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 Predators of Felarya Roster

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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: Predators of Felarya Roster   Predators of Felarya Roster - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2008 10:19 am

Kyrii doesn't like Naga's? I can understand that, but does it mean all or just ones she has a reason not to like?
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PostSubject: Re: Predators of Felarya Roster   Predators of Felarya Roster - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2008 4:49 pm

I notice the RP is dead, yet people keep submitting characters...

Look, if you're gonna submit a character, howsabout actually participating?
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Predators of Felarya Roster   Predators of Felarya Roster - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2008 8:57 am


Kyrii has a very black and grey view of the Naga's, she always starts at hostility and dislike and is slow to change. She would not attack unlesss provoked but it would take alot less for a naga to provoke her.


I'll admit the RP seem's dead, but it's up to the player's to continue. I would like to see this whole RP thing make it. But remember it takes Ten second's to make a character, but to actually RP requires a certain time investment, not everyone is available at the drop of a hat.
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
Darkfire destiny

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PostSubject: Re: Predators of Felarya Roster   Predators of Felarya Roster - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 9:31 am

Name: Kayrissa
Race: Naga (Unknow alinement)
Height: 70 ft
Skin: Pale
Hair: Black
Eye: yellow
Scale color: Black with ominous red markings

Appearance: Long flowing black hair outlines an attractive face, her eyes have an alluring combination of danger and curiosity. She moves almost silently and every movement seem precice and planned.

Personality: Kayrissa is cruel, and she knows it. She loves to feel prey struggle against her, weather it be in her hands or in her stomach. She is extremely talkative though and usually skips torture for conversation. Deep down she is very lonely, she wants to make friends but her tough and cruel attitude tends to drive people away. Any who sneak up on her would most likely find her silently crying on her own. However it is wise to be very careful if one is to approach her in this situation, as a tough girl she may lash out at any who see her sensitive side.

Abilities: Kayrissa has nightvision and a bat like echo location that helps keep her safe. though she lacks venom she has very sharp fangs and her muscles in her serpent half coul constrict a tank with ease. she is also resistent to all magic except electricity.

Weakness: Electricity, and bright light. In intence light Kayrissa is almost blind. she has a hard time using her "Radar" because of the pain in her eye's. Kayrisssa is more likely to appear in a dark area or on a cloudy day.

Situation: Kayrissa is in fact not a native of Felareya, her egg had fallen through a rift between dimensions and she ended up hatching on Felareya in the evernight forest. She was alone and scared. at only ten feet tall she was horribly outmatched by most things. She grew up alone, avoiding anything that could hurt her.

Combat: Common to most Naga Kayrissa uses her tail to hit, crush or squeeze her enemies. While squeezing she tends to bite her victims for added pain.(she has no venom). Otherwise she will bite punch or scratch. If encountered by small targets that prove too difficult to eat she will try to grab and squeeze them or simply flop on them and enjoy their squirming.

Goal’s In life: Simple survival (she secretly hope’s to fall in love or at least find a friend.)

Feeding habits: Kayrissa eat’s until she’s full. She plays with her food and enjoy’s every second of their struggle for life.

Note: Kayrissa has a twisted view of Kyrii. They have fought in the past after Kayrissa ate almost everyone Kyrii knew. Kayrissa doesn't think she did anything wrong and wants to be Kyrii's friend, Kyrii wants kayrissa gone.
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PostSubject: Re: Predators of Felarya Roster   Predators of Felarya Roster - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2008 1:22 pm

hmm an rp forum for ya characters. count me in!

name: Luna
species: ice/earth/nature naga (she's not native to felarya)
scales: tail: green; arms: brown
size: 4' 5" to 45'
hair: mid back long and is greenish blue color
eyes: left: blue; right: cybernetic green
skin: tan

appearance: Luna has a mark on her right hand(looks like the mark of twilight); her right eye has a cybernetic green hue and has greens lines coming out of her pupil; she is quiet slim and looks as healthy as any other naga(no offense); wears a red vs blue shirt that Mike made her; she has brown scales on her left arm that can turn into armor and as swords too; her right arm has greenish lines coming from her mark and up towards the right side of her head; her tail is blueish green or greenish blue*same thing*.

personality: she's a very friendly person and loves to talk about things dealing from computers to magical stuff. she's sociable, likes to make jokes, and acts like a caring daughter towards her father. she does however hate people who try to hurt her friends and her father. she likes to play with her father by playfully eating him and teasing him. she loves Italian food, Mike got her into liking by making chicken scallapiny*i think that's how its spelled*. she becomes serious when its time for responsibility is now and when play time is over. it takes a lot to anger her and when she is mad, you best not be in her way or you'll get a first person view of hell itself. she also likes to give soul crushing hugs and she also has an A.I. partner named Ia who is like Luna's other self*kinda like a split personality*.

abilities: she can use magic and create weapons out of metal from the very earth itself. she can form mecha type armor on her upper body because of the mark on her hand which gives her control over which has helped saved her life a few times. Her stomach has a second function beside digesting her food, she can choose to heal her friends inside her stomach because of a genetically altered enzyme that heals wounds instead of dissolving anything in her gut which she has found useful and sometimes used that ability to store her prey or anything else she likes to store* this includes her father and her friends*. She can quickly analyze her surroundings with the enhanced cybernetic part of her mind and can create synthetic items to help her fight in battles.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Predators of Felarya Roster   Predators of Felarya Roster - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 2:35 pm

Name: soia,eonia tenia
Height: 200 ft
Race:three-headed Dragon
Skin: white/cybernetic silver/darkness black
Hair: gold/silver/blackish silver
Eyes: yellow/green/red

Appearance: three heads with there own color of scales hair and eye.

Personality:theyi looks for prey and attack fire & venom. like having friends and favorite prey is deer and orcs.

Abilities: termovision fire breath ,dragon venom

Weakness: Electricity

Feeding habits: they will eat until they're full.they burn they're food. Evil laugh
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PostSubject: Re: Predators of Felarya Roster   Predators of Felarya Roster - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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