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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 10, 2011 5:33 pm

Vaderaz wrote:
Well, the fact that you don't get old isn't due to time magic, but simply by that general "healing effect" that stops/slows the deterioration of the body. (or at least that's how I understand it ^^). So I don't think you can really associate those two characteristic, or at least with this logic.

hm. well, this thing is powerful enough to make you immune to a time shark attack and the sands. It's got to have a fairly powerful drawback. and I imagine not being able to live forever due to it is something strong enough. you have any other ideas for a drawback for something like this, please share them.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 10, 2011 5:48 pm

Well, I'm not really sure how to balance this, but what I mean is that if you want to make the user to age like if there wasn't the healing factor, you have to expose it differently. For exemple, it gives inmunity to time effect spells, but in counterpart, accelerates the users aging; being in Felarya, we will say that it would give a normal lifespan .... suposing the person is contantly in possecion of the artefact (in another world we will say that the aging would be faster than the normal lifespan)
However this brings another problem; no one would carry this artefact in other areas than the akaptor desert , wich means that the aging effect would only work there. Once you are done with what you needed to do, you can just leave the artifact somewhere and bye bye aging effect.
In the end, this drawback isn't really a problem,

Last edited by Vaderaz on Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 10, 2011 5:50 pm

Vaderaz wrote:
Well, I'm not really sure how to balance this, but what I mean is that if you want to make the user to age like if there wasn't the healing factor, you have to expose it differently. For exemple, it gives inmunity to time effect spells, but in counterpart, accelerates the users aging; being in Felarya, we will say that it would give a normal lifespan .... suposing the person is contantly in possecion of the artefact (in another world we will say that the aging would be faster than the normal lifespan)
However this brings another problem; no one would carry this artefact in other areas than the akaptor desert , wich means that the aging effect would only work there. Once you are done with what you needed to do, you can just leave the artifact somewhere and bye bye aging effect.

how is that exactly a problem? and sure, that would work. hm. maybe the artifact can't be taken from the desert, and could like explode if people try.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 10, 2011 5:53 pm

some random relic ideas I thought up that you might find in felarya.

stop watch: a odd, mechanical device, this rellic found in the clockwork ruins is a watch that has not only the ability to tell time, but the wearer can press a button hidden on the watch to seemingly. "stop." time for everyone but themselves, for about 30 seconds a day. in reality, they are simply speeded up to an unbelieveable degree. they can move as normal, and interact with people and objects. to those not wearing this watch, they become a blur of movement, moving to fast to clearly see. it's drawbacks are that upon ending the stopped time period, the wearer is exuausted as if they had been moving far beyond their bodies ability to handle.... which honestly, they were.

start watch: found in the buried sand palace, this amazing artifact makes the wearer immune to time magic, be it the sands of ackraptor desert, time shark attacks or the effects of the stop watch while within ackraptor desert. the big drawback of this is, it also makes you immune to felarya's anti-aging effect and are MUCH faster, a year a day while wearing it in acraptor desert. to the point of shortening your lifespan. in addition it can't be taken out of the desert, it will have a time explosion that ages those caught in it to dust should they try to leave acraptor desert with it.

Last edited by TryMeIke on Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 10, 2011 6:07 pm

TryMeIke wrote:
Vaderaz wrote:
Well, I'm not really sure how to balance this, but what I mean is that if you want to make the user to age like if there wasn't the healing factor, you have to expose it differently. For exemple, it gives inmunity to time effect spells, but in counterpart, accelerates the users aging; being in Felarya, we will say that it would give a normal lifespan .... suposing the person is contantly in possecion of the artefact (in another world we will say that the aging would be faster than the normal lifespan)
However this brings another problem; no one would carry this artefact in other areas than the akaptor desert , wich means that the aging effect would only work there. Once you are done with what you needed to do, you can just leave the artifact somewhere and bye bye aging effect.

how is that exactly a problem? and sure, that would work. hm. maybe the artifact can't be taken from the desert, and could like explode if people try.

Well it's a probleme because it gives you a powerful inmunity, but the suposed "powerful" drawback isn't really a problem since you won't spend enough time with the artefact for it to actually be a problem. (aging a few days or weeks isn't going to trouble you)
Unless you spend your whole life in the Akaptor desert. In that case yes... eventually.

PS: don't copy/paste the whole thing in a new post just for an edit; use the edit botton ! ><
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 10, 2011 6:08 pm

I'll make it so the effect is more powerful. like, a year a day. sound better? and sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Magical Relics and Treasures   Magical Relics and Treasures - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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