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 Falcon's Character Index

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PostSubject: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeTue Feb 14, 2012 1:10 pm

Okay, this little piece is mostly a set of footnotes for me to use when selecting a character for RP... I have quite a few, so I tend to forget some. Many of these aren't even for Felarya, but have connections to those that are, so I may still need to jog my memory of them.

Note: Jack, Gen, and Robin, as well as Mok, Gritle, Karel and Rob, are from a space empire. The rest are from an earth-like planet just a bit farther advanced than the norm, but still recognizably earth-like. Humans first.


Robin (Human, white skin, dyed blue hair, blue eyes. 19 y/o Tall, muscular, vacant) M
Was trapped in a (non-Felarya) jungle of death at 16 at Jack's behest. After living like an animal for a long time, he was found by Gen and Jack and they returned to civilization. Has some signs of insanity, insisting that there is a sentient parasite living in his mind, talking to him. Cannot live without other life-forms present; possibly a side affect of the fore-mentioned parasite. Also very strong and durable. Uses tonfa when possible, pocketknives when not.
Jack (Human, white skin, blond hair, brown eyes. 20 y/o Medium-size, somewhat muscular, sharp-looking) M
The smart one of the group. Known among his friends as kind of a psychopath. Robin and Gen's uncle, and has always been friends with Terry and Ben. Tends to wield a gun.
Gen (Human, white skin, long, blond hair, green eyes. 18 y/o Medium-size, elegant-looking) M
Robin's younger brother, Jack's other nephew. Easily taken for a pretty woman, he tends to worry about his masculinity. Jack only makes this worse. Even so, easily excitable. Contrary to popular opinion, he is, in fact, straight.
Ben (Human, white skin, dark hair, brown eyes. 19 y/o Slightly muscular) M
Very justice-conscious. Tends to dress up in a costume and go crime-fighting, recently broke free of being his teacher's side-kick. Wields "Fanatic", a Boken that dispels magic in a 3 meter radius of it. Very pragmatic fighter. Nice guy, notably has a slight hero complex. Grew up with Jack and Terry, good friends with Gen and Robin. Started the group that most characters mentioned are a part of.
Terry (Human, white skin, pink hair, pink eyes. 19 y/o Medium-size, calm) M
A very calm, collected person. Psychic powers, namely, sensing minds, reading minds, and a passive telekinesis that jams technological weaponry. Slightly less girly than Gen, but still a bit effeminate, due to being raised by two women. Doesn't care for men in general, outside his friends. Good friends with Jack and Ben, as well as Robin and Gen. Co-founder of Ben's group.
Ko (Ostensibly human, white skin, pink hair, blue eyes. 18 y/o 2" tall, calm) M
Born to a normal-sized woman on a normal planet. A very cultured person, good with women, great artist. Known among his friends for being surprisingly rational. Decent with a spear, for his size. Joined Ben's group with his friend, Bevin.
Bevin (Ostensibly human [Celtic descent], black hair, blue eyes. 19 y/o Tall, confident) M
A human with unnatural physical strength. Nice, though not especially bright. Makes friends easily. Ben taught him how to fight.
Lisa (Human, white skin, black hair, blue eyes. 18 y/o Short, rather shy) F
Quiet girl, rather short. Not very intelligent. Natural scrying ability. Very close to Ko and Bevin.
Shaun (Human, white skin, black hair, brown eyes. 19 y/o Medium-size, cautious) M
A friend of Bevin's. No supernatural abilities, but has a nack for getting out of tight situations, largely due to Ben's group's various dangerous activities. Nice, but easily suspicious. Cautious.
Erin (Human, white skin, greyish hair, grey eyes. 15 y/o Small, sharp, detached) M
Technical genius. Earned a large fortune for his mother and himself by selling blueprints to the government through a proxy. Dreams of leading the people of his home planet to the stars. Shrewd, calm, and rather detached. He takes good care of his biological creations, because he read a book about that sort of thing as a child.
Rob (Ostensibly human, albino. 19 y/o Medium-size, enjoys life) M
Nice guy. Shaun met him at a young age. Thoroughly enjoys life, and is very okay with taking risks. This is because various experiments performed on him as an embryo have made him functionally immortal, regenerating from any given amount of injury. This does not extend to full-body destruction, like an acid-bath or magma, or liquid-level crushing.
B (Creature, pinkish-white skin, odd hair, multicolored eyes. 3 y/o, looks in her 20s. Medium-size, curious) F
Looks somewhat human. The result of Erin attempting to make the human form more durable through genetic enhancements. Very attached to Erin, very curious about the world. Fast aging took her to her prime by 2 years old, but Erin designed her body not to age past that; successful results pending. Very tough, clawlike hands and feet, hardened skin, needle-like hair.
Mok (APEE, civilian model, white shell, yellowy facial display. Age unknown. Medium-size, adventurous) NA
Artificially Produced Etherial Entity. A sentient automaton. Very intelligent (though, as with most APEE, not terribly creative), enjoys experiencing new things. Met Karel early in their lives.
Karel (Narez, white skin, white hair, white eyes. 17 y/o Small, Jumpy) M
A Narez friend of Robin and Gen. Very strong, but easily frightened and has good senses. Runs at any possibility of danger. Dreams of being a farmer.
Gritle (Creature, white skin, white plating, greyish hair. Very, very old. 60', affectionate, gullible) F
An experiment by a precursor race using the human form. Was kept in biofrost for well into thousands of years, and awoke in a bad mood. Ben calmed her dow, and she has been a friend of the group ever since. Is very naive and rather dumb. Armor-like growths dominate parts of her form, such as the where her eyes should be, which has a visor-like appearance. She can still see, somehow. Loves her friends, and doesn't like being alone for long periods. Currently living on a mostly-uninhabited planet, and receives visits from her friends regularly. Has dimension-warping powers, though these are wild and unpredictable.


Well, I think that's most of them...
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Falcon's Character Index Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 12:33 pm

Well, inspiration has finally hit me for a story. So, I should flesh out my characters before I start. Let's start with one not on the list: The villain.

Please note, if he's a sue, it's only because I don't think that an adventure story is quite complete without a powerful adversary on the other side.

Name: Zan
Age: Unknown, somewhere within 700 (Immortality)
Size: 6'8"
Race: Ostensibly human
Skin: Tanned
Hair: Black/gray
Eyes: Black

Personality: Zan is a very affable person to interact with, polite and friendly. This is, however, mostly a choice on his own part, to obtain and maintain allies. He can even seem like a father figure to his men, often enough. But he is, first and foremost, a military mind, and he is brutal and more than willing to make sacrifices for his goals. He came to Felarya for a reason, and he isn't going to let his men or anything else keep him from it. Zan has a tendency to use people, to take advantage of every possible handicap, to leave nothing to chance. A utilitarian mindset, and the muscle to get the job done, drive him on.

In any given situation, it is important to note that Zan will secure any possible assets, as well as any possible benefits, before heading in. The time he first came to Felarya is probably the first time in his life that he had rushed into something unprepared. He learned from that mistake very quickly.

Looks: He looks very muscled. He is a full 6'8" tall, and that's before he started spending time in Felarya. Although he looks young still, his face is marked with his myriad years, if not with wrinkles, with weariness. Beyond looking calm and weary, he carries a look of confidence with him wherever he goes, despite circumstances. He wears big clothes, too, Loose but rigid. Zan's lower arms are covered with grooved metal pieces, wrapped all around his arms, leading to gauntlet-ed hands. These are amazingly dexterous for gloves, as if they are literally part and parcel with his skin (this is explained in the ability section). He wears a heavy scarf-like piece around his neck, and heavy boots. In all, his appearance simply exudes heaviness.

Background: Zan was born on a space station in his home universe, then orbiting around a space-faring living anomaly of the laws of physics. He was conceived while its power flared, and as a result, was born with great power. He had limited control over the laws of physics, though one should say very limited. This had little effect on his growth and abilities as a young man, but it did give him the curious ability to stop aging at the age of 25.

Zan is, or was, a Warlord for the Empire of K'c. An ambitious man, he married the Empress of that body of planets. He fought her wars and organized her military for her, and the K'c Empire expanded rapidly based on his ability alone. His wife, the Empress, was an incompetent nut, however. She drew the attention of the Empire of Shana (now called the Empire of Cele) through insults and threats, which lead to a war. While Zan was imminently competent as a military commander, the Empire had superior weaponry and numbers. The end result was less than ideal.

Being defeated, the various planets of K'c rebelled, and Zan and his wife took the loyal remnants and resigned to let Shana take the planets away from them. They continued their empire-building activities in secret. Zan's wife, no longer a ruler of the scale she wanted to be, began to notice her own aging, and searched for a way to join her beloved husband in immortality, while said husband more or less ignored her to rebuild their empire. Her fate was eventually to become a giant, semi-human creature in the attempt, which Zan begrudgingly keeps around as a disposal system for traitors and spies.

He continued to build. Zan would develop a reputation for forming armies and alliances, often opposing the Empire of Cele, always causing chaos and general annoyance. Every time, he would lose much, but rise again behind a new front, controlling a new ruler after only 100 or so years. Much war and unrest has come from Zan in that area of space over the course of 643 years (since the collapse of K'c). The Kria Cooperative, the Liber Confederacy, the Sceen League, all rose and fell, helmed by Lord Zan from the back seat. His latest attempt is by far his largest. This has, through careful cultivation and manipulation, become a new empire unto itself, the Ria Empire. This is the big one, probably what Zan was shooting for for most of his life; an ambitious, ever-expanding empire.

Abilities: Aside from the charisma and smoothness required of a warlord, and a diplomat, recently, Zan has many abilities. The most important one is his ability to control the dimensions. While this Primordial-class power is usually small and nearly worthless, the dimensional fluxing of Felarya has strengthened them enough to be usable. This is further augmented by his gauntlets, which he had crafted specifically to enhance his inborn abilities. These gauntlets are integrated into his body, and are controlled with his own nervous system.

The manifestation of these powers are the abilities to bend space. The applications are, however, purely defensive. He can bend the space that an object occupies, but not the object itself. This means that he can avoid anything touching him, but cannot directly destroy the object itself. Still, this lends itself well to evasion. His most powerful ability, actually, is his ability to "hijack" other dimensional magic; this, however, can only be used on the wielder of the magic itself. He cannot control it outside of the target's body. Needless to say, this makes him ludicrously effective against Fairies of all sorts, being invulnerable to their shrinking magic.

Besides that, he is extremely tough, and extremely strong. That comes with the territory of being active in military service for 643 years straight.

Notes: Rea uses a variety of species to form itself, much like Cele does. Unlike Cele, it tends to create its own mutants for use, and hasn't the AI that makes Cele so powerful. It uses twisted manpower for much more than Cele does. It also partakes in the kind of horrors and research that is so strictly banned within Cele.

All of Zan's ventures are similar in appearance: he agrees to help a struggling ruler with military might, and goes on to become an unofficial governing force.

Now, I should note about this story, I don't like using others' characters. I'm always afraid of mis-portraying them. So I generally make my own.

The basic idea is that Zan decides to build a base in Felarya to fall back to if his new empire fails, so that no matter how bad things get in his home universe, he'll always be able to build up and come back again quickly; kind of a long-term benefit. The protagonists are ordered to stop him. Naturally, if he does make a base, it will not affect Felarya in any way... it's just highly inconvenient for the government the protagonists represent.

His main allies are a mutant bird-person-mammal-thing and a tiny sage, by the way. I'll put them in later. Then I'll start making proper bios for the protagonists as I figure more out about how the whole thing will go.
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Falcon's Character Index Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 1:40 pm

while reading the first lines of your Bio I thought "Oh my gosh, such a stereotypical character", but that changed for the better, fortunately as soon as I got to his background. The Idea behind it is interesting and good in my opinion, it's well explained and reasonable, however, I can't really see the connection to felarya. Sure, you say that he's supposed to use felarya as a base for retreat, but... the bio itself never said a single word about Felarya (outside of his Abilities)

The abilities are original and somewhat balanced, however, I can't see any reason why control over space would hinder him from aging and thus gain immortality. That would require a constant use of magic on himself that keeps his cells from aging which would basically turn him into stone or something or at least hinder him from regenerating ANY wounds he suffered, since the splitting of cells (and thus the damage to the DNA while copying, which results in the aging effect) is essential to life from the moment where two cells decided to form a bigger organism. It's okay if his aging stopped in Felarya, but just how would that work in the other universe? To me that just sounds like an excuse to make the character appear prettier than he should be (Like in Anime, 99% of all girls looks like she's 18 or something)

Those are the two single things I don't really like with your character, otherwise he's interesting to read. :-)
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Falcon's Character Index Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 7:55 pm

Wow, thanks.

Anyways, to the problems: I usually make my characters new to Felarya. Thus, while it's the setting of the story, it has no part in his backstory.

On to his aging thing: In my setting, dimensional disturbances create large amounts of usable energy, which is different when applied to biological creatures. The energy sustains his body's cells from wear and tear, leaving their general status in stasis, while continuing to multiply normally.
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Great warrior
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Falcon's Character Index Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeFri Feb 24, 2012 3:18 am

FalconJudge wrote:
Wow, thanks.

Anyways, to the problems: I usually make my characters new to Felarya. Thus, while it's the setting of the story, it has no part in his backstory.
Then I would at least write some sort of explanation HOW he gets to felarya, why and what his impressions were - unless you plan to do that in your story :3

Quote :
On to his aging thing: In my setting, dimensional disturbances create large amounts of usable energy, which is different when applied to biological creatures. The energy sustains his body's cells from wear and tear, leaving their general status in stasis, while continuing to multiply normally.
Does that serve any purpose in your story, other than having a cool, at the age of 25 looking guy despite his true age? Sounds a little confusing to me.
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Falcon's Character Index Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeFri Feb 24, 2012 6:10 am

Well, it is explained in the story. That's in the prologue.

And, for him to accomplish all the things that would make him a threat to my protagonists' country, with the timescale I have in my setting, he would need to be immortal. It's a narrative convenience. I'd like him to be a little older-looking, but that would end up being a bit impractical. Especially since with me, there is a convention of having rulers being immortal.
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Falcon's Character Index Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeFri Mar 02, 2012 3:01 pm

Well, I'm finally getting all the ideas into place to start mine, so I might as well flesh out the bios of the main characters. And the fairies, because even though they come later, they're rather important. But I'll make them seperate, cause I don't want 12 characters in one post.


Name: Jack
Age: 20
Hair: Blond
Skin: Fair
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'8"

Appearance: Jack is known for looking sharp. He is slightly more muscular than average for his age, and rather skinny, or at least thin. His eyes are constantly moving, drawing in one thing and another, to get a better idea of his surroundings. His body is usually in an attentive, reactive position, with a sort of quiet dignity. He usually wears a confident smirk, as well.

Background/Shared Group Background: Jack was raised on a planet with earth-like technology, and little to no knowledge of what lives among the stars. His single mother, pregnant after a one-night stand with a man, raised him as best she could- but she noticed that he wasn't quite normal. He was just a bit too intelligent, and as he grew, that part of him became more and more pronounced. She was a simple lay(wo)man, working at a bar with no education, and to top it off she really wasn't that bright to begin with. She, however, worked very hard to provide her little boy with all the education he needed.

Little Jack spent almost every day that he was free to reading books or just walking around, learning about the world. He made fast friends with Ben and Terry, two kids in the neighborhood that he got along with, and went on many various adventures with them, as well. It was a pleasant childhood. Jack was actually the first to figure out that Terry had psychic powers, which made their lives just that much more exciting. The three ended up in the same class in elementary school, with a teacher named Mister Jhibbs. Ben bonded with the man first, and fell under his tutelage learning how to fight. Jack and Terry later joined them, though Ben remained his closest pupil.

In middle school, in the last year, Jack developed an interest in space. He also started to wonder about his father, for various reasons, namely that he seemed to have something wrong with him, having no interest or curiosity in sexuality, despite being halfway through puberty. In searching, he found a man named Roan, who his mother pointed out to him. Digging deeper, he found that Roan was 1: a filthy man-whore, and 2: an alien. It was then that Jack found out that humans inhabited the stars, and that, due to his blood from his father, he was a citizen of one of the numerous empires in the universe, named the Cele Empire. He traveled there, with Roan (whom he had come to severely dislike), and found that he truly loved space, the Empire, and exploration.

On that trip of discovery, he found his half-brother, Rinoen, and his two adopted sons, Robin and Gen, and joined up with them instead of Roan. Leaving Rinoen, the three had some adventures and daring-do themselves, and Jack introduced them to Ben and Terry back home. All five bonded quickly, and became a solid group. Do to their respective training, (Jack, Ben and Terry under Jhibbs, Robin and Gen under Rinoen) they were competent even back then, when they were all around 15-16, and managed to stop a minor alien invasion by themselves. Ben and Terry were naturalized as citizens of the Empire as well, at that time.

Jack took Robin and Gen and left for the stars again, deciding to apply to become agents working for the Empire as general-use contractors. This required yet more training, and the three decided on a harsh jungle planet as a training area. They were unprepared for it, however, and Robin got separated from Jack and Gen, surviving for almost a month on his own. The three left alive, and got accepted as agents, but Robin was never the same again. Jack regrets this more than almost anything else he's done, and he's done a lot.

Now, the Empire has requested that the three track the movements of and stop one of its enemies, the warlord Zan, in the dimension known as Felarya. They chose them, in particular, for their knowledge of jungle survival. Jack, deciding to never go in unprepared again, called upon his other friends, Ben and Terry, to assist them n this task.

Personality: Jack is, first and foremost, intelligent. Photographic memory and a quick wit are his trademarks. He always tries to gather information, always tries to process as much as possible in a short time. He carefully calculates much of what he does. Second, he is a complete asshole. That is, while he cares for the safety of those around him, he's flat-out detrimental to their peace of mind. His nephew, Gen, in particular, gets this, due to looking girly. Jack will never let him forget it. He can be harsh on his group, as well, trying to toughen them up for further danger.

He's got a sadistic sense of humor, and a total apathy towards those he isn't involved with. Even so, he is a reliable ally, and while he may not try to help people outside of his little circle, he won't go out of his way to backstab someone for a small benefit. He does believe in Karma, after all. He is also easily swayed by his friends and family, and will try to go along with them, if the task isn't too suicidal.

Abilities: As stated, he's intelligent and sadistic. He has a handgun, ammo, and a steady aim. He also wields a pocketknife, like Robin. His ability to think on his feet keeps him on top of most conflicts.


Name: Gen
Age: 18
Hair: Blond
Skin: Fair
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'10"

Appearance: Gen's appearance is a point of sensitivity to him. He is actually well-muscled, and stands at a respectable height. Even so, he has soft features, and shoulder-length, luscious blond hair. He also has a very feminine build, especially in his hips, and his shoulders aren't very broad. It has been said, repeatedly and pointedly, that he looks like a lovely young lady. Needless to say, Gen, a manly man himself, does not approve of his looks.

Background: Gen was raised with Robin, as the son of Rinoen. He was found by a roadside and adopted, and despite having only one parent, was raised with love and devotion. He and Robin enjoyed their early life, and Rinoen made them strong and independent. Robin was always his best friend, and even though the family had little material possessions, they were happy.

They met Jack at the age of 14, and he was 15. They left with him, to make their own way in the world. The three became great friends, and when they met up with Ben and Terry, the five formed a tight party, and repelled an alien
invasion together. After more interesting times, Jack, Robin, and himself decided to become Agents for the Empire of Cele. He wound up alone in a dangerous jungle with Jack, his 6-month older brother (and best friend) getting separated. When they managed to find each other, Robin just collapsed into his arms, sobbing. Robin would never fully return to his energetic, charismatic self, being quiet and obedient instead. After that, Gen was more of a leader, growing up quickly as they fulfilled their purpose of becoming Agents, and going on missions on behalf of the Empire.

He knew of the danger when Jack explained that they were heading into Felarya, another death-world. However, it was their duty, and he gladly accepted it with his brother, uncle, and friends.

Personality: Gen is a fiery person. He was always more easily agitated and frustrated than Robin, though he has grown to accept new situations more quickly, recently. He isn't really all that serious, though, and enjoys spending time with others (aside from Jack). He has girly hobbies, like knitting and cooking, but he is a manly-man at heart. He has alot of pride in his machismo, such as it is, and hates the fact that he has a woman's body. Not that he can help it, though, especially as Jack likes to force him into circumstances that requires him to cross-dress. Being the easiest to annoy, he is the best target for Jack's mischievous nature, though he has accepted that that's just part of his uncle's personality.

Abilities: Gen is, by far, the most multi-talented of the group. He can knit, cook, and has artistic skill, besides his fighting skill. He is a swordsman, and uses a broadsword. The style isn't really identifiable, but he is pretty skilled.


Name: Robin
Age: 19
Hair: Black (dyed blue)
Skin: Fair
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'2"

Appearance: Robin is a tall, muscular person with broad shoulders and striking, unkempt blue hair. This effect is obtained through dyeing, of course. Still, Robin is big, but looks calm, and has a mild, thoughtful expression usually.

Background: Mostly the same as Gen's. In his past, Robin was energetic and charismatic, though now he's quiet and obedient. The change happened while he was alone in another jungle, living like an animal for a month. The place wasn't that much less dangerous than Felarya, and was actually more dense and feral. Threats were more visceral, the fauna almost as big and much less understandable. He contracted a parasite, during this time. The parasite was sentient, and enjoyed having conversations with its host. It called itself, "Mr Squiggles", and was the only thing separating the man from complete insanity. If having a small voice in your head, claiming to be a parasite and helping you to survive, can be considered "sane". Indeed, most of his friends think he still suffers from mental problems.

Personality: Robin is, again, quiet and obedient. He's not very assertive, and mostly does what his family and friends are doing, and follows orders well. He used to be much more active, but still retains his nice, friendly nature form before.

In reality, his mindset is formed by survival. Robin is a simplistic person, whose goals at this point are to just live happily with those around him, regardless of circumstances. That said, he is utterly fearless. No matter what he sees, he has likely seen worse. He is, overall, a pretty nice and docile person, though.

Squiggles, his parasite, is a kindly old-man type. He likes having a sentient host, and tries to help Robin survive when at all possible. He lives off of something he calls "ambient energy", which all living things put out.

Abilities: Robin is tied for strongest fighter in the group, with Ben. Robin has extremely good reflexes, as well as having an incredible musculature, and wields two tonfas. He's also extremely good with a pocketknife, and can move silently. Finally, Squiggles's lifestyle allows him to avoid predator sense, as he absorbs and exudes the energy of his surroundings. In short, he is the stealthy hard-hitter of the group.


Name: Ben
Age: 19
Hair: Black
Skin: Fair
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'

Appearance: Ben is a tall-ish, athletic-looking guy with a kind air about him. He has short-ish black hair.

Background: Ben was always friends with Jack and Terry, growing up. This has never changed, even though Jack got abrasive as the years passed. At any rate, Ben always had a great sense of JUSTICE, and always tried to fight for the weak. He eventually fell under the tutelage of one Mr Jhibbs in Elementary School, which marked the turning point in his life. As it turns out, Mr Jhibbs was a night-time masked vigilante. He taught the young Ben how to fight, and made him his sidekick and pupil. Ben grew strong, as well as Jack and Terry, but neither of them were as dedicated as him, and neither were active in night-time excursions into the city's underbelly.

Ben kept his ties to his best friends, even as he donned a white suit, goggles, and a scarf as the hero, "Comet", and later, as he grew to teenage-hood, "Shrike". Jhibbs, also known as the hero, "Zeo", was a good teacher, and provided a father figure to Ben, whose father walked out on his mother and twin sisters at a young age. Then he found out that Jack had been to space, and that their planet was being invaded. He banded with his new, extra-terrestrial friends, and pushed the invading force back. Soon after, Jhibbs let him off on his own, where he sharpened his skills independently.

Ben went on to form a group of youths with unusual abilities to continue to defend his world from extraterrestrial threats, with his old friends and Jack's family coming in and out between missions to visit and help. Recently, Jack asked him to join him, Robin, and Gen on an adventure in a dangerous jungle world. Ben, who had been naturalized as a citizen of Cele after the invasion incident, agreed to accompany and aid them along with Terry.

Personality: Ben is JUSTICE-minded, and generally a nice guy. Actually, this is a form of OCD: When he does turn a blind eye to negative events in the lives of others, he simply can't shake the feeling of mind-consuming guilt. Rather, he has a bit of a hero complex because of it. He likes to (though perhaps more appropriately, "is compelled to") help others, and this has earned him many allies.

However, he is also trained to be a realist. That is, he understands that reality isn't black-and-white, and just tries to help where he can. This has especially affected his method of fighting, as detailed below. He also understads that morality blurs in the Jungle, especially where the value of sentience is concerned... even so, in the city, he is merciless to those who partake in barbarous actions, where there are alternatives available.

Abilities/Equipment: Ben utilizes "iron wrist style", pioneered by his master. It is also known as "cheap bitch style", as it is extremely pragmatic in nature, consisting mostly of feints, redirection and deflection, and cheap-shots. He wields a Bokken called "Fanatic", described below. Probably the best warrior in the group, along with Robin, being fairly experienced and extremely mobile.

"Fanatic": Soon after the invasion incident, Ben took a trip to the stars a well. On the way, he picked up a carved, wooden sword with black runes in the side. The wood was and is of amazing quality, being almost impossible to break. He had the runes interpreted, and they read: "If found return to <address>". He found the address, and it turns out, the sword was a novelty toothpick for a giant. The giant kindly let Ben keep it.

The wood it's made of apparently has a magnificent anti-magic effect. It dispels all magic within 3 meters of it, and doesn't allow any to be used within that range. The material itself outright cancels all magical effects with a touch, and has been found to cause immense damage to genies, ghosts, and the like. It's a powerful weapon, even though Ben only really kept it as a novelty weapon. It later became the reason his persona was known as "Shrike", being a dangerous, weaponized piece of wood. He found its strange effects for the first time in a routine villain-smashing, when the villain was using magic.


Name: Terry
Age: 19
Hair: Pink
Skin: Fair
Eyes: Pink
Height: 5'8"

Appearance: Terry is the slightest of the group, with a rather average body shape for his age, if a bit on the slim side. Gen looks like a woman, true, but Terry does look rather effeminate. He's calm-looking, and tends to wear pink to accentuate his strange hair and eye coloration. He usually looks attentive, and often "interested", somehow, even when there's nothing at all happening.

Background: His mother is a bisexual, who, after breaking up with her girlfriend due to certain circumstances, got pregnant after a one-night stand. She ended up returning to her girlfriend, and they made up, eventually getting married before Terry was born. Thus, Terry had two mothers, which heavily affected his development. He loves his parents, and they were always very good to him.

He has always been best friends with Jack and Ben. Despite being the calm one to their "hyper-experimental" and "adventurous" personalities, he would happily go along with them, often acting as the voice of reason. Jack was the first one to notice, even before his own parents, that Terry had psychic powers. From a young age, he could see, through a sixth sense, how people were feeling, and could tell a person's emotional state without even looking at them. Jack pushed him to further develop this skill, and, after reading some self-help books, Terry got into meditation and Zen. This further cemented his status as the calm, collected one of the three, as well as boosting his psychic powers.

Eventually, he fell under the tutelage of Mr Jhibbs with the other two. He didn't really care that much for violence, but he did learn how to defend himself pretty well. Soon, Jack left for the stars, and came back with Gen and Robin, who Terry and Ben also bonded with. They learned that their planet was being invaded by aliens, and rose to defeat them. Terry actually played a major part in the battle, using his powers to glean secrets and strategies from the enemy forces, as well as to render their superior weaponry ineffective (see below). That's what evened the odds enough for the five to stand any sort of chance at all, actually. Through their combined efforts, they managed to push back the invasion, and Terry and Ben were naturalized as citizens of the Cele Empire for their efforts.

Jack, Robin, and Gen left to become agents (Robin returning somewhat broken), Ben left to explore the universe, and Terry stayed on the planet to develop his abilities even further. Ben came back, and the two formed a group to further protect the planet from outside harm. Jack, Gen, and Robin came and went, but the five were still as close as ever. Terry eventually found out that his biological father was from the stars, like Jack's, though Terry's was apparently a dangerous, sociopathic monster. Finding that out changed nothing, however, as his real parents, as far as he is concerned, are his tow wonderful mothers.

He happily agreed to accompany his friends into death world they were going to; he figured that he could help them with his abilities. He was not wrong.

Personality: He's calm, and knows himself well. He has a notable "Zen-like" quality to him, somehow. Fighting isn't really his specialty, and he would rather not cause harm to other creatures. In addition, as well as he knows himself, he likes to know others, too- he has little compunctions about using his abilities to the end of mental eavesdropping.

Due to his being raised by women, he isn't too keen on males he doesn't know. It's not really to the point of a phobia, but he's notably more comfortable around women. Also, to women, he seems like the "gay friend" kind of person, though he, like Gen, is actually straight.

Abilities: Terry has great psychic powers, from his father's blood. These are two: Sensing others' emotions, and shutting down technological weapons. This second ability would appear to be some kind of ambient telekinesis, used as an automatic defensive system. The first was only reading emotions as a child, but as he developed it, it became straight-up mind-reading. He also seems capable of "sending" mental signals.

As he can both sense the presence of and read minds, he will likely be very useful for the group's survival in Felarya.


Well, those are my main characters. Any comments?

Last edited by FalconJudge on Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeWed Mar 21, 2012 2:57 pm

Well first off, you seem to have really great ability for making deep and complex backstories. I think that'll probably help with writing the actual stories, too, it's a great talent to have. Second, I really gotta' say, these are some interesting and unique characters, and you've done a good job on their personalities as far as I'm concerned, and they all seem like they'd fit together nicely. ^_^ The only real problem I can see is where it reads, "He always tries to gather information, always tries to process as much as possible in a short time" in Jack's bio. The repetition of the phrase "always tries to" seems to interrupt the overall flow of what is being said, and the sentence looks incomplete. Besides that I really don't have anything else to say other than great job. ^.^
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PostSubject: Re: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2012 8:39 pm

Okay, I'm just about ready to start. Got all characters but the fairies, and the basic first story. Now I need to work up my nerve and decide on a name. Meanwhile, I'll post a character for RPs, in a post that I'll probably edit away into fairies when I have more concrete ideas for them.

Amelio (also: Andre)
Species: You don't want to gol into that
Eye color: Several
Skin Color: Tan/Mushroom-y
Size: 8' head to rump
Gender: 404 gender does not exist
Predation: Safe

Appearance: Easily the hardest thing about him to put into words. Amelio looks like... Well, put a mushroom, a lizard, a catfish, a cat, and an anemone into a room, let them have a mad orgy, and then have an octopus that wasn't even involved visiting each and telling them they got it pregnant. It has a head, somewhat spade-shaped, at the front. There is a single, glowing, blue eye on the top. It has a long, rather thick body. A pair of long, thick "arms", tipped with even longer "feeler/finger" appendages serve as his "manipulators", and each arm has a small eye in the front. Further down, a shorter pair of legs keep him upright-ish, and another even shorter pair is after that. In the center of the underside of his body are a series of prehensile, black "hairs", or "tentacles", surrounding a surreal "mouth", where his food goes.

Background: He was woken up from a deep, suspended-animation sleep recently on another planet. It was determined, at that time, that his species was one of the very earliest sentient beings to discover space travel, and had more or less died out over 2 million years prior. His wake-up crew found him companionable, and named him "Amelio". He adapted to his new environ quickly. Soon after, he was moved to Felarya for various reasons, decided he liked it there, and stayed there ever since.

He has traveled with several groups of humans, in his journeys. They found him a very nice "pet", despite the fact that, while his actions may hide it, he is very much more intelligent than a human.

Personality: He's shockingly friendly and docile, and likes people. He is also nigh-incomprehensible, his language far too complex, or perhaps just too alien to humanoids, to be fully translated by the translation spell. For example, when asked his opinion on a play in Negav, he happily reported, "It not good PERHAPS OR. Margarine taste. Good not TO COPULATION. Maybe." He has an amazing, unbelievable talent for math, and occasionally tactics, however. He is also oddly affectionate towards those he likes, trying always to emulate humanoid methods of body language, like hugging. This ends up being extremely disturbing, especially to watch.

Feeding: When feeding, he holds up his arms, balancing on his four legs. The arms intersect above his "head", and the tentacle/hairs around his mouth extend to their full length, waving around. He waves his body around in an odd, jerky manner. This seems to be a "bird magnet", as flying animals from insects to avians are greatly attracted to him when he does this, and he captures those flying creatures who come near with the hairs for food, like a sea-anemone.

Notes: His species died out before humanity evolved, and was found on completely different planets. As such, this is the very first time a member of his species has ever interacted with humans. Apparently, he likes it. He also has the ability to eat tinies, and small fairies, but he generally doesn't. When asked why, his answer was, "POISON HEAD." It's assumed that this is a cultural issue, but is accepted as simply one of his quirks. He is also very bendy, and can take far more punishment than one would suspect, due to his flexible, odd pseudo-endoskeleton.
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PostSubject: Re: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeWed Apr 18, 2012 7:25 am

He sounds like a repulsive freak. And I mean that in the nicest way.
(For those who don't get it, that was in harpy dialect.) xD
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PostSubject: Re: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeWed May 16, 2012 8:12 am

wow gotta say, you are good, at writing down does, bio's.
ended getting a good idea (at least i think so ) about the characters.
backgrounds like said before myself, pretty deep.
and got a pretty good idea about their abilities.
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PostSubject: Re: Falcon's Character Index   Falcon's Character Index Icon_minitimeSun Oct 14, 2012 2:36 pm

Meh, changing some of my settings and the like... So heres some footnotes to reference (for my own use) to jog my memories.

Max, a pyromancer with an unhelathy appreciation for fire, who is a surprisingly calm fellow,
Leo, a technological person who once accidentally (and retroactively) made a god,
Ben, the guy with training and a hero complex,
Matt, friendly and kind of dopey with superstrength,
Mike, the normal one of the group,
G1, meant to be functionally immortal,
Elder, who actually is functionally immortal,
Mark, the sweet-heart child con-artist
Ko, the Tiny artist,
Zeo/Mr Jhibbs, the hero mentor,
Zan, the dimension-wielding villain,
Terry, the intelligent mind-reader,
Joe, the guy with super-intelligence who aims for world domination in the nicest way possible,
Zack, the relatively normal tiny,
Maria, the scryer,
Nina, the psionic,
Pete, the electormancer with asperations of becoming a lawyer,
Nick, sweet guy, looks more dangerous than he is,
Reaper, a slime-based horror.
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