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 I am leaving this forum

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PostSubject: I am leaving this forum   I am leaving this forum Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 10:13 am

Nothing to offend you this time, promised...

You know, in the last days, I have written nearly four pages, full of argumentation, why I am leaving this forum and how it all was Karbo's fault.

In addition to that, I began to write a story which was meant to show the abomination that the mother-with-child-gulping Crisis is. It is half finished by now.

Everything I wrote by now, was not only sure to be absolutely touching, but also to destroy this false Felarya, which I became used to hate so much in the last two weeks.

I literally planed every post days ahead, pulled off every trick I know, including polarization, sarcasm, strategic offenses and being annoying if it was necessary to enforce my goal. I spend hours after hours to constantly certify myself, that I was doing the right thing, in a moralic and practic manner.
Still, I never lied - every single word was honest.

In short: It was my masterpiece. The best thing I've ever written in my whole life. My personal manifestation of everything I believe in.

So why, am I posting this text, instead of the other?
The answer is simple: Because I had been wrong.

In my imagination, Crisis and (most of) her friends were absolutely adorable and "good-hearted". You know, "good-hearted" was the first word, Karbo used to describe Crisis' character. The fact, that there is no sign of any good heart in the wiki, was my personal proof, that Karbo (accidentally) wanted to change my Crisis into a new one I don't like, and therefore the whole Felarya with her - basically pissing on the feelings of everyone, who thinks like me.
Practically, Felarya was a better vision of earth to me, that managed to hold up a mirror to mankind, showing us, that even in a world, which has much bigger problems than Terrorism or Capitalism and has an even more extreme clash of the cultures can be in some kind of balance.

But that's just my Felarya, not the one you know...

I will explain to you, what I had overlooked.

In the wiki (the Crisis page) you find the following:
Quote :
She hunts and eats any living being small enough for her to swallow, except for all other nagas and fairies, no matter their size.
My thought was: "Why should she hunt every single living being? I mean, she can't possibly know every single living being, so why is she determined to hunt and eat them, with no concern to the situation? Does she hate us all? Isn't she meant to be good-hearted?"
In short: I thought there must be a mistake in the "new" wiki.

But I completely ignored this in the old bio:
Quote :
She will eat any living being that is small enough for her to swallow.
And that's it. It was there from the beginning, but as I read this more than a year ago, I never expected this could include mothers and her babies, because all I had seen, was Crisis & co. swallowing grown up humans and nekos. Back then, children and babies were just no part of my Felarya. Yeah, that's stupid. Nothing more to explain.

Only one question: Why, Karbo? Why couldn't you make this more obvious?

Well, I wanted to write two stories about Felarya. But now, as I got the picture, I don't think I can write them any more, because I wanted to write about the real Felarya and I am not sure, if I like the real Felarya. But there are still two other, Non-Felarya, stories in my mind, that I want to write, so maybe you should stay tuned on eka's or my empty DA-page. And maybe, I will create a Felarya of my own, someday. But now, I just feel sad.

My thanks to everyone, who believed in what I tried to achieve and my apologies to the rest.

Goodbye to everyone.
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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I am leaving this forum Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am leaving this forum   I am leaving this forum Icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2008 10:34 am

undersde wrote:

Everything I wrote by now, was not only sure to be absolutely touching, but also to destroy this false Felarya, which I became used to hate so much in the last two weeks.

I literally planed every post days ahead, pulled off every trick I know, including polarization, sarcasm, strategic offenses and being annoying if it was necessary to enforce my goal. I spend hours after hours to constantly certify myself, that I was doing the right thing, in a moralic and practic manner.
Still, I never lied - every single word was honest.


Well just one advice : stop taking things so much at heart and in such extreme way and chill out man...
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