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 John the human sized ant's ideas

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John the human sized ant
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John the human sized ant
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PostSubject: John the human sized ant's ideas   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeMon Jan 23, 2012 1:10 pm

The Wormhole tripex is the name givin to the 3 wormholes that connect the 2 systems Daris and Sol (where Earth is) and the dimension Felarya into a theoretical triangular shape of spacetime manipulation. The Triangular shape is only a visual and the wormholes can stretch to infinite sizes.Crossing the path of a wormhole wont do anything. It only matters if you go inside. One theory on why humans have been brought to felarya is the Burmuda Triangle theory, which this theory states that the Burmuda Triangle has some sort of paranormal powers that will transport the person into Felarya. The second theory is that since Felarya is a different dimension Humans may have been there all along. This theory is more possible than the last theory because few humans have tried to go to the Burmuda triangle and givin to the population of Humans on felarya its still a large amount.Daris is the name givin to the blue dwarf star that has a habitable planet named Centaurea that orbits around the blue dwarf. Centaurea is home to uncountable species of wildlife.The planets civilized beings are Exons or simply Exo Sapiens.The Exons have traveled through both wormholes to study both worlds.Once the Exons left they left behind a legacy.On Earth they have left structures like the Great pyramids and Stonehenge.They also have carved images of themselves in rock on some Temples of Felarya.Humans cant transport technology to any of the wormholes or else the technology will disintigrate.The Exons however, have artificial electromagnetic fields on their ships to prevent this.After their studies and exile, The Exons decided to leave behind artifacts so they can see how responsible Humans or any other inhabitants are.Anything from Felarya
cannot go through the wormholes. The reason is because the Exons have closed both of them up to prevent anyone their from entering inside it.Anything form the otherside of the wormholes that connect to Felarya can enter it and go to Felarya but they cannot go back(note: this is my first entry in a while that connects multiple stories together geek so please have any suggestions for me in comments)

Last edited by John the human sized ant on Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:46 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : fixed and entered in more detail. might need more fixing.)
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John the human sized ant
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PostSubject: Giant mouth bass   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeThu Jan 26, 2012 3:55 pm

Giant mouth bass are fish that can grow as large as a great white shark.They are predatory fish capable of swallowing a human whole. their main diet consists of caiman,smaller fish, or even other bass.only a few people have ever caught a full grown Giant mouth bass. if you actually catch one you deserve a medal.they usually inhabit lake of illusions but travel to jewel river during spring. their life span is usually 15 to 20 years. and usually look just like any other bass exept the males have red gill covers.A situation in wich a Giant mouth bass found in the ocean is very unlikely because since freshwaterfish are known to drink little water, a freshwater fish in saltwater will dehydrate itself to death. opposite goes for saltwater fish in wich they drink too mutch making their cells grow larger because of the water supply inside the cell membrane making the saltwater fish bloat to death. but i dont want to go off topic so il end the freshwater saltwater fish stuff there sweatdrop Anyways during the breeding season, Giant mouth bass mate with eatchother then bury their eggs. Afterwards they are off,leaving the eggs to their fate.
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John the human sized ant
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PostSubject: snakora   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2012 12:14 pm

Snakora are snakes with dragonfly wings. Because of the snakes weight,Snakoras have wings sometimes longer than their entire body. They range up to alot of species from the smallest reaching only 3 inches to giants as long as 50 feet.Knowone really knows the evolutuionary change of snakes growing insectoid wings.Some think they were created by a powerful witch along time ago that planned to combine unrelated creatures together to take over felarya.Most dont really beleive that so its as believable as a bedtime story.Snakora(depending on the species) have the ability to spit elements such as fire,ice,acid,and even plasma.All snakora are not poisonous even though some of them have fangs.Most species of Snakora live in the Jungle of perils or near temples.(i had to write this in a rush so sorry about that guys sweatdrop )
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John the human sized ant
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PostSubject: Mantorian   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2012 12:48 pm

Mantorian are half Mantis and half Scorpion. They have the pincers and tail of a scorpion while they have the legs,head,and thorax of a mantis. They live in the Dridders forest where they hunt in packs.They are the size of horses and are omnivorus. Their prey mainly consists of humans,deer,or cattle.A sting from a Mantorian isnt strong enough to kill a human,but multiple stings would kill a human in minutes.Mantorians are very defensive when their young is in trouble. to decrease the risk of young being in danger,the female Mantorians carry them under their wing cases.Only the females usually take care of the young while males do more of the hunting.It is difficult to find out how intelligent Mantorians are. even though they can communicate with eatchother,no one knows if its possible to get one to speak like a parrot(because if you try to appoach a Mantorian you will get ripped to shreds).Mantorians are usually brown wich Green bands or blotches to help break up their outline. (planning on drawing this but not immediately)

Last edited by John the human sized ant on Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: John the human sized ant's ideas   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2012 6:39 pm

Good enough concept but I have two pointers:
1. It's spelled "scorpion", with an O and no A's. Not to nag, I'm just the resident spelling Nazi trying to help everyone spell perfectly ;D
2. I recommend you make your signature picture smaller, it's taking up over half the page by itself.
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PostSubject: Re: John the human sized ant's ideas   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2012 12:36 am

He could also wrap the image in a spoiler tag.
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John the human sized ant
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PostSubject: Re: John the human sized ant's ideas   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2012 12:22 pm

parameciumkid wrote:
Good enough concept but I have two pointers:
1. It's spelled "scorpion", with an O and no A's. Not to nag, I'm just the resident spelling Nazi trying to help everyone spell perfectly ;D
2. I recommend you make your signature picture smaller, it's taking up over half the page by itself.
yeah i realised that about the sig. sorry
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John the human sized ant
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PostSubject: Re: John the human sized ant's ideas   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2012 12:27 pm

Oldman40k2003 wrote:
He could also wrap the image in a spoiler tag.
i changed it into a smaller pic srry though sweatdrop
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: John the human sized ant's ideas   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2012 6:54 pm

I have to say I like the overall idea, don't see where it would fit in except in your personal stories as a explanation as to how your character got to Felarya, but I have big question.. If all the living mater goes to Felarya...Where does the non living mater go?
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PostSubject: Re: John the human sized ant's ideas   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2012 8:59 pm

My suggestion for you is that you may want to consider making one Topic and posting your ideas in that area rather then making New Topics for every idea. That way all your ideas are gathered into one area so it will be easier to read them all rather then having to search through all the New Ideas Topic for them. Just making a suggestion.
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PostSubject: Re: John the human sized ant's ideas   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2012 10:02 pm

walkingbyself wrote:
My suggestion for you is that you may want to consider making one Topic and posting your ideas in that area rather then making New Topics for every idea. That way all your ideas are gathered into one area so it will be easier to read them all rather then having to search through all the New Ideas Topic for them. Just making a suggestion.

An excellent idea, one that is followed by just about everyone. I've taken the liberty of merging them myself.
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John the human sized ant
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PostSubject: Re: John the human sized ant's ideas   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeThu Feb 02, 2012 12:56 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
I have to say I like the overall idea, don't see where it would fit in except in your personal stories as a explanation as to how your character got to Felarya, but I have big question.. If all the living mater goes to Felarya...Where does the non living mater go?

it disintigrates
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: John the human sized ant's ideas   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeThu Feb 02, 2012 1:16 pm

What about say hair, or nails, even skin is made up of a dead layer of cells. If nonliving matter disintegrates a human would arrive on Felarya naked, bald, without nails, and missing the outer layers of their skin, not to mention teeth and mucous membranes. Though if it allows biological matter through then that is a different story.
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John the human sized ant
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PostSubject: Re: John the human sized ant's ideas   John the human sized ant's ideas Icon_minitimeThu Feb 02, 2012 2:42 pm

EvilGenius wrote:
What about say hair, or nails, even skin is made up of a dead layer of cells. If nonliving matter disintegrates a human would arrive on Felarya naked, bald, without nails, and missing the outer layers of their skin, not to mention teeth and mucous membranes. Though if it allows biological matter through then that is a different story.
lol thats what i ment. sorry if i confused you. il fix that mess up right away
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