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 Fate (Flash Fiction)

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Helpless prey

Posts : 10
Join date : 2015-01-10
Age : 29
Location : California

Fate (Flash Fiction) Empty
PostSubject: Fate (Flash Fiction)   Fate (Flash Fiction) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 10, 2015 10:20 am

Two dridder parents, Saffa and Kabira, were walking together in the dridder forest with their only son. The boy dridder was only 8 years old and had a lot of growing to do before he reached to his parent's giant size or perhaps bigger. Right now, he's as small as any human child.

"Don't stray too far, Son." Saffa, the son's father, said.

The boy dridder nodded as he continued to explore. He did eventually stray too far, meeting a naga who seemed to be just passing by the forest. She looked at him with disgust as she reached for him. The boy dridder was frightened and tried to get away.

"Momma, pappa!" The boy cried out.

The mother and father dridder felt something wasn't right and ran towards the scene only to be too late as the naga already ate the boy. Once she saw the adult dridders, the naga slithered away to avoid confrontation.

The mother was in tears as she witnessed the naga eat her son. Saffa hugged her and comforted her, though filled with rage towards the naga.

The mother was still heartbroken from the event as she followed her partner to the rest of the clan.

Suddenly, the mother heard the sound of crying and went towards it. She arrived at a camping ground, though there was no trace of anyone. Kabira looked around for any signs of life when she heard the crying again. She sensed it was coming from the small tent, which surprisingly didn't seem to be touched. She ripped open the tent to reveal a human girl, no more than two years old.

The two year old smiled at the dridder.

"Your smile...it's so sweet and cute." Kabira said as smiled back. She picked up the child and held her gently against her chest. "Come now, we must show you to your new family."
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