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 Solomon's Travels Season One

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 416
Join date : 2011-03-28
Age : 43

Solomon's Travels Season One Empty
PostSubject: Solomon's Travels Season One   Solomon's Travels Season One Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 8:08 pm

This is my first Felarya series titled Solomon's Travels, its about a Giant named Solomon who meets a little girl named Maki and about the dangers they face together to live in Felarya.

Solomon's Travels part 1, Solomon meets Maki.

It started out as a normal day for me in Felarya, I was out on a hunt for something good to eat that wasn't human or anything else that could talk, I was lucky enough to pick up the trail of a few kensha beasts who were clearly chasing something.

I didn't know what they were after, but what I did know was I was going to get to have some good kensha meat today, if I was lucky that is.

I kept my spears close by as I was following the kensha tracks, to see where they were going too I was fallowing them for I guess maybe an hour, before I found them.

It looked like there were about four kensha beasts out in the open, just waiting for something to come by I guess, it seemed like they weren't aware of my presents yet, which was good for me because that way I would have an advantage against the kensha's.

I climbed a tree to get to a good vantage point so I could ambush the kensha beasts safely, I begun to aim for one of the kensha's with one of my spears so I could hopefully kill it quickly before it would try to run away from me, but knowing how these kenshe's usually think I might be able to get at least one of them before they try to make a run for it.

I aimed my spear at the head of the kensha I was targeting, I took a deep breath in before I throw my spear at the kensha, with a mighty throw my spear went flying through the air and into the kensha beasts head, it was a perfect hit I was able to kill the great beast in one blow, I was happy to know my hunt seemed to be going well.

As for the other three kensha beasts, they made a run for it when they saw the kensha I killed drop out over dead, I jumped out of the tree with a grim on my face, because I knew that today was a very good day on the hunt for me, I carried the kensha body to my cave so that way I could keep some food leftover after I had my lunch for the day.

I got a fire ready to cook the meat from the kensha I hunted earlier today, unlike the other predators out there I prefer to eat my meat cooked and hey I was once a human so it would be natural for a human to eat cooked food, I was busy picking fruit from the nearby trees while my food was cooking over the fire I made, after a matter of minutes went by I decided to snack on a piece of fruit while waiting for my food to cook, the fruit in Felarya seems to taste better than the fruits from Earth…well to a point.

I was glad when the meat was finally ready for me to eat. I ate my lunch happily, because I knew I was thankful to get a decent meal every now and then especially in Felarya among all places, I put my leftovers from my meal into my cave and closed the door to my cave so no one or nothing would try to get my food, funny how a giant rock can easily be used for a door your home in Felarya.

I made a new spear while I was deciding rather I should go to The Giant Tree this week or next week, I know I live only a matter of miles away from the tree, but from the many tales I've heard from Explorers there are said to be a few naga that live at the tree, it's usually not a good idea to go into another predators territory without permission first, or unless you are friends with that predator then maybe you can visit them without needing to worry about them when you go into their territory.

After my new spear was ready I decided to go on a walk in the forest to give me some time to think, there's just something about walking in a forest that makes me feel alive and relaxed which might be odd for some people, but for me it's part of life and since there's not much to do around here after a meal it's good to just go on a walk, especially since there's no TV, MAC computers or video games to play in Felarya, I mean if you came from a world like Earth from the timeline I come from you would be use to using those things, I mean could you imagine living without any of those things once you get used to seeing and using those things, but that's life in Felarya.

Hours pasted by as I was out on my walk I was walking calmly in the forest until my stomach made a growl, which was a sign I needed to get some food, I was trying to find a small animal to eat since I didn't feel like hunting for a big animal again, I was very proud of myself for not eating any small people since I first came to Felarya and I intend for it to be that way for the rest of my Felaryan life.

I was on the trail of a lion until something small ran into the back of my foot I turned around to see what ran into me, I was surprised to see a little human girl who from what I could tell was running away from something she looked up at me and was shocked to see a giant standing in front of her, before I could say anything to her a giant naga came out of nowhere and picked up the girl, judging by the look on the naga's face I believed he wanted to eat the poor girl like most Felaryan naga, he was too busy being proud of himself that he didn't notice me until I began to talk to him.

"may I ask why you interrupted my hunt naga"

"oh I didn't see you there sir, I'm out on a hunt of my own" he said as he held the girl in one of his hands, I looked at the girl before I asked him what he was going to do to her.

"why do you have that human in your hand"

"oh it's a snack I caught isn't it tasty"

"may I have her" I said to the naga.

"no it's mine I caught it"

"wait…umm…why don't we trade"

"and what do you have that I would want" he asked me questionably.

"well I could give you some meat from one of my earlier hunts from today, I also could give you a spear or a knife to help with your hunts"

"no why, besides humans are my favorite snack" the naga said as he was about to drop the girl into his mouth.

"I didn't want to do this, but since you interrupted my hunt I guess there's no other option" I said to the naga as I quickly grabbed the girl as she was falling into his mouth, then I began to run for my dear life.

"HAY GET BACK HERE, THAT'S MY SNACK!" the naga yelled as he fallowed me through the forest, so he could try to eat the girl I saved from becoming his meal.

I wasn't sure how fast I was running I also wasn't sure rather I should look back or not, all I knew when I was running was that I needed to get to the safety of my cave and hope the naga would stop chasing me before things got ugly, for some reason the girl I saved didn't try to escape from my hand as I was running with her, maybe it's because she knew I was trying to save her from becoming naga food.

I ran and ran for what seemed like forever through the forest but after running for who knows how long, I was very close to where my cave was, I stopped near a giant rock just outside of my cave before I turned around to see if the naga was following us or not, so far it seemed like we lost him, which was a good sign for both me and the little human girl, at first I didn't get a good look at her when I first saw her, but after I opened my hand I got a very good look at her, she was about ten years old judging by the way she looked in my eyes, but that was only a guess.

The girl seemed to smile at me, as she got a better look at me we were silent towards each other for a few minutes before she begun to talk.

"thank you for saving my life mister giant" the girl said to me with a smile, it was clear she wasn't scared of me like the other humans I rescued in the past, I was silent for a few seconds before I said something to her.

"you're welcome umm…little girl" I said to her, while I was very unsure of myself at the moment she then asked me a few questions like who am I and where we are, so I told her.

"mister giant what's your name"

"my name….my name is Solomon….what's your name"

"I'm Maki Shizuko, umm…my I ask Solomon where we are"

"well Maki welcome to Felarya where the giants roam free"

"Felarya….then I'm no longer in my world am I"

"no you're not Maki" I said to her.

"so Solomon do you have a place you live"

"yes my cave isn't too far from here"

"that's good to know"

"well we should get in because it's getting dark, and the other predators like to come out at night"

"okay" those were the last words Maki said, before we went into my cave, I always remembered where my cave is even though I keep a rock in front of it while I'm gone.

I closed the door to my cave after Maki and I got inside, I placed her on my stone table I moved into my cave a few weeks ago, I got a fire ready so there would be light in my cave, after the fire was ready I decided to start making dinner for both me and Maki, I cooked for the both of us since we both like cooked food, Maki really liked dinner she said it was the best she ever had funny thing I gave her lion meat, later after dinner I did something nice for Maki which made both of us happy.

"Maki I would like to show you something nice"

"okay Solomon, what is it"

"close your eyes until I say now"

"okay" she said as she closed her eyes, I lifted up a rock on the top of my cave, the hole was big enough for both of us to see the night sky, I lifted up Maki so she could get a better look at the sky.

"okay Maki you can open your eyes…NOW!"

"wow…it's so pretty, thank you for showing me this Solomon"

"you're welcome Maki" I said to my new friend with a smile, we watched the night sky for a long time until I heard sounds coming from something close by, I put Maki on the table quickly, then I closed the hole in the top of my cave, by putting the rock back over it, I then picked up Maki and put my index finger over her mouth, I told her not to make a sound until I said it was okay, bright lights from some fairy's who were passing by my territory like they sometimes do, went by my cave as I looked though small holes in my cave, luckily they didn't come into the cave, because they knew better them to just barge into someone's home especially if it's the home of a 120 foot giant like myself.

After the fairy's were gone I took a look outside to make sure they were gone, after I was sure they were gone I took my finger on Maki's mouth off, then I said to her.

"you're lucky you didn't make a sound, even though they know better than to come into my cave they can still be dangerous towards humans"

"what were they Solomon"

"they were Felaryan fairy's, I'm not sure if you've read about fairy's in books or not, but Felaryan fairy's unlike the one's from fairytales enjoy eating humans and most small races"

"I didn't know that fairy's could be like that"

"oh they are, well at least the Felaryan one's are"

"thanks for not letting them try to eat me" she said with a smile.

"it's no big deal, well no big deal for me"

"I think I'm getting sleepy Solomon"

"it is about time we went to bed Maki, after all I'm sure a little girl like you needs a lot of sleep"

"I do indeed Solomon, thank you for everything you've done for me"

"you're welcome Maki" I said with a smile to my friend, after I got the area where my future bed is going to be ready for Maki to sleep, I made her a blanket out of the fur on my floor, Maki was very glad I made her a nice gift, after I found a place for myself to sleep for the night, I put out the fire so Maki and I could go to sleep.

I told Maki good night and for her to have sweet dreams she said the same to me, I was so happy to hear those words again, it's been age's since someone last said those kind words to me, I just could hardly believe anyone would be kind enough to say good night and sweet dreams to me, especially since I'm now a giant living in Felarya.

After I woke up the next morning, I decided to make breakfast for Maki and me while she was sleeping it was nice to have some company for a change, I mean can you really be willing to live along and not have anyone over even for a visit?, anyway I was done making breakfast just as Maki woke up smelling food on a fire, I gave Maki her breakfast first to show some manners, after all just because you're a giant doesn't mean you don't have manners, she really enjoyed breakfast as we ate are food together happily.

Later after breakfast I told Maki useful advice that anyone in Felarya should know, like how some of the trees are really dryads pretending to be trees, or how some of the plants eat animals or people if you get to close to them, I also told her a few things I learned while living in Felarya, after I was done giving Maki advice she ask me why I didn't try to eat her like the naga from the other day, this is what I said.

"well Maki the reason why I don't want to eat you like the others, is because I was once a human, a lot like you"

"really……how did you become a giant Solomon"

"I truly don't know, all I know is I'm not the first person who was once human who became a giant upon coming to Felarya"

"you're not"

"nope there are a few others out there, or so I've heard, tell me how did you come to Felarya Maki"

"….hmmm…well….all I recall is seeing a very bright light, while I was walking around"

"same here Maki, I to was minding myself when a bright light just appeared out of nowhere, next thing I know I'm in some jungle"

"I know what you mean, I wonder if this happens often"

"it does Maki it does indeed, there are a lot of people your size who will tell you they saw a bright light and then they just in up in some jungle with no clue as to where they are, or why they came here, I do feel sorry for all those poor people, who end up getting eaten by either plants, animals, or the natives who are my size"

"I can't believe giant people would eat small people just to survive"

"neither did I until I saw it for myself Maki"

"say Solomon would you like to talk about you're world, you know where you came from, that is if you don't mind"

"sure I'll be glad to talk about it, that is if you're willing to talk about you're world"

"fine with me" said Maki with a big smile on her face, I begun to talk about my world and what it was like, just as she sat down to listen to me.

After I was down telling her about Earth, the name of the world I come from, and what it was like, Maki told me about her world, she said it was called Luminatu, it sounded a lot like Felarya, to a point, main difference is the fact the giants in her world don't eat people who are smaller than them, I really enjoyed hearing about Maki's world called Luminatu and what it was like, I do wonder though if anyone back at her home misses her.

I know there are people who miss me back on Earth so I asked her, Maki didn't have to many people who would miss her, who aren't able to find her or so she said, that was good to know, after I talked about how people would miss her I told her about Negav and the ruins of Ur-Sagol and how both places have a dimensional gate that can take you to just about anywhere you want to go, she decided to say with me rather than run off to one of the dimensional gates, I was surprised she would rather live with me instead of wanting to go back home I guess she didn't enjoy her home that much, one things for sure I'm going to be busy keeping an eye on Maki.

When we were done talking about are old homes and the worlds we came from, I decided to take her out on a walk with me, I picked some fruit from the trees so we wouldn't get hungry while on are walk, it was nice to have someone walk by me even though I am giant next to most people, after Maki and I walk for a while I decided to pick her up and put her into my shirt pocket so she could take a break from walking for so long, she enjoyed being in my pocket because she was able to snuggle inside it.

We decided to eat some fruit before we walked to far from the hunting grounds I know, after we ate some fruit I went back to walking with Maki in my pocket, I really enjoyed having her travel with me in my pocket, I guess I now know what a person with a small person in their pocket feels like, anyway after I traveled around my territory with Maki while eating some fruit, I decided to hunt for some small animals, I was lucky to find some wild boars who didn't know I was coming after them for both lunch and dinner, I told Maki to not watch while I hunted the boars because I don't think she would like to see me kill the boars, I was lucky to catch about ten of the seventeen boars I was hunting, I got a fire going using two flint stones I brought with me, I got the fire ready so Maki and I could eat are lunch, after we ate lunch we continued on with are travel around my territory, it was about 9:35PM Earth time by the time we got back to my cave.

Maki really enjoyed the walk we had together I to enjoyed are walk, maybe it was because I was no longer alone in Felarya…or maybe it was because I knew I now have a good friend.

And so after many hours of talking with Maki I decided to go to the Giant Tree in about two days, Maki also wanted to go see The Giant Tree and the other places I talked to her about like Ur-Sagol or the Lataran Temple, I don't know about Maki but I did know it looked like from that day fourth I will travel Felarya with Maki by my side.

Well until tomorrow comes and the day I finally go to the Giant Tree I guess I'll be busy taking care of Maki and preparing for my travels in Felarya.

To be continued…………

Solomon's Travels part 2, Solomon's Harpy crisis.

Today is the day Maki and I go to the Giant Tree, after that encounter with those two evil naga earlier this week Maki and I were fully ready to go visit the tree I could hardly believe I was actually going to the Giant Tree, one of the most well know places in all of Felarya and it was only about an hour walk from my cave.

I never knew why I never felt like traveling to the tree in the past, maybe I only decided to now because I have Maki with me she's such a great kid I'm glad I decided to save her from that one naga about six days ago, sometimes I can't help but wonder sometimes what Maki's friends from her world are thinking at this moment?

But that didn't matter at the moment, what mattered was I kept Maki safe in my pocket from the wild man eating plants and animals as well as other Felaryans who would want to get a quick snack, Maki really enjoys riding in my shirt pocket a lot, she sometimes snuggles inside my pocket like it's some kind of giant blanket, I found this to be rather cute especially when she took a nap inside my pocket.

(Encase anyone is wondering, I made some of my Felaryan clothes with pockets to keep things on my person while I'm out traveling or hunting)

After I walked for about an hour Maki and I finally made it to the Giant Tree, I woke up Maki from her nap she took while she was in my shirt pocket, she and I were very surprised to look at the Giant Tree, those Felaryan Explorers I rescued in the past weren't lying when they said the Giant Tree is well giant, the tree was unlike anything I'd ever seen in Felarya before, it's so huge I could hardly see the top of the tree all the way from down on the ground, this tree is like a mountain as far as I could tell from looking at it Maki was even more surprised than me because of how small she is, for a human this place was very…very…very big and to think I lived only about 50 miles from the Giant Tree this whole time and never got a good enough look at it.

After Maki and I got a good enough view of the tree, we decided to walk around the base of the tree to get a good idea of how wide it is, we traveled around the tree for about two hours before we decided to have lunch, if there's one thing I'm good at its eating on time so that way I don't feel tempted to eat small races, after lunch we walked around the tree some more, I stopped walking when I heard something close by, I wondered what it was, before Maki and I could see what was coming I quickly climbed a tree while Maki was in my pocket.

Little to my surprise a giant blond haired naga came out of the trees chasing a few neko, at first I was thinking I should save the poor neko, but then I was thinking that by doing so I would put Maki in danger, so once the naga was far away from us I decided jump out of the tree I was in and make a run for it, in the opposite direction the naga was chasing the neko after the naga was far from sight I put Maki down on the ground, when Maki was safe on the ground she turned around to talk to me.

"Solomon……why didn't you save those neko back there" I didn't know at first what to say to Maki…..but after a little while I told her this.

"well Maki the only reason why I didn't save those neko is because I didn't want you to get hurt"

"what do you mean by that"

"……….what I mean is I was concerned about you Maki, I thought if I tried to save those neko you would get hurt in the middle of the rescue, needless to say I just couldn't take a chance fighting a naga and putting you in mortal danger"

"really Solomon, you were that concerned for me"

"yes Maki, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I didn't want to risk lousing you just because I saved people I don't even know"

"but Solomon, you didn't know me back when you saved me from that one naga, so why did you bother to save me and yet you didn't bother to save a few neko"

"well Maki that one naga who caught you was in my territory, so therefor I had the right to decide what a stranger in my territory eats and doesn't eat, ……I guess what I'm trying to say is, I had full right to save you back in my territory, but since we're not in my territory I had no right to take away that nagas food, believe me I don't like the idea of running when I could have saved those neko, but here in Felarya it's better to avoid a fight rather then start one"

"I understand, so what your saying is back in your territory you had the right to save me, were as here you have no right……right"

"that's pretty much the truth of the matter Maki"

"but why wouldn't you fight"

"Maki I've had to many fights with other predators, especially dridders and harpies, to know it's best to avoid a fight in order to live another day, …….so in other words as the old saying go's live to fight another day"

"……hmmm…….I understand now, thank you for telling me Solomon, I'm glad you didn't get hurt because of me"

"you're welcome Maki oh don't worry about that, I'm used to getting hurt all the time"

"but I'm still glad you didn't get hurt because of a naga"

"well Maki I guess we should continue are walk around the tree"

"yes we should, oh Solomon can you promise me something" I was surprised to hear those words from Maki, she wanted me to make a promise with her, man I just had a hard time believing a girl I met only this week wanted me to make a promise with her.

"sure what's the promise Maki" I asked my friend.

"can you promise me, the next time we find a person who's going to get eaten, can you promise me you'll save that person Solomon" I was a bit surprised Maki would ask for me to do such a thing, she wanted me to rescue the next person we see who's going to get eaten by a predator, well given how this was Maki's first promise to me, I wanted to keep it, so I said to her.

"I promise to save the next person we see, who's going to get eaten by a predator"

"do you truly promise me Solomon"

"I truly promise you Maki"

"pinky promise" she said as she raised her pinky finger to me, I found it kind of cute someone so small would want to pinky promise me, so this is what I did after Maki asked me.

"I pinky promise Maki" I said as I stuck out my pinky finger on my right hand, towards Maki's little pinky finger, Maki smile as are pinky fingers made contact with each other, later I lifted Maki up into my pocket so we could continue are travel around the Giant Tree.

While Maki and I were walking around the tree we found something I didn't get to see that often, we came across a human camp judging by the way the tents looked, I put Maki onto the ground so she could get a better look at the camp, little to my surprise there was no one at the camp and judging by how old the fire that was put out looked and how some of the tents were pulled out of the ground, I guessed this camp had an unlucky encounter with the naga Maki and I saw earlier, I told Maki she could look around the camp just as long as she kept within eye sight.

Maki looked through the camp for quite a while, she found many things in the camp that one would expect to find, there were quite a few pairs of clothes, food dish's, some plastic silver wear and food of many different kinds, I told Maki to take a few things from the camp seeing how she would need some of these things in the camp, plus I don't think the people who owned this camp would mind if we helped ourselves to their stuff, Maki and I couldn't really help ourselves to most of the food though, because it had gone rotten by now, so we mainly took simple things that she would need, Maki and I got everything we wanted from the camp within a matter of minutes and just as we were about to go back to are little travel around the tree, Maki found a Hersey chocolate bar, it's been months since I last had a chocolate bar of any kind, back on Earth Hersey bars were one of my favorite candy bars to snack on every now and then.

I asked Maki kindly if she could open the chocolate bar and give me a piece, she gladly opened the chocolate bar and gave me a piece of the chocolate bar I let the very…very…very tiny piece of chocolate melt in my mouth as I couldn't really taste the chocolate, however I was so happy to get even a small piece of chocolate since I no longer can enjoy them like I use to, I guess living in Felarya has taught me quite a few things, one of them being that you can't take anything for granted, especially something as simple as a good piece of chocolate, after Maki took a bite off of the chocolate bar we decided to presume are travel around the tree, I put Maki back into my shirt pocket to keep her safe, while I put the stuff she found into my left pants pocket, well I didn't really wear pants but I'm sure you get the idea.

We traveled for a few hours around the tree, before something happened which I will never forget to this day, out in the open Maki and I saw a human girl walking around the tree, Maki and I hid behind some nearby trees so the girl wouldn't see us, it was odd how this girl was walking around the Giant Tree, one of the most dangerous places in Felarya for a human, without any fear of the predators that might be roaming about, me and Maki kept a close eye on the girl as she was walking about minding her own business, until we all heard a noise coming from the sky, Maki and I looked up to see a harpy flying over us, thankfully the harpy wasn't after me or Maki judging by the looks of things.

Little to my surprise the harpy was after the human girl Maki and I saw, without thinking twice I ran for the human girl, I picked her up and put her in my shirt pocket with Maki as quickly as possible, the harpy was very…very…very mad that I picked up the girl, the harpy was saying very bad things to me after I rescued the human girl, things that I can't even begin to think of in my mind, I knew that now was the time for me to get my spear I brought with me, so I could use it to help defend myself Maki and the human girl from the harpy.

As soon as I got my spear ready the harpy begun to attack me so she could get the human girl, I wasn't sure why this harpy wanted the human girl so much but she surely was letting me have it with her mouth so to speak, as she attacked me she clawed my back, I felt great pain going throughout my back as the harpy's claws rent down my back, I guess it's never a good idea to show your back to an enemy while in combat, but the pain I felt didn't matter what mattered was getting this harpy to leave before things got to ugly, I pointed my spear at the harpy to try to keep her from getting to close to my shirt pocket, the harpy cussed a lot at me while we were fighting, she was also saying things like how dare you take my prey from me, or I'll skin you alive for interfering with my hunt, either way I didn't care what she was saying or why she was saying it, all I knew was I needed to protect Maki and the human girl I rescued.

I tried my best to get the harpy to retreat, but she just wouldn't leave me alone, or listen to reason for that matter, she was very rude if you ask me, at the near end of the fight I got quite a few claw marks from the harpy as we fought each other, but she made a big mistake when she clawed my shirt pocket, I looked inside to see Maki and the girl didn't get killed, however I saw blood coming from both Maki and the girl I rescued, the cuts looked pretty small to my eyes but they were big enough to bleed out, once again I was enraged to see Maki getting hurt, but unlike last time I quickly ran to the foot of the Giant Tree to put Maki and the girl down safely, I didn't want them to get in the way of the fight as it was about to end.

I quickly ran as fast as I could towards the harpy, I through my knife at one of her feet to distract her while I did what had to be done, the harpy screamed in pain as she felt the knife cut the skin of one of her clawed feet, while she was in pain she flew lower to the ground to help ease her pain to a point, while she did this I grabbed her by the feet and begun to spin as fast as I could, I span and span and span for a while making both the harpy and myself dizzy at this point, until I let go of her legs, the harpy went flying into the canopy of the jungle as I let go of her feet, she was very mad at me for doing so I recall her saying something like you'll pay for this, or something like that by the time the harpy went flying through the sky to the point where she was out of sight, I went back to the foot of the tree to see Maki and the girl right where I left them.

When I looked at the shy I could see it got very dark, I guess me and the harpy fought longer then I thought we did, I was feeling very faint from the battle, I guess I wasn't ready to fight for hours on end quite yet, I looked down at Maki and the girl who were still bleeding from the cuts the harpy gave them, I felt ashamed at myself for letting Maki get hurt again, I stayed by her and the girl we rescued who's name turned out to be Lea, I told them everything would be okay though I wasn't sure that everything would be alright, within a matter of minutes after we went silent a little flying light came out of nowhere and knowing my past encounter with little flying lights I knew it had to be a fairy, which could only mean Maki and Lea would soon be in danger.

The fairy was about human size judging by how small the light looked, at first I did what I normally would have done, I just asked the fairy to go away as I picked up Maki and Lea in order to protect them, after all I didn't want to lose my only friends in Felarya, the fairy talked to me when I told her to go away.

"I mean you and your friends no harm kind sir"

"why should I believe a fairy, all your kind do is play jokes and what not on people, plus you enjoy eating humans, so no way am I going to let you near Maki and Lea"

"please don't be so harsh towards me and my kind, I know we do things just for our own fun from time to time, but I'm here to help you and your friends"

"how do I know you're not lying just to get a quick meal"

"you can trust me sir, after all Lea is one of my friends"

"you really know Lea"

"yes she's one of my human friends, she's also one of Crisis's few human friends"

"I don't know who this Crisis person is, but if by your word you truly are Lea's friend, then I'll let you help out"

"thank you sir, you're lucky I decided to pay a visit to the Giant Tree tonight"

"hmm…I'm not sure why you wanted to visit the tree, but as long as you don't plan on eating Maki or Lea I'm cool" I said as I put Maki and Lea safely onto the ground.

"it will only take a few minutes to heal them, please be patient while I heal Maki and Lea"

"thank you miss fairy…………because I don't…..think…I'll….." my vision went black as I slowly fainted, I really should have spent less time trying to end the fight with the harpy quickly, rather than take hours to get her to go away, I didn't know who this fairy was, but I hoped Maki and Lea would be well and alive by the time I felt like getting up.

I fell to the ground hardly lucky for Maki, Lea and the fairy I fell backwards, everything around me seemed like a haze, I could barely hear voices coming from both behind me and in front of me, I tried to get a look at what was going on but I could hardly see anything, however I did slightly hear voices the words that I heard were something like this.

"……..oh Temi…..what happened to her……..I see……….so he saved Lea from that harpy……..really he did…..I see……well I guess we're going to have some company over tonight….."

"Crisis…….could you be a dear and help are new friend……..up………"

"sure thing………after all he saved Lea…………..any friend of Lea is a friend of mine……"

"I'll take the girl and Lea up to the tree……..I'll see you……….take care carrying him………"

"don't worry……he'll be alright………….see you up at tree…………."

I could only wonder to myself as I heard these voices, was Temi the name of the fairy who came to help me out? What was going to happen to both Maki and Lea up in the tree? Who is this Crisis? I tried to get a look at what was happening but I barely could see a thing, all I recall seeing was a big smile from a blond haired woman around my height, I didn't know why but I felt a giant snake tail rap around my body before I lost all feeling in my body, I wondered at this moment what was going to happen to me? Was I going to get eaten by some giant snake? Was this Temi really going to eat Maki and Lea? Was this Crisis the blond haired woman I saw? Was the blond haired woman I saw the naga Maki and I saw earlier today?

All these questions filled my head as I was now out cold, my fate was sealed, I was left without a clue what was going to happen to me or Maki or Lea, this could very well be the end of my Felaryan life as I know it.

To be continued……………

Solomon's Travels part 3, Solomon's friendly neighbors.

Man my Felaryan life has really taken a turn for the best I mean I never would have thought my Felaryan neighbors are so friendly, wait I'm getting ahead of myself, I should tell you what happened yesterday, in order to lighten up any confusion, it all started when I woke up yesterday morning, in some kind of home in the Giant Tree.
One day ago.

I was woken up by a very cute and small voice, I remembered this voice from last night when that harpy attacked me and Maki and Lea, to my surprise it was Lea, who was standing on my face, at first I didn't quite recall what happened last night, but I remember how I was waken upped .

"…………………it looks like you're alright Lea…….."

"yes I'm alright, thanks to you Temi"

"oh it was nothing dear, after all I couldn't begin to think of what Crisis would have gone through if we last you"

"………I'm still very grateful Temi……how's the giant who rescued me yesterday"

"……….it looks like he might wake up anytime soon, you know you should be careful around strangers Lea, even if they appear to be friendly"

"I know full well Temi, that's why I asked for you to stay with me encase he wakes up"

"Lea you know full well a doctor should never leave a patient, as a healer it's my duty to make sure I stay with my patients until the end, plus it's been awhile sense I last had a giant as a patient"

"……………………………………….hay look I think he's waking up…………………."

"be careful dear, after all we don't know what he might try to do you"

"I'll be careful, plus he doesn't scare me" shortly after I heard those words I woke up, I looked at Lea as she moved from my face, to my chest, I was careful not to get up to quickly because I knew it was bad to get up and out of bed to fast, especially if it isn't an emergency of some kind.

"……….where…am…I" I asked in question to Lea, but someone else told me where I am.

"you're at the Giant Tree kind sir" to my surprise the person who told me was, Temi the little fairy I recall helping Maki and Lea last night, at first I wasn't quite sure how I got all the way up here, in this home in the Giant Tree, but I was sure if I asked I would soon learn.

"……wait I'm at the Giant Tree still…….that's right now I remember, you little fairy, you helped Maki and Lea right"

"indeed I did, after all I couldn't have just let you three perish in the dark night"

"wait Maki is still alive, WHERE IS SHE!?"

"please calm down, your friend Maki is safe and sound, take a look to your right" said the fairy who's name I believed to be Temi, as she pointed to my right, I looked over to see Maki sound asleep in a human size bed.

"thank goodness she's alright, so you weren't lying after all miss fairy"

"I am many things kind sir, but I'm not one to lie" I felt a bit, dumbfounded at the fact a fairy wasn't lying to me, or tried to eat my first friend, so I guess I needed to tell her I'm sorry.

"…….I'm truly sorry miss fairy, I didn't think you would keep your word, I'm truly sorry for not trusting you…."

"you don't need to be sorry, I'm sure you've had a good reason not to trust my people in the past"

"……hmm may I ask what is your name, little fairy"

"my name is Temi"

"Temi……nice to meet you, my name is Solomon"

"nice to meet you Solomon, I'm pleased to meet you"

"um…Temi…can you please tell me how I got up here"

"sure, you were brought up here by Crisis, you really had us worried about you and your friend Solomon"

"really I worried you, I'm sorry about that"

"you don't have to be sorry, after all you risked your life to save Lea from that harpy, that keeps trying to eat her"

"oh that's right, I remember fighting a harpy yesterday"

"yes and I'm really great full that you saved me, for a stranger your very nice Solomon" said Lea who was on my chest, I lifted her up so I could get a better look at her, Lea is quite a beautiful young women if you ask me, I wasn't sure how old she is but judging by the way she looks, I would guess Lea was around my age, or a few years older, it's pretty hard to guess a person's age sometimes, if you ask me, because I once met a dryad who said she had been around for over 250 years it was hard at first for me to believe the dryad was that old, mainly because she looked like a middle aged women to me, anyway I continued to talk with Lea.

"oh…well…I was just doing what I usually do, I know it's pretty risky to save a life from a predator like a harpy, but I'm willing to save others if I can"

"……..odd…..I wouldn't think a stranger would do something like that, for someone they don't know"

"why would you think of it being odd Lea"

"…….hmmm…..well…because you're a giant, and for all I knew you wanted to eat me, back when you saved me from that harpy"

"eat you, HA!, I'm not going to eat or forsake you, or anything like that Lea"

"why not, don't you eat humans"

"as if, why would I want to eat my own kind, or anything that can talk for that matter" Temi and Lea were silent for a while when I said those words, until Lea asked me.

"what do you mean by your kind"

"what do I mean, well believe it or not Lea, I was once human"

"but how, you look like any other giant"

"Lea, you need to take into mind some giants, or giantess were once human before they came to Felarya"

"I guess that's true Temi, so maybe Solomon was once a human is what you're saying"

"yes Lea and Temi, I was once human"

"how did you become a giant" asked Lea.

"well that's a good question Lea, not even I am sure why I became a giant, all I recall before coming to Felarya, was seeing a very bright light, next thing I know I'm in the middle of some jungle with everything I had on my person and close to me"

"hmmm….sounds like you came to Felarya the same way most people do" said Temi.

"it sounds that way indeed Temi, though one things for sure, I feel sorry for every new comer who doesn't make it, oh well, that's the hard and sad facts of life in Felarya, right"

"how can you be so calm knowing people get eaten every day in Felarya"

"well Lea, it's because I learned the hard way, only the strong can survive out here, this isn't a place for humans or anything their size to live in, plus I've learned it's a bad idea to just aimlessly go around saving people you don't know, unless of course said people are encountered on either a hunt or a travel, other than that I don't really bother saving people I don't know, I might sound unfair but that's the truth of living in Felarya" Lea and Temi were both silent once again, after hearing what I said, until Temi asked me.

"so you understand that living in Felarya is hard"

"yes I have, I mean until I met Maki six days ago, I lived all alone for three months by myself"

"where have you been the past few months Solomon"

"oh I've been living in a cave, about….hmmm…50 miles to the north from the Giant Tree"

"you've been living this long by yourself, this close to the Giant Tree, how have you survived for someone who was once human"

"well Temi, that's because I was a hunter back on Earth, the name of the world I come from"

"oh so that's why you've been able to live by yourself for so long without any help, but what about your clothes, are they from this Earth you're from"

"nope I made them myself, and I have to say I like kensha beasts for both their meat, and their fur, I really like the clothes I made myself using kensha fur"

"you hunt kensha beast"

"yep I do"

"but why, their very dangerous creatures, aren't you worried they might kill you one day"

"worried as if, I've been hunting kensha's since I first came to Felarya, I don't care if they look like wolfs or dogs, but their a better option over humans, or anything else that can talk, plus I see hunting them as fair game"

"I can hardly believe this, a giant who hunts kensha beasts, I don't remember if in all my years if I've ever seen anyone who's willing to do such a thing"

"well it's hard for me to believe fairies aren't so bad after all, I mean until I met you I didn't care about fairies at all"

"….I see…but I wonder….do you only hunt kensha beasts"

"no I don't only hunt kensha's, sometimes I hunt smaller animals, like lions, tigers, and other small animals, as well as fruit"

"woo for someone who only hunts animals and fruit, your pretty healthy Solomon"

"why thank you Temi, I learned how to survive this way thanks to my family back on Earth"

"your family must be proud of you Solomon" said Lea.

"I'm sure they are Lea I'm sure they are, sometimes I really miss Earth and everything and everyone back home, sometimes I feel lonely"

"well you don't need to feel lonely anymore Solomon"

"hmm…why not Lea"

"because you have friends now Solomon, friends who you can see every day if you wish" I felt really happy that Lea called me a friend and to think she was just a girl I rescued yesterday, I was going to tell her how great full I was, until I heard Maki wake up.

"…….Solomon…you there…." said Maki.

"I'm here Maki, did you have a good sleep"

"yes I did I feel better, a whole lot better now that I mention it"

"that's good to know I guess Temi was right when she said she would heal you, I'm glad you're alright Maki"

"I'm glad you're alright Solomon, you look as good as new I can't even see those claw marks from the harpy on you"

"wait what" I said as I was confused, I looked on my arms and felt my back only to find the claw marks were gone, I wonder if Temi healed me as well.

"I'm glad to see all my patients healthy" said Temi.

"you healed me Temi"

"yes after all you were a patient, I make sure all my patients are healed before I leave them"

"thank you so much for healing Maki and me Temi"

"you don't need to thank me, like I said before I'm just doing my job"

"I'm still very grateful"

"Solomon is Temi the name of the fairy who healed us" said Maki.

"yes yes she is, she also healed Lea"

"thank you for healing Solomon and Lea and me, Temi I'm very glad my friends are alright"

"you're welcome dear, so is there anything you would like for breakfast"

"I would like something sweet" said Maki.

"what about you Solomon" said Temi to me.

"I'll take anything that doesn't talk, especially if it's cooked meat or fruit"

"Lea dear, what would you like" said Temi to Lea.

"I'll have my usual"

"very well then I'll be back soon, you three stay here until I come back"

"sure thing Temi" said Lea.

"I'll keep an eye on them miss Temi" I said to Temi as she flew out of the home we were in to get us some food.

I kept an eye on Maki and Lea while we waited for Temi to return with our breakfast, Maki and I talked with Lea while we waited for Temi, we talked about what we had gone through before we came to Felarya, it turns out Lea came from another world as well, she told Maki and me what the world she came from was like, Lea also told us what happened to her before she came to Felarya, poor Lea before she came to Felarya she was a slave she got tortured day and night both physic and mental torture, Maki felt really sorry for Lea because it turns out Maki got tortured by her own father before she came to Felarya, seeing how those two naga who tried to take Maki back to her father knew what he did to her, I didn't feel to sorry or much petty of any kind for killing those two earlier this week but then again it still felt wrong to.

Lea felt sorry for Maki seeing how Maki got tortured by her own father rather than some jerks who didn't know her, I however didn't tell them to many things about Earth the world I came from because I believe it's best to forget about the bad things of the past and look forward to the present and future.

Maki Lea and I became really good friends by the time Temi returned with are breakfast, she brought some small fruit and berry's for Maki and Lea, the two ate their food on a table inside a hole in the Giant Tree, it turns out Lea lives in the tree but I wondered as Temi brought me some cooked lions, who's house was this I was in who lived here, was this Temi's home? Or someone Temi knows or knew?

Just as I started to eat the cooked lions Temi gave me, something happened that I didn't think would happen, a beautiful voice came from outside the home inside the Giant Tree, the voice yelled out in a very cheerful manner "TEMI, LEA I'M HOME!" I remembered hearing this voice last night when I went out cold, to my surprise it was the blond haired women from last night but that wasn't what fully surprised me, what really surprised me was the fact this blond haired women was in fact the blond haired naga Maki and I saw yesterday, as far as I could understand this naga had to be the one who lived in this house or whatever I was in at the moment, judging by the reaction Temi and Lea had when they saw the blond naga I believe she must be a friend of theirs

To my surprise the naga's name turned out to be Crisis, does this mean that this Crisis is the same Crisis who helped me last night? Given the fact I recalled hearing a beautiful voice plus seeing a blond haired lady and feeling a snake tail rap around my body last night, it was clear to me now that this naga had to be the kind women who helped me out last night, feeling left out I begun to talk to Crisis, which as far as I know is the name of the naga.

"um…..hello there….miss naga…." I was feeling a bit shy and I blushed at the fact the naga is naked, but given how many natives I've seen while living in Felarya, it didn't surprise me too much, I guess I was very nervous because this was my first time talking to a Felaryan naga female by my own free will, the naga looked at me with a big smile on her face and said.

"hello there mister giant, you're that nice guy who saved Lea last night correct"

"um….yes I am"

"that was very nice of you, I don't know what I would have done if anything bad happened to Lea"

"…..it was nothing, I was just saving a person from one of the many harpies out there, that's all"

"Lea told me all about the way you saved her and how you stood your ground against that harpy"

"oh she did, I guess Lea got up before me"

"yep she did, I'm very glad you saved her, oh and don't worry about your little friend
Maki, Lea told me all about her, after all I don't eat friends of friends"

"well I'm glad you didn't eat Maki, I was more worried about her then I was myself, after all I didn't want to lose my first friend"

"that's very sweat of you, may I ask you your name" said the naga with a big grin, it didn't seem like she cared about being naked right in front of a man, oh well that's Felaryans for you.

"….oh my name….well I only go by my first name….my name is Solomon"

"my name is Crisis, I'm pleased to me you Solomon" it turned out I was right about Crisis being the naga right in front of me, I guess the rumors about the mighty and feared Crisis were true after all and knowing what I've heard of Crisis I knew she had to be quite the man eater, so I was careful around her just encase she got any funny ideas, one things for sure judging by the bulged belly I saw on Crisis I could tell she most of had a feeding frenzy, I had a bit of trouble trying to focus on talking with Crisis, but given I'm a guy it was hard not to look at her boobs every now and then.

"Crisis, so you're the naga I've heard tales about, I guess the rumors of at least a giant naga living at the Giant Tree were true after all"

"I guess those tasty humans really know me quite well, I'm sure that's how you got to know of me, what did they taste like Solomon" I was shocked that Crisis thought I ate humans, I didn't get my information from humans I ate I don't eat anything that can talk at all, mainly because I use to be a human, I got my information from either humans or human size races I rescued from animals or predators while out on hunts or while I was traveling around my territory or going to the river to take a bath.

I also got some information from some of the locals, native wise I mainly got info from the sphinxes I met in Felarya when I first arrived, I really respect the sphinxes for their kindness on honor, the sphinxes who helped me in my early days of Felarya taught me many basic things that I needed to survive, the sphinxes also respect me and my wish's by not eating anything sentient in my territory plus they saved me from harpies that attacked and mobbed me in the past, therefore I look up to sphinxes and their word of honor, anyway I told Crisis this.

"….um….Crisis….I don't eat humans or anything that looks like them, for any reason at all"

"…I see, that must be why you saved Lea yesterday, I understand Solomon" said Crisis with a big grin on her face.

"so you understand I don't eat anything that talks right"

"yep, Temi told me before I came back home, so you don't need to worry about a thing" I was silent for a while, so I decided to let Crisis and Temi know some things about me, if they truly wanted to know me better.

"okay then listen up, Crisis and Temi please listen to me"

"what do you wish to tell us Solomon" said Temi.

"I'll be a good listener Solomon" said Crisis.

"I do not at all eat humans or anything that looks like them, mainly because I was once a human myself, and if you two wish to be friends with me I will only talk to you and be friends if you fallow these requests, please do not eat any of my human or human size friends, or people I see as friends and please do not eat any humans or something like them while I'm around, at least wait for me to be out of sight first.

Also please do not try to force feed me humans or any other small race, if any of you have a problem with these requests I'll leave right now" I said to Crisis and Temi in voice so loud it echoed throughout Crisis's home, there was silents until Crisis said.

"okay I understand Solomon, you can count on me not to eat or force feed any humans or neko or anything that looks like them, at all, I'm true to my word to my friends after all" said Crisis with her smile to my surprise, I could hardly believe she was willing to go through with this, I was about to ask Crisis to make sure she understood me until.

"you don't have to worry about me Solomon, I rarely eat humans, as for Crisis she is true to her word you can trust her" I was shocked to see that Temi and Crisis were willing to listen and go through with my requests, I guess they did because I didn't ask them to stop eating humans or other small races, and believe me trying to reason a predator into not eating humans or other races is a waste of time, especially if you want to become friends with them, so I asked them why they agreed with my requests.

"……..why are you two willingly going through with my requests, I mean I'm just a stranger who showed up yesterday, yet you're listening to my requests, why are you doing this"

"because Solomon, you're a friend, and friends are willing to do things for other friends" said Crisis.

"…….well Solomon we're listening to you because your kind, and it looks like you really need some friends" said Temi.

"but why aren't you trying to eat, me even though I told you both I was once a human"

"because you're a person and a friend Solomon, plus I don't eat people or friends for any reason, if I did I would be a monster now wouldn't I" said Crisis.

Though I thought in a way she was kinda being contrary to herself, because humans and anything that is sentient is a person right? I guess the giant Felaryans have a different point of view on what they see as people and food, oh well that's life in Felarya, but on the bright side I didn't need to worry about watching small races getting eaten by my new friends, or my small friends getting eaten by my bigger friends, but just to be on the safe side I asked this as well.

"will you also not eat anything in my territory that talks unless I say so"

"sure thing, after all it's wrong to steal food from your friends, I'll respect your wish's and requests Solomon, because your my friend"

"you won't have to worry about thief's among friends Solomon" said Temi.

It was a bit hard to believe that Crisis and Temi were willing to agree with me, never before had a fairy or a naga been this reasonable to me before, I was just at first surprised to see such friendly people around my current size, I didn't know what to do or why I did what I did, but I was just so happy I ran up to Crisis and gave her a big hug, she really hugged me back tightly when I hugged her, the feeling I got from Crisis hugging me was like feeling both a women and a snake hugging at the same time, Temi just smiled as she watched Crisis and me hug each other.

After I was done hugging Crisis I felt like hugging Temi, though given how she was about the size of a human I didn't think it could be a big hug like the one I gave Crisis, I told Temi I wanted to give her a hug to show her how happy I was for her healing me and becoming my friend, Temi smiled and said to me "sure thing Solomon" a bit to my surprise Temi within a matter of seconds went from being a human size fairy, to a giant size fairy who was about 109 feet tall, as far as I could tell.

Before I gave Temi a hug I got a very good look at her, unlike Crisis she was clearly wearing cloth's that were made from some kind of plant, I could also tell her ears are pointed like en elf's ears, she also has a red looking hair color judging by the way it looks to me, she also has dragonfly wings and white skin, Temi needless to say is an overall cute looking fairy, I gave Temi a hug after I was done getting a good look at her, she seemed very happy that I gave her and Crisis a hug, though it felt a bit weird when I hugged Crisis mainly because her boobs were squishing my chest, Temi on the other hand it felt like giving a normal person a hug for me, because of the fact we both wear cloth's.

Later after I was done hugging Temi I asked her how she was able to become a giantess so easily, I mean I've seen small fairies about the size of humans many times before, as well as giant size fairies I've even heard of fairies the size of tinies, but I've never seen a fairy go from being human size to giant size, Temi told me it was natural for Felaryan fairies to change their size, that really clears a lot of questions on my mind.

After a few minutes of thanking Temi and Crisis for their help, I decided to pick up Maki and head back home to my cave, Temi had to leave as well, her job for the day was done, Temi Maki and I said goodbye to Crisis and Lea as we begun to make are way back to are homes, I recall hearing a very loud and angry voice as we left the Giant Tree, though it wasn't a harpy or Crisis or anyone else I've heard so far, I was left to believe someone else lived at the tree with Crisis and Lea, I just knew I had someone new to meet the next time Maki and I come to the great tree.

Temi went off the trail Maki and I were on, it turns out her home is somewhere in the west, which can mean she lives close to or in the Fairy kingdom, home of the fairies from what I've heard after we said goodbye to each other I went back home, later I went out on a hunt and got a deer and some fruit, after the hours went by Maki and I had dinner and I read some of Gulliver's Travels (a book from my world) to her before bed, after we said good night to each other we went to are beds, I got my bed done while Maki and I were waiting for the right time to go to the Giant Tree, I also made her a human size bed best I could.

After we said good night to each other again we went to sleep, I had great dreams about my new friends I made this week, Maki, Lea, Temi, and Crisis, their all my friends, their my first Felaryan true friends and neighbors I made in Felarya, I knew that my Felaryan life would get a whole lot better, just wait and see.

To be continued………………

This is the first post, I'll post more later.

I'll explain who owns who once I've posted the whole first season which will be soon.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

Posts : 416
Join date : 2011-03-28
Age : 43

Solomon's Travels Season One Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solomon's Travels Season One   Solomon's Travels Season One Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 8:10 pm

Solomon's Travels part 4, an inventor and a hunter.

Today was going to be a special day for me and Maki, we decided it was time to return to the Giant Tree to see are great friends who live there, as well as learn who the owner of that loud angry void we heard when we went back home that day, the nightmare I had last night was very unusual because Crisis was in my nightmare, I wish I knew why I had a nightmare about my good friend, I guess like my grandma would sometimes say nightmares can either be a warning of some kind of personal fear, or about something bad that happened at one point or another, either way I looked at it I knew that I shouldn't let a nightmare keep me from seeing my friends and since lunch time was over I shouldn't have to worry about watching Crisis eat humans or nekos when Maki and I get to the tree to see our friends.

It took me an hours walk to get Maki and me to the Giant Tree, I began to climb the tree looking for the tree house or whatever Crisis called her home, after a little while I got to the tree house to find Crisis taking a nap with Lea sleeping on her stomach, Maki came out of my pocket and smiled when she saw are two friends sleeping peacefully, I waited for a while for them to wake up from their little nap so Maki and I could talk to them, within awhile Crisis and Lea woke up from their nap, I said good afternoon to the two as they woke up, Crisis and Lea were very happy to see us again, it turns out they really missed seeing us after being gone for three days, I guess they don't see to many men that often, given how it seems there's more females in Felarya then males.

Anyway after a good talk with Crisis and Lea the two decided to go out for a while, Crisis told us that Anna was home today working so we wouldn't be alone, I wonder if this Anna is the owner of that angry voice Maki Temi and I heard while we went back to our homes? I put Maki onto the ground so she could walk around for a while, after all it's not fair to keep Maki in my pocket all the time, so I thought since we were somewhere safe it would be alright for her to walk around, I heard a few noises that sounded like machines and power toolsof some kind while I was looking around Crisis's home, I found it unusual for a machine to be anywhere close to a Felaryans home, I left Maki alone so she could have some free time for a little bit while I looked for what was making these machine noises.

I fallowed the noises of the machine I heard while walking around in Crisis's home looking for this machine, it didn't take me to long to find the machine I heard, I couldn't see the machine at first but after looking carefully I was able to see some kind of…….well to tell the truth I wasn't sure what I was looking at, however when I got to close to the machine to try and get a better look at whatever it is I heard a very loud voice yell at me.

"DON'T GO ANYWHERE NEAR THAT YOU BIG APE!" man I'm not sure what I did but for some reason a person yelled at me, I took a few steps back from the machine because I knew the person who yelled at me didn't want me to get to close to it, I turned around to see a rather angry looking pink haired women who was around my height, I was stunned silent looking into her eyes that look like a reptiles until she asked me.

"may I ask what you think you are doing in my workshop" I was silent for a few seconds until I said.

"um….I was wondering what was making that noise in here, after all it seems unusual for a machine to be in a Felaryans home" the women was looking me dead in the eyes for a few seconds before she begun to talk to me.

"….hmm I guess you might be that guy Crisis and Temi brought to the great tree a few days ago, because I do remember seeing your face before, but you were asleep…"

"you saw me while I was asleep, what did you do that for"

"I was getting a good look at the house guests Crisis and Temi brought into the house, so I wouldn't make any mistakes encase you decided to visit again"

"I see…….well I'm glad you didn't attack me for coming in here"

"it's alright, I'm use to people coming in here and messing with my stuff"

"well you don't have to worry about me, I don't mess with other peoples stuff, may I ask for your name miss"

"I'm Anna Demorah, what's your name"

"I'm Solomon, I'm very pleased to meet you Anna Demorah, may I ask what you're working on"

"as if someone like you would understand, I'm trying to fix what's left of my computer that was smash for the third time by Crisis" said Anna as she slithered over to the table with the machine on it, I wasn't too surprised to see Anna is a giant naga like Crisis, Anna has yellow eyes, royal blue scales on her top scale color, while her belly scales are yellow, she has fair skin and pink hair, I'm not sure why but for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of Anna, and I wasn't sure what to say, so this is what I said.

"REALLY!? Your fixing a computer……you must be really smart Anna to be a Felaryan working on something like a computer, you must have spent years learning how to make machines?" Anna was silent when I told her what came to my mind, she turned around with a bit of an odd look on her face as she begun to talk to me.

"……….you understand machines………"

"why yes I do, I did use to fix cars before I came to Felarya, I also used all kinds of machines like computers, I surely miss my computer sometimes, I must have so many e-mails by now back on Earth"

"wait you repaired cars"

"yes, it was one of the many things I did before I became a giant"

"you weren't born a giant, Solomon"

"nope, I was once a human from a world called Earth, but after I saw a bright light I ended up in Felarya as a giant, I'm surprised to see someone my size work on machines"

"……..so you too were once a human. I guess that makes two of us then, but you're lucky because you don't have this freak of a body I have to put up with" I wasn't really sure what Anna mint by what she just said, was she trying to let me know she was once a human? But that's not possible, how could a human have become a giant naga? I mean I've never heard of such a thing happening before, it just doesn't seem like something that could have happened, but I decided not to ask her about the being human subject.

"so Anna, how long until your done with your work"

"….oh it'll take me a good four hours of work or so before I'm…." just then Anna's stomach growled, which was a sign she was hungry.

"I take it you must have skipped lunch"

"….I guess I got carried away by my work again, well it's time to hunt some duiker before I go hungry again"

"would you like for me to help you out"

"sure….you look like you could be a good hunter"

"well just as long as we don't hunt for anything that can talk, I'm cool with hunting with you Anna"

"wait, you don't hunt for humans"

"nope….I see it wrong to take another life for your own sake, plus I see eating humans as eating my own kind since I was once human"

"….that makes sense, it's good to know you're not like the others out there"

"I'm glad I haven't eaten a human at all while living in Felarya, so is there a spot where you like to hunt for duiker"

"yes as a matter of fact I do, fallow me and I'll show you"

"okay then, but first I need to get Maki before we head out on are hunt"

"Maki…..oh you mean that little girl who was with you when you last visited"

"yes I do, well I'll see you in a little bit" I said to Anna as I went to go get Maki who was playing with a few small bugs for some reason, I picked up Maki and put her into my pocket so she wouldn't have to climb down the tree with Anna and me, I went back to see Anna waiting for us, we fallowed Anna down the Giant Tree and into the forest as we begun are hunt for duiker.

I should let you all know duiker are small human size antelope creatures that are quite common in Felarya, I've seen and eaten some many times in the past but I see them as a snack rather than a filling meal, but hey if you eat enough they can fill a giant like myself, anyway I fallowed Anna while Maki was riding in my shirt pocket like she usually does, we fallowed Anna until she told us to hide in an area where the local duiker like to come and eat, we waited a good twenty minutes before some duiker came out into the open, once they within my range I was waiting for Anna's signal to attack are prey, but for some reason she wasn't doing much of anything, she waited until the duiker were close by the trees we were hiding in before she jumped out to capture a duiker or two, with a swift hand movement she got a duiker while the other one's were starting to make a run for it, before she even bothered to get up I ran after the duiker as fast as I could run.

I chased the herd of duiker for only a matter of seconds before I myself caught a few of them, I had about six duiker in one of my hands while there were none in my other hand, I held onto them while I went back to where I left Anna, when I got back she just yelled at me for leaving her alone while in the middle of a hunt, I showed her the duiker I caught for her to help calm her down a bit, I told Anna that I caught these duiker for her since she only caught one, at first she was just mad at me but after a few seconds she was great full that I helped catch her some duiker, rather thin just have them for myself, I kept the duiker alive because I believed like all Felaryan naga Anna liked her food while it was still alive, I watched her gulp down all of the duiker one at a time, I could see a bulge in her stomach from the panicking duiker who were trying to escape from their prison so to speak, while Maki was hiding in my shirt pocket.

Later we went back to the Giant Tree so we could watch Anna work on her computer, I was very surprised to see Anna just going to work on that broken computer that was starting to look more like a computer to me now, I could only wonder how long Anna has been working on machines, because it isn't natural for a Felaryan giant to have the no how on how to make and fix machines, I thought it was best to just wait until Anna was done with her machine, Anna was just a marvel to look at while she worked, a few times she told me to stop looking at her but I kept watching Anna while she worked very hard on the computer.

Within a few hours Anna rubbed the sweat off of her head and arms and took off her work gaggles, she turned to face me and Maki with a big smile on her face as she showed us her computer was fully working again, I was shocked beyond belief when I saw Anna's computer working, it only left me to ask her this.

"…Anna you have to be the smartest person I know in my entire life to pull off what you just did"

"why thank you Solomon, it's easy to work when you have peace and quiet from your guests, unlike some people I know" she said as her smile turned into a frown, I was left to believe she must have been talking about Crisis, which wouldn't surprise me, given how technology and Felaryans don't mix well together, which only left me to ask her that question that was on my mind.

"Anna, where did you learn how to make and fix machines"

"I learned those things back on Delurah, the name of the world I came from, I was a true genius back in those days, before I met a naga who ruined my human life as I knew it"

"I see no wonder your…….wait your from Delurah, the Deluran homeworld, I didn't think there were nagas on Delurah"


"take it easy….I didn't mean to make you mad Anna"

"……your right…I'm sorry for yelling…after all you don't know about my past…"

"can you tell me what happened to you Anna"

"well since Crisis isn't around I guess I can tell you"

"okay then miss Anna, we'll listen to your story" said Maki as she pocked her head out of my pocket, I sat down so we could listen to Anna's story.

"….I Anna Demorah was once a human being, I grew up on Delurah the capital of the Deluran empire, I lived a very bad life in my childhood with my younger brother until the day I signed up for the military to earn money to get me and my brother out of our miserable life, I spent many long years working until I sighed up for a dangerous scouting mission to a far-away world called Felarya, after many long months of working with my fellow Delurans I was sent alone to the Giant Tree, I was about to complete my mission until I met Crisis, after a while let's just say I wasn't the same after that encounter, later I became a naga for a reason I'm not fully sure about, does that help answer any questions you two had" I was silent for a little while before I said anything.

"…so you're a Deluran Anna"

"….well I was…I still think of myself as one, but I'm not anymore, I'm a freak now"

"I guess we have a few things in common than Anna"

"how do you figure that Solomon"

"well we both use to be human, we both come from worlds that are very cool, we're both giant predators against our free will, we both have to put up with the fact the Felaryans eat humans and other races their size, we both don't eat humans or any other race their size, we both like machines and work on them, we both have trouble living in this dangerous world, we also have good friends we can look up to"

"…wow…I guess we do have quite a few things in common"

"indeed we do Anna, say why don't we make a deal"

"…..okay what's this deal" said Anna in a questionable manner.

"I help you with your hunting, and you help me with repairing machines, deal?"

"hmm…..hmm…..hmm…..deal" Anna said as we shook hands with each other.

"….I'm glad to see my friends are getting along just fine" said Crisis who only just came in at that moment, she smiled with Lea on her right shoulder, they both were looking very happy to see me and Anna getting along, I guess not to many Felaryans are friends with Anna and I can understand why some Felaryans wouldn't be friends with a great naga like Anna, anyway after Maki and I had a good long talk with our friends we decided it was time to go, Crisis Lea and Anna said goodbye to us as Maki and I left the Giant Tree, I got Maki and me some nice dinner while we were on are way home.

When Maki and I got back home we had a little chat.

"Solomon, I'm glad to have so many new friends thanks to you"

"I'm glad to Maki, I didn't have any real friends in Felarya until I met you, thanks to you we both have good friends, who I'm sure will last a life time"

"…..your right Solomon, I'm glad to have real friends as well, I do admit I miss all my friends back on my world, but I have a great friend like you to help me feel happy"

"well I'm glad we both help each other feel happy, I mean I could have very well gone the rest of my life living alone if not for you"

"….I'm flattered that you feel that way about me Solomon, I truly am"

"…Maki…you're such a great kid, anyone who would have you as a friend would be lucky"

"thank you Solomon, that means so much to me….I hope maybe one day you can meet the rest of my friends"

"you're welcome Maki, I hope I can meet your friends as well"

"….so do you have any idea on what we'll do tomorrow"

"well I was planning we went back to the Giant Tree, so we can know our friends who live there a little better, plus we might meet someone else while we're there"

"that's a good plan Solomon, I like it"

"…..I'm glad you like our plan Maki, well kiddo it's time for us to go to bed" I said as I put out the fire in my cave, Maki climbed into her little bed, and I climbed into mine, after we said are good nights to each other, we fell fast asleep within a few minutes sleeping peacefully throughout the night.

While I was sleeping something dawned on me, Anna said she was once a Deluran, she has pink hair and she met Crisis before she became a giant naga, I couldn't quite believe it myself at first but was Anna the Deluran I saw get eaten by Crisis in that nightmare I had? If that's true then how did Anna survive being eaten only to get turned into a giant naga, on the subject of Anna things didn't really make too much sense to me, but then again this is Felarya, a world where many things don't make sense at all, so I told myself in my sleep that I shouldn't worry about how Anna became a giant naga, I should just be happy there's another person who I can relate to in a way, I believe Anna will be a great friend of mine, plus we can now help each other in an area we both know but aren't really that good at, Anna is an inventor and I am a hunter.

Anna can help me understand more about machines then what the average mechanic knows, and I can help her learn how to hunt on her own and get a good animal to eat.

After Maki and I had a good night's rest we had some good breakfast, I caught us some lunch for when we got to the Giant Tree, we set out after I caught are lunch for the Giant Tree so we could see are good friends again, once we got there we saw Crisis hanging from a tree branch right above Lea, they were happy to see us again, I left Maki with Crisis and Lea because I told them I was going to give Anna some hunting lessons today, Crisis was happy to hear that I was willing to help Anna learn how to hunt on her own, after all since Anna wasn't born a naga or learned how to hunt in the wild back on Delurah I figured it would be good to teach a naga who doesn't like to eat sentient prey how to hunt for animals the way I was taught to, I climbed up to the tree house to look for Anna.

When I got to the room Anna works in I saw her talking with a fairy, I came in to get a better look at the fairy, the fairy was a female with long orange hair, black eyes, she was currently about over 100 feet right now, her wings were like that of a dragonfly's in form, a lot like Temi's wings in a way I thought to myself, she also had a glove on her left hand but yet she didn't have one on her right hand, which I found odd even for a fairy, I didn't say anything until Anna said.

"oh there he is now Subeta, I told you he was real"

"oh I see, it's nice to know there's a giant who lives so close to the great tree" said the fairy to Anna, who's name turned out to be Subeta.

"…um…did I come at a bad time Anna"

"no you actually came at a great time, now you can meet one of my good Felaryan friends"

"I did? Oh…I see….um….hello there miss fairy"

"tehee, hello there you silly looking giant, it's not every day I'm called miss"

"…..I see……um….my name is Solomon, may I ask for your name"

"well Solomon I'm the one and only Subeta"

"Subeta…..wait you're the Subeta….the Subeta who's a collector of all kinds of treasures in Felarya"

"yep that's me" said Subeta with a smile on her face, I was surprised to meet the great Subeta a fairy who's said to have little to no fear in the face of danger and she's said to be quite the collector of rare treasures across Felarya, this one group of fairy hunters I met a long time ago said you should never go to the Forest of Whispers, for it is home of the fairy Subeta who will steal anything special to you, she is very dangerous and it's advised to avoid her at any cost, well I didn't really meet the fairy hunters but that is what I heard from them, but given how Subeta turned out to be a friend of Anna as well as maybe a friend of both Crisis and Lea, I didn't think she could be a bad person at heart.

"so Solomon, what brings you back to the Giant Tree" said Anna to me.

"I'm here to help give you some hunting lessons Anna, after all we do have a deal don't we"

"….oh right are deal, I'm glad you remembered, I was starting to think maybe you were joking with me on that deal"

"I would never joke on giving hunting lessons Anna, after all it seems fair to me that you learn how to hunt from someone who doesn't like to hunt humans"

"…that is true, every few times Crisis takes me out to a hunt she try's to get me to get me to learn how to hunt humans, I get sick of it if you ask me"

"well todays lessons will be different Anna"

"oh boy, it looks like you two are going to have some fun hunting together" said Subeta in a playful manner like most fairies do, I told Subeta about Maki and what she looks like before Anna and I took off to begin the hunting lessons.

"so Anna, how long have you been living at the Giant Tree"

"oh about, hmm…..a few months by now, I last count quite a while ago, what about you, how long have you been a giant"

"so far, I've been a giant in Felarya for a good 101 days now, it wasn't easy in my first month but I was able to survive"

"really, you've kept count of how long you've been in Felarya"

"yes, I use my journal to keep track of time, so that way I'll always remember how long I've been in Felarya"

"I see, sounds like you're an organized guy Solomon, I wish I could be completely organized, but someone keeps me from being organized every day of my life"

"I take it Crisis must be keeping you from being as organized as you wish to be"

"bingo give the giant a prize, your more right then you think Solomon, that Crisis has ruined my life completely"

"….I'm very sorry to hear that she did Anna, it must had been pretty painful for you when she ruined your human life"

"it was painful alright, in more ways than you can think Solomon, but yet she's done so much for me every now and then, sometimes I really can't be too mad at Crisis, after all she did take me in as a member of her family so to speak, she's also saved my life more than a few times, but I can't stand how she acts so carefree like nothing to bad ever happens, I guess that's what happens when a naga gets raised by fairies"

"it sounds like in a way you do care for Crisis in truth, even though she can barely understand anything people like us understand"

"I do care for her in truth, but I don't think as long as she acts the way she does I'll ever tell her in person how I feel about her"

"….well as an old saying go's….only time will tell"

"I guess that's true, it could be decades before I feel like telling Crisis how I see her as a friend"

"well tell her whenever you feel like it Anna, but for now we need to focus on hunting, I can show you how to be good at hunting"

"I will, and you're right, I need to learn how to fend for myself so I won't need to be force feed again"

"okay then…..let's begin are hunt, shall we Anna" I said as we begun are hunting lessons together.

Anna was doing a whole lot better hunting today then she did yesterday, I helped teach her how to sneak up on her prey, as well as how to ambush prey from the trees, she wasn't perfect but she was learning slowly, for the most part she did become able to sneak up on her prey, but she still needs to work on being quiet when sneaking around, Anna just makes too much noise when she hunts, no wonder she's had trouble with hunting, but I was able to help her get a few duiker today, which was a good sign if you ask me.

We hunted for many long hours on in in the jungle today, we hunted for so long it was now night time by the time we got back to the great tree, we saw are good friends who were waiting for us at the bottom of the tree, I picked up Maki and put her into my shirt pocket as we told everyone we were going home for the night, but Crisis told us it was best to spend the night over at the Giant Tree because it's too dangerous to travel at night, I knew very well it was a bad idea to travel at night, especially since it had been a good three hours since night fell in the jungle, after I talked to Maki over the matter we decided to spend the night at the great tree.

By the time Maki and I got to the tree house Crisis Lea and Anna live in, Maki and I talked about what happened to us while we were apart from each other, she became good friends with Subeta while Anna and I were out hunting, she also told a few story's to our friends while she was waiting for Anna and me to return, Subeta left for her home in the Forest of Whispers about five hours ago, after a good long talk the five of us finally went to bed, Lea and Maki slept in Lea's small home that wasn't too far from where Crisis Anna and I were sleeping, after we all said good night to each other we went to are bed rooms, I had the guest room for the night.

Which was usually in use from what Crisis told me, after I settled down I took a look outside to see the stars that would disappear by tomorrow morning, I closed my eyes and went to sleep peacefully, I had dreams of Maki, me and all our good friends playing together, it seemed a bit odd at first but then I thought it was better to have a fun dream rather than a nightmare.

I slept knowing everything was safe and sound and for now there was nothing to worry about at all.

To be continued………

Solomon's Travels part 5, Solomon's fairy surprise.

Felarya what is it to most people? To most humans it's a world filled with treasure or it's a living nightmare but for people like me its home, I'm glad to live in Felarya with my friends who are there when I need them, ever since I first met Maki my life in Felarya has been getting better, just three days ago three of Maki's best friends from her world called Luminatu came looking for her and lucky for them they ran into both Maki and me, I'm glad Maki can see her old friends again because it makes me feel happy, I decided to let Maki spend the day with her old friends while I went to visit Subeta at her home in the Forest of Whispers, she invited me to come whenever I felt like visiting and from what I've been told you should never go into a canopy fairies territory without being invited first.

Encase you don't know there are different species of fairies in Felarya, from what my Felaryan friends have told me there are many species of races in Felarya, it's a bit hard for me to word but to put it simple there are many types of species of Felanyans out there, canopy fairies from what Subeta has told me usually live in the canopy of the jungle, they are very dangerous because they are able to make small dimensions using their dimensional magic, this magic is very dangerous for humans who go into canopy fairy territory, because odds are if you're a human and you go into a canopy fairies territory you'll walk into a belly warp trap, which is a trap that teleports a person who walks into this trap right into the fairy who made the traps belly, so word to the wise if your human never go looking for a canopy fairy.

Subeta is a pretty reckless person if you ask me, my friends have told me many story's about Subeta and her travels to dangerous temples in Felarya she go's to the temples alone usually looking for treasure in the temples, even though there are most likely traps of all kinds in the temple she travels to, she is from what I can tell a treasure hunter, which seemed a bit odd to me at first, but I took into mind that she is a fairy and she is the Subeta the feared Collector Fairy, Subeta from what she and her friends have told me (as well as some rumors I heard long before I met her) has collected all kinds of treasures from across Felarya, her collection is said to be one of the biggest in all of Felarya, I wonder what her collection is like? I guess that's one reason why I decided to go visit Subeta for the day, while Maki spent the day with her good friends.

My travel into the Forest of Whispers was going seemingly well for me, I got to hunt a nice and tasty glouteux for my first prey in the forest, man people are true when they said that glouteux are the 14th dumbest creatures in the universe, I mean it was so easy to hunt it, it was just standing right in front of me while I got out my spears to hunt it with, I felt partly sorry for the glouteux I ate it was too dumb for its own good, but it was pretty tasty that's for sure, but food didn't matter at the moment what mattered was getting to Subeta's place before night came, I enjoyed looking at the creatures and plants I saw in the forest, I got to see a few kensha beast packs pass by as I was looking for Subeta, seeing those packs gave me an idea of what I have to eat whenever I come to visit Subeta.

Hours passed as I was on the trail Subeta and Crisis told me to take in order to get to Subeta's home, I decided to climb a tree so I could ambush an animal that would pass by, so that way I could have some good food before I get to Subeta's, I waited for a few minutes for prey to come by, I saw a kensha pack coming my way, I got a spear ready and waited until the kensha's were close enough for me to hit, I waited for a few seconds before they got into range, I throw a spear into the side of one of the kensha's which left it bleeding, the other kensha's were guarding that kensha and barking at the trees knowing there was something out there, they stopped barking when they caught the smell of something coming, they ran for it leaving only that one kensha beast behind, I wasn't sure what they were scared of but I thought it was best to wait until that thing they were scared of pasted by, a bit to my surprise a fairy came out of the trees that the kensha's were pointing their noses to before they hightailed it out of here, the kensha I hit with my spear was dead by the time the fairy appeared.

This fairy was clearly here seeing what all the barking was about, I think she was surprised to see a dead kensha with a spear in its side, this fairy has an unusual purple skin color, I looked over the tree branch I was on trying to get a better look at her, she turned around to leave the area she was in, I thought to myself when she passed underneath the tree branch I was on I could get a good look at her before she left, she was rather cute if you ask me, once she got underneath the tree branch I was on I said to myself.
"man aren't you a cute little fairy" as she was now passing underneath the tree branch I was on, once she passed the branch she stopped and looked around, I take it she must have heard me, I could see her back and her wings from this vantage point I had.

"……I wonder if she heard me…" I whispered to myself as I was looking at her, I could clearly see that her wings are butterfly in form, which I found a little cute, she was still looking around trying to find the voice she heard, well that's what I believed anyway.

"if I can get a little closer, I can get a good look at her before she leaves" I said to myself as I moved closer to the edge of the tree branch to get a better look at the fairy, I got closer and closer until I heard a loud crack noise .

"hmm…….that was a bit odd" I said to myself, I heard the noise again but I didn't pay too much attention to it, I was too busy looking at the fairy who was still looking around for the voice she heard, which was my voice.

"…….all I need to do is get….a little closer…..closer……closer….AWW!" I said and yelled to myself as the branch I was on snapped in half, I went face first into the ground right behind the purple fairy, I was use to falling out of trees since I fell out of them all the time when I was a kid, I slowly was able to get myself some balance before I thought of getting myself up off the ground.

I looked up to try and get a view of the area, but to my greatest of surprise I was looking straight at the fairies butt, I was very shocked to get quite a good view of a Felaryan fairies butt, it was nice curve round and purple, it was the best looking butt I'd ever seen in my entire life, I didn't really think when I said what I said.
"man what a nice butt" I said out loud not realizing that the fairy, who's the ahem owner of the butt was right in front of me, she turned around looking at me with a smile on her face as she looked me in the eyes and said.

"so I have a nice butt do I" said the fairy in a playful manner.

"….um…..yes…I think that's what said" I said in a nervous manner to the fairy.

"is that so silly giant, then why don't we have a little fun" said the fairy in her seemingly playful manner, as she turned herself into human size and flew into my clothes.

"…hmm…what did you mean by pla….AHAHAHAHAHA!!" I laughed as the fairy was tickling me, I was able to get up on my feet when the fairy appeared to stop tickling me, but as if it was planned the fairy started to tickle me again, I could see her on my chest tickling me in a playful manner.

"hey HAHAHA….stop that….I'm easy to tickle"

"tehee this is so much fun" the fairy said as I tried to get her out of my shirt, but she was flying all over my shirt tickling me as she was flying, I was pretty much dancing while the silly fairy was tickling me, I felt a bit silly dancing around like a…..well I wasn't really sure what I was dancing like, I wasn't dancing like a scarlet elf that's for sure.

"please stop this, I'm busy as it is today miss fairy, so can you please stop this….silliness"

"no way, I haven't had this much fun with a silly giant like you in a long time" said the fairy as she flew out of my shirt and into my pants, she then flew out of my pants right in front of me, she then began to fly in and out of my shirt and pants very…very fast, she must have really gotten a kick out of playing around in my clothes, she was flying out one end of my clothes and into the next, I could barely take any more of this so I tried to grab the fairy to stop this……fun of hers, because I needed to get to Subeta's.

"that's it, this must stop now"

"tehee catch me if you can"

"this is why I have trouble with fairies" I said as I was trying to get the fairy, who was starting to get on my nerves.

"one things for sure, you're a lot more fun than most people I know"

"well I'm not in the mood for anymore fun, I'm busy going to see my friend Subeta" the fairy came out of my shirt and became a giant using her magic, after I said those words to her.

"you know Subby"

"you mean Subeta, yes I do, I met her about a week ago, she's a good friend of mine"

"well silly giant it's nice to meet another one of Subby's friends"

"are you saying you're a friend of Subeta's"

"yes I am, I've known her for a very long time"

"oh…well….hmm…my name is Solomon, what's your name miss fairy"

"tehee you called me miss that's funny, not to many people call the Trapper Fairy Melany miss"

"you're the trapper fairy, the one who is feared by fairy hunters of all kinds"

"why yes I am"

"um…well it's nice to meet you Melany"

"tehee, it's nice to meet you to silly Solomon" said Melany in what seemed to be her playful manner, having a better look at Melany I could now tell what she looks like, her skin is a light purple color which is unusual if you ask me, her hair is very long and it's turquoise color, she's very tall for a female fairy she's about 116 feet tall, she has tattoos over her body, but the most amazing thing I saw on Melany (apart from her cute butt) was her antlers, which is something I've never seen before, a fairy with antlers rather than antennas like the average Felaryan fairy, Melany didn't turn out to be a bad person she was very fun to be around, it's funny and surprising how it turns out she's friends with Crisis and Subeta, I guess Crisis has a lot of friends in Felarya, which is a good thing if you ask me.

Melany really enjoyed my company today, not only did she get to play with me but she has someone who's a fan of her butt, it's pretty funny how she enjoys hearing that her butt is nice, but to get off of that subject Melany helped show me the way to Subeta's place, after I was only a few steps from going into Subeta's house I said goodbye to Melany, she said she needed to look and see if she caught anything in one of her traps back in her territory, she made herself human size and flew off as she said goodbye to me.

When I got into Subeta's house the first thing I did was yell.

"Subeta I'm here" I yelled out in a friendly manner to my friend, but I didn't get an answer from her, I looked around Subeta's house to see only a few boxes of stuff and what not, most of it was on what looked like a table, I looked around to see if I could find Subeta, but to my surprise there was a human man walking around the place, he was picking up and moving some of the boxes in Subeta's house, of course the first thing that came to my mind was thinking this human was a thief of some kind who came to steal Subeta's treasure, before I thought of doing much of anything I yelled out.

"STOP THEIF!" as I begun to chase this human, I chased him outside for a little while trying to grab him but he appeared to be a bit clever if you ask me, but it didn't take more than a few minutes to find and capture the thief.

"hey put me down you big overgrown ape"

"sorry pal, you're a thief who tried to steal from Subeta, I'm going to hold onto you until she comes back to her home"

"wait you think I'm a thief"

"of course I do, why else would a human be in the great Subeta's home"

"I take your one of her friends she hasn't told me about"

"why yes I'm a….wait what do you mean by what you just said"
The man was silent when I asked him that question, he just looked at me with a very upset looking face, I put him on the table with Subeta's stuff and decided to keep an eye on him until Subeta came home, I figured she should decide what to do to this thief, he surely wasn't a happy man whoever this thief is, he seemed to be grumpy throughout the time I spent watching him, we were both silent looking each other in the eye until I heard the sound of small bug like wings flapping, I turned around to see it was Subeta who was flying very fast, when I saw my friend I decided to try and tell her about what happened while she was gone.

"oh Subeta your back in the nick of time, I found this thief trying to steal some of your stuff when I came in here" I said to Subeta who flow right by me and landed on her table next to the thief, keep in mind she was human size while this was going on.

"oh Marken are you alright? Did Solomon hurt you while I was gone" Subeta said to the thief who wasn't appearing to be a thief, I was a bit speechless to see she didn't try to eat the guy, so I was just listening to them talk.

"I'm fine I will admit the spirits didn't talk to me today, so I was a bit worried…..when I saw this guy I almost thought I was a goner when he caught me, but it turns out he went easy on me and decided to wait until you got back, before he thought of doing anything to me"

"that's good to hear Marken I'm so sorry about Solomon, he is a very nice guy, he most likely thought you were a thief"

"he did he really ticked me off when he kept calling me a thief, when I was just working like you told me to do"

"…hmm…I can understand why he would call you a thief, after all not to many humans get to come to my lair and live to tell the tale, hehehehehe" Subeta said to the man in a playful manner.

"…um….can someone please tell me what's going on" I said to Subeta, who turned around to face me, to my surprise she was wearing clothes and knowing Subeta there had to be a good reason why she was wearing some clothes for a change.

"oh Solomon I almost forgot you were there this is Marken, he's my assistant, he helps me out around my house" she said while pointing with her gloved hand towards the man, who's name turned out to be Marken, I could only wonder why a human eating fairy like Subeta would bother to have a human for an assistant, but knowing Subeta I'm sure she has a pretty good reason.

Marken seemed like a simple guy in my eyes, he is about six feet tall, he looks around my age, he has black hair and eyes which is rather unusual if you ask me, I couldn't really tell what color his skin is, but I could tell that his hair is spiky, apart from his hair and eyes being the same color he seems like an average guy to me, after getting a good look at Marken I remembered why I came to Subeta's home in the first place, so I began to talk with her.

"…oh Subeta, I nearly forgot why I'm here, I came to pay you a visit and look at some of your stuff"

"…that's very nice of you to pay me a visit Sol, as for my stuff, hmm…..what kind of stuff would you like to look at, weapons of great power, maps of forgotten areas, special artifacts that came from temples ages ago, countless pieces of jewels gold and coins, books from long lost adventurers, clothing made from dridders, treasures that were under the safeguard of sphinxes, armor from the ages of war in Felarya" she was just naming off what was clearly a mental list of the treasures she has in her collection, I didn't think we were getting anywhere, so I said.

"um….Subeta…..anything is alright with me"

"…….if that's the case, then let's take a look at some of the stuff I have out already, so that way we don't need to bother with the rest of my collection at the moment" said Subeta who went off looking in her boxes looking for something to show me, she came back from a nearby box with an odd looking ring in one of her hands.

"….hmm….what is that in your hand"

"oh it's a special ring, want to see what it can do"

"sure, I say we give it a try"

"hehehe alright then, now you see me, now you don't" Subeta said as she put on the ring, I couldn't she her at all, then I felt something appear inside my shirt pocket, I looked inside to see Subeta smiling up at me.

"hmm….it's rather comfy in here, no wonder Maki likes traveling with you in here, that little girl has a nice place to travel around in if you ask me"

"……….Subeta…….is that ring able to do what I think it can do"

"yep it can, it's a ring of teleportation, it can take you just about anywhere within a hundred feet, just as long as you've seen the area you wish to go to before teleporting, otherwise you can't really go anywhere, this ring can help out a person who needs to make a quick exit, if you know what I mean" said Subeta, as she gave me a wink.

"….man I never thought I would see something like that, I've only read of those things in fairytales and what not, but then again this is Felarya, a world that's pretty much a living fairytale, just about anything can happen or be found in Felarya"

"tehee I wonder why humans call some story's fairytales, because if they were made by humans then wouldn't they be humantales? Because calling a humantale a fairytale seems a bit silly to me"

"…I guess it's because humans from most worlds believe people like fairies aren't real, kind'a like how the events in those story's aren't real"

"I guess that makes sense, so what do you think of the ring"

"it's pretty nice if you ask me"

"that's good, because I have a whole lot of rings to show you" said Subeta as she flew off getting more rings to show me, man this girl really has a lot of rings, there was one ring that could make you talk like an animal, there was another ring that could give you some magic abilities, there was one that made you invisible for about ten seconds before it would need to recharge for about ten minutes, there was another ring that could make you spit fireballs from your mouth, there was also a ring that could make you breathe ice.

As the minutes turned into hours, it got dark in the Forest of Whispers, I told Subeta it was getting late so I should head home, but she told me it was best if I spent the night over at her place, Marken didn't seem to like this idea to much, but what Subeta wants Subeta gets one way or another, I was shown a nice place to sleep in Subeta's home as she got us all some good dinner, of course she knew better then to get me something that can talk for dinner anyway after dinner we all went to bed, it was nice to spend the night in the collector fairies house rather than being lost in the forest all night.

I wasn't really to sleepy when we all went to bed, so I decided to wake up Marken and ask him how he met Subeta and why he's working for her, when I woke him up and asked him he was just all grumpy, he grumbled and said to me that's none of your business, after I asked him I thought it would be best to not bother him about the subject, I decided I would ask Subeta herself, especially since we're friends, I went back to bed after I left Marken's room, well what I could see of it anyway.

Morning came in what felt like minutes for me, I woke up to see Subeta flying around her house and taking care of a few things, after a little while Subeta, Marken, and I had some good breakfast, after breakfast I got all my stuff packed away for my trip back home, Subeta decided to walk with me for a little while because she said she had some personal business to take care of in the ruins of Ur-Sagol, which is northeast from where my cave is, it didn't take long after Subeta's house was out of sight for her to change her size, when she became giant again she decided to not wear any clothes again, it was a big shock for me to see Subeta just discard her cute clothes so quickly, after I got over my small shock I asked Subeta.

"…um…Subeta…..why did you just get rid of your clothes"

"I don't like to wear clothes too often Sol, but I need to wear them around my home, otherwise Marken doesn't do too much of his work, or get any of it done for that matter"

"…hmm…I guess I can understand that, by the way Subeta, how did you meet Marken and why do you have him as your assistant"

"….that's….um…a…um….well….there's some things…..that are best left unsaid let's just say, ahaha" Subeta said, in a nervous manner to me, which had to be a sign that they must have met unexpectedly and I think I have a pretty good idea of why Subeta needs to wear clothes around Marken hehe, after all he is a man.

"oh alright, I understand to a point" I said to Subeta as I winked my left eye, we enjoyed our walk together through the Forest of Whispers, we saw many of the unusual creatures that live in the forest as we made our way to my cave, Subeta walked with me until we got to a crossroad that had a path that lead to the ruins of Ur-Sagol, we said goodbye to each other as she took the road to the ruins of Ur-Sagol, while I took the road back to my cave, I had a grin on my face as I walked home thinking of the surprises that happened to me yesterday, I knew I had a few tales to tell Maki and the others when I got back home.

After an hour went by I found my cave, outside I saw Maki and her friends waiting for me to come home, Maki smiled and gave me a hug when I sat down next to where she was standing, Cory from what Maki told me was sitting in her hands trying to not be scared of me, but he just ended up hiding again, after I went to get us all some nice lunch I started a fire to cook the food, I sat down and begun to tell them all about the fairy surprises I had in the Forest of Whispers, Maki and the others laughed a few times as I told her my tales, I knew that these surprises would only be one of many funny moments of our life in Felarya.

To be continued………

More shall come soon!
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