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 Echo's Characters

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Helpless prey

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Join date : 2012-10-28

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PostSubject: Echo's Characters   Echo's Characters Icon_minitimeSun Feb 24, 2013 8:03 am

Ok so i'm finally making a page so anyone that doesn't know me can look at my characters. These are mainly just for RPs and i will draw all of them at some point.

#1) Toa


look through my DA about Toa as her race has been run through a few changes from what the picture above has.

Abilities: She has extremely good hearing, like the ability to listen to a human's heart beat if it's beating any faster than normal. The spines on her head allow her to pulse and resonate, making her able to feel the ground (like Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender.) She can also use these resonations to make the ground softer and allow her to use her claws to dig into the ground very quickly. The armor on her tail and claws makes her extremely heavy, so getting a smack from that would be bad. Being a creature of the tundra she can withstand extremely cold temperatures. Her body also absorbs weak magical attacks and natural magic from the soil, making her a walking container of magical energy and if any mage could reason with her, they could have a large supply of magic. Not to say she won't be damaged by magic, she can but her body "dulls" the edge of it off.

Back Story: Toa grew up with only her mother to take care of her. Because of the tiny birthrate of Wurms (I need to fix my posting on them) she is the "strongest" of the eggs she was hatched from. Once she was old enough to go out on her own, her mother sent her away. Toa grew up in the frozen wastes alone making her personality cold and heartless to strangers. One night while she was hunting she came across a caravan of humans, she ravaged through the group and ate most of them. Later that night a small human boy was walking slowly and sobbing. Toa was camouflaged in the snow and watched the little child sit down. Hungry stalkers followed the child and charged toward him. Toa, having been through a childhood memory about when she was almost eaten by a stalker but her mother saved her. Toa knew where the boy had come from and took it upon herself to be the mother that she denied this child and defended him.

#2) Rai

There are 2 versions of Rai that i have. The canon 6-7 year old and the 20+ RP version. I'll be sticking to the 20+ version here.

Description (cause i have no pic of him yet) : stands about 6'1" tall. He has short brown hair with brown eyes. Hes well built and quite strong.

Abilities: he can withstand the cold very well as he has lived in it for all of his life.

Gear/equipment: he has a lot of cold weather gear to help him survive in the tundra. His main weapons consist of a claw weapon he wields in his right hand and a short sword he holds in his left. His claw also can double as a hook to help him latch onto things and climb things. He also carries a resonation stone so he can call Toa when he needs to.

Back story: His original parents have been assumed to have been eaten by Toa. Toa took him in and raised him and has trained him to be a great warrior and survivor.

#3) Seliya


Abilities: She is a Weaver dridder. not much in terms of a stand up and fight kind of person but a very good trapper. She is a great tailor and will seek out random humans to sell her clothes to in trade for a trinket or interesting objects. Given enough time she has been able to weave her own "Geraut wire" as she calls razor web.

Backstory: Seliya was captured as a hatchling and thrown in a slave camp. She found a caretaker named Forge, which adopts her as his daughter. She receives brutal punishment and hard labor for 10 years in that slave camp. One day she spit in the guard captain's face, she was dragged around and beaten, tied to a post and had her right eye diced (because the guards didn't just take the whole thing out). Forge and Seliya escaped the camp and found a small human village, she was the center of attention for the time being and not in a good way. She was treated with kindness but her being a dridder brought up some fear in the village. When she started growing, everyone thought she was going to be a human eating predator including her friends. Forge defended her and once she reached about 40' tall she and Forge left. Her present day height is 93ft and she has kept to not eating any Humans/nekos/elves, etc.

Gear/equipment: she wears a simple shirt she made herself, along with a belt she can keep captured prey in.

#4) Forge

Description: 6'3" tall, average fit build, green eyes, brown hair.

Abilities: average human

Gear/equipment: he carries a standard bolt action rifle (no attachments) a large knife, and a light backpack with food, water, and some rope.

Backstory: He is Seliya's adoptive father and caretaker untill she grew up. He was put in the slave camp for 12 years. Seliya was thrown in with him after 2 years alone. He made an escape with Seliya and moved to a human village. After Seliya began to grow Forge protected her from any harm and once Seliya grew big enough they left.

#5) Nerin


Description: Nerin is a Leviathan mermaid. Currently at the length of 500'

abilities: those of an average Levi mermaid.

Backstory: Nerin grew up in a large school of mermaids with her mother. She hated the attention that she got for being a Levi mermaid and swam off. She found the mouth of the Jewel river and swam inland and acted as a regular mermaid untill she started growing and had to go back to the sea.

interesting fact: Nerin has an extreme fear of heights.
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