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 more gentle giants of the deep?

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more gentle giants of the deep?  Empty
PostSubject: more gentle giants of the deep?    more gentle giants of the deep?  Icon_minitimeWed Mar 26, 2014 6:41 pm

so yeah this silly little idea popped into my head and I thought I'd share with you people. I'll say it right now that it's not what String-Fountain did with his Vhiyras, but it could be once I get to adding more detail

as of now this is simply little stuff that can and probably will expand as more time for it opens up, so without further adieu: Whalemaids, or whalefolk as they are described in this piece.

Basics: Whalefolk are a different category of mermaids where the fish half of their bodies are that of a whale instead of a fish. Like real life whales these creatures breathe air to live and thus they will be found jumping around the deep seas. Unlike real whales however, when they come up to breathe, they roll on their backs and breathe through their mouth or nose as they surface. Whalefolk  can hold their breaths between 80 minutes to two and a half hours at most at a time before they have to come back up to the surface to breathe, depending on the type of Whalefolk.

Anatomy: Similar to mermaids, Whalefolk  are half human, half animal from the waist down, however some species of Whalefolk , like the Blue Whalefolk  for instance, have the whale underbelly reach all the way to their human rib cage.   Like real whales, every Whalefolk has three stomachs: a fore stomach, a main stomach, and a pyloric stomach. The fore stomach is like the crop for a bird, it is basically a storage chamber for meals they have swallowed, it is located in the human abdomen and has little to no acids inside of it at all and the air inside is breathable but after a while if for some unfortunate reason a person is swallowed, he will stay conscious for up to seventy six hours max. After eighty hours the forestomach transfers the food into the main stomach, where it does everything that a normal stomach will do. It is located in the whale tail, as is the Pyloric stomach, which will break down anything that the main stomach couldn't digest. After a trip through the intestines, a small hole at the end of their tail discards the waste, this is not where the reproductive organs are, it's basically their anus.

Whale maids have two hearts and two pairs of lungs. The first heart and pair of lungs are located exactly where the human heart and lungs are. The second heart is three to five times bigger and is located in the whale half, usually right below where the butt would be if one was human, and the second pair of lungs are further down along the spine. The second heart is for allowing blood flow in the whale half without taking flow from their human half, this becomes vital if they dive extremely deep in the water, it allows the flow to not be squeezed out by the pressure of the water around them.

Reproductive organs are placed exactly where they would be if they were human, BUT both male and female's parts are covered by the beginning of the whale half and the only indication is a thin opening that goes right down the center, you can't see it unless you are right in front of it. The opening becomes wide for females and male's have a pink tube that exits the very thin opening that widens as it does so. Since they are mammals they mate the same way as such biologically. After conception, the mother holds the baby inside a womb that is located in their tail underneath their main stomach. When one is ready to deliver, she has the appearance as though she swallowed the world's largest hamburger in one bite. Much like real whales, the tail of the child is delivered first, to give the mother as much time as she needs to reach the surface of the water and bring the child up to breathe, for once that head is out, she has only thirty seconds before the child loses consciousness due to lack of air. All whalemaids usually deliver only one child at a time, but twins do happen once in a blue moon. And obviously the mother feeds her young the same way a human mother would. One thing that should be noted, do. not. put that baby in any danger whatsoever, Whalemaids are extremely protective of their young and threatening one of their kids will be treated as an act of war and Hell hath no fury like that of a pissed off mother whalemaid.

Whalefolk have one really large kidney that was definitely built to filter out anything that isn't water. Their livers are about twice the size of their main stomach, and their intestines if stretched out can reach up to a hundred miles, depending on the type.

Their eyesight is designed to be able to see in light and minor forms of dark. However, when they dive deep enough to where lights is invisible, or if they go around a moonless night time, they use echo-location. Their brains are much like a human one, except like all marine mammals they have can shut down half of it so that they can sleep during the night and travel very slowly at the same time, while they are asleep, they swim upside down so that the half of the brain that is still in operation can simply bring their heads above the water to breathe. Their ears aren't shaped like fins like one would find on a mermaid, they are rather shaped like a human-elf hybrids, but the ear color do tend to match one of the colors of their whale half instead of their human half. The hair is lust like anything else's on the top of the head, nothing much to say about it.

Inside their mouths, you will find an interesting sight, most species have normal human teeth, but the ones that are more predatory, such as the Orca version for example, you will find sharp teeth that are meant to bite into flesh. But the ones that aren't, you will find that the throat appears too tiny to be able to swallow a human sized chunk of food when they get past the tube that connects their throat to their lungs, but the reality is much different, the esophagus is very stretchy and they will have no trouble in the slightest bit swallowing a human if they so wished, their throats are built like that to prevent too much salt water from entering their digestive system. They have no uvulas but they can throw up all they want, like if they swallowed a friend for instance, they can just as easily cough him or her up as they did swallowing the friend. The wind pipe is not placed in front of the esophagus, it is actually placed behind it, but to prevent it being cut by the spine, it is actually three times as thick as it would be to a human of the exact same size. Their tongues are very sensitive and so even the largest of them can taste something very small, which can lead to them being either picky eaters or voracious predators, no matter the type of whalefolk.

Type:  There are several main types of whalefolk, the main ones are the Orcafolk, the right whalefolk, the Humpback Whalefolk, the Sperm whalefolk, the Dolpholk, and the largest of them all, the Blue whalefolk.

Dolpholk:  These whalefolk are by far the smallest, but they are also the fastest, the most common, and the most social. Their animal half resembles that of a bottle nosed dolphin, they even have a dorsal fin in their human half mid-backs. Their fully grown length averages about 27 feet long from the top of their head to the end of their tail. Their max length is approximately 45 feet long and their minimum is around 14 feet long.  Their main prey is standard fish, but every now and again, especially with the large ones that tend to be loners, they do eat a human, but only if it happens to be the only thing around to eat, which is extremely rare. These whalefolk usually travel in groups of three to a hundred dolpholks called pods.  Socially, these guys are some of the friendliest creatures in the sea, most of them love sailors, especially if their boats are big and fast, that way they can bow-ride in the ships's wake. They've even been known to round up fish for fishermen, provided that they have a lot of fun playing around the boats or even with sailors who decide they want to go swimming with them. Many sailors will tell you that there is no experience like playing with Dolpholk, not one of them in the world will trade any moment with swimming with them. However, the easiest way to anger them to the point where they can be very dangerous is to threaten one of the ones in their pod, if that happens, every last able one will do ANYTHING in their power to protect, rescue, or avenge their friend. When they're not hungry or threatened, dolpholk do tend to be very energetic and fun loving.

Orcafolk:  Definitely the most voracious of all, and probably the most cunning, they will eat just about anything that they view as food and find any means necessary to obtain their prey, even if it means beaching themselves to catch 'em. Much like Dolpholk, they have a large dorsal fin on their backs. These guys tend to average 150 feet long with their maximum length reaching around 250 feet and their minimum reaching 175 feet, all of these measurements are for fully grown Orcafolk.  When they are not hungry around humans, they are more curious about them and more friendly to them rather than craving them, so they will swim around observing them, trying to find out anything about them, even potential weaknesses for the next time they go hunting for food and humans just happen to be around. Also like Dolpholk, Orcafolk are pretty social, but unlike Dolpholk, they won't help fishermen with their catch at all, unless they get seventy five percent of the catch, minimum, or if they could be led to a pod of Dolpholk. They hunt in packs of up to twenty individuals and their favorite food are Dolpholk out of everything else, if the prey is too big to swallow in one bite, Orcafolk use their sharp teeth to rip into the flesh of their prey and eat them in chunks. Orcapholk have a heightened array of senses, they can see and hear up to ten kilometers away in the sea, and up to five kilometers away above the water for their hearing. Their vision is just as sharp as a well trained and cared for human eye, but they are known to be able to see up to middle of the range darkness, but when they can't see they use echo-location.

Humpback Whalefolk:  Humpback Whalefolk are pretty common and they tend to be to size of the average giant sea mermaid, which is 300 feet long for their maximum and 225 for their minimum. Their diet consists of mainly large schools of fish, and small mermaids. Their hunting habits are usually dive down deep below their prey and charge straight up at their prey with their mouth wide open, and then close it as they either breach the surface of the water, or if they have to while underwater. They have little interest in humans, but like Orcafolk they're more curious around a human instead of trying to eat them, but it has happened, most of the time it's by accident, like if someone is swimming above a large school of fish and a Humpback happens to be swimming up to eat the fish,the human can get caught in the meal that way. Unlike other whalefolk, the human is more likely to drown in the swallowed water than die of digestion, because they're whale half covers up their human abdomen and it swells when they swallow lots of water. The water then drains out from their forestomach and flows quickly through system to keep salt water out of their blood stream. The only other whalefolk type with a digestive system like this is the Bluewhale folk, but the water in them drains out of their forestomach much faster than the humpback, like one minute total compared the the humpback's ten minutes, the reason for this has yet to be discovered. Humpbacks travel in small pods that travel in groups of ten at maximum. Their eyesight is probably the poorest despite their size, they can only see half as far as a normal Orcafolk, but their hearing makes up for this and they are excellent at echolocation.  They usually travel in groups of five to find warm waters and move again during the change of seasons.

Sperm whalefolk: The Sperm Whalefolk are among the rarest and yet their reputation for being voracious is well known. Much like the Orcafolk, the Sperm whalefolk are known to eat anything, however, their favorite diet is the Chalenas, and they will go as deep as it takes to get one. Sperm whalefolk are the absolute best at echolocation and they can hold their breaths for an astonishing three hours, which gives them plenty of time to swim down and hunt their prey. They can reach up to 400 feet long maximum and 330 minimum. These guys are usually loners, the mothers stay with their young for up to five to ten years before they let the young fend for themselves. This leads them to be very hostile to others out of distrust for they soon figures out it's survival of the fittest in Felarya, and the weak get eaten. The only time where they look to help from others is if they get beached, they have thirty minutes to get back into deep waters before they are crushed under their own weight.

Blue Whalefolk:  Easily the largest, the rarest, and most gentle of all the whalefolk. They have been known to reach even the length of an average Leviathan Mermaid, another gentle giant in the Felaryan seas, whom is more famous and legendary. The minimum length has been recorded at 525 feet long and the maximum is yet to be caught. They are so similar to Leviathan Mermaids that many people mistake them for each other, but Blue Whalefolk have some glaring differences besides the obvious fact that they have to come up to breathe every two hours. Like the Humpback whalefolk the underside of their whale half goes all the way to where her abdomen would meet the rib cage if she were human, unlike them however, the Blue whalefolk's forestomach drains swallowed water out in an astonishing one minute and the water goes out the way it came in to trap the prey inside, which is much faster than the humpback's. Blue whalefolk mainly feed on fish and so far there have been no records of them eating a human, at least not with intent, they feed the exact same way as humpback, swimming deep below the school of fish and then swimming up extremely quickly, swallowing anything they catch. However they always go to the surface and roll on their back, to release the water that has been upchucked by their forestomach, they spit the water out like a natural water spout, very forceful, this can also be used as an effective tool for protection, for they travel in groups of three to five.

They have no natural predators, not even Orcafolk or Sperm whalefolk are crazy enough to try to attack them, as they know that it's generally not wise to go after them because of their massive size. Blue whalefolk can be playful to others and they love leaping out of the water and falling back in with a splash. They are aware of their surroundings and so they are always able to avoid sinking ships or hitting rocks, this makes them very clever so do not underestimate their intelligence at all. However it is not safe for them to beach themselves, unless they can be pushed or dragged back into deep waters in ten minutes, they will be crushed under their own weight.

Last edited by Americanhero45 on Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Felarya cartographer
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more gentle giants of the deep?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: more gentle giants of the deep?    more gentle giants of the deep?  Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2014 8:11 pm

American Hero of Light wrote:
Similar to mermaids, Whalefolk are half human, half animal from the waist down, however some species of Whalefolk , like the Blue Whalefolk for instance, have the whale underbelly reach all the way to their human rib cage.

This feature I like! Sounds very distinctive compared to mermaid and their sub types. Rather a good idea that whale under belly.

Lt Colonel American Hero wrote:
Reproductive organs are placed exactly where they would be if they were human, BUT both male and female's parts are covered by the beginning of the whale half and the only indication is a thin opening that goes right down the center, you can't see it unless you are right in front of it.

his seems like a very logically made and well balanced system, but I want to know if the male's reproductive organs are prehensile like real whales. XD I remember when I found that out I thought it was pretty hillarious, but honestly now I see it as very functional for creature that live in a 3D environment like the Sea.

Level 90 American Hero wrote:
Dolpholk: These whalefolk are by far the smallest, but they are also the fastest, the most common, and the most social. Their animal half resembles that of a bottle nosed dolphin, they even have a dorsal fin in their human half mid-backs. Their fully grown length averages about 27 feet long from the top of their head to the end of their tail. Their max length is approximately 45 feet long and their minimum is around 14 feet long. Their main prey is standard fish, but every now and again, especially with the large ones that tend to be loners, they do eat a human, but only if it happens to be the only thing around to eat, which is extremely rare. These whalefolk usually travel in groups of three to a hundred dolpholks called pods. Socially, these guys are some of the friendliest creatures in the sea, most of them love sailors, especially if their boats are big and fast, that way they can bow-ride in the ships's wake. They've even been known to round up fish for fishermen, provided that they have a lot of fun playing around the boats or even with sailors who decide they want to go swimming with them. Many sailors will tell you that there is no experience like playing with Dolpholk, not one of them in the world will trade any moment with swimming with them. However, the easiest way to anger them to the point where they can be very dangerous is to threaten one of the ones in their pod, if that happens, every last able one will do ANYTHING in their power to protect, rescue, or avenge their friend. When they're not hungry or threatened, dolpholk do tend to be very energetic and fun loving.

I already had a merman called Dolph who I sometimes used, but I never thought of all the fun traits that go into a Dolphin-like species! =D I may have use this as his race.

American Hiro wrote:
Orcafolk: Definitely the most voracious of all, and probably the most cunning, they will eat just about anything that they view as food and find any means necessary to obtain their prey, even if it means beaching themselves to catch 'em. Much like Dolpholk, they have a large dorsal fin on their backs. These guys tend to average 50 feet long with their maximum length reaching around 250 feet and their minimum reaching 175 feet, all of these measurements are for fully grown Orcafolk. When they are not hungry around humans, they are more curious about them and more friendly to them rather than craving them, so they will swim around observing them, trying to find out anything about them, even potential weaknesses for the next time they go hunting for food and humans just happen to be around.

...Must have one! XD I don't care HOW deficult it could be to draw the color scheme of an orca I MUST have one of these. X3 Seriously can think of some hilarious characters that could come out of it.

An American Hero wrote:
Much like the Orcafolk, the Sperm whalefolk are known to eat anything, however, their favorite diet is the Chalenas, and they will go as deep as it takes to get one.

I can think of a doomed love story already between a ditzy Chaelana and Sperm Walefolk. Where one see's the other as a mate the other see's their octopus friend more in the category of food.

All in all? Really nice ideas, Hero! It fleshes out the Seas and Oceans more. ^_^
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Eternal Optimist
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more gentle giants of the deep?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: more gentle giants of the deep?    more gentle giants of the deep?  Icon_minitimeSun Mar 30, 2014 10:33 am

I have some specific things to point out and maybe some general questions too. I hope this helps you out. Very Happy

Americanhero wrote:
Whale maids have two hearts and two pairs of lungs.
What purpose does this serve exactly? I assume the extra lungs are to allow them to hold more air but the second heart...?

Americanhero wrote:
The hair is lust like anything else's on the top of the head, nothing much to say about it.
A typo, I think, you probably meant just.

(concerning Orcafolk)
Americanhero wrote:
These guys tend to average 50 feet long with their maximum length reaching around 250 feet and their minimum reaching 175 feet
How do they average less than their minimum length? O.o That seems mathematically unsound to me.

Americanhero wrote:
Orcapholk have a heightened array of senses, they can see and hear up to ten kilometers away in the seeb
I think you mean sea

(concerning Humpback Whalefolk)
Americanhero wrote:
if someone is swimming above a large school of fish and a Humpback happens to be swimming up to eat the fish, the human usually gets caught in the meal that way.
A small thing, but I think putting the word "usually" in there contradicts the earlier part of the same sentence which states that it is a rare occurrence. I'd change it to "the human can get caught in the meal that way".

Americanhero wrote:
Humpbacks travel is small pods that travel in groups of ten at maximum
Another typo.

For general things, I personally find it a little odd that they travel in packs. I assume this is to liken them more closely to their Earth animal counterparts, but the overarching idea in Felarya is that giant people are meant to be much rarer than human-sized or tiny peoples (even though RPs and fanfics would have you believe differently), and meeting one is supposed to be something that doesn't happen often, let alone them meeting each other, further let alone them traveling in packs. It's not something that necessarily needs to be changed, but I felt I'd give my opinion on it for your consideration.

I also noticed you have put in a ton of detail into this, making reading and replying to it take quite a while. That's probably why you haven't gotten many replies on this thread, sadly. But my point is, I'm not sure everything is necessary to state, like the part where you talk about their reproductive organs, or the fact that males are called "whalefolk" while females are called "whalemaids". That said, it is nice information to have that isn't found on many other articles for Felaryan species, which is a plus. I also have to commend your dedication to the idea - as much time as it took to read, it probably took even longer to write. ^_^

I like the idea that there are difference subspecies of whalefolk, though I do question the validity of having them all so closely based on specific species found on Earth. The subject of how closely Earth ties into Felarya is always a difficult subject for me, stemming from the fact that, as far as I know, Earth can't ever connect to Felarya and as far as Felarya is concerned, Earth doesn't exist. So to me, having so many animal-human hybrids based on Earth species seems like way too much of a coincidence to be believable. Do you understand what I mean? And yet, I really think you've thought each one through to a really good level, and individually, they are all really believable to me, so I have a hard time saying that having all these different subspecies is a bad thing.

That's all I have to say on them right now. I'd be up for discussing some of my points with you through chat, PM, or replies on the thread. I hope at least some of this helps! Very Happy
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Seasoned adventurer
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more gentle giants of the deep?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: more gentle giants of the deep?    more gentle giants of the deep?  Icon_minitimeSun Mar 30, 2014 11:53 am

Nyaha wrote:
I have some specific things to point out and maybe some general questions too. I hope this helps you out. Very Happy

Americanhero wrote:
Whale maids have two hearts and two pairs of lungs.
What purpose does this serve exactly? I assume the extra lungs are to allow them to hold more air but the second heart...?

Americanhero wrote:
The hair is lust like anything else's on the top of the head, nothing much to say about it.
A typo, I think, you probably meant just.

(concerning Orcafolk)
Americanhero wrote:
These guys tend to average 50 feet long with their maximum length reaching around 250 feet and their minimum reaching 175 feet
How do they average less than their minimum length? O.o That seems mathematically unsound to me.

Americanhero wrote:
Orcapholk have a heightened array of senses, they can see and hear up to ten kilometers away in the seeb
I think you mean sea

(concerning Humpback Whalefolk)
Americanhero wrote:
if someone is swimming above a large school of fish and a Humpback happens to be swimming up to eat the fish, the human usually gets caught in the meal that way.
A small thing, but I think putting the word "usually" in there contradicts the earlier part of the same sentence which states that it is a rare occurrence. I'd change it to "the human can get caught in the meal that way".

Americanhero wrote:
Humpbacks travel is small pods that travel in groups of ten at maximum
Another typo.

For general things, I personally find it a little odd that they travel in packs. I assume this is to liken them more closely to their Earth animal counterparts, but the overarching idea in Felarya is that giant people are meant to be much rarer than human-sized or tiny peoples (even though RPs and fanfics would have you believe differently), and meeting one is supposed to be something that doesn't happen often, let alone them meeting each other, further let alone them traveling in packs. It's not something that necessarily needs to be changed, but I felt I'd give my opinion on it for your consideration.

I also noticed you have put in a ton of detail into this, making reading and replying to it take quite a while. That's probably why you haven't gotten many replies on this thread, sadly. But my point is, I'm not sure everything is necessary to state, like the part where you talk about their reproductive organs, or the fact that males are called "whalefolk" while females are called "whalemaids". That said, it is nice information to have that isn't found on many other articles for Felaryan species, which is a plus. I also have to commend your dedication to the idea - as much time as it took to read, it probably took even longer to write. ^_^

I like the idea that there are difference subspecies of whalefolk, though I do question the validity of having them all so closely based on specific species found on Earth. The subject of how closely Earth ties into Felarya is always a difficult subject for me, stemming from the fact that, as far as I know, Earth can't ever connect to Felarya and as far as Felarya is concerned, Earth doesn't exist. So to me, having so many animal-human hybrids based on Earth species seems like way too much of a coincidence to be believable. Do you understand what I mean? And yet, I really think you've thought each one through to a really good level, and individually, they are all really believable to me, so I have a hard time saying that having all these different subspecies is a bad thing.

That's all I have to say on them right now. I'd be up for discussing some of my points with you through chat, PM, or replies on the thread. I hope at least some of this helps! Very Happy

yeah I've noticed some of them, I'll fix the typos and word phrases
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more gentle giants of the deep?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: more gentle giants of the deep?    more gentle giants of the deep?  Icon_minitime

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