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 Jake's Characters

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Tasty morsel

Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-12-23
Age : 35
Location : Kalamazoo, MI

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PostSubject: Jake's Characters   Jake's Characters Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2012 2:26 am

Name: Jake
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'2
Weight: 190
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Fair
Clothing/Equipment: Jake wears tennis shoes and blue jeans with a long sleeve black shirt with skull designs as well as a black and grey hoodie with skull designs on it. Jake carried a single powerful sword that swings with tremendous force as if someone giant was swining a sword.

Personality: Jake is the definition of a dominant male. He never leaves the side of his Inu slave, Andrew. They are also lovers but their relationship is also Slave/Master. Jake is kind to Andrew when he is obidient and rewards him with tinies to eat when he is a good boy. Jake does not have much sympathy for the tinies, thinking they only exist to feed his puppy slave. Jake is kind to his friends and other humans, liking to have friends and viewing nothing wrong with he and Andrew's relationship, after all it is consensual, not forced.

Powers/Skills: Jake is highly intelligent with good knowledge of the flora and fauna. He is an excellent swordsman and can fight hand to hand with relative ease, having trained himself in martial arts. He can climb well and is an excellent improviser, using his enviornment to his advantage in a Jack Sparrow like manner.
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Join date : 2009-10-15
Age : 34
Location : The Coil, Miragia

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PostSubject: Re: Jake's Characters   Jake's Characters Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2012 7:32 am

Greetings, Jake. I'll be one of the moderators during your stay. Please make yourself at home.

First of all, I'd like to know what's the point of this bio. What are you planning on doing with this character? Write? Roleplay? Just draw him? On each of those counts, are you hoping to do something serious, something shmexy, something funky?

If so, well, tennis shoes, blue jeans, skull designs- that doesn't sound like something highly intelligent to wear on the jungle. The whole thing looks like you're just going to draw those guys.

It was odd that you added the sword that swings with tremendous force in equipment, rather than powers/skills; it also disagrees with the intended theme. Felarya's not a place for the strongest, but the craftiest. It's supposed to be dangerous and keep you on your toes: working with the environment, like it goes in the end, is a much better idea than having him wield a single powerful sword with enough force to hurt a giant.

As for the personality- Jack is the definition of a dominant male. Can you please elaborate? I'm not sure a dominant male should be "kind to his friends and other humans, liking to have friends". Please explain the definition- you might realize some new details while writing it down yourself.

BTW- you don't need to point out that he sees nothing wrong with their relationship because it's consensual. If he's in that relationship, the thing to point out would be that he sees something wrong wiht it. You can leave it at "it's consensual", and leave it to us to figure out they veiw nothing wrong with it.

If you're going to write a story, a bit about what his goals are, what does he want, what does he do, and why, would be more vital than how he rewards his puppy for being a good boy.
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