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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2012 8:52 pm

Felarya is place where many odd things can happen. It a is a place where giant people stalk tiny humans for their meals, where the people live near infinite life times and even physics don't always play by the rules. Though even in a land as strange as this what happened was totally weird. For you see one day a tower suddenly appeared near the edges of the Dridder Forest north by north east of Negav. And from the tower came a booming masculine voice:

"Hello peoples of the world of Felarya! I am Hyperion! The greatist warrior in the known and unkown universe!! I have come to challenge you to a game. A game of what you ask? Well you'll just have to come to my Tower of Might and see! Unless you are too weak! Whahahaha! The game is open to tall challengers, especially giant predators! Until then, have corage and be steadfast! Ho ho ho!"

(Note: You may use up to two characters for this RP, as you ascend the tower you will be faced with obstacles that are interactive in nature. Your decisions may well determine your fate. I will be your GM and be trying to kill you in new and inventive ways! Now I require a bio and a promise you won't eat anyone...Unless I say it's okay. XD Also I'm not abandoning the Most Dangerous Game, just trying an RP of my own.)

Last edited by jedi-explorer on Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2012 9:34 pm

Will consider joining if my char in Ella's Adventure Troop dies or leaves the party.
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Eternal Optimist
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2012 10:46 am

(I wish Zelky could join! This sounds like something that would be right up her ally. Unfortunately, there's the issue of not being in the water. Sure, she can drag, flip, and roll herself around on land pretty well, but climbing a tower? That's just too much for her. Hmm...I could enter Brine in, perhaps, as a nice test. Maybeeeeee....Yeahh, that could work. ^.^

EDIT: Okay, I just got Brine's Bio all Typed up. Here it is. ^.^

Brine's Bio:

Last edited by Nyaha on Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2012 2:10 pm

I have a question. Would I be able to join using my Creator character? (Razor) He absolutely loves a challenge of any kind. That's the reason why he came to Felarya. Besides, this'll give me a good excuse to post Razor's bio. (it sounds so weird referring to myself in third person) No Godmoding, right? It's just, Razor's a pretty good fighter, so if that's an issue I'll leave. But keep in mind, he's not invincible. He just has a means of popping back up after he's been struck down. He is a creator after all. So, my point is, if you feel like you have to kill him off, you can. It wouldn't matter if he died in every story he appears in. He'll just be really pissed off that he's losing the big game of surviving in Felarya.

Sorry about the long post. It's hard for me to shut up.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2012 3:11 pm

*Deleted for being a useless post and mistake*

Last edited by jedi-explorer on Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2012 3:25 pm

DIT: Okay, I just got Brine's Bio all Typed up. Here it is. ^.^

Brine's Bio:

Approved! ^_^ Wait till the rooster is filled beffore posting though, okay? The Tower is a interactive level construct system. It requires a certain number of players or it'll be no fun. ^^; And the most you can do right now is wait in the lobby so to say XD So not point posting yet.

Iamawesome789 wrote:
I have a question. Would I be able to join using my Creator character? (Razor) He absolutely loves a challenge of any kind. That's the reason why he came to Felarya. Besides, this'll give me a good excuse to post Razor's bio. (it sounds so weird referring to myself in third person) No Godmoding, right? It's just, Razor's a pretty good fighter, so if that's an issue I'll leave. But keep in mind, he's not invincible. He just has a means of popping back up after he's been struck down. He is a creator after all. So, my point is, if you feel like you have to kill him off, you can. It wouldn't matter if he died in every story he appears in. He'll just be really pissed off that he's losing the big game of surviving in Felarya.

Sorry about the long post. It's hard for me to shut up.

No g-modding that's right. Oh fighting strength is only one thing you'll need to survive this game. Heh heh heh. As for the popping up there is no regeneration or revival. All traps are designed to take you out and keep you out and not all use the "killing" method . ^_-I don't know what a Creator is, I'm assumign a "deity" or something, but he sounds fine.
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Veteran knight
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeThu Mar 08, 2012 3:44 pm

May I join?
Race: Giant-kin
Selected for his ability to talk to any giant as though he was a full-fledged giant. He is also undeniably fierce during combat.
Age: 32
short black hair
Height: 12,3"
weight: 560 lb
eye color: purple
Basic traits: friendly, loyal, simple-minded, brotherly
Physical description: a hulk of a man, G.G. has a large scar running down his leg, and refuses to tell what caused it.
Mental description: GENTLE GIANT has a very low IQ compared to others, and seems to consider his friends "little brothers/sisters"
He doesn't seem to understand that he is not a human, and hopes to see another one of his kind, a wish not possible for the time being.
He is fiercely loyal to his friends, and will not hesitate to kill when they are endangered. He shows great remorse when the deed is done, however.

Last edited by hhhat09 on Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeFri Mar 09, 2012 5:00 am

Neat. I'll post the bio and get started.

Name: Razor
Race: Unknown (he was born an Earthan, but he claims to have descended from a race of dimension hoppers called the Alsaffians. Apparently he is the last one alive.)
Age: 22
Height: 5'11
Weight: 202.98 lbs
Hair colour: Dark Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Skin colour: White
Choice of weapon: Sword, named the Tao destroyer.
Personality: Razor's personality is generally friendly, but he does have a couple of flaws. He tends to make rash decisions, and as a result he winds up in trouble often. He is also very short tempered, and lashes out verbally and physically if someone pisses him off. He has a strong sense of justice and always does what he can to resolve disputes and help others when they need it. He enjoys a challenge, especially if they involve fighting. That's why he came to Felarya and became a Creator in the first place. However he is a bit of a sore loser, but does his best to hide it from others. He is extremely clumsy and has even stated at one point: "God dammit! It's like every day I accidentally walk into something different!". He doesn't like conflict and really only likes fighting for the fun of it. He enjoys being the 'fearless hero' type, but he has one weakness. He is scared to death of spiders. He has a good sense of humour, and enjoys a good laugh. But his jokes can be hard to understand at some times.
History & traits: Being a part of the C.o.C, Razor's history is pretty much in the shadows. No one knows where he came from. The only thing the people living in Felarya know about him is that he is instructed to perform tasks too dangerous for ordinary humans, Nekos and the like to attempt by the leader of the Community. One thing one should note is that even though he has been reported dead on several occasions, he has always popped back up somewhere in Felarya a few days later. Weird, huh? He has mastered sword technique, and is now attempting to learn magic. He is focusing on healing because he hurts himself by accident so much. His race is capable of manipulating the space-time continuum, however, Razor has a bit of difficulty with it, so he tends not to use that ability unless necessary. He is very fast, and is fairly strong as well. Like he has told many, he was born to fight. He is always seen wearing a Trenchcoat with a picture of a typical medieval dragon on the back whenever he isn't fighting. After some time in Felarya, he saved the life of the diamond naga Hellsol by teleporting him out of a Hydra plant and helping him get away, because it 'interrupted his conversation with him'. Hellsol was grateful for having been saved from a horrible death. And as a result, Razor was given a Soul Fang. This has helped him in a few occasions where he needed extra power. He now wanders Felarya, searching for any challenges that await him.

Sorry that it's a bit long. I guess that's just how it is. Anyways, lets get started.

Razor was walking briskly towards the tower that had recently appeared. He was interested in it, and wondered what challenges were waiting for him in that tower... "I hope we get to fight at least once, otherwise this'll probably be a waste of my time." Razor said quietly to himself. He enjoyed a good challenge, but he enjoyed fighting the most. Razor looked past the tower and saw the Dridder Forest. He shivered. The only thing he thought that could have been better thought out was where to put the stupid building. Razor blocked out the thoughts about his last adventure in the Dridder forest and focused on the tower. "Strongest Warrior in the Universe, eh?" Razor said.

"This is gonna be fun."
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Veteran knight
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeFri Mar 09, 2012 6:05 pm

Gentle Giant lumbered through the forest,
He recently heard a voice, such a loud and booming voice,
It told him to come, he did not know why, but he sensed that a lot of people would gather.
It would be nice to make a few new friends.
He soon saw the tower, and a human figure near it,
happily he calmly walked over to the wary, battle hardened, human
"Hello, my name is Gentle Giant, but you can call me G.G.!"
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Location : Mah house at the base of the giant tree. A few Predators are waiting for me outside with pitchforks. Or are they just forks...?

The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeFri Mar 09, 2012 6:35 pm

Razor's attention was suddenly diverted to the sound of footsteps, and a voice louder than his own from behind him. He tensed slightly as he grasped the gigantic sword he had clipped to his back, ready to fight this potential threat. But upon hearing the words spoken, he relaxed, it was merely an introduction. He turned around to see a man over twice his size approaching him. Razor spoke up, "It's nice to meet you G.G., my name is Razor. I take it you're investigating the tower over there, am I correct?"
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Veteran knight
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeFri Mar 09, 2012 7:23 pm

"yeah, any idea what this place is? I've never seen it before, and I had plenty of missions that bought me here..."
Gentle Giant walked along the tower, inspecting it.
"...Hey, I think I can reach this window..."
He took out a large hook and stabbed it into the tower, and used it as a foot step as he peered in.
"...Pitch black in there, think I saw some eyes, but I can't tell."
He dropped back down, grabbing his hook.
"Have any idea who else is comin'?"
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Location : Mah house at the base of the giant tree. A few Predators are waiting for me outside with pitchforks. Or are they just forks...?

The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeFri Mar 09, 2012 7:54 pm

"No clue." Razor replied. He thought back for a minute. "But I think that voice said that those who come here should be strong. But I can assure you, those that DO show up will either be curious about this place, or looking to test themselves." He looked past the tower again. "I sure hope none of the Dridders nearby decide to show up..." he said, shuddering at the thought. He started tapping his foot in impatience. Razor looked up at the tower as he said, "I guess all that's left to do is wait."
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Veteran knight
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeFri Mar 09, 2012 8:04 pm

(crap, i should say what he is wearing... Large Green mechanics outfit, with a hood fitted at the top with a fitted visor to block out the sun. Wears a kensha beast skull helmet for protection.)
"dont like the creepy crawlers eh? I agree though, too many legs, ya know man?"
Gentle Giant looked up at the summit of the tower
"lotsa levels, not many windows per level, must be very hard to breathe at the upper levels..."
He broke off into a chuckle
"... got any Giant gas-masks I can borrow?"
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Location : Mah house at the base of the giant tree. A few Predators are waiting for me outside with pitchforks. Or are they just forks...?

The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeFri Mar 09, 2012 9:03 pm

Razor quietly chuckled to himself upon hearing the question. "Dammit. I just KNEW I'd forgotten something." he laughed. Razor thought for a moment before he replied, "I don't think we're supposed to be able to breathe easily up at the top. If it's how you say it'll be, it's probably just to make this challenge even harder. Very few can concentrate when they aren't getting enough oxygen. Joke's on him though. I don't even need to breathe to survive." Razor sat down with his back against the tower. He wondered if he'd last a while when the challenge began. Razor looked back at G.G. and asked, "Do you plan on taking this uh... Hyperion's challenge, or are you just here to check out what's inside?"
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Veteran knight
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeFri Mar 09, 2012 9:31 pm

Gentle Giant's expression turned into one of anger for a split second,
"Hey, you have your reasons, I have mine, lets keep it at that."
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Location : Mah house at the base of the giant tree. A few Predators are waiting for me outside with pitchforks. Or are they just forks...?

The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2012 1:53 am

Razor was confused. He couldn't possibly see why Gentle Giant would want to keep it to himself. "Uh, okay. If you don't wanna tell me, I guess that's alright. Sorry if I upset you or something." Razor hoped he hadn't made him angry. Razor then continued, "Anyways, it looks like no one else'll show up for a bit. I'm gonna doze for a little while.. Wake me if someone else shows up, 'kay?" Razor shut his eyes and tried to rest.
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Veteran knight
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2012 9:02 am

'Right, hope we arnt the only ones..."
With that, Gentle Giant climbed onto a rock nearby to sit and wait, looking over towards the forest.
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Eternal Optimist
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2012 4:05 pm

(Well, since everyone else has started, I might as well start, too. :3)

Suddenly, from the river nearby there came the loud roar of a female voice, followed by her yelling, "It's not fair! I'm totally tougher than any other chumps who would show up at the place so why can't I go!?"

The one-eyed mermaid Zelkova was extremely upset at what her friend, the sea naga Brine, had told her, and she was about to tell her again. "I told you, Zel," Brine said in her soft, melodic voice. "It's a tower. A mermaid like yourself won't be able to handle as well on land, much less on the higher levels of a building like that one."

Zelkova clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, growling as deep as her voice would let her. She then got a sudden idea, and her gritted teeth turned into a grin. "Well, if I can't join, then you'll just have to join for me!"

"--What?!" Brine exclaimed in surprise. Though, she had to admit to herself, she did kind of see that coming. "But I'm not tough! What if I get killed?!"

Zelkova put her finger to her chin in thought. "Yeah, you're right," she admitted. "You're not exactly someone who has a lot of 'fighting spirit'." Zelkova thought for a few more moments, and finally got another haphazard idea. "I know, we'll take advantage of that curse of your's!" Zelkova proceeded to explain, and enact, her plan. She took ahold of the red, broken heart-shaped seashell on her necklace and focused on feelings of determination. She imagined herself in a situation where she would show what she could do, and no matter what, never back down. She then took the necklace off and set it on the ground of of the riverbank. Requesting seaweed from Brine, who used her nature magic to make one of the strands of seaweed in her hair grow then cut off the extra section she'd made and handed it to her friend, Zelkova wrapped the necklace up with the plant matter and handed it to Brine. "The seaweed wrap will let you carry it around and hold it without being affected by the emotions I put in it. Whenever you need a dose of determination, just put the necklace on and show 'em what you can do!"

Brine took the gift from her friend with a hint of reluctance. "But Zel, I really don't wanna fight anyone!" she protested.

"Nonsense!" Zelkova urged, pushing Brine in the direction of the tower and out of the water. "I'm counting on you, okay? I know you can do this. If nothing else, it'll help you grow a bit of a backbone." With a wave and a smile, Zelkova disappeared under the water. Brine turned her gaze toward the tower and gave a gulp of uncertainty, and, deciding that it might be a nice experience, slithered in it's direction.

As she approached the large tower, she saw that there were already a few individuals there. They both appeared to be human, though, which meant that, given her giant size compared to them, they'd probably distrust her right off the bat. "Oh well..." Brine thought as she approached where the other two were.
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Veteran knight
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2012 4:15 pm

(Hey Nyaha, glad you can join me and Razor ^_^ )
Gentle Giant snapped out of his day dream when he heard something disturbing the water,
turning his gaze, he noticed a large jet-black naga approaching.
She had a look of both determination, and a hint of disappointment,
Ah well, he was sure she'll be kind, there was something about her...
Giant slipped off the rock, and bounded towards her,even being at 12 ft, the naga still towered over him.
"Hello!" he said cheerfully, "My name is Gentle Giant, but you can call me G.G." He grinned.
"Hey, Razor, we have another friend!"
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Location : Mah house at the base of the giant tree. A few Predators are waiting for me outside with pitchforks. Or are they just forks...?

The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2012 4:28 pm

Razor's dream about Ramen was rudely interrupted by the voice of Gentle Giant. It took him a bit to wake up. "Hold on... Lemme just... Zzz..." He moaned. Suddenly he remembered what he was doing and immediately sat upright. He began looking around in exitement, too fast to even notice the Naga that was standing right in front him. "Someone new? Where-" His eyes came to rest on the Naga. Razor stood up and introduced himself. "What's up? It's nice to meet you. My name is Razor. What's yours?"
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2012 4:40 pm

(Hat, when you said 'jet black naga', you meant her hair, right? Her body is actually quite colourful, FYI. ;D)

Brine looked down at the two and gave a warm smile. "Hello to you both," she greeted them. "You may call me Brine. You're G.G. and the other is Razor, yes?"
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Veteran knight
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2012 4:47 pm

( of course!)
"yep, you here for the challenge too?"
He looked over her scales,
"Never got this close to a naga before, boss kept me away form all the others my size, said I'd hug them to death, or something."
He laughed and turned to Razor
"Me and Razor been waiting here for awhile, no one else is here, and no sign of the guy who called us over,"
He pointed towards the towers summit,
"its pretty high, airs gonna thin out a bit, not many windows, hope we get a mage who can cast illumination spells."
He turned back to his two companions,
"so, lets get to know each other a bit, eh?"
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Eternal Optimist
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2012 5:18 pm

Brine looked at the wrapped item she was still holding in her hand, and realizing she'd forgotten to put it away, she tucked it away in the bag belted to her waist. She looked back down at her two new friends. "Yes, yes, that sounds like a very splendid idea," she said to G.G.. "I know about myself what my friend tells me, that I'm kind and compassionate, and everyone always says that I have a good capacity for feeling the pain of others. I think that partly comes from my own personality, and partly from the curse that was put on me that makes me feel the emotions of anyone who touches me."
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Veteran knight
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The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2012 5:29 pm

"curse eh, good thing we didn't shake hands, mainly because you'll break my hand, and the other because then you'll feel the pain, I don't like causing pain to others." G.G. looked down as he said the last part, but quickly smiled again.
" I don't know much about where I was born, or how. All I know is that im part human-part giant, I lived in the lab for most of my live,
Apparently, the only reason why im kept alive is because of my urge to protect my comrades, weird thing is, I don't even remember protecting them. I just wake up...with the blood and bodies..."
G.G stumbled to the tower wall, and leaned onto it.
" Oh gods the bodies"
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Location : Mah house at the base of the giant tree. A few Predators are waiting for me outside with pitchforks. Or are they just forks...?

The Tower of Might Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tower of Might   The Tower of Might Icon_minitimeSat Mar 10, 2012 5:32 pm

Razor decided to tell the others a bit about himself, so he spoke up. "Interesting stories you two. Though I must say Miss Brine, empathy is not a curse. Far from it. Remember that. And G.G., if you can't remember what happens, it's probably best you didn't. Now for me. As you know. I'm Razor. While I may appear human, I'm far from it. I'm actually a descendant of the Alsaffian race. My race has the ability to manipulate space-time. We are also stronger than regular humans, have enhanced senses, and can heal rather quickly. We're born fighters. Unfortunately, it led to downfall of my race. We destroyed each other. I'm the only one left." He continued thinking for a moment, and then said, "My appearance as a human is merely a mask. Imagine a dragon's spirit placed inside a human body. That's what I am." He began tapping the Soul Fang he had hung around his neck. "If you aren't lucky, you'll get to see what I really look like. Grrrhehehe..." Razor chuckled with a devilish grin. "And if you don't want to find out... Well... Don't piss me off. I'm really all sunshine and rainbows otherwise."
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