Figure this is probably the best place for it. It's kinda off topic. Pictures are in spoilers for size ( 1024x768 ). For the intent and purpose of this tutorial, we will assume you have never visited the site before / created an account.
So, the website is now located at this address. Now with more Felarya. Upon initial navigation this will be your screen:
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In the event they are unknown, in the upper left hand corner links to all the various major Felarya related sites can be found ( dA, Forumotion, Patreon, the Wiki ).
To create a new account, click on the yellow button that says "New Accounts". Your screen shall now appear as:
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This is not an email address! This is the XMPP / Jabber Identification, which is specified as <username> ( at ) <domain> ( dot ) <tld>. The only fields you need to enter are the username and password ( twice ). Clicking on register will create a new screen:
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The text "LogIn" is a hyperlink, click on it and you will be brought online to the service. The first login will provide an initial setup of basic options available on two tabs. The first tab is for general settings:
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Sounds - Play sounds when someone sends you a message in 1:1 chat. Defaults to
Geolocation - Broadcasts where you are in the world. I personally recommend turning this off. Defaults to
Offline Friends - Displays people in your friend list regardless of whether or not they are online. I personally recommend turning this on. Defaults to
The second tab is a friend search. If you already know the information of your friends, you can go ahead and add them right now to your friend list. They have to accept you for their status to be seen by you. Two important things about Friend Search:
- In order to appear in search, you MUST opt-in for searching. You can fill out your account every line, and you will not show up in search unless you opt-in. We will cover this in a bit. The default is that users ARE NOT opted in to search.
- In order to be searched, you have to fill out at least one of these four fields. XMPP does not care if the fields are all the same - so Nickname and Real Name can be exactly the same. You are NOT required to fill out any information you are uncomfortable giving - but any information you DO provide is visible to all.
If the user meets these two conditions, you will see the following screen when you search for them ( here we assume you were searching for my account ):
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Note: For the "Add" and "Profile" buttons to appear, you must hover your mouse over the search results.
When you click on "Save" in the lower right hand corner of the popup, you will be presented with the Profile Screen:
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NONE of these fields are required - but as noted earlier, if you do not fill out the four used for search, even if you opt-in for searching, you will not be located on a search.
- Identity - General tab, has most of the information for the Profile
- Profile Image - Your avatar
- Others - Mainly location info, and your biography
With your information provided ( or not ) you will be delivered to the primary interface.
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Let's cover what all these sections are:
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Most is self explanatory. One thing that might not be - the microblog. This is called your channel, and it's basically like a miniature Twitter / RSS / Tumblr feed. If you are friends with someone, you can see their channel. I think most likely if it sees any use at all it'll probably be one of the places you can announce what rooms you are doing roleplays in. Maybe links to your character profiles or the like. But up to you.
At the moment, uploads are enabled - so if you want to attach a picture, you can do so. 25Mb is the current limit I think. This should let you share media if you desire.
Another area that requires some explanation - the control bar. Messages will alert you to new friend requests and the like. Profile allows you to edit your roster. Options will bring up the following screen, which has three tabs:
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And finally, disconnect logs you out of the service.
Now then, lets start chatting! For the purposes of this tutorial, we will join the persistent channel "Lobby Room" which is open to all people.
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With the information typed in, hit "Enter" on your keyboard. You will then be here:
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This is a multi-user chat, or a chatroom. Anyone can create a chatroom. If you create a new chatroom of your own you will be given owner rights ( provided someone else has not already claimed it ). We'll cover that later. Now to explain what all the options here are:
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The one we'll look at more is Chat Favourites. This allows you to save certain options for this channel to change how you interface with it as a user. Click the + icon, and it will disappear. The chat is now in your favourites. Let's access it so we can make some changes.
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Click on the link "Manage your favorite groupchats".
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Click on the dropdown menu and select "lobby":
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Now we can make some changes:
- Name: The name of the room. Let's change this to "Lobby Room".
- Nickname: This is your name in the room. You can change this to whatever you like. In general rooms I would recommend you leave it to what people know you as. In an RP room, I'd recommend you use the name of the character you intend to play. This can be different across every room. PLEASE do not abuse this. Do not pretend to be other users, especially to flame or defame.
- Room: Leave This Alone.
- Server: Leave This Alone.
- Password: For the sake of the tutorial, leave this blank. In the future, if you are joining a password protected room specify the password here.
- Automatic: Do you want to join the room every time you log on? If so, click the check box.
Once you're all done, click Edit. The changes will be saved. Leave the room ( or logout ) and return ( or login ) and you should see your settings updated, like so:
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