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 The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.

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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeSat May 05, 2012 8:06 am

The original purpose of the forum is to discuss and submit ideas for the wiki.
However, not everyone is a worldbuilder. (If everyone was we'd have no stories or art). Some use it for roleplaying, some for posting stories.

I'm interesting in knowing not just what you use it for, since it's also possible to post stories on dA.
What you expect to get back from or on the forum that you wouldn't get elsewhere in the community when you do whatever it is you come here for?
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeSat May 05, 2012 8:26 am

I see the forums as a place to get feedback on ideas and stories before I upload the finished versions to my DA account. I think it’s a better place to carry on a conversation about something that needs to be tweaked because the way DA is set up is less accommodating to group discussions. Whether that feedback is received or not, well that’s a different subject. I still think it’s the right place to start an idea and help it grow into something greater, something that consequently helps Felarya grow into something better.

In other words, Felarya Forums is where the babies are made.
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Temple scourge
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeSat May 05, 2012 8:53 am

Easy enough...

I use dA for stories and drawings, for the artistic purposes I give to my work in Felarya. It works very well for artistic feedback, as it has helped me to improve my writing skills and make my text a bit more natural.

The forum, however, I use it more for idea discussions. Even though it's true that it isn't very active, I find the feedback here very useful and it's actually helped me to better shape what I have in store.

Also, this serves as a way to discuss how the community is handling. I always preferred forums for matters like this. True, we could use the dA group blogs for that, and I don't know if dA groups have forums as well, but the times there has been a discussion about the community there, it was tad confusing. However, here in the forum, I have no problem browsing everyone's post in a topic, I see it clearer and better organized. Also, I've always found that here replies to what others say are faster than in the dA group.

Only drawback is that the forum isn't that big compared with the dA group. And neither of them is that active. But in the forum it doesn't matter if you are more or less visible to others.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2012 7:17 am

I find that this forum is great for submitting ideas, roleplaying, keeping up to date with the latest news, keeping in contact with everybody, creating stories, getting feedback, and etc.

It's versatile in that way.
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2012 7:28 am

Thought you'd never ask.

I prefer the forum submission system for stories, because it's hassle-free. Copy, paste, topic title, bam, there you go. No maturity tags, no author's comments, no "submit to this folder, to this group, show in featured too", no "please choose a deviation type" or "Would you like fries with that? No? Are you reeeeeally sure?". Not even Eka has a system this simple.

But mainly, I prefer the forum for Felarya-related shenanigans, for asking silly questions and seeing what funny answers can people come up with, and for working with ideas without having to chase them all around town, without (insert complaints about dA's comment system), which is enough when there's not much to keep track of, but can get pretty nutsy hunting around to check who said what.
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Eternal Optimist
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2012 11:25 am

I find the Felarya Forum, while it's possible to get similar results in other places, is the only place where you can get those in one place at the same time and with relative simplicity and fast responses. ^_^ The ideas, the stories, the role playing, the character discussions, all of it is very useful.
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Veteran knight
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2012 1:24 pm

When I see the Felarya group on DA I see a project people are contributing towards. When I see this forum I see the community that does it. Smile
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2012 7:38 pm

Roleplay and feedback sharing, mostly. I haven't posted much of anything myself but it makes me feel good when I can help people with their ideas... even though it's generally by pointing out all the mistakes. sweatdrop
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 6:22 am

While were talking about the purpose of the forums, I think another good question is "what does the wiki mean to people?"

To me it's a tool; a source of information on things related to Felarya and I use it to help me write stories and come up with more ideas to build the world. But I notice people tend to view the wiki as a point of validation and a way to have their 5 minutes (not even 15 minutes) of fame. This view of the wiki is dangerous for many reasons; one being that people will compromise their integrity for a place in it. People lose sight of what's important in life when the wiki enters the conversation. It's a useful tool but it's also a dangerous one. I hope people can be strong enough mentally and morally to not give the wiki too much power over them. Those are my two cents.

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Mara's snack

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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 11:27 am

I think its good to think about what the various places of Felarya mean to us, the DA group/community, the Wiki, the Forum, etc. However, this thread is about what the forum means to us, not the wiki. There's a good reason for that, too. Every time the wiki is brought in, people get angry. People who think

1. Those who already have characters and ideas in the wiki are in a special "group"

2. Those who think people should calm down about getting ideas canonized

3. People who believe years of work should be credited with something

4. Those who don't care about the wiki one iota

5. People who get their characters canonized after about 5 minutes of screen time need to wait before their characters are canonized.

6. A lot of issues about the characters, and what people thing, and the grouping, and then stuff gets brought up about those groups, further causing aggravation, then some people start blaming Karbo for all this mess (7. people who blame karbo for all this "mess"). I'm not mad at Karbo, nor do I try to think about the wiki, because then I end up getting categorized into one of the above numbers. Most people fall into either 1, or 2. There's lots of stuff we can talk about the wiki (and argue) but I'd rather not.

The forum is a place where I come to enjoy myself. Its relaxing to read ideas and comment, now more than ever to me. It's a place I've been coming to for years, and I don't think I've ever come to a place on the internet as religiously as coming here. It's nice to say "oh its a place where you can discuss ideas" and so on, but that's just what its used for. What it means to me is something entirely different, almost a second home. Do I care about this home? Yes. Does it mean that I'm too emotionally involved in Felarya? I'd like to think that's not so. I just come here more often, and most of the time when the computer is on, there's a tab open with the forum in it while I go and do other stuff. I do argue on here, and I have done so, not often, but I have. So I guess that's what it means to me. It's not a place I come back to for help when I'm getting bullied, but it is a nice place to find community. Peace unity friendship blah blah blah - the end.
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 11:58 am

What a blissful existence you must enjoy.

Last edited by Heavenless-star on Tue May 08, 2012 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 12:09 pm

Well...I mainly use the forums to pos my stories as wll afew of my ideas and promote the gam am working on...though recenly I have started some RP's and i might make one of my own once I come up with a concept...other than that... dont really ineract a much except when I rarely come into the chat box...
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Felarya cartographer
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 7:19 pm

I Originally came here to get feed back on my characters, but mostly I use this forum to ask questions, RP and make new friends sometimes.
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 3:32 pm

Well I am still settling down here and so far I've only tested the waters to see where I can fit in, but i hope to contribute by posting stories, mabye some artwork, or whatever really. If I can do anything to make this place more interesting and enjoyable then I'll be happy.
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The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes.   The purpose and use of the Forum: Personal takes. Icon_minitime

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