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 Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.

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Shady Knight
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2014 4:10 pm

Okay so we all know we have this secret desire, in with some not so secret, to get our characters in the wiki. Well I want to try and little experiment/game. I want you to think of a character you think deserves an article. There's only a few rules:

1: It can't be an OC you own yourself.
2: You must list why you think they deserve it, as short or as long as you like.
3: Be nice and positive. No negative criticism.
4: Only OCs for now. If this works out as well as I hope? Maybe other topics later.
5: If somebody doesn't know the character? Link to a story/bio/pic of the character!
6: Doing this won't win a spot in the wiki for that character (but it might make Karbo notice them more)
7: All size categories are allowed. Tiny, Human and Pred.

So got it? Great! I'll go first and I'm sure it'll surprise you:

Name :Tarynn.
Why: She's just so dang funny and well written!! ^_^ I always smile, and sometime wince, when I see her in a pic weather Simon did it or not. That's why I think she needs her own page.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2014 4:26 pm

A little late to the party, eh?

Anyway, I pick Karbo's angel character Chloe. He more or less revived her in a somewhat recent doodle and her name is mentioned as a potential character in the Angel section, but it's not a link cause I guess her re-introduction is on the back burner, among many other things.
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2014 4:48 pm

Jack rye


This Author has a dude that's pretty much one of the coolest Indiana Jones type character I came across reading, and he has naga girlfriend (sorta) that's a mute and is also amusing.

He also has an ongoing comic that will make you love his and Sheri's adventures very well.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2014 6:48 pm

ravaging vixen wrote:
Jack rye


This Author has a dude that's pretty much one of the coolest Indiana Jones type character I came across reading, and he has naga girlfriend (sorta) that's a mute and is also amusing.

He also has an ongoing comic that will make you love his and Sheri's adventures very well.

Oooh I love Jack Rye! ^-^ I need to get back to reading his early adventurers! But didn't he move to his own world? Cause his author showed off a hard copy of several comics he was selling at comic con I think or one of the minor con's at least.|

Shady wrote:
Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:26 pm
A little late to the party, eh?

Anyway, I pick Karbo's angel character Chloe. He more or less revived her in a somewhat recent doodle and her name is mentioned as a potential character in the Angel section, but it's not a link cause I guess her re-introduction is on the back burner, among many other things.

Son of naga!! Am I not allowed to have an original thought? XD Ah well. This will be a revival of sorts! Cause I'm not deleting it. =P Also I don't remember Chloe. Was she the blonde gal with the pig tails Karbo drew sheepishly eating a fellow looking a little guilty? XD That was so adorable.
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Shady Knight
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Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2014 7:13 pm


See that angel with the flower in her hair standing next to Menyssan? That's ChloƩ. She's from two vore pictures from before Felarya became a thing, one involving a succubus force feeding her mortal souls, and the other voluntarily eating one cause he was being a naggy asshole. Karbo took both down from his gallery because apparently someone got offended, which was honestly rare back in the mid-two-thousands when compared to this decade of political correctness gone batshit bonkers. I want her to become a real character cause I think she could make a nice foil to Karbo's succubus characters, cause angels are severely underused and we need to balance things out.

Also, "son of a naga", really?
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PostSubject: Re: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 08, 2014 11:36 am

I nominate Nyaha's Taihaku, for no real reason other than that I feel OCs that I bump into a lot around here deserve at least a stub on the wiki so they're easy to look up in a proper article format. That and Taihaku's one of the more thought-out characters that's been made lately. Her bio's pretty much a wiki article already, so it isn't a tall order to make a page for it and drop in a couple pictures.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 08, 2014 12:29 pm

I say shady-knight's crew.

I think ihis adventurers are honestly one of the most fleshed out and diverse groups out there. We need more normal sized representation, and preferably not all super powered like most tend to be. I think everyone in his group is capable on their own (without going overboard at all) and they work so well as a team.

He's also brought back the quintessential adventurer party complete with the trinity ( heals tank and damage ) . A dynamic we don't see done nearly often enough in this fantasy setting. It makes encounters much more interesting, and success believable.

On a side tangent...

I whole heartedly disagree about jack rye though. I do love the comics, and the author is amazingly talented, but in order for him to work, the preds he encounters have to be all but brain dead. That or just in no real mood to try to catch him. That said, some are pretty stupid - but not nearly enough.

Don't agree? Put him up against any of the most fleshed out preds and see just how much off their game they'd have to be to -not- catch him. Yes I'm sure he could probably come up with something -once- for some, but beyond that? One can't have that many encounters of the worst kind and always be prepared while traveling that light - especially not being native nor without training (I'm assuming) on par with the iSolon fist.

Just my .02
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 08, 2014 12:53 pm

Turboman500 wrote:
I whole heartedly disagree about jack rye though. I do love the comics, and the author is amazingly talented, but in order for him to work, the preds he encounters have to be all but brain dead. That or just in no real mood to try to catch him. That said, some are pretty stupid - but not nearly enough.

Don't agree? Put him up against any of the most fleshed out preds and see just how much off their game they'd have to be to -not- catch him. Yes I'm sure he could probably come up with something -once- for some, but beyond that? One can't have that many encounters of the worst kind and always be prepared while traveling that light - especially not being native nor without training (I'm assuming) on par with the iSolon fist.

Huh, i'm not sure whether i heard negative agreements were part of this. Is that Ok jedi?

Regardless, i'd love to see some stories with fleshed out preds that's prey or opposition aren't ill advised or retarded of why they're out there in the first place. And as far as training goes There's better people for that than the Islon fist but i get what you're saying.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 08, 2014 1:56 pm

I didn't mean to be negative so much as pointing out things.

As a character, I like him - he's a a stand up guy and cool as hell. I just don't think it works in this setting, considering I've seen a predator get community outrage for getting the better of others easily.

Does that clarify my stance abit better? I don't think constructive criticism and negative criticism are the same in this sense?

I could be wrong though... I'm a truck driver not a scholar lol.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 08, 2014 2:35 pm

ravaging vixen wrote:
Turboman500 wrote:
I whole heartedly disagree about jack rye though. I do love the comics, and the author is amazingly talented, but in order for him to work, the preds he encounters have to be all but brain dead. That or just in no real mood to try to catch him. That said, some are pretty stupid - but not nearly enough.

Don't agree? Put him up against any of the most fleshed out preds and see just how much off their game they'd have to be to -not- catch him. Yes I'm sure he could probably come up with something -once- for some, but beyond that? One can't have that many encounters of the worst kind and always be prepared while traveling that light - especially not being native nor without training (I'm assuming) on par with the iSolon fist.

Huh, i'm not sure whether i heard negative agreements were part of this. Is that Ok jedi?

Regardless, i'd love to see some stories with fleshed out preds that's prey or opposition aren't ill advised or retarded of why they're out there in the first place. And as far as training goes There's better people for that than the Islon fist but i get what you're saying.

Arguments are okay as long as they don't get too hateful. Positive criticism please. ^_^ I agree Jack's equipment seems nearly endless for escaping situations for how little he seems to carry on him. XD Mostly extend-o-sticks and the like, but I will say some of it's quite inventive like the Bedlum Devices. Poor Shadow Nymphs had a bad day that comic. ^-^ Actually that's what I like about him. He does seem to survive allot of situtuations but he doesn't always use the same gadget over and over again that I've seen. In fact with Garnet he had to talk his way out if I remember right. XD Now that deserves an achievement.
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PostSubject: Re: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 08, 2014 4:43 pm

Hmmm...I'm going to have to say I'd enjoy seeing Jedi's Clare on the Wiki. She's such a fun OC and the way she talks is rather entertaining.

I'd also have to go with Saen Kell's Constance. http://darkhourglass.deviantart.com/art/Constance-and-The-Bee-467558314 She's such an entertaining Neko, and unlike most Nekos she's far rougher on the edges.
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PostSubject: Re: Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec.   Let's try a bit of a positive non-selfish thing for a sec. Icon_minitime

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