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 Felaryan prey roster

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Haru Takami
Delicious Kevin
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2008 7:22 am

Name: Name of your character
Race: Its race
Skin: Skin color
Hair: Hair color
Eye: Eye color
authors notes:

Figured id run this since I'm one of the few people here that seems to be 100% felaryan food.

this is basicaly the opposite of the Predator roster,

everyone character here should be prey, or at least willing to be eaten and digested without calling out zomg hax/godmod

Last edited by lami on Thu May 29, 2008 3:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2008 11:20 am

Normal Text: Upon entry to Felarya
This Color Text: After some time, up to his death

Name: Jacob Shaeder
Age: 23 56
Height: 5’7” 5'10"
Race/Species: Human
Place in the food Chain: Prey
Physical appearance: Jacob has the look of a man who cares very little for class or beauty. His black hair hangs greasily from his head with no real style, while his facial hair is often between stubble and unkempt. Several scars are scattered around his body, ranging in origin from actual combat (Such as the long mark along his chest) to lashings for crimes in his earlier realm. Beyond such blemishes, his body is in a a good condition considering his origin. After escaping from the Ascalarin mines, Jacob quickly began to improve in health until almost at the prime of a normal man's abilities. Similarly, the vitality flowing into him allowed him to grow much more properly than his old diet allowed.
Attire: Jacob’s clothing is simple, often just a commoners shirt and vest along with pants, while his ‘shoes’ are worn and drab. There is a small sheath in his left boot for a concealed knife. There is also a pair of sheathes under each arm, while a combat dagger was strapped to one side and a sword sheath is comfortably placed along his other. Jacob would also clean up his appearance if a good job required it, but except for such occasions he rarely dressed fancily and even then the 'class' never lasted for long.
Friends: Beyond the few fellow 'work mates' of his, Jacob has no real friends upon his entry to Felarya. Over time this changed as he gained the trust of those working with him (and gave his own in turn), so as to eventually include a tightly knit network of communication between several dozen figures in assorted cities.
Magic: Jacob has no magical skills whatsoever. Even if offered training in such methods, he would refuse due to (what he believes as) the fickle nature of magic.
Skills: Jacob has learned quite a few skills to survive as the scum-bag he is. First and foremost, he has learned quite a bit in the art of hand-to-hand (And, namely, how to fight dirty in it). While in an honest match he isn’t a great threat to anyone better trained than the average guard or soldier, Jacob has a knack for quickly turning an honest fight into an unbalanced one. After some time on Felarya his skill had improved with a blade, though he was still a poor fighter compared to many and preferred to fight dirty as much as before.

Along with his dirty tricks, Jacob has acquired some skills that suit his old lifestyle as a thief. Among many of these skills is a ‘cant’ that he use to use when communicating among fellow thieves on his home world (Will be made up as I go along in RP’s [With attempts to remain consistent], while most people outside the guilds and not focused on intelligence should NOT be able to go “‘Thorn’. Hm, one of us must be posing a problem to him, and be targeted by him and his cronies. Better keep an eye on him…”. ) After arriving in Felarya and earning some freedom, he continued to use the cant to help secure messages between allies.

Similarly, Jacob is somewhat proficient with many skills one would need to work as a thief. With a 'pick and time, Jacob could work to remove a lock of non-magical origin. If not encumbered, he could 'slip' something out of a passer-by’s pocket and slip it into his own. He also knows how to make crude traps to injure or disable opponents. Similar to his swordplay, these skills also improved to a better level over time.

((Updated this somewhat))

Last edited by Malahite on Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeThu May 29, 2008 4:20 pm

Name: Lami
Race: Human
Measurements: hieght: 5'2" weight: 120
Skin: Pale
Hair: Golden Blonde
Eye: Crystal blue
Felaryan prey roster Lami
Lami Is a small somewhat busty girl who is a little on the thin side, she is somewhat beautiful
However because of her traveling in the dangerous world of Felarya, hygene and grooming must
sometimes take a back seat to survival. Shes not robotic but weeks of living alone in felarya on the
run from predators has drained most of the personality out of the poor girl,

Constant running ins with predators trying to swallow her up have turned Lami into a machine of survival
She is extemely fast on her feet, and quite athletic, most of her skill is in martial ability but it is rather poor
offensively, she mostly uses it to escape, running tumbling and jumping away from predators, she
can also be rather adapt at wiggling out of a hand if she needs to, she can generaly go as fast if not out
pace a naga, if she couldnt do this she wouldnt have made it as far as she had, her jumping ability
is amazing, she can jump nearly 60 feet strait into the air, however this is hindered by her ability to
land, so she never does this unless she has to. While she has some martial training in the offensive
it pales in comparison to her escape artistry, she is flexible at least, allowing her to attack while close
or sometimes even pined by an enemy.

Lami's remaining personality is a little fun loving at times, she likes messing around and fighting,
testing her abilities through dangerous dungeons. When it comes to preds Lami is quite abhorent
of them, she doesnt believe her life is worth more than others so when a predator chooses not to
eat her but eats a bunch of other humans infront of her, it can piss her off. in Lami's mind
if someone eats humans she should be food to them as well.

Lami herself is quite unwilling when it comes to being eaten, she lumps herself in the food
catagory, but does not and will not just hand herself over, Lami wants to live, and anyone
who wants to swallow her had better beat her if they want her. Lami herself is nearly a vegetarian,
she eats meat but refuses and doesnt have the heart to kill for her own meal, if she is provided
flesh for a meal she will ususaly eat 100% of whats edible as to not waste it, Lami herself
would demand the same treatment if she would find herself in the same situation. She normaly subsists
on what she can find, leaving her a bit light and thin at times.
authors notes:
Respawn: This character respawns in a way similar to Paranoia, Its based off of an old saying that there are
in the world at least 4 people like you, when Lami has expired as a meal or otherwise soon enough another
Lami will take her place, she will not have the memories of all the old ones but in behavior looks
and past will be 'nearly' Identicle.

Preferences: what can be done with this character: Most people tone down their characters
desires as not to upset the other person behind the character. Lami is okay with most things
that another character may do to her character. from vore to rape, you'll find it hard to
disguist me, but I'll say it is possible, and i would suggest no one sticks Lami up their characters

also, this character is an SI with some consessions

Last edited by lami on Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeThu May 29, 2008 6:30 pm


Last edited by Warrior3000 on Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:25 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : (Left out preferances))
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2008 7:35 pm

[Profile in Progress]

Last edited by Malahite on Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 2:10 pm

no Malahite I dont think this is a hit list, try to kill my prey guy and his large naga friend would eat you....
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeThu Jun 12, 2008 1:34 am

you could have pmed me and not cluttered the thread. its a hitlist
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeThu Jun 12, 2008 10:41 am

WTF???hitlist?am I gonna die now?
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Delicious Kevin
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeThu Jun 12, 2008 10:59 am

Yes, yes you are...

So, out of curriosity, may assassins use this hitlist as a way of obtaining food for their predator friends?
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeFri Jun 13, 2008 2:47 am

alright What the fuck.

What part of PM me dont you people understand!? this didnt happen to the pred roster so why me?
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Haru Takami
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeWed Jun 25, 2008 8:29 am

*deletes last signup* bit too cheap I see... ah well, i'll make a different signup.. more.."Retro" if you know me

Name: Haru Takami
Race: Human fused w/ shadow goule
Measurements: 6'2", 130 lbs.
Skin: tan.
Hair: deep crimson
Eye: gold

Description: Haru is your perfect example of an average human, that was at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Caught in a crossfire of magical battle, he was cursed to be forever joined at the shadow to a 'horrible' shadow goul. What he got instaid, was a youngling who merely causes him misfortune and the slight dose of pain from time to time, even if it wears off eventually.

He grew up as your average human, with your average family. This however, didn't stop him wandering into a strange alleyway after his cat, only to be sucked into a battle between two fractons of magical creatures. Witches, and Demons. It was, however, after his unfortunate little 'accident' did He realise that he was the only mortal member of an all magical family, lucky him, ne?

The two fractions, while hating eachother with a passion, had vowed never to let a mortal be harmed by their war, and soon left the battlefield after learning what they had done. There was no cure on either fraction's side for the collision of jinxes that bound him to the shadow (a curse and a binding charm)

Since he was 'of age' by his parent's standards, despite being a mortal, they let their son go out into the world to try and find a cure. he has tried many things, but none have succeded.

Haru is an outgoing young man, and not afraid to stand up to those larger than him if it's for the right reasons. After living with shadow for a year, he's grown used to the young goule's pranks, and they have agreed to a sort of truce, where they look out for eachother, while still maintaining their independance. Their travels have brought them all over the mortal and magical planes, and now, to felarya.

Haru is 17.

He wears a black t-shirt and jeans, along with black-and-grey shoes. his hair hangs down to his shoulders and over his golden eyes, constantly shading them from view. A pair of dualswords are strapped two his back, either for himself to use on his own, or for he and shadow to share. He would never harm another living being unless it was neccesary for survival, and he has a soft spot for cute girls, no matter their size. It may just be the death of him in this new land...

authors notes: Shadow is fused to Haru's shadow, meaning while they are in essence two people, they are physically one. IF one of them were to die, it would also mean the other's demise as well, so they try their hardest to protect eachother.

Name: Shadow
Race: Shadow Goule fused w/human
Measurements: 6'11", weightless
Skin: dark dark grey
Hair: balck
Eye: pupilless gold, glows in dark

Description: while only about ten by human years, Shadow is atleast over 100. His past isn't nearly as detailed as haru's since he is a shadow goule and his species dosn't actually learn how to gain a physical form till they are atleast 70 ( 7 )

After being bound to Haru, he did as he was supposed to, albeit ineffectively. In all truths shadow goules are supposed to torture their 'host' untill they die, but unfortunatly due to the binding charm that collided at the same moment, he was unable to "Bail out" as their host dies, meaing he actualy had to heal Haru or die himself. Since then he has been just as eager to seperate himself from his host, he has formed an alliance with the boy.

Able to mold his body into an amalgarythm of shapes, he usually rests within the boy's actuall shadow, allowing him to 'hide in plain sight' as the case would be, but if watched closely it will be seen that he can manipulate the actual shape of the shadow, such as making the form yawn, or stretch, while haru could be standing still.

His other favourite forms are spikes that rise from a 'puddle' of shadow below haru's body to protect him, a cage fromed form his hands used to trap food (from which can have sipkes erupt from his palms to impale and kill said food if it's not dead), or even form blades from anywhere on his body, mostly his arms and along his back. Possibilities are endless, but those are the usual.

Shadow stands at his usual 6'11" when he wants, but can grow in size to stand at a max 10 feet tall, but not higher. He has dark, midnight black hair that hangs down to his shoulderblades, framing his face, which is nothing more than two glowing yellow-gold slits and an always grinning smile of jagged, pointed deeth. He has the inability to talk, but seems to be able to pull a sign of sorts from within himself. (much like wiley cyote from loony toons) this sign can say one thing, he can flip it over to say something else, then he can flip it back and it will say something completely different. How this is done haru has no idea, but he dosn't question it, afterall, shadow is from the magical plane, not the mortal one.

While devious and enjoyed by inflicting pain on others, as are all shadow goules, Shadow himself is wary of how much pain he inflits on his host, as Haru is human and succeptable to die. while each wound heals in record time due to their combined status, it dosn't mean he's immune to the demon's pranks and schemes. He will look out for the boy, protecting him from harm from time to time, but he wishes nothing more than to release himself from the boy's shadow and finally do away with him as was instructed.

authors notes: Shadow is fused to haru, meaning they are inseprable and can take control of eachother for short ammounts of time, and defend eachother if needed. This dose not, however, mean they are the same being, and have individual personalities, persona, and 'souls' in haru's case, while shadow is in, all essence a soulless mass of dark energy given conciousness.

Final note: WARNING PREDATORS: when in grave danger, and extreme mental and emotional stress, Haru and shadow have been known to merge into a darker version of the former's self, where his shadow is non-existant and he is covered by a dark aura, his eyes glow and his pupils dilate into nothingness. That same, twisted, demonic grin on shadow's face comes over him, and he seems to lose all sense of morals and humanity. The dark aura around him seems to protect him from most harm, and causes him to ignore broken limbs and near-fatal injuries. While afterwards he will fall into a deep slumber (for around 24 hours or so) he is still extremely dangerous, as the dark aura that was surrounding him now hangs in the air and is apparently extremely venemous. The only time haru was in this form was when he was in a village of what appeared to be vampires, and was nearly killed. He took on this form and slaughtered most of the townsfolk before falling unconcous in the square, leaving but a handful 'alive' (vamipres are undead, remember?) The remaining ones approached with catution and the ones that entered the 'mist' around him before he awoke soon died shortly after. The remaning members actually told him of what he did, and he left them with no further qualms, and many apologies, promising to never return. That incident is now a bedtime story for the surrounding villages to keep young children from talking to strangers.


hope that's not too uber powerful, he's only reached that state once, and counting all the times he's been in life threatening situations... lets see... carry the two... divide by five... subtract the three... it's about a 3,501,856,932,708.22517-1 chance that he'll turn into it on felarya. Just thought i'd clear that up a bit. I've saved my other signup incase you guys think I should change it back.

also, he's not really a 'predator' as he's a normal human, and only 'preys' on small plants and animals.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeSat Jul 19, 2008 5:52 am

Name: JasonJ (Or Shrunken One, S1, Shrunken..all nick names due to his size shifting ability)

Race: Human, more or less

Measurements: 6ft tall, or 1 inch. Those are his only two sizes, nothing in between.

Skin: caucasian

Hair: black, shoulder length

Eye: dark brown

Description: Usually standing at 6ft tall; wears basic clothing. Is a doctor by trade, and uses his skills on macro sized patients, due to his abilities making him more..suitable to the task of treating dangerous, predatory patients. Has the ability to shrink to an inch tall, but no sizes in between, it's either one or the other. He can reform from premature death, and only old age would finish him off permanently, but as he has no real mode of defense, and is too pacifistic to do anything more than beg for his life, or trick/weasel his way out of being food, he's no threat of any kind but rather more of a self replenishing food source..at least that's what predators that snack on him often consider him.
His other ability is full color spectrum dark vision, or- the ability to see in full color regardless of how dark it is. Even when others are blind by total lack of light, he can see clearly. Again, no advantages for self defense, but at least he can see his fate when eaten..or examine the mouths easily of his patients. ;P
His personality is overall friendly, and would rather make friends with the larger intelligent creatures of Felarya. Even to the point that, since he reforms, he'd risk being food if it meant making friends. he has an attraction to macro sized folk, and enjoys their company, despite the obvious risks involved. His fear of being food, since it's not permanent to him is from the intense pain of being digested since, no matter how often he reforms, it'll always be a long, painful process. Razz
Female preds would have an easy time catching him since he's an insatiable flirt. If a pred is cute, he'll totally forget the dangers and start being talkative and flirty, all common sense thrown out the window. Many a female pred has taken advantage of this, but he never learns. Many have also come to him for oral check ups, using the excuse as a way to get a quick snack. ;P

authors notes: His abilites arren't made for any type of god moding, but rather, to extend the fun of RPs I get involved in. Reformation so I don't have to make a new character every time. ;P And his sight ability was created due to lazy RP partners that just said 'its dark, you cant see anything in there'. Razz Visual description is the fuel for my RPs, so I needed a way to prevent such laziness. ;P
Anyways, if any pred ever wants to RP with me/snack on my character, feel free to PM me. Smile
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeSat Jul 19, 2008 3:01 pm

Name: Narame

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human, Ninja

Size: 1.68 metres
Weight: 52 Kg.

Skin: Her soft skin is bright as seen in the picture below.

Hair: Narame has shoulder-length gold-blonde hair.

Eye: Green

Felaryan prey roster Felaryaamaroqzn8

Status: Single

Element: Wind

Hobbies: Hiding, trying to survive the present day

Narame ended up in Felarya because of a failed experiment with one of her ninja techniques. Normally she was able to summon Eagles from another dimension to the human world with a technique called Summoning technique. However, the last time she did this technique the dimension hole got to the wrong location and instead of bringing a creature to her world the hole dragged her into the world of Felarya.

Her Summoning technique doesn't work here so she can't get to her real dimension or something like that but that is not the only problem.
Since she spotted the first person swallowed by a giant Naga Narame is in fear to experience the same destiny and tries to get out of this world as soon as possible. There were some situations where she nearly got caught but she didn't manage to get away everytime. Predators who already have eaten her consider her as a really soft and sweet snack who definately is worth the hunt, especcially without the incommoding clothes.
She doesn't want to be eaten and tries to flee or even fight her Predator in despair showing her strong will to survive. If she could, she would even try to get out of her predators stomach but it is most likely that she isn't able to fight anymore if it would come to this point because of her weak stamina.

Physical Abilities:
Narame is good at hiding and is quite fast on her bare feet. She is able to walk on the ground in nearly total silence and can spot most Predators before they see her. Her stamina and strengh are not that good, even for a human she's very weak and it's quite easy to hunt her until she gets out of breath.
So if she got found by a predator she would be most likely done for, if there weren't her Ninja-techniques. (seen below)

Narames only Weapon is a single Kunai. Its sharp blade is about 20 centimetres in length but almost useless against the giant creatures of Felarya.

Magical Abilities (Ninja Techniques):
As a Ninja Narame managed to learn some basic Magic Spells, to be more precise, Ninja skills called Ninjutsu, as well as illusionary Techniques called Genjutsu. Using her Chakra, a very limited amount of Magic power, the female Ninja is able to climb up trees like they were flat ground and can also run on water. She's got a Replacement skill that allowes her to switch her place with a wooden log nearby. This does not happen when she is not able to move freely. Her only attacking technique is a very sharp windburst which easily slices through thin wood and skin, but it is too weak to get through armored places like Scales or thicker wood. It's also too weak to get through the thick walls of a Predators stomach.
With her Illusionary Skill she can pretend to dissolve right in Front of her target and try to hide again. Another Illusionary technique is to create up to two duplicates of her body hiding her true self, but they disappear in a cloud of smoke once a predator even touches them.
However, every Ninja-technique requires precise Hand-signs (which means she can't do them when her Hands aren't able to move) and an constant amount of her Chakra. When she runs out of Chakra Narames stamina is also at its end - making her completely helpless and nothing more than a nice snack for most creatures, ready to get eaten.

Du to some random circumstances which happened during her change of dimensions Narame always reanimates a few hours after she has been eaten and digested. She doesn't know about the details of the how and why but it really pisses her off since she always wakes up at the same place she entered the world of felarya the very first time which means she has to walk the entire way again. But once she gets outside her hidingplace, a little cavern with 5 different exits, and starts her journey chances are very high that she ends up as some hungry predators food again.

authors notes:
If you want to RP with me, please send me a PM! Smile I'm open for every race of FEMALE predators, but Nagas are highly preferred. Its up to you if we "fight" first or if you catch me already at the beginning. The important thing is that you eat my character soft and slowly. Wink

Your Predator may eat my Character as you like and play with her as you like - Tongueplay, Chase her until she's out of breath so you can simply pick her up, play games with her, spit or even vomit her out just to eat her again, Rip her clothes off so that she's naked, cover her entire body with saliva and such stuff but there are 2 important things I don't want to see:
1. You may NOT kill her outside your predators stomach. Her only cause of death is supposed to be the digestion inside your preds stomach.
2. You may NOT rip her limbs off or do other cruel things to her body that cause extreme pain. Everything else is permitted.

Please note that I have a job in real Life so I can only RP on weekends and even then I only have a limited amount of time.

Last edited by Amaroq on Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:01 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeMon Jul 21, 2008 8:47 pm

Fish: it's who's for dinner.

Name: Phe-ysh

Race: Human
Age: Appears to be in late teens.
Gender: Male
Measurements: 6' 2", 150 lbs
Skin: Tan
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Phe-ysh used to be a powerful mage on his home world, widely known as a trickster and shape-shifter. Well, his behavior caught up with him when he managed to enrage a leviathan mermaid, which promptly ate him. Opening a portal in desperation, he ended up in Felarya, surrounded by the alien lush jungle and unfamiliar fauna. Since his powers were derived from forces only present on his native plane, he found himself especially vulnerable and, quite frankly, like a fish out of water.

He's lean and has endurance on his side, but isn't used to the jungle and often stumbles right into trouble. While he's comforted by the Jewel River, he knows he's only a guppy compared with the predators that lie within...

He has the air of a young man who's lost a fortune and is hellbent on getting it back. The only problem: he's not feared or powerful here; he's just sushi to the natives.

His powers are slowly coming back to him, but in strange and unfamiliar ways. For instance, he cannot become a terrible monster anymore; instead he becomes a bite-sized morsel. Not able to call forth water from his hands, he can move large amounts of nearby water. While almost-useless and very clumsy, his newly developed powers can be used to delay a predator from eating him, but he has no real offensive abilities. But one thing is for sure: he'll fight for his life.
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeFri Aug 01, 2008 11:16 am

(I put this here because I don't know where to put character with potential for both and this is smaller than the 'predator' list. If Saiyans are not allowed in this site, tel me and I'll remove him.l)

Name: T'Lani
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Saiyan
Hair: Brown, upward spiked with a single bang hanging down
Eyes: Black, slightly rectangular & Vegeta-style
Class: 1st Class/Super Elite (Royal)
Height (Saiyan): 6’ 2’’
Height (Oozaru): 85’
Weight (Saiyan): 140lbs
Weight (Oozaru): 38,000,000 metric tonnes
Status: Single
Side: Neutral/Good
Description: Average skin tone, average muscules (for a Saiyan), a tail similar to a monkey.
Hobbies: Reading, Listening to music using only one earphone to stay on guard.

Powers: Super Saiyan (Full Power), Super Saiyan 2nd & 3rd Grade, Super Saiyan 2, Oozaru (fully controlled), Ki Manipulation (Energy Blasts, flight, Power Ball), Psychic Power (Telepathy, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis)

Personality: Generally distant and standing away from others, he is slow to anger but can confrontational when he is annoyed. He can be aggressive when seriously irritated. Unlike many he will always defend the Saiyan culture and lifestyle from critics, despite not being too fond of the violent aspects himself. Unlike most Saiyans, he will help protect weak people for nothing and is loyal to friends before anyone else and isn't fond of pointless suffering due to the vicious and purposly drawn out death of his friends over the course of a couple of hours. Though he is a Saiyan, therefore a bred warrior like any Saiyan, he is not the type to charge blindly into a fight with others and will attempt to stay away from others to learn about them. He is often found hovering in the air where it is easy to blast anything at a distance. As any Saiyan, he is willing to eat anything or anyone so long as it was dead beforehand and has an appetite about 10x a Human his size.

History: Born 18 years before Prince Vegeta, T'Lani was one of the good Saiyans and put honor before power. He made a living out of protecting worlds that could not defend themselves, but also made a few enemies that way. Only 3 days before his brother Vegeta was born (something he was looking forward to) he was ambushed and killed by the armies of a few of the races he prevented from invading undeveloped worlds in the past. Where he went (Heaven or Hell) is unknown but he was revived by accident in Felarya during an attempt to revive a fallen god. He appears to have acquired Super Saiyan levels 1, 2 and both in-betwen in his 40-odd years in the afterlife through the brutal training common to Saiyan's in the afterlife and living world.

He isn't very fond of his past as he, like the rest of the Saiyan race, was forced into being a servant of the Tyrant Frieza. He mostly is repulsed by the brutal and vicious things they had to do to protect themselves from Frieza's power and often helps others to make up for the many worlds he destroyed to keep Frieza happy so he wouldn't kill off the Saiyans. The way Frieza treated them as simple monkeys and cannon fodder to expand his empire is another thing he always hated and might become violent when reminded.

Best Friend: Kale (Deceased)
Girlfriend: None, previously Celise (Deceased)

Erweiternwelle (Expanding Wave)
A rapidly expanding dome of Ki originating from the User (always red in color)
Omega-Böe (Omega Blast)
A beam of Ki from one hand (Piercing properties, always white in color)
Detla Böe (Delta Blast)
A beam of Ki from one hand (Explosive properties, always red in color)
Schneller Blitz (Rapid Flash)
Small, but faster version of Vegeta's Final Flash (always red in color)
Photon-Stoß (Photon Burst)
Small Projectile-type Ki attack fired from one hand, normally used for destroying Planets and fired like Vegeta's Big Bang Attack (always red in color with a bright red glow)
Quantum-Schlag (Quantum Strike)
Much faster and stronger version of the Photon-Stoß. Normally used to destroy Star Systems and fired like Vegeta's Big Bang Attack (always white in color with a bright blue glow)
Final Flash
Learned from Training with Vegeta. Same as Vegeta's attack of the same name.
Abschließender Schlag (Final Strike)
Same as Vegeta's Final Explosion, except instead of turning the body to stone, the inside of the body is fried. (always red in color)
Signature Attack:KettenreaktionPulsar (Chain Reaction Pulsar)
A powerful ball of energy thrown one-handed at the enemy that ricochets of the target and seeks out the next target Ki source, hitting up to 3 remotely chosen enemies gaining power with each hit.

Main: The Standard Saiyan Royal Armor (like Vegeta's from the fight with Cui, but with red patches instead of yellow/gold with the Royal Crest on the breast-plate, also weighted - 5ton per boot, 10ton per glove & 20ton armor)
Misc: Sometimes wears a Red Scouter

As prey
This would be extreamly difficult due to the considerable physical power common to members of the Saiyan race, everything from superhuman strength to energy blast and flight abilities. As Saiyans have no magical abilities, it is their only weakness and magical defences (like those in Felaryan stomachs) have no effect on their power at all and there skin is extreamly resistant to almost everything, such as energy blast, physical power and acid. Prey-type activities would only be possible without a very high risk of the predators death if he was very badly beaten beforehand and/or the predator knows magic. If he was to transform into an Oozaru or Super Saiyan, such things would border on impossible but both forms have major drawback that even out the advantages. Drawbacks such as the Oozaru only available under a full moon and with his tail intact, and a very heavy hit causing Saiyans to fall out of Super Saiyan (which also happens if the Saiyan is very tired). Overall, unless he is caught at a very bad time this will likely be more dangerous for the preadator than him.

As a Predator:
As any Saiyan, he will eat anything and anyone if he needs to. Being a Royal-class Saiyan, he prefers the kill/cook/eat method. As an Oozaru, his size increases to around 85ft, easily big enough to swallow normal humanoids with as little trouble as any Felaryan predator, something which is aided by the Oozaru's fast speed, despite its size and weight. He doesn't like this and only uses it as a threat.

Oozaru Form:
As previously mentioned, T'Lani perfers the Oozaru form over the Super Saiyan as he believes it to be more interesting. As any Elite, he has the ability of full control over it and can create an artifical Moon. He has only transformed twice so far, once because an enemy started getting too irritating and once because he was bored and just rampaged around a desert for a few hours. The Oozaru form also is the only way he'll reveal his low opion of his own appearance, usually by saying he looks better as an Oozaru. He always speaks very highly of the Oozaru and has never said a bad about it. He is proud of the fact that his Oozaru form is larger than normal at 85ft.

Felaryan prey roster Prince_T__Lani_by_vegeta002

Felaryan prey roster Oozaru_Kid_Vegeta_by_vegeta002
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Darkfire destiny
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2008 12:30 pm

Name: Renee Winters
Race: Shi'Ra (Catgirl or Neko)
Height: 5'4
Weight: 95 Lbs
Skin: Pale caucasian
Hair: purple/Black
Eye: Yellow
Description: A incredibly beautiful and skilled Swordmaster who learned her techniques from a human who was on her world. Her parents died when she was a kid so she lived with her uncle.She fought the opposing empire and brought peace to her land. The group she traveled with feared her power and tried to eliminate her. She fought valiantly but fell when her lover put his sword though her.
Renee was trown from the tower as an example of what befalls any who opposes the emperor. with her last bit of strength she unleashed one her powerful techniques, The legendary Tempest Blade. this technique fires a blade of wind so sharp and so precice that no power on her world had ever stopped it. but the emperor already planned for this. His wizard used hus magic to send Renee and her attack through a portal.

Renee found herself on Felareya. She survived her injuries and now looks for a reason to live on this world. she presently works as a body guard and adventurer for hire.

Natural abilities:
Night vision: (can see in total darkness)
Extrmely agile and fast.
Resistant to pain.

Misc. info.
Sword style: Eye of the Storm ( a style invented by the human that taught her)
Mother: Sophia Winters/ Deceased
Father: Marius Winters/ Deceased
Uncle: ??? / alive and searching for her (she only ever called him uncle)
Daughter's : Lune and Artemis.
Husband: MIA

Prefered outfit: Beautiful dresses when relaxing, whe on a mission she wear's either skin tight outfit or loose fitting clothes

Special Attacks:

Tempest Blade: A focused slash of air that can cut at a distance. Does moderate damage. 1 target

Lightning Strike: an attack done at the speed of a lightning bolt. leaves user drained of energy for about five minutes. Heavy damage 1 target

Ray of light Throught clouded skies: Healing ability: can only be done once to any person. fully revitalizes.

Forbidden techniques. The use of these techniques was forbidden by her teacher. if she breakes her word and uses on it means she is not only serious, but she's desperate.

Rain of Blood: a Desperate attack. she leaps over her enemies and cuts herself open, then she uses her energy to form her blood into needles. Possibility of death high. heavy damage. 20 ft area.

Eye of the Hurricane: A lightning fast combo that leaves no time to counter-attack. Each attack striking a vital spot and dealing maximum damage. any stri=uk by this will more than likely die. the downside is the user will have strined every muscle in their body. Damage extreme: one or two closly gathered targets.

authors notes: I would prefer if Renee died to being crushed under bare feet or being eaten but anything can go. She can be tortured or dismembered but she will never reveal information or betray friend's. If given a choice between her life or a friends she will offer her's in an instant. Renee has a dream of being rescued by a knight in shining armor and has decided that if that day ever came she would follow that man to the ends of the earth.

Last edited by Darkfire destiny on Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Darkfire destiny
valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2008 10:53 am

Diclonus are from Elven lied the anime series
And wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diclonius_%28Elfen_Lied%29#Diclonius

Name: Lily
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Dicloneous
Hair: Pink down to middle back.
Eyes: Reddish pink
Class: Diclonious Queen
Height: 5'6
Weight: 110
Status: single and desires to remain so
Side: Evil
Description: Pink Hair and eye's, small horns protruding from the top of their heads. invisible mental arms and a desire to make things suffer.
Hobbies: Hunting humans toinflict pain on orto feed to the predators

Powers: Vectors: Super strong 2 meter long invisible arms that can lift a semi truck. they cut like rasor blades and can stop most attacks that arent 50 calibur or heigher (this includes energy attacks and magic that has a visible form, IE lightning bolt or fire ball) they move at heigh speed and if the diclonus Knows your there then the odd of winning against her are slim to none. they can also allow for jumps up to 100 feet. amasing for a human appearing creature.

Dispite the overwhelming power they have a diclonus has one big weakness. they cannot use their powers wile in pain. if caught and being digested it is over.

As prey Lily would offer the predator a meal instead of getting eaten. say 3 to 6 others instead of her. if the predator tries to eat her She will fight for all she's worth

As a food gaterer for a predator she will show no mercy or compassion. anything she catches will be dragged back as food. the only exception are people who talk to her and show a genuine intrest in her. (She has become very good at telling the difference between fakes and real careing people) still she would never jepordise her life for other's.

Lily is cruel and will torture and kill any human for almost any reason. however she can be plesant to non-humans, even a predator she is to fight. She accepts that this is the was of this world but like hell she's going to let it kill her.

Last edited by Darkfire destiny on Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2008 12:50 pm

Unlike Jacob, these characters are all going to only be written as "now" on Felarya, instead of arrival and present / death.

Name: Slyte 'Savage' Belvayn
Race: Human
Age: 72
Measurements: 67", 161lbs
Skin: Caucasian, lightly tanned.
Hair: Black. Is poorly shaven unless protocol demand such.
Eye: Brown.
authors notes: Mage who acquired his nickname due to his aptness with a hatchet and his often disorderly appearance.

Race: Human
Age: 143
Measurements: 71", hunched at 67", 149lbs
Skin: Dark, leathery.
Hair: Grayed, short, and trim.
Eye: Cloudy and green.
authors notes: Was an aged mage before arriving on Felarya, the arrival slowing his demise but not reversing the sands of time. Mostly stays behind to take care of their personal library and learn of the world during the other's travels.

Name: Rebecca Tabolis
Race: Human
Age: 68
Measurements: 76", 121lbs
Skin: Asian
Hair: Long and straight, Red-orange.
Eye: Blue.
authors notes: Human several-generations native to a low-gravity planet. Relatively frail.

Name: Mark Burton
Race: Human, Miratan
Age: 59
Measurements: 68", 169lbs
Skin: Dark tanned.
Hair: Mahogany, short and slightly curly.
Eye: Brown.
authors notes: Deserter of a Miratan band after a particularly bad Spine Beetle attack.

Name: Sarah Dulni
Race: Neko
Age: 27
Measurements: 71", 126lbs
Skin: Caucasian, pale.
Hair: Medium-length blonde, with orangish fur along her ears.
Eye: Yellow.
authors notes: A young mage recently joining to see the world beyond her home village. She requires glasses due to being near-sighted.

Name: Martin Mepha
Race: Neko
Age: 43
Measurements: 79", 172lbs
Skin: Dark.
Hair: None, fur a blackish color along his joints and his ears.
Eye: Green.
authors notes:

Race: Gnome
Measurements: 39", 88lbs
authors notes:

Name: Cjal Rial
Race: Halfling
Age: 63 years
Measurements: 36", 62lbs
Skin: Tanned
Hair: Curly, Golden Brown
Eye: Light Blue
Description: Before his arrival on Felarya, Cjal was a wandering Halfling. Needless to say, he was perceived as quite the oddball in his home realm by his kinsmen and rarely spent much time at the traditional villages. For a short while he wandered with a small party before being sucked into Felarya through what he can only assume was a horribly miscasted spell.

Upon arrival, he was caught by the same band that took Jacob and some score others to be used for labor. Unlike the rest of the band, he escaped during a raid by loosening his improperly sized bonds and dashing off into the night. It was two days after the escape that he found a village of Nekos (Or, more accurately, the Neko's found him), and he began to learn some of the basics of the world he was brought in to after some hurried diplomacy.

The acceptance in the village was run thin within a week, as he was found to be consuming supplies of food comparable to the largest adults more than a villager of his size. The discovery of his thieving talents broke the camels back when he stole and swapped out a pair of fancy [And, it just so happened, enchanted] boots that nearly cost the best hunter her life. Luckily for Cjal, the village was attacked by a pair of Nagas that evening that gave him enough time to escape with almost his weight in supplies. By the time the Nagas were 'driven off' / satiated, Cjal was long since gone with his trail cold.

Having procured a map from the village before his departure, Cjal quickly made his way along the less traveled paths that offered the most cover from the Predators he had both heard of and seen in action. It was here that his small size came to his aid, as many times he forced himself into hiding places too small for others to use for cover or could 'convince' the sentient wandering Predators to leave him be by pointing quickly in the direction of a village and pointing out that small hairy halflings were not the best of meals.

The closest attempt on his life involved him being hounded up a tree for two days as a pack of Kensha Beasts tried to find an easy meal. He still tells others that if it were not for the tree he climbed bearing a fruit of great nutrition, he would have starved long before the things found a more vulnerable source of food.

After a fortnight of travel, Cjal finally found himself at the gates of Negav. Having no form of currency to pay for his entry and stay, he was forced to pay almost thrice the costs value in equipment before being allowed into the city. His remaining supplies managed to buy him a small place for some nights as he worked / thieved himself a living. Having such a rich work / target environment, as well as learning how easily such seemingly small objects could be missed there, Cjal was up to what he felt as a 'tolerable' life style by the end of his second month on the planet.

Just as with his old home on a world long since unreachable, Cjal could not keep himself stuck in the same place for long in Negav. Within the course of a year he had moved well over a dozen times and had a mental map in his head of almost the entire city when it came to the 'Old' rim (having not the faith in his skills to enter the 'new' environment with higher tech and surveillance). By the end of his second year, he had wandered with a score of parties and gone as far out as the edges of the Grove of Carnivorous Plants and the Dridder Forest. Most of his acquaintances had now long since become fertilizer or settled down in the safety of Negav, yet he still held a desire to travel within him if not in person than at least in knowledge.

Since then Cjal has teamed up with over a hundred separate parties and visited many of the settlements between Negav and the Jewel River. He has lived a charmed life and escaped many negative encounters through either wit or skill or luck. The loss of so many allies doesn't seem to have put off his opinion of the place as just one great big 'adventure' where anything can happen. He occasionally will work alongside Jacob / Slyte and their bunch either in or outside Negav, but his wandering nature means it rare for him to stay for long unless they are on the move or working on something he has yet to do since his arrival (A list that is rapidly shrinking).
authors notes: Cjal is a Fighter-Thief who by now has a good deal of minorly enchanted equipment and has his own experience with the land and its denizens. He is more relaxed than many of the bunch he is often seen with, and as such often works best for keeping relations high in diplomacy.

((The majority are in development still, and not all the band is going to be named. Note however that just because they're named does not mean they are any safer than those currently unnamed: They're just more detailed at this moment))

Last edited by Malahite on Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeSun Aug 31, 2008 5:52 am

Edit scratch study Currently fixing

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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeSun Aug 31, 2008 8:05 pm

Alright, along with the above group is an small [and completely] separate fireteam from the second universe I'm working on [My first being the one highlighted in the Story Section, yet in need of update]:

Name: Quara Crem
Race: Human, Void Born [Born during an instance of Space Travel]
Measurements: C-Cup, 184cm, 69kg
Skin: Pale white
Hair: Shaved
Eye: Brown
Description: Born to a family of traders, Quara joined the military so as to help secure her family business deals as well as to set her feet on land instead of walking in artificial gravity for the whole of her life. She is well trained with the standard TA Standard Equipment, and is known for being a level headed thinker and planner.
authors notes: Her standard vacuum-sealed TA Tight Suit has yet to be compromised, but her reconnaissance armor is in poor shape due to a Spine Beetle attack after entry. She is down to her final two magazines for her rifle, though her pistol still has all three.

Name: Christian Sae
Race: Human, Samaxian
Measurements: 167cm, 71kg
Skin: Lightly tanned
Hair: Shaved
Eye: Blue
Description: A farmer who was called in by a draft to help put down a system-wide rebellion several AU away. He plans to return to his families plot of land on Samaxia after his service time has been fulfilled.
authors notes: His vacuum-sealed TA Tight Suit and armor have both been compromised, and his flechette gun is down to the last load. His sidearm is down to only two magazines, and his E-Tool has been lost after using it as a makeshift weapon.

Name: Paul Cook
Race: Human, Terran
Measurements: 177cm, 83kg
Skin: Brown
Hair: Shaved
Eye: Grey
Description: Was a native-born Terran, though moved with his family during an expansion to Grellx Minor at the age of 13 where he quickly took up hunting in the biodomes for entertainment. Paul joined the military so as to go beyond the Biodomes as his family had no intention of moving and there was only so much one could do there. He has the most military experience of the entire team.
authors notes: Neither suit or armor has been compromised, though he only has another three shots for his rifle. His pistol has all three magazines, while he and his spotter retain the majority of their demolition charges.

Race: Human, Grellxian
Measurements: 173cm, 79kg
Skin: Lightly tanned
Hair: Shaved
Eye: Green
Description: Jergit joined the military as he felt he was working in what was to be a dead end job on Grellx Prime as an ore miner. He scored only moderately on the academic tests, but was found to be highly skilled in the art of placing explosives in the proper place due to his mining experiences. He volunteered to be Paul's spotter for the mission [even taking the proper training for the job] as he had never before seen a jungle.
authors notes: Similarly to Paul, Jergit has yet to have either his suit or armor compromised. However, he is only armed with a semi-automatic pistol with four extended magazines. He is the carrier of the groups only off-world communication device, though it was damaged after a passing stormseeker shocked him in fright. His magnoc's and rangefinder still work though, and he's been the main one responsible for keeping their 'camps' safe and charges high in number.

EDIT: Haven't found a suitable armor or uniform, but their helmets w/ rebreather are to look like so:

Felaryan prey roster Picture4

Last edited by Malahite on Wed May 05, 2010 7:15 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Darkfire destiny
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PostSubject: More char's   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeMon Sep 01, 2008 10:45 am

On a distant world of conflict and war The Evening shade fight for their world. On their return from a mission they found themselves in the middle of felareya. Here they will be tested as they try to return home.

Evening shade

Name: Michael The berserker
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Size: 6'8 350 lbs
Hair color/length: Black shoulder length
Eye color: brown
Skin Color: Caucasian
Abilities: Good melee fighter and absolutely fearless. He has a belt that enchants him with the strength of a titan, allowing him to dish out and take large amounts of punishment.
Personality: easygoing and fun except when he needs to be in charge. He has a quick temper but normally means well
Description: Huge muscular man who commonly wears light armor and commoner clothing. He has a very Thor look.
Situation: Leader of the Evening shade.
Combat: Uses large two handed weapons.
Goals in life: To enjoy it to the fullest until his time comes

Name: Louis the archer
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Size: 6"1 160lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: brown
Skin Color: Caucasian
Abilities: The ability to enchant arrows to have various magical qualities such as elemental damage or sleep
Personality: cocky and arrogant. Not afraid to be brutally honest
Description: Thin, lightly built in light armor.
Situation: Second in command
Combat: Uses his bow and enchantment’s to do battle.
Goals in life: unknown. He doesn’t like to talk about himself.

Name: Adam The Sage
Species: human
Sex: Male
Size: 6" !30lbs
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Grey
Skin Color: Caucasian
Abilities: Master of Lightning magic, advanced fire and basic earth and water
Personality: Fun loving, perverted and not-so-wise
Description: long cloak and funny hat. He swears that this is his orders regular clothes but the group is skeptical
Situation: Trying to impress heather.
Combat: Magic, fire lightning whatever works
Goal’s In life: To pass on his magical knowledge.

Name: Gareth the thief
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Size: 5"7 150lbs
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Skin Color: Caucasian
Abilities: Martial art’s, fast reflexes and expert of stealth
Personality: Quiet and a loner. Only listens to Michael or Maria
Description: Small and nimble. He is the best member of the group for infiltration and sneaking
Situation: Following along happily
Combat: Prefers hand to hand or a short range weapon.
Goal’s in life: to retire the richest man on his world.

Name: Heather the singer
Species: Human
Sex: female
Size: 5"11
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Caucasian
Abilities: Telepathic and empathetic link to her sister. They are a team on there own.
Personality: friendly and outgoing but she has a hard time making decisions.
Description: Pretty slim built girl. Wears no armor and expensive clothes
Situation: Working for Evening shade
Combat: Uses one handed sword’s or twin fans
Goal’s in life: Become the greatest performing team with her sister.

Name: Maria the dancer
Species: Human
Sex: female
Size: 5"11
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Caucasian
Abilities: Telepathic and empathetic link to her sister. They are a team on there own.
Personality: Cool and calculating. The brains of the two.
Description: Pretty slim built girl. Wears no armor and expensive clothes
Situation: Working for Evening shade
Combat: Uses one handed sword’s or twin fans
Goal’s in life: Become the greatest performing team with her sister.

Name: Yvon the bard
Species: Human
Sex: male
Size: 5"8 150 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Caucasian
Abilities: Exceptional musician
Personality: Annoying and useless. He has no skills or aptitude yet he is on the team. Plus he is not the brightest and thus he tends to cause trouble.
Description: wear’s little armor and nice clothes.
Situation: Performing for evening shade.
Combat: Tries his best to avoid it.
Goals in life: To be the best musician on his world

Last edited by Darkfire destiny on Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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Darkfire destiny
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 10:55 am

Char name: Art (Artemis)
Age: 18
Hair color: White
Hair length: down to butt
Fur: (On ears and tail) Black
Eye color: red
Skin color: slightly tanned caucasian.

Outfit: Art prefers to wear plain white dresses that accent her skin, eyes and fur. She wears glasses as a fashion statement and not because she really needs them.

Disposition: Responsible, intelligent, cool and calculating. Unlike her sister she is always thinking or planning. She is quiet, antisocial, brutally honest and rarely lets her emotions show. She dispises her full name.

Char name: Lune
Age: 18
Hair color: black
Hair length: down to butt
Fur: (on ears and tail) Black
Eye color: yellow (like the moon)
Skin color: pale caucasian

Outfit: Lune dislikes the stuffy life of nobility and gets out of her dress as often as possible. She prefers to wear casual, good looking, expensive clothes and hates not looking the best in a room.

Disposition: A loud, outgoing, energetic girl with the attention span of an over caffeinated flea.
She is always moving, takes little seriously and get’s bored with things pretty quick. She has no patience for boring people and will ignore anyone who tries to kill her mood. People find it amazing she can sit and talk with her sister for hours without getting bored.

Note: the girl's are catgirl's

Lune and Art, twin princesses on their world, found their way to felareya when their caravan was beset by bandit's. The wizard of their group tried to teleport them to safty with his dying breath but used far too much energy. The unstable magic resulted in a rip in time and space that took the girl's from certain death to this new land.

Their talent's ar archery fencing, thats as far as their similarities go.
Lune is horrible at anything that require's her to stay still. She is fast, agile and love's playing at being a soldier.
Art is intelligent, know's most of the information in their library and love's to study and learn.

Note: If one of the girls is killed then the other would more than likely try to join her unless forced to do otherwise.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeWed Dec 03, 2008 7:40 pm

Name:Mephistopheles(Not Me)
Species:Very powerful Demon(but you don't know that)
Ethnicity:Pale-ass white
Diminsions:6'4,240 lb
Personality:Freindly,but a little haughty,won't hesistate to defend someone,but only for something in return,Has a different side,but that's a suprise.
Clothing:All Black from head to toe,but will wear any sort of clothing from Formal Suits to long,flowing gowns to tight leather armor.Straight,black,shoulder length hair.
Weapons:Really just a single one-edged sword that's Demonicaly enhanced with a pain increasing hex.Can spawn The Fire Of Hell and manipulate already existing sources.

His origins are a mystery,but what is know is that he suddenly appeared in the nick of time to stop a naga from swallowing a human.The fight was short but the Naga swallowed Mephistopheles and proceded to chase down the previous victim when the Naga's head exploded in a bloddy mess.Mephistopheles crawled out and was promptly thanked by the human who turned out to be a leader of a near-by village.A great feast was held in his honor,and that was the first recorded mention of Mephistopheles in Felarya.

If you wish to Role-play with me,you must of course Private-message me.
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http://www.TheChurchOfSatan.comJust kidding!I don't have one!
valiant swordman
valiant swordman

Posts : 222
Join date : 2008-03-19
Age : 36

Felaryan prey roster Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 1:02 am

May as well keep my hat in the ring.

Name: Nadiel (Full name: Eliram Nadiel Ha'Ellisi, though he wouldn't likely ever be referred to by this.)

Race: Ellisian (Nearly full human, however with some subtle hints of neko and elvish blood in his ancestry.)

Dimensions: 5'11'' tall, weighs 173 lbs, relatively thin and lanky build.

Eyes/Hair: Very dark brown eye color, nearly black. Hair is about shoulder length but forms a messy plume that from a distance could be mistaken for a lion's mane, similar coloration to his eyes.

Skin tone: Pale from low sunlight exposure, could be described as caucasian.

Clothing: Tight-fitting armless shirt, colored black. Loose jodhpurs, dark gray. A pair of combat boots made of dark leather, three small retractable metal claws in the sole of each to aid in tree climbing and in certain close combat situations. Dark cloak worn over his shoulders and hanging down to his feet, inscribed with his family's crest over the back and the Ellisian seal on the shoulders in golden threadwork.

Equipment items: A portable bio-generator strapped to his back, usually hidden under his cloak. Combat mask worn over his face, connected to the generator via a power cable.

Weapons: Celeste II rifle (See http://mickilla.deviantart.com/art/Item-detail-the-Celeste-II-97024238 for greater details), and a reverse-wristblade hidden in a gauntlet worn over his left forearm.

Misc details on appearance: Walks and stands in an awkward posture, his back hunched forward, his arms either clasped behind his back or hanging limp from his shoulders, his neck jutting out in front of him and his face tilted either left or right as though constantly ready to look over his shoulder.

Common behaviors/Traits: Could easily be described as being as creepy and crawly as a human gets. Though he puts forth some effort to maintain his profession as a border guardian of his home village, his apathy and boredom often get the better of him and tempt him into wandering off from his post to see who or what may be traveling about in the nearby stretch of the jungle. In his youth he was ritualistically trained in the arts of stealth and infiltration in order to ambush predators that draw to close to his village, but he often abuses this ability to skulk around and satisfy his curiosity. If he happens to find someone who he finds interesting, he'll often creep his way to within spitting distance of them, keeping out of sight and silently observing them intently, as though trying to figure out what makes them tick. He's been known to follow parties of explorers and fairy hunters for miles until either they lose interest in his eyes, or a predator takes greater interest in them than he does. Its very rare for him to even say a word to anyone he stalks, even if discovered he will likely just scurry away. However, he does have a more serious agenda and when in pursuit of it he has been known to speak up, even making brazen demands to full-size predators (That is, when he's confident enough in his chances of getting out of the situation alive). On the outside he would appear to be a very sedentary and harmless creature, but at any moment he could shake off his sleepy demeanor and prove to be a very capable opponent. With several years of rigorous training and experience in the field, he is blessed with great skill in negotiating the jungle environment, easily disappearing into the greenery and lurking in the shadows. Even some predators may have trouble finding him in the time it takes him to draw his rifle and take a shot. Even if discovered, he can move with surprising agility, though his poor stamina restricts his movement to short, unpredictable bursts of swiftness. Though he would pose an extremely awkward target, he wears no armor or other protection so if he can so much as given a single significant blow he can be easily brought down. But his biggest weakness of all is that he is a creature of habit and often underestimates those that try and get hold of him. After slipping by more than his fair share of humans and predators alike, he is quite certain of just what the limits of sensory perception are, and refuses to believe that someone could possibly get one step ahead of him (he is especially confounded why certain individuals such as Crisis seem to be able to sense him quicker than they should). This stubbornness has nearly gotten him killed on multiple occasions. He may seem like an obvious antagonist, what with the creeping and the stalking, but he simply does it to observe. He may be an extremely vicious combatant when properly motivated to fight, but his odd habits should not be mistaken for hostility. He responds readily to those who do not appear threatening to him (especially to females whom he finds attractive) and because he is a lonely fellow, he can be recruited to be almost anyone's ally with relative ease. He may have ulterior motives to cooperate, as he often seeks information or is simply in the mood for company, but he can be a useful companion all the same.
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan prey roster   Felaryan prey roster Icon_minitime

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