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 Spyder Industries

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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Spyder Industries    Spyder Industries  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 23, 2014 11:56 pm

"No Gods, No Masters"

Spyder Industries is one of three companies from universe 13, sector B, planet 19A. Being the company that mostly supplies its planet with soldiers, war equipment, body disposal and physical labor. They acquired the rights to inter dimensional "Exploration". This acts as a way to rid their planet of excess people and maintain their "life supporting" protocols.

The main faction of the company remains unseen on Felarya, but what is spotted is soldiers. These soldiers are dropped enmass and marched to green hell. Where their orders are to patrol from the forward base known as "The Radio." The soldiers are all ages 20-23 apon arrival in Felarya, and marched from just outside of Negav, to green hell, in what they call the "Death March." This soldiers are not trained for felarya before hand, though they are trained in the art of fighting giant mechs while on foot, as well as other assorted combat skills. The few that make the march, are given new ranks, and more training on the creatures in the areas.

The Radio
"Go Forth and Die"

The Radio, is a base set up inside of ring of trees created for protection from a friendly elemental that lives in the base with the soldiers. In the middle is a large radio station that is modified with future tech and fairy magic to be able to broadcast Felarya wide. This operates as the base of operations for Spyder Industries on Felarya and is the only permanent base they have set up. From here soldiers are given tasks and sent elsewhere in Felarya. Some of these patrols are focused on aiding others through areas that are high risk zones.

The base extendes underground and through the trees that surround it. Its main defense might be the massive tress that encircle it, but to keep things from sensing lifeforms inside a device cloaks the inside of the trees with magical noise, making the area seem part of one big tree. The underground facility serves as a reseach and testing ground as well as the main housing for the soldiers on station.

The broadcasting station Handles two channels, one is a clear channel for communication between base and other units in the field, and the second is a radio station, playing music for those lucky enough to have one of the specially tuned radios, a few soldiers have been able to trade these radios to giants in return for their life.

Standing troops: 10,000

The radio maintains a standing force of roughly 10,000 soldiers to protect it. These soldier include pilots for fighter planes, mechs and tanks. As well as foot soldiers, some of which use exosuits.

Spyder industries soldiers have special assault weapons that are made to deal with infantry are large war wachines, they use a 75mm piercing explosive slug, the weapons have a 50 round drum mag. This rifles incorporate special anti gravity technology and negative matter dampeners that make them light as a feather and fire without recoil, though slightly on the bulky side, and awkward to use without special training. They have high explosive grenades that coat the area in a white phosphorous cloud. The lingering cloud is meant to burn and poison anyone caught within.

Armor that Spyder Industries incorporates is make of special metals that have magic canceling effects. IT has be found to stop fairy shrinking magic on the wearer, as well as deny the user the extra healing from the soil of Felarya. Due to the armor and the world they are from, the newer soldiers experience what is known as "magic bends"  while outside of their suit of armor, the effects of magic make the soldiers sick, and restless as well as causing sores on their bodies from 'excessive healing'. The sickness is lethal in a few cases, but can be overcome via small exposures to magic, or through natural perseverance.

Tanks are specialized and called Chain tanks or "finger poppers" by the crew, the tanks treads are make to cut through anything it touches, and has a laser plow, that rips aparts anything it comes into contact with, troops normally only trigger it when pushing though a tree or picked up from a large pred who avoided the treads on the sides. The tank houses two twin turret 105mm cannons on the sides between the tracks, and a 200mm main gun on the top. A tank uses a crew of 6 to be fully operational, but some run with less.

Mechs change from type to type, most of them are bipedal  and stand 50 feet tall, and use a far scaled up  variant of the foot soldiers rifle. These mechs can be used in rapid deployment, and teleportation insertions to areas. In Felarya there is one mech that stands 100 feet tall, though there is not a pilot who can operate it so it runs via AI systems.

Planes are operated via pilot and AI systems in a pairing, the planes operate on impulse drives granting it high-hypersonic speeds in atmospshere flight, and near light speed in space. The ship encoprates a zero force chamber and negative matter modifiers. The plane is refered to as "the sword" since it has been know to slice through solid objects without taking damage. Its main weapons are 105mm machine guns, and laser blasters.

Spyder Industries has a military ranking system, though it has some variants to declare experience in regions, where a Sargent in the Negav region might only be a Corporal while in the evernight forest. This keeps the chain of command in line with the most experienced soldiers to try to ensure the lest amount of mistakes are made. Some soldiers become Rankless, meaning they are knowledgeable in most of felarya, the Rankless tend to stick in small groups of other Rankless, and only show up in force for the death march. The rankless tend to have cloaking devices, which in conjunction of their armor, locks them out for all physical and magical sight of them. Making sightings of them more rare.

Among the few soldiers at The Radio, a few of them are scientists, they have labs underground where they do tests on the flora and fauna of the world. Most of which is kept burried and out of sight and mind of the higher ups. A few items that have been created are used by the soldiers such as "Feysoon" a drink engineered to drive fairy's into a drugged stupor from the scent, often leading them to forget there was a person, trying to drink the bottle of it once it is empty, to even drowning themselves in the liquid within.

Some research has been to identify how to use predsense, and the effects of magical sickness, and simple survival tricks.

In the world
Spyder Industries, Felarya division is mostly a way to kill off the populace of their home world, but regardless they survive, while their base as an average of 10,000 troops at once point in time, ther are still lots who are out "on mission" exploring and patroling areas, while the areas are mostly at random, they tend to stick to areas where their experience can be of use to others. From time to time when the numbers are high, smaller encampments are set up throughout felarya, though most do not last very long. The soldiers have even set up to guard tinies before. Few of them sell radios, feysoon, or other trinkets. The soldiers rarely visit Negav

Death March
The march itself contains roughly a million soldiers who appear every few years and march toward green hell, the march is never stopped and soldiers are only able to directly engage hostile only if they are directly impeding their path of travel. The soldiers march in time, causing the ground to tremble with their unified steps and the front of the line a serious of tanks lead the way blaring loud music in hopes of scaring a few preds away. By the time the march ends, normally less then 1000 soldiers are left over, with barely enough strength to get though the entrance of The Radio, surviving off what they could scavenge.

Notable Members:

The first of Spyder industries to travel to felarya, he is the head of the forces in the area.

He was interdimensionally collided with an element of life energy, infusing him with part of its power, allowing him to create plant and animal life in a flash, as well as heal wounds and bring back the recent dead provided there is a body. As a result he has an inu appearance with a tail and a set of ears that look like the fur is made out of grass.

He is a veteran of his own planets wars of 3 years of nonstop combat, and 100 years in felarya. He has a M1911 from his home planet that is a well maintained relic item for him. The .45 fires a special negative matter round, that speeds up from impact forces, referred to as a "Juggernaut" round for them seem to never stop their forward motion until they implode like a grenade going off.

He has been in every death march his troops have completed, and is the most active soldier in all Spyder Industries. He believes his lifespan past 23 is thanks to the felarya magic that stops aging, and truly believes he would die if he returned to his home planet from old age, since no one lives past 23 on his homeworld.

"Boop you're small"
Dawnstar is a fairy, who was the first outsider to join with Spyder industries, The dusk Nymph is commonly seen around Wolfspian. She wears a pilot outfit and has a simple AK47, she does enjoy to eat smaller creatures and occasionally serves as executioner for the base, eating those who don't follow orders or try to abandon their posts.

Most soldiers at the base have fought along side her on many occasions, and look at her as a comrade, though there are few who are still wary of her being a soldier with them, and suspect that she may be eating soldiers when no one is looking.

She aids in training for patrols in the region of the fairy kingdom and the evernight forest, explaining the creature of the area and peaceful ways to go about things if problems may arise. She can be found guiding patrols of 'freshmeats' in the fairy kingdom, helping them make contacts and friends in the area if possible.

The life elemental is the one that Wolfspian collided with, he is a part of the community at the radio, he is the reason for the trees that surround the base. He has a knack for eating people and replacing their souls into a new body of his creation. His stomach stores the souls he eats entrapping them for this purpose. Most soldiers tend to avoid him, but the few that do he is quite friendly with. Some soldiers have requested him to do this for gender changes, to which he is happy to oblige.

He doesn't tend to travel very far from the base at green hell, soldier tend to say that the base is actually his old body before Wolfspian was collided with him, and the process left him much smaller then he originally was, due to the odd formation of the trees around the base

Udyr is a 8 foot tall wolf like creature, its fur look as if made of grass, and the skin under like a bark, though warm and flesh like to the touch. and if disturbed the flesh and wiggle and move like vines, he has a pair of antlers that have wood grain on them.

Udyr has been spotted out exploring with Wolfspian, and occasionally well view people in the areas he has once traveled too. Udyr has a liking for Dryads and tends to visit the ones he knows of when passing by.

"I am female... I think"
Sammie is the AI that pilots the mech that is 100 feet tall. The mech runs off biofuels that it creates and processes itself, as well as solar power. She is often considered a living machine for her need to eat, and her ability to emanate human emotions. Soldiers often chat and talk with her as if she was just another soldier. The mech she is housed in has twin 105mm auto guns, and a plasma cannon. as well as missile systems that teleport to target rather they flying to the area.

Last edited by Thywolf on Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Spyder Industries    Spyder Industries  Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2014 4:45 am

Oh wow. Great job. I thought we weren't allowed to do large-scale organizations in Felarya, especially if they are reminiscent of the Imperial Guard. Of course, if you're like me then you're more interested in hearing feedback than praise--though some praise is always nice.

So, here are questions.

-How does Negav view these people? Do they come from the gate? While the regular troops may be too indoctrinated to talk to the citizens, they've been at this for at least a 100 years according to Wolfspian, so I expect the Negavian rulers to try and make alliances with Spyder Industries.

-What is their purpose here? With armaments effective against predators, you'd expect them having left a large footprint here already. Are the "missions" mostly pointless? They do have hidden researchers that could be plothooks.

-Teleportation? Since the whole Felaryan premise is based on having to trek through the jungle, isolated, and without hope of rescue, the ability to call in heavy reinforcements or perhaps just gate to your destination might break Felarya. I got around this by saying that any teleportation is hazardous due to Felarya's unstable nature. Troops might not arrive, find themselves in the past or future, or far from their destination point.

-"The rankless tend to have cloaking devices, which in conjunction of their armor, locks them out for all physical and magical sight of them. Making sightings of them more rare." Yay, someone who understands that stealth is also for travel. Very Happy

-Could you explain this sentence: "AFew items that have been created are used by the soldiers such as "Feysoon" a drink engineered o drive fairy's into a drugged stupor from the scent, often leading them to forget there was a person trying to drink the bottle of it once it is empty, to even drowning themselves in the liquid."

It's a drink, but the scent is what's effective. So, the soldiers drink this when suspecting a fairy is around, or do they set it out as a trap?

-The inability to handle overexposure to magic: does this mean that even off duty they must always wear their armor? Do they rush out of it to shower and do their business, and then get back in as soon as possible?

-"She can be found guiding patrols of 'freshmeats' in the fairy kingdom, helping them make contacts and friends in the area if possible."
So, since fairies take very good care of their friends, wouldn't this make them very influential? Or are they kept as toys?
Worse, wouldn't this mean that the news of a new wave of soldiers arriving is common news, with a whole group of predators waiting just inside the jungle to gorge on a buffet of unsuspecting fresh meat? If they still have a 1 in 1000 survival rate after wading through troops of predators then their weapons are truly OP.

-I would think that a lot of people track this march to pick up discarded weapons and equipment, making this stuff not as rare as you'd expect. Do they need specialized maintenance that prevents them being used by outsiders?

-"He believes his lifespan past 23 is thanks to the felarya magic that stops aging, and truly believes he would die if he returned to his home planet from old age, since no one lives past 23 on his homeworld." You know, I also believe that a Felaryan would perish when leaving, seeing as how they haven't had to fight even a cold since arriving. Or would their body be healthy and supercharged afterwards?

-What does Udyr look like? Especially since his body seems to the foundation for the base.

I really like your life elemental, googled it, and was surprised that it got so much negative feedback. It doesn't seem illogical or OP at all, just...mercurial in mood. When I got time to sit down I'll reply to that thread. I also like how he is willing to give people a new body, and wonder why this isn't used to turn into forms better adapted to Felarya. Some soldiers could become neko's, or even large predators. Perhaps Udyr is too chaotic to do repetitive work, and only does it to "fix" handicapped people such as transgendered?

All in all, I really like your ideas and descriptions, and if it is seen as OP then I would be willing to help to retroactively work it in the setting. The last high-tech militaristic people I saw in the wiki found that their armaments were unreliable and quickly broke down. If they rely on anti-matter, in an unstable dimension such as Felarya, then this might be an explanation for why they're not yet a major player in the world.

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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Spyder Industries    Spyder Industries  Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2014 1:23 pm

well on lunch break but i'll answer some of your questions now. D:

Mostly Spyder industries is non canon, like most my characters

Negav relations haven't really come up yet in rp stuff yet, but they probably feel that they are crazy and insane, considering they just up and march out to green hell and are rarely ever seen in the area again though I'm sure someform of contact between the two groups would have happened, the majority of spyder's forces are out at green hell. So they could just been seen as a minor player by the city of negav, other then the death march.

AS for their footprint. They like to keep it small, while their armaments are effective against giants, they are not in open war against felarya, and would like to keep it as such. There missions are mostly pointless, and mostly to do with the outer regions of felarya that are "uncharted". Most missions are mostly go here die style, since their homeplanet doesnt see felarya as a viable place to colonise, but a great way to have people killed off. Their planet has been on a 20 million people per corporation, with the tech they use they have created a 20 year lifespan then anyone 20 and older are written off as death and turned into soldiers. AS far as they are concerned, felarya is garbage disposal.

AS for teleportation, it is not reliable enough to fast ship reinforcements, and its a one way trip, youd have to trek back. Have you seen homeworld's hyperspace jumps, a big Square of blue passes over you and reforms you in another location, leaving you exposed durning the process. Not to mention the energy required for a jump takes time to build up. But it is possible.

I'll have to clean up they feysoon part was getting tired... but its mostly oosoon berries mixxed with feyweed nectar. its mostly a trap style item, your discouraged from drinking ti since it quite possiblely makes you more delicious smelling.

The over exposure to magic is delt with like a decompression chamber type deal, slowly bring the levels of magic into the body, though once adpated to the world it is much easier to deal with. Their homeworld devours magic so to speak, so they are oer effected when exposed at first. So for the first few months they would pretty much live in their armor.

AS for friends, It is more of a safety precaution type deal, its rude to eat a friend of your friend. Makes life slightly easier in the area for those who do, as well helps with the local customs not to offend others.

the death march is a random event and only Wolfspian is infromed when such a thing well happen, making it hard for the info that people are going to show up. The death toll used to be much higher in the earlier years of the marches, but the experince of the rankless and wolfspian as well as a few allies makes it slightly more survivable.

Oh yes their weapons need special training and maintenance, they use negative matter which isn't anti matter, just matter that acts opposite as normal matter. (like 2kg of matter would weigh -2 kg, pulling on it might as well be pushing on it ect) the methods of maintaining it would be something you wouldn't figure out on your own. Though the anti magic metals helps with the rapid eroding i would think. Though the idea is the same as a normal gun, point and shoot.

well answer more and clean things up more later
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Spyder Industries    Spyder Industries  Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2014 1:31 pm

That does clear up things, and I wish you a tasty lunch.

Just about the only thing that I would like to bring up again is the Negavian relationship: Negav hungers for military hardware, and even if these guys seem crazy, they still have the most effective tech this world has ever seen. Scratch that. Especially if they are crazy they are good to negotiate with.

I crack up whenever I read Sammie's fluff text Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Spyder Industries    Spyder Industries  Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2014 6:05 pm

I always figured they would be healthy apon return to thier home planet, just Wolfspian has the firm belief that his kind doesn't live long past the age limit to keep the population down, as everyone else from their planet thinks, really they have human lifespans, just told they dont and killed off for forgotten reasons, now its just how things are done.

Udyr is a 8 foot tall wolf like creature, its fur look as if made of grass, and the skin under like a bark, though warm and flesh like to the touch. and if disturbed the flesh and wiggle and move like vines, he has a pair of antlers that have wood grain on them. The reason for the soldiers calling It Udyr's old body is the trees look like a ribcage almost on the sides bending up create a semi canopy for protection as well. The base is not actually his old body,  just is what the soldiers say. As for him reforming, its pretty much an all or nothing thing, and its not granenteed to have all the right features, Udyr likes to create things, you could end up looking like a fairy if he feels like it.

AS fr why they are not a major player in the world, they have enough issues of their own to deal with, let alone start up major operations. Nor, do they have the inspirations to become such.

AS far as Negav goes, Spyder Industries would refuse to trade weapons,  They would be much more interested in reaquiring their lost tech. If Negav demanded it, they would more then likely welcome them to make the march to green hell, find their base, and take them by force. Though it would be possible they would allow a small group of men to work with Negav
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Spyder Industries    Spyder Industries  Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2014 11:52 pm

Well, then I for one, would like to welcome this entry to Felarya. We've always known that there are worlds out there that could destroy Felarya if given the incentive, and this is why the Guardians are there as a Deus ex Machina.

I admit I was kind of worried when I figured out that every march, there are 999.000 weapons unaccounted for, so for a short while many predators will die as opportunists try to scavenge or even reverse engineer the tech. Does it work by using materials unique to a magic-devouring world, because in that case the issue of recreating them is solved before it even becomes a problem.

Lost tech? Now that sounds like the Imperial Guard. They solve the problem of hard to maintain weaponry by making simple laser tech aka. lasguns.
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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Re: Spyder Industries    Spyder Industries  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 15, 2014 9:27 am

This paramilitary Corporate Fluff sounds great - if my Characters would pop up in Felarya, they would like it there. Allow me a few Hints to give: Even here the Science gives us Proof, that something like all this can be accomplished. There are stunning Things in Development all over OUR World - like this one:

Imagine a silent flying Patrol Plane with an... empty Weapon Bay. All there is in it would be a rapid and powerful 3D-Printer Frame and inner Tanks, filled with solvent Plastics, chemical Components and BiMetal Storages working instead of `Ink´, hardening under powerful UV-Light. In the Nose of this Plane would be a complex and versatile Optronics Sensor, that seeks out for potential Threads - the anthological onboard Computing System goes to analyze the incoming Data - and if the potential Threat is going to be dangerous to the Settlement, the Plane and the Crew - this 3D-Printing Device will construct an especially against this Threat designed Weapon on the Spot - like an Aerosol Bomb or a High Performance Penetration Warhead - or at least really a simple chemical Laser - or even a Fuselage-mounted Railgun.

Then there is a silklike Tissue with superb Light breaking Abilities in Development - Clothes made out of this Stuff would let You literally vanish in Your Environment, nearly able to make You invisible - this is called `Meta-Material´. And it exists. Now and here.

Furthermore there is a nearly indestructable artificial matte black and very light Matter, built of Carbon-Nanofibres. This extsts nowadays too.
And for the Heavy-Metal-Fans among You all I have a few Ideas of my Own - a Tribute to my Obsession with cool sounding Names. Here goes...

LEMANTHANIUM or Sanctum Steel would be the first Choice for an Angel to forge his Sword out of. It looks like light blue Silver and doesn´t get black like ordinary Silver. It is psychoreactive to so-called `good Powers´ and therefore very powerful against anything considered as `evil´.

HALCONITE or Darksteel is the next best Thing - a very dark blue, nearly black Alloy developed out of the recent INCONEL-X, which was created for High-Performance-Planes like the North American X-15 and the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. Therefore it is nearly unnaturally hard, sturdy and extremely heat resistant. You have to melt the Ingredients, blend them as they are molten and then let them float into a Die-Cast-Frame. After it is done the forged Item will stay this Way. Probably forever.

And now it goes Nanotech with HEXALANE, a brasslike greenbrown Metal, that has an unique Surface - it looks `cellular´, like Styropor. It is light, durable and can repair itself, because it is made of tiny Cells based on this Nano-Metal. This cellularlike Structure has given it it´s Name. Through Eloxation You can colour it the Way You want - it even repairs Scratches in this Colour. You can preprogram it into the complexest Shapes You can imagine - giving Your Item a sometimes pretty scary semiorganic Look.

If more Inventions, Machines, Materials or Chemicals are wanted - let me know what You search for. THIS is MY Specialty - like DEVLIN ROSE, the Partnership Agenture for very special Relationships. Smile

Or WALKING CHURCH - Battle Dresses for any Angel around that has to kick some bad Butts.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Spyder Industries    Spyder Industries  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 15, 2014 2:04 pm

Wow, Khan, thanks for the info. Though that plane might not really work, what with the many flying predators around.
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Bandur Khan
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Bandur Khan

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PostSubject: Re: Spyder Industries    Spyder Industries  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 15, 2014 2:51 pm

`What if´ doesn´t stop anyone from developing and inventing Solutions. So what if? Detection by in-Sight-Range, Analysis, Counter Measures. Done in about half a Second. Like preprogrammed Silhouette-destinated Swarm Rockets. 40 of them, 3800 Km/h fast with a Range of 30 Kilometers. Go have some Fun evading them, being as big as a B-24, Pal...

And if the Predator isn´t that big - Lasers don´t have any Problems with Range and Gravitation. Let´s see - are You faster than Light, Fairy? Well, mind if I doubt it? That´s the human Benefit - there is a Problem and You can be sure, one of these tenacious Bastards will come along with a very nasty Solution. Maybe here they are small, fragile and outnumbered - but Humans are not very funny - in Fact they are the nastiest Race of them all, because they think, they interact on a tremendous Scale - and they invent.

Technology is the new Black Magic. And if You have Backup from a Company like Spyderco, erm Spyder Industries - You can stand there, lookin´on Your Watch, they´ll be coming up with something. So here You have big Monsters used to magic? Humans in Numbers will use their own Magic: "Push the Button, Max!"

Examples? In old Times not too long ago You could have dismantled a Telephone - and even an average Human was able to figure out how it roughly worked. Do this with a Cell Phone nowadays - and then tell me what is going on in the Inside. Same with Computers: Okay, you may know, when You need to press which Button to get the wished Result - or Sort of. But WHY and HOW EXACTLY this is happening - No one can tell anymore. In the near Future this is getting worse by simplified Quantum Technologies and Nanomechanics. Soon there is a preprogrammed Block out of Graphen-Multilayers full with molecular sized Silver Contacts inheriting all Wisdom of this World - or a massive optronical Piezo-Teflo-Processor acting both as memory and Brains for a Battle Droid. We now have reached the Age, where we use Machines to design Machines. And they get better at it with every new Generation.  
So You have new Matters for Buildings like TefloCarbon and CarboCeramite. Carbonite is the new Holy Grail anyway - a Spaceship made of it would easily withstand the Impact of Micrometeorites. Predators in the Air? Gimme a Break...

Of Coures - one lonely Human would be doomed - but many of them are like an intelligent Disease. They unite, they conspire and they create - and they are coming back - deadlier than before.
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PostSubject: Re: Spyder Industries    Spyder Industries  Icon_minitime

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