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 Hat Industries Short Stories

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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Hat Industries Short Stories   Hat Industries Short Stories Icon_minitimeMon Mar 05, 2012 7:26 pm

Short stories showing the many dealings of Hat Industries, a corporation that bought out an entire planet for industrial use,
and is looking to Felarya for its low competition and rare minerals,
and the loss of their "livestock" ( as the local predators came to know them) didnt matter, they can always draft more...
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Scales   Hat Industries Short Stories Icon_minitimeMon Mar 05, 2012 7:42 pm

The old radio on the stand was playing a commercial, " Hat Industries promises that the scales and fangs you see here are collected willingly from nagas, in exchange for safety against the many predators,
After death, the scales and fangs of these lovely beings are collected, washed, and sold across Felarya.
Remember, that scale armor was most likely manufactured in one of our many workshops!"

" Collection team 5 reporting to base, collection team 5 reporting to base, we have located a naga, looks to be..." *shuffling is heard* "... 30 feet tall, orders?"

"Base to Collection team 5, use the stun-gun tripod unit, signal for transport after target is pacified"

The Grey coated man withdrew his hand from his headset,
There were 6 men in collection team 5, a standard unit: 2 gunmen, a "specialist" and 3 engineers.
The engineers moved their way up to the front, and began setting up the tripod.
They set down the legs, with silently rooted itself to the ground, before the base and the gun itself was attached.
"200 yards away, aim for the neck. 3000 watts should do it."
" load gun....set targeting....fire!"
The peaceful birds singing was interrupted by a loud Zap and a small yelp of pain.
The naga didn't know what hit her, she was busy resting after a nice catch of nekos that wandered to her den, when a click awoke her, she barely had time to spot the humans before a horrible shock overcame her.
A grey coated man confidently walked over to her,
Fool, Ill eat him for doing this to me!
However, the naga couldn't move, and the look of confusion on her face made the human smile.
"There there, Ill help you catch some rest, just take a good whiff of this..." The man produced a small orange plant, and a metallic object. A small burst of flames came out of the metallic object, and soon the scent of the strange weed invaded her nose.
Then all at once she gasped, twitched, and shivered as her nervous system was failing.....
"Collection team 5 to base, target has been pacified, orders are to relocate subject to base?"
"Affirmative, be wary, hostile teams belonging to rival private armies are approaching you area."
"Right, loading subject into rover now, see you back at base Robert."
" See you later, FATMAN."
End of Scales,
What do you guys think? I know this story is a little grey, but not all of these stories are showing Hat Industries bad intentions, they are also trying to help the human and neko populations survive by setting up outposts in villages, the outposts selling exotic weapons and goods.
This will be covered in the second story. Smile
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Hat Industries Short Stories   Hat Industries Short Stories Icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2012 2:19 pm

Well it looks like it has potential but to be honest you made it super short and not to many details. We know it was a team of five people and their general skill set and we know they were after a Giant Naga who was shocked/ electrocuted and drugged to sleep. I can presume from the little bit you gave us before that that she is going to more than likely be turned into scale armor. Other than that I don't have much. Please give more this is all just bare bones there is not meat to this story just some people talking a short even by Felarya standards fight/ capture scene and then the end. If you don't give the reader more from your stories your not going to get to many readers.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Hat Industries Short Stories   Hat Industries Short Stories Icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2012 2:37 pm

walkingbyself wrote:
Well it looks like it has potential but to be honest you made it super short and not to many details. We know it was a team of five people and their general skill set and we know they were after a Giant Naga who was shocked/ electrocuted and drugged to sleep. I can presume from the little bit you gave us before that that she is going to more than likely be turned into scale armor. Other than that I don't have much. Please give more this is all just bare bones there is not meat to this story just some people talking a short even by Felarya standards fight/ capture scene and then the end. If you don't give the reader more from your stories your not going to get to many readers.
Im not planning on making these full-fledged stories, they just look into the workings of Hat Industries, and the Black and White of them, the next one will be a kind of sequel, and the drug is named, and will show how the whole company isnt "evil"
Sorry for how short it was, I'll try to make them longer. Smile
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Hat Industries Short Stories   Hat Industries Short Stories Icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2012 3:37 pm

I didn't say anything about them being evil. I have no view yet about Hat Industries and their alignment. They are still "Grey" to me. Still I'll keep an eye out for more from Hat Industries I still say that Naga is as good as being turned into scale armor though.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Hat Industries Short Stories   Hat Industries Short Stories Icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2012 4:29 pm

walkingbyself wrote:
I didn't say anything about them being evil. I have no view yet about Hat Industries and their alignment. They are still "Grey" to me. Still I'll keep an eye out for more from Hat Industries I still say that Naga is as good as being turned into scale armor though.
Oh, yeah thats the direction im going for them (to look like an evil corp), but yeah
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PostSubject: Re: Hat Industries Short Stories   Hat Industries Short Stories Icon_minitime

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