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 ClassifiedMagnum's "The Naga and the Human": no more?

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Helpless prey

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Join date : 2014-02-23

ClassifiedMagnum's "The Naga and the Human": no more? Empty
PostSubject: ClassifiedMagnum's "The Naga and the Human": no more?   ClassifiedMagnum's "The Naga and the Human": no more? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 02, 2014 12:40 pm

Hello, this is my first thread here.

Does anyone know if ClassifiedMagnum ever wrote more parts after the part 6?

I got quite attached to this series and I thought it was funny, but it seems it stopped way back. It would be great if someone might know this user and could ask him about it! Very Happy
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ClassifiedMagnum's "The Naga and the Human": no more?
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