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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2008 6:08 am

And now, with This up, this thread is relevant again! Hurrah!
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 11, 2009 8:07 pm

Shadowform Pants: The wearer of these pants becomes as immaterial as shadow, flowing freely from dark area to another at great speeds (60kp/h) effortlessly. However, one is bound completely to the shadows when using the enchantment - they find it impossible to cross any area of pure light. Furthermore, beyond what possessions they're carrying on their person at the time of shifting, no other objects may be influenced by the shadow. Lastly, you require a 'square' surface area similar to your silhouette's in order to return back to normal form. Without such, the wearer is stuck in shadow form. If isolated and all other 'shadow' is removed, the wearer is destroyed completely.

Mug of Purification: Any liquid poured into this mug - with the exception of magical toxins - will instantly be purified so at to be as dangerous as spring water. However, the same holds true for antidotes - any liquid of non-magical nature will have itself (beyond flavor) changed to something as beneficial / useless as water.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 11, 2009 11:25 pm

Recall Amulets: These are gold amulets marked by green gems. Quite a few of them were manufactured at one time by an elf tribe, back in the time of Ur'Sagol, but good luck finding a mage able to make one nowadays. You'll just have to find one of the ones already in existence. The amulet, once activated by turning a segment of it, can "remember" that specify place in the dimension. Twist it again and the amulet teleports back to that place - including you with it, if you were holding it. Can be used to escape the stomachs of predators, if you prepare ahead of time, and to give to annoying party members to take them back home rather quickly...

There is a bit of danger with this... The amulet, to protect people from teleporting into existing matter, will not work if there is something blocking the "arrival zone". Unfortunately, you can't work it multiple times... so if you're in a stomach and it doesn't work the first time... well, you're pretty much screwed...
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 9:50 am

Johnless John's Never Dirtying Rags
One of the few remaining inventions of Johnless John, these rags will never become unclean. Stains, dust, dirt, anything on the rags or wiped up by them will quickly disappear as though it never was. Less than two dozen of these rags remain, and almost all are accounted for by the cleaning staff of Negavian & Nekomuran Nobles. While intended to clean up after the messes one might produce on their own, an interesting side-use has been found: These rags can effectively clean up the slime of a Slug Girl. If someone were lucky enough to get stuck in a Slug Girl's trail with one of these in their possession, they could quickly wipe away the slime and a small path to escape back into the jungle. Furthermore, these rags are amazing weapons against Slimoids, Oozes, and Eisner's - due to their absorbent-to-destruction nature, most of such species will recoil from the Never Dirtying Rags similar to how other wildlife retreat to the lick of flames.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 1:18 pm

Havent thought of a good name yet... but... Anti-acid wetsuit

Love traveling but dont want to get swallowed by the native naga and dryad? Well have no fear! With the new AntiAcidWetsuit, you can stop worrying about that boiling stomach acid! Complete with magic air inside to stop you from suffocating... and for those magic absorbing stomachs? No worries mate! The skilled craftsman ship on this wetsuit stops the magic air inside from being countered!

-Warning: does not stop nausiating smells from getting to you-
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 10:41 am

Gauntlets of Crimson Maiden Strength
As the name implies, the wearer of said gauntlets will find themselves infused with unnatural strength comparable to that of a Crimson Maiden. This would be infinitely useful for fighting larger beings and turn Joe Schmo into an upcoming hero, if they gave all the other enchantments necessary to make use of said strength. You might have the strength to stop a charging Kensha Beast in its tracks, but you have neither the mass nor the durability to hold your ground and prevent your bones from breaking. You could throw a spear hard enough to surpass the best of bolt throwers, but odds are you'll tear your arm from its socket in the effort. Limited in use on its own, a person lucky enough to find other enchanted apparel could find great use for the Gauntlets.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 26, 2009 7:44 am

...Malahite, Crimson Maidens aren't superheroes. They just have advanced fire magic and reflecting breastplates, as stated in the wiki.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 26, 2009 3:13 pm

Stabs wrote:
...Malahite, Crimson Maidens aren't superheroes. They just have advanced fire magic and reflecting breastplates, as stated in the wiki.
They're also giant beings. A Crimson Maiden can carry a sword for instance that's comparable in length to an airplane wing. Gauntlets giving the wearer Crimson Maiden strength would allow a man-sized being to crush a brick in their hand like a clump of powder.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 26, 2009 4:18 pm

I'm getting that you essentially mean 'gives humans giant-strength' while Crimson Maidens are not giants. They're fairies that may happen to be giant. And might not have strength superior to a giant of equal stature. The name kind of breaks down if you're basing the strength properties on fairies IMO.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 3:21 pm

Precognitive Tomes

Found exclusively in the Venmys-Pieaug Library- these are fairly rare, seemingly mundane books upon a packed shelf that are picked out randomly from the rest. The opening chapter begins with the description of a person reading a book, and details this character's surroundings. If the reader of the story looks around, they'd realize that the book's story is about themself! This knowledge is often enough to creep the reader out and they put it away immediately, but this action is dangerous. Once you've begun the book, you're best off continuing as far as possible. It gives information about things that haven't happened yet, including threats you're unaware of, but as you react to what you're reading, what's written will change in response. Thus you need to act as you read, using it like a compass. The result is that it can grant limited precognitive knowledge, and guide you out of harm's way. Once you've reached the end of the chapter, most likely there won't be another, and the rest will be blank, and if you flip back so will the pages you just read. The number of chapters can very, however, sometimes proceeding to Chapter 2 and further. The furthest documented chapter was Chapter 9, which may have continued but the reader was getting very tired and closed the book before they realized what they had done. Once the tome is blank, it's now useless and you can put it back.

Some have tried taking them out of the library without taking their eyes off the last sentence at the end of a chapter, which works to a degree- it won't disappear until you turn it and so you can copy the open pages until you do so. Others have attempted leaving the library once they've realized what they have in their possession, but this always ends with the current chapter ending abruptly. Whatever is tried to make use of it beyond the Library, its power remains cryptic. Still, mages who stumble across these study them, and attempt to recreate the phenomenon, in hopes of making their way in the wilds of Felarya less dangerous.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 11:19 pm

/Fish/ wrote:
Precognitive Tomes

Found exclusively in the Venmys-Pieaug Library- these are fairly rare, seemingly mundane books upon a packed shelf that are picked out randomly from the rest. The opening chapter begins with the description of a person reading a book, and details this character's surroundings. If the reader of the story looks around, they'd realize that the book's story is about themself! This knowledge is often enough to creep the reader out and they put it away immediately, but this action is dangerous. Once you've begun the book, you're best off continuing as far as possible. It gives information about things that haven't happened yet, including threats you're unaware of, but as you react to what you're reading, what's written will change in response. Thus you need to act as you read, using it like a compass. The result is that it can grant limited precognitive knowledge, and guide you out of harm's way. Once you've reached the end of the chapter, most likely there won't be another, and the rest will be blank, and if you flip back so will the pages you just read. The number of chapters can very, however, sometimes proceeding to Chapter 2 and further. The furthest documented chapter was Chapter 9, which may have continued but the reader was getting very tired and closed the book before they realized what they had done. Once the tome is blank, it's now useless and you can put it back.

Some have tried taking them out of the library without taking their eyes off the last sentence at the end of a chapter, which works to a degree- it won't disappear until you turn it and so you can copy the open pages until you do so. Others have attempted leaving the library once they've realized what they have in their possession, but this always ends with the current chapter ending abruptly. Whatever is tried to make use of it beyond the Library, its power remains cryptic. Still, mages who stumble across these study them, and attempt to recreate the phenomenon, in hopes of making their way in the wilds of Felarya less dangerous.
Was that entirely your own idea fish?
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 15, 2010 11:24 pm

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Was that entirely your own idea fish?

yeah, the dryad that ate me deserves credit too!
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2010 10:24 am

Wonder what happens if you try to tear pages out of those books... what? I'm not a mischief maker!
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 18, 2010 12:24 am

Asuroth wrote:
Wonder what happens if you try to tear pages out of those books... what? I'm not a mischief maker!

Well, you now have a nifty rectangular piece of paper you can make an airplane with, write your grocery list on or crumple up and throw at someone you don't like. As for telling the future? You sort of threw the magic crystal ball at the wall.

Here's another idea, which could be more on the less-likely side of lore:

Faehelm of Thongryuil

A legendary artifact, the Faehelm is depicted as a beautifually crafted metallic helm adorned with ornate antennae-like attachments, the result of long-term painstaking research and testing. It is said to have altered the wearer's mind to that of a Felaryan fairy, and unlock a certain capacity for their magic within the wearer while it is equipped. It was built as a weapon by mage artificers, the newest prototype put into use by their queen, who wished to lead her army in battle but was physically frail. She believed the Faehelm, a project of her lineage worked on for generations, would give her the strength needed to join in the fray and lead her people to victory- unfortunately this went very wrong when she immediately deviated from her plan and became playful and unconcerned with the situation. Moreover, she eventually 'assassinated' her own advisors by shrinking and devouring them! For this treachery she was killed by her younger brother, who took over the kingship. All the top advisors gone, his lack of knowledge and judgment led to their downfall. The Faehelm is said to have been recovered by the enemy and added to their great treasure, with no further accounts of its location. Likewise, the existence of any predating prototypes is unknown.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 18, 2010 6:51 pm

Tolodon's Portable Dream Catcher

This tiny medallion was created by the wizard Tolodon, who suffered horribly from nightmares which would wake him in the middle of the night. The medallion, when worn on the skin, is said to completely void the bearer's mind of all dream-like activity while asleep. Unfortunately for Tolodon, upon the first night of the medallions use a fire broke out in his home. Thinking it was another horrible nightmare and the medallion a failure, Tolodon ignored the flames and died that night. The amulet was not recovered among the wreckage, perhaps hinting at foul play. It is said that since the amulet inhibits the bearer from dreaming, it makes him or her immune to the effects of a Nemesis.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 18, 2010 9:57 pm

/Fish/ wrote:

Here's another idea, which could be more on the less-likely side of lore:

Faehelm of Thongryuil

A legendary artifact, the Faehelm is depicted as a beautifually crafted metallic helm adorned with ornate antennae-like attachments, the result of long-term painstaking research and testing. It is said to have altered the wearer's mind to that of a Felaryan fairy, and unlock a certain capacity for their magic within the wearer while it is equipped. It was built as a weapon by mage artificers, the newest prototype put into use by their queen, who wished to lead her army in battle but was physically frail. She believed the Faehelm, a project of her lineage worked on for generations, would give her the strength needed to join in the fray and lead her people to victory- unfortunately this went very wrong when she immediately deviated from her plan and became playful and unconcerned with the situation. Moreover, she eventually 'assassinated' her own advisors by shrinking and devouring them! For this treachery she was killed by her younger brother, who took over the kingship. All the top advisors gone, his lack of knowledge and judgment led to their downfall. The Faehelm is said to have been recovered by the enemy and added to their great treasure, with no further accounts of its location. Likewise, the existence of any predating prototypes is unknown.
Ehh.. Good idea, but where does the fairy magic come from?
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 19, 2010 10:07 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Ehh.. Good idea, but where does the fairy magic come from?


I guess it would only work if you could use magic anyhow, and just 'translate' it into Fairymagick.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 24, 2010 2:10 pm

/Fish/ wrote:
unfortunately this went very wrong when she immediately deviated from her plan and became playful and unconcerned with the situation. Moreover, she eventually 'assassinated' her own advisors by shrinking and devouring them!

It's almost as if she started acting like a fairy!
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 24, 2010 2:12 pm

Grave wrote:
/Fish/ wrote:
unfortunately this went very wrong when she immediately deviated from her plan and became playful and unconcerned with the situation. Moreover, she eventually 'assassinated' her own advisors by shrinking and devouring them!

It's almost as if she started acting like a fairy!

Yes, yes, that's like exactly what happened. Drawback to awesome artifact, etc.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 24, 2010 3:18 pm

Necklace of Blue Tridis

Said to create a perfect, undetectable illusion charm on the wearer. It was originally part of a magical sword that the smithy messed up on, and somehow fused with the enchantment equipment, creating a seemingly unbreakable number of fractured shapes. The smithy turned the remnants into a necklace that displayed magical properties that can cause the wearer to ignore detection charms and create a perfect transformation into a human for as long as the user has the necklace worn. Legend states that it's power can even bypass the negav eye's detection charms, but since this necklace has not been found no one knows if that's really true. The necklace looks like an ordinary piece of jewlery a middle class citizen could afford, and thus is harder to spot. The necklace doesn't include duplication spells, only the actual person wearing it will receive the effect.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 06, 2011 4:46 am

Infinite Ruby Generator

A legendary item which a select few adventurers have stumbled upon only by accident. This accident always involved getting lost while traversing the Longest Shortcut, a hidden path that extends north to south across the Dridder Forest to the sea, a feat few have managed to accomplish and survive. It is said to resemble a larger-than-average metal bracelet on appearance, but upon grasping it, a miniature portal opens. One can reach his hand into the portal and pull out a seemingly infinite supply of rubies, presumably from a hypothetical plane of rubies.

There have also been reports of a generator for Emeralds, and even an unconfirmed report for a diamond.

It is items like this that have caused the value for gems other than Ascarlin to decline in the multiversal market. Hundreds of adventurers a year enter the Dridder forest looking for these lost pieces of technology. Some even enter looking for a fabled Ascarlin generator, but so far, if such a device existed, no one has found it.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 06, 2011 10:14 am

I would like an Infinite Ruby Generator, though I ain't talking about the gems O:
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 07, 2011 1:01 pm

The Daunting Turban

Extremely daunting both physically and intellectually, the Daunting Turban is said to sap the courage of everyone who lays eyes upon it. The Turban also exerts a similar influence over its wearer, although it is generally thought to be too daunting to wear. Once they hat is donned however, the effect on it's wearer is greatly reduced, although still distracting. Reactions to the hat range from acute melancholy to abject terror and, with prolonged exposure, suicidal acts of desperation.

The hats are rare, and found only in old temples that are stunningly intimidating and hard to approach.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 10, 2011 4:50 pm

some random relic ideas I thought up that you might find in felarya.

stop watch: a odd, mechanical device, this rellic found in the clockwork ruins is a watch that has not only the ability to tell time, but the wearer can press a button hidden on the watch to seemingly. "stop." time for everyone but themselves, for about 30 seconds a day. in reality, they are simply speeded up to an unbelieveable degree. they can move as normal, and interact with people and objects. to those not wearing this watch, they become a blur of movement, moving to fast to clearly see. it's drawbacks are that upon ending the stopped time period, the wearer is exuausted as if they had been moving far beyond their bodies ability to handle.... which honestly, they were.

start watch: found in the buried sand palace, this amazing artifact makes the wearer immune to time magic, be it the sands of ackraptor desert, time shark attacks or the effects of the stop watch. the big drawback of this is, it also makes you immune to felarya's anti-aging effect. so wearing this means you WON'T live forever.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 10, 2011 5:30 pm

Well, the fact that you don't get old isn't due to time magic, but simply by that general "healing effect" that stops/slows the deterioration of the body. (or at least that's how I understand it ^^). So I don't think you can really associate those two characteristic, or at least with this logic.
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