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 A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)

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PostSubject: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2012 4:13 pm

Well, I've been noticing a little something about the recent RPs around here: They're not free enough. Let me explain:

I understand that it is the duty of a GM to make a story and obstacles for the characters to go through. However, the more I think about it, the more I realize that the reason to play an RP or a tabletop RPG over a videogame is that the world is open. Your decisions effect your world. You can say what you want, and go where you want. However, there are few RPs here that actually let you do that. It's all about the over-arching story, all in one or two parts of Felarya, all in what the GM-character wants to do for the sake of the story. That's good, too. It gives a sense of planning, and suspense, if done right.

However, I want to do something different. I'm making an RP who's direction will be be decided solely by the players! There will be a GM-Char, of course, but he/she will have no more sway over the story than the other characters, just being a regular party member. You see, as I see it, Felarya is a land of magic and adventure, a wild, untamed wilderness of fanservice and wonder. So, in this RP, we're going to meet up and explore the shit out of it! The characters will decide where we go and why.

I'm new as a GM, though. Ideas for side-quests or situations are more than welcome, just remember that this RP will be free-form, with no long-term story arch besides that of the characters going around and having adventures.

The rules are simple: No god-modding (this isn't a martial-arts manga), no auto-hitting (unless otherwise stated), and try to wait for others to post.

Addendum: That last rule has killed more RPs than Mr. T has killed fools, so if someone's taking more than a day or two to respond, we'll move on.

I'll make a character after some others join, so I know what tone this is going to take.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2012 7:21 pm

(Have to say I love the idea of what you're doing! O.O It's brillaint and orginal...But in this setting I see it crashing oh so feiry. Shocked ...However I'd be happy to try it out if only for the sake of seeing if something this wild can last on a forum. So need a character sheet or what?)
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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2012 7:28 pm

jedi-explorer wrote:
(Have to say I love the idea of what you're doing! O.O It's brillaint and orginal...But in this setting I see it crashing oh so feiry. Shocked ...However I'd be happy to try it out if only for the sake of seeing if something this wild can last on a forum. So need a character sheet or what?)

Yup! All you need is a character sheet.
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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2012 8:56 pm

The idea sounds cool, but I've tried the same thing myself before. I found that with no idea what's going on or what the goals are, real interest in the RP falls off very quickly. Perhaps you will have better luck here since unlike where I tried it, Felarya has a general theme.
I'll join if Ella's Adventure Troop dies or something. In the meantime, good luck!
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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 25, 2012 10:00 pm

What? I was under the impression that the majority of the roleplays here were freeform, certainly all the ones (bar GURPS) I have participated in have been and the majority I have observed over the years were completely freeform.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2012 7:01 am

Actually, AJ, I'll be the first to admit my RP, DotSM, has a bit of a planned track. I'm trying to be a little more felxible with the way things go, though, since Falc pointed out that I should avoid railroading.

On a more on-topic note, I think this is a great idea! ^.^ It's something that'll let the players contribute more to the story, and I love it. So, what do you mean by character sheet? Is that another word for bio, or do we have to post our characters on a specific template?
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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2012 7:50 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
What? I was under the impression that the majority of the roleplays here were freeform, certainly all the ones (bar GURPS) I have participated in have been and the majority I have observed over the years were completely freeform.

Well, that's not what I mean by "freeform". I mean a freeform story, the direction being shaped by the players, not just the gameplay.

And Nyaha, you're right, it's just another word for "bio".
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2012 8:34 am

Then I think I'd like to join with Nyaha, if that's okay. Falcon, what I'll need from you is a suggestion of something useful for Nyaha's inventory, ie. a type of artifact or a weapon. I'll add it plus one other suggestion, as well as some items from [this] and some of Nyaha's regular items to his Inventory.

Nyaha's Bio:

Nyaha's Inventory:
Claw Gauntlet x4
Grappling Claw x3
Smoke Bomb x8
Water 25 gal
Milk 10 gal
Fish Meat 14 lbs
Harmonica x1
Plush Octopus x1
Music CD x11
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Chihiro Fujisaki
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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2012 1:05 pm

(I will join, I think I am going to make a new character for this one, since I am new most of my characters are tied up XD. Well an hour of work here I come! Yea...it takes me AT LEAST an hour to make up a new character.....I have 3 humans, a fairy and a half-fairy........... NEKO TIME)

Name: Yuuki
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Neko
Height: 5'9
Weight: 115
Fur Color: Black
Skin Color: Tanned
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Clothing/Equipment: wears simple footwraps because he dislikes shoes, blue jeans and a short sleeve shirt, fingerless gloves. He carries no weapons with him besides a machete, that he only uses to cut through plants.
Predation: Reluctant

Abilities/Skills: Is fast moving but physically very weak but has a very high pain tolerance. He is skilled in magic of all kinds but prefers fire magic, as it can be quite destructive in a forest setting. He is very book smart and is world wise of most things in Felarya but does not have a lot of experience, spending most of his time in Negav.

Personality: Is very open with his knowledge and loves nothing more than to talk with people. He is kind and tries to find friends where he can, hating being alone. He is afraid of death, fearing it more than anything and usually freezes up when he sees potential threats, especially predators. He does not fear giant preds as much because he finds them easier to avoid, but fairies are his greatest fear, and tends to react aggressively when he sees one.

Backstory: Yuuki was born in Negav but both of his parents died shortly after his birth when trying to get food for him. He was raised by his aunt until he left on his own for Negav, where he has stayed most of his life until recently, as he has felt the urge to wander into the wilderness for more knowledge.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 26, 2012 7:46 pm

FalconJudge wrote:
jedi-explorer wrote:
(Have to say I love the idea of what you're doing! O.O It's brillaint and orginal...But in this setting I see it crashing oh so feiry. Shocked ...However I'd be happy to try it out if only for the sake of seeing if something this wild can last on a forum. So need a character sheet or what?)

Yup! All you need is a character sheet.

Sweet! Gonna go look into my OCs that have good potential but no Rps. Be back in bit.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 3:24 pm

Well Strider? Come on already! And anyone else, too! X3
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2012 3:43 pm

I'll join, and can i use this aswell to introduce my character to Felarya? joining either way though. lol!
okay heres my bio:
Name: Gold (but if this can introduce him to Felarya, he doesnt know that yet because of a strange case of amnesia)
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Height: 6'0
Weight: 100
Skin Color: Slightly tanned
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Yellow
Clothing/Equipment: Wears dark leather boots, tanned leggings, a yellow shirt with a green X on it with golden armlets
is only equipped with his sword, with a blade he calls Gold Diamond, because he doesnt know what it really is, his bow and a quiver full of arrows.
Predation: safe

Abilities/Skills: He can use virtually anything to his advantage in a battle

Personality: Will normally be constantly joking, but is serious when the situation calls for it.

Backstory: He doesnt know anything about his past before Felarya, due to a case of amnesia, now only triggered by thinking too hard about the past he's forgotten

Edit: I forgot to mention his odd attraction to anything gold, hence his name, since he cant remember his actual name.
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PostSubject: Re: A New RP (Character and Prep Thread)   A New RP (Character and Prep Thread) Icon_minitime

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