's weaponless. Rigel tried to mimic her movements but mostly only secudeded a little (hit more flesh than metal) but soon the villans turned tail and left. Afterwords as the mysterious woman was about to take off he pleaded with her to teach him the her sword play techique. She said she would glady if he were memeber of her gang the Steel-Eater Gang. He reluctantly agreed.

10 years he follow the Steel-Eaters and learned their ways, which was mostly vigelatnee "street justice" and wars between gangs. Soon Rigel had mastered his master's sword style, improving on it by adding another weapon and using ilussion magic to change the Defershir's form to look like a ordinary weapon, and soon it was time to return to the surface and get some anwsers about Alison's...disapearance. Once back up top he used some low-life contacts to scour local rumors and found out his father had hired rogue Mercenaries to elinate Rigel so his younger brother would be the unchalanged heir of the Galeth Family. Politics. The love of his life was gone becuase of politics. This infuriated him. He decided then and there he would not rest till House Galeth was in ruins till every last memeber was dead. Though he couldn't just attack his brother and father directly, he needed an army and that cost too much money. Though his awsner soon came in the form of General Zarkof's chalange. He sold his few ill gotten trinkets, did some favors and purchased a slave to carry his extra essentials...and becuase she had the same color hair as Alison.

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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 04, 2012 11:13 am

(Okay, now can we get this show on the road already? =^_^=)
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 04, 2012 2:17 pm

(Sure thing ^^ Just let me finish my schoolwork first then I'll post)
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 04, 2012 2:40 pm

After encountering with all of the contestants he gave a hearty laughter. "SO! Here we are... Now I'll be honest with all of you. I don't expect any of you to survive this competition. BUT! I applaud those of you who realize that fact and still accepted the invitation, bravery does get you points you know hahaha... won't you all come inside? I'm sure you're all famished from the trip. Come! Let us have supper before we begin the game, I will explain the rules, the prize, etc. etc. blahblahblah.... does anyone care for some dridder soup? or perhaps a fairy flambe?" he asked with a sick grin and a low chuckle as he walked inside his large castle-like mansion.
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The Ultimate
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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 04, 2012 3:28 pm

Uh... I guess it is too late to leave now isn't it? Shadow thought. "Uh... I'll... I'll pass... I had already eaten before and hearing what you offered I am certain i'm not hungry anymore..." Shadow said following him in to the large mansion which looked like a castle. He could tell this time he had to use every bit of skill he had to survive this "game" which he was apparently the contenstant of. Well I never got an invitation... I came here looking for someone but again with my luck I have just entered a competition where I and those other people won't survive. "Hmph, let's get this so called "game" over and done with so I can go." He said to himself, having absolute no idea on what he would be facing.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 04, 2012 4:06 pm

Kira grinned slightly as she followed the strange man into his big house. "Got any fried neera?" she asked, half-joking. She'd actually had fried neera before. Not proffessionally prepared or anything, she'd just hit one with a lightning attack before eating it. Thinking back, it didn't taste half bad. She'd have to try it again sometime. When it came to the mansion, she wasn't really that impressed. "So it's a lot of empty space. Big whoop," she thought. It really seemed like it was all just for show, and Kira really couldn't care less. She was more interested in this so-called 'game' she supposedly wasn't going to survive. Hopefully this'll at least turn out to be a good workout for me," she thought confidently. "But with my luck who knows."
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The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 04, 2012 4:17 pm


It took only moments for the crushing reality of what he had stumbled across to dawn on Jason. All pallour drained from his face as a cold, dreadful sweat began to taint his skin. His neck voiced his inner cry for help as it started to violently twitch his head to the right. It wasn't just that he was deep in over his head - he was a man unsuited for even the shallows. As he struggled to keep his now laboured breathing under check, he stared wide-eyed back at the gateway through which the last of the brave, true and possibly slightly foolhardy adventurers still filtered. Would it be closed when the food was served? What if he explained the mix-up to the host? Would he be allowed to leave? Given the already impossibly high stakes the game he had entered toyed with Jason severely doubted he'd get permission, and the flash of a twisted grin from the host didn't aid his confidence.

A sudden flash of nostalgia brought him back to his childhood, being challenged to what had been called chaturanga by his far more strategically minded brother. Following a series of 16 straight defeats, Jason had refused to play it with him again. Although his dignity had taken a blow, he realised that by not playing he avoided the eventuality of him losing ever again. A coward's way out, for sure, but a way out nonetheless.

The only way he was going to 'win' at this game was not to play. He had to escape before the competition started.
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PostSubject: Re: The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition)   The Most Dangerous Game (The Felaryan Edition) Icon_minitime

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