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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer
Bandur Khan

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Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 28, 2016 10:48 am

Thanks to all the Shinto-Techno-Saints... This was a very good Idea Kaheti came up with. Despite all the Rage Desdemonah felt, she really didn't want to do something like this...
What's up with her anyway? Desdemonah felt oddly aroused and voracious at the same Time... Perhaps this was due to her unique Experiment this Night - and the weird Vibrations around... But now the Garden Girl had regained her serene Smile and looked thankfully back to Kaheti.
"Hehe... Desdemonah evolves into a Weapon of Mass Digestion!" Roth grinned and Desdemonah pouted: "I so do not!"
Meanwhile Dunja and Volg were talking together about how to create these Bracelets. The small Neera had to admit: "Nice Idea... but I fear, she could actuwlly begin to like it in there..."
"I like it in there!" Dunja replied in her devote Manner,  pointing at Kaheti and Desdemonah nodded: "She is just beautiful."

Iria however began to get wobbly Knees... Man, this really is an overwhelmingly hot and big Woman... In here was something weird about to happen anyway... Like this small blackhaired Guy, wandering around a blackhaired elven Woman - and this puppetlike Girl, that obviously couldn't get enough of watching how her complete Arm was vanishing in the greedy Gorge of a wiry, longlimbed blonde Tomboy. So Iria got a pretty red Face, pointed at those two and asked: "Uhhm... why are they doing... this?"
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 28, 2016 4:52 pm

Kaheti noted the thankful glance and stared deep into Desdemonah's eyes. She would then give her a slight pat on the shoulder, and say. "You lost yourself for a bit there." As evidenced by Roth, Desdemonah very nearly had turned into a weapon of digestion, and Kaheti worried that this experiment might have Desdemonah make a choice she couldn't take back. This way at least, though she'd be inflicting punishment through digestion and pain, she would not kill Katie. "If Katie begins to like it, then we shouldn't worry. She'll be devoted to one stomach only, Desde's." Kaheti would smile again at Dunja, the little one so devoted to being in her. She whispered that Dunja would have all the time she liked in Kaheti's mouth and belly. She could even live there if she wanted.

Jor followed Iria's pointing finger and spotted Akeno and Dylan, still exploring one another. "Oh? Curious, are we? I like that. Though, this would be easier to show than tell." Commented Jor, as she continued her dance for the blushing lady mechanic, dancing around her this time to circle to her ear. Bending down, Jor would whisper. "I can show you. If you like, I can even take all of you." Jor's snakelike tongue played with Iria's ear, flickering as she tasted the salty mechanics flavor. She circled again to face Iria, and bent low. "So what'll it be?" She said grinning, her rosy lips parting in a smile as her snakelike jaw dislocated as she opened her maw wide. Her forked tongued flicked again, strands of saliva connecting from it to the top of her mouth. Her gleaming ivory teeth framed her mouth, shining in the light of the tavern before her rosy maw and her dark abyss of an esophagus.
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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Bandur Khan

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 12:35 am

Dunja was still sitting next to Volg, who proclaimed: "I think I will join You Folks - Carula had a Request to follow - and now she is training the Heir of Donna Diana´s Throne on her Home World TIERRA SANCTA."
He smiled: "And sitting here alone ist pretty boring - so why not see other Worlds for a Change? And perhaps we will visit this Tierra Sancta one Day, too?"
Looking at Dunja the tiny Neera Mage said: "And hey - I´m not alone here, too. Very nice..."
Meanwhile Desdemonah carefully opened the Glass and said to Katie: "Well, I suppose it would be wise to not try to escape - here are many Guys around, who would love to test Your Aerodynamics, while kicking You down the Castle Wall..."
Then she blushed and said: "I also am sorry for my Outburst earlier - this so isn´t my Style. But hey - here are Volg and Dunja - get to know each other - and perhaps You learn something from these two small Guys..."
"You look a bit... adventurous?" Eastwood observed Desdemonah with a skew Look and the Garden Girl smiled: "Why yes - as I said: I plan to get some new Clothes - perhaps a new Style!"
With big Eyes Eastwood smiled at her: "Brilliant Idea - I will join You! Let´s go to the Shop!"

Of Course Donna Diana was in her Shop again, with Shelley - and a broad, cozy and satisfied Smile. She could feel, how her `Victim´ filled her up completely - it was helpful for this Feeling to be not the biggest one around... And the black Sorceress had the Feeling, Shelley too was in a very good Mood. What a Relief, compared to a few Days earlier...

Iria became big Eyes, looked deep down into Jor´s huge Throat - and whispered in Awe: "Wooh - You´re not only totally wonderful - You´re an Artist!"
Iria looked all over Jor´s Appearance and wondered: "Man, I think it really must be totally hot, doing the same Things with You, like..."
Then the small Flores-II-Girl blushed and whispered: "These two over there do to each other. You know, being small like I am means, You have the Main Impression, all the big Guys around You are Kinda clumsy - but You are not - You are absolutely elegant..."
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 6:59 am

Kaheti grinned as Volg announced that he was going to go with them. "Heh, perhaps we will. " She replied to the question of whether or not, they might visit Tierra Sancta. Kaheti certainly wouldn't mind visiting Carula nor Donna Diana's heir.

Katie scrambled back as Desdemonah went to open the jar, a look of fear on her face. It was only after a little while that she seemed to understand and gave a single nod. Ears flattened and tail between her legs, Katie crawled out towards Dunja and Volg, looking very much drained.

Jor giggled as Iria peered into her throat calling her an artist. It made Jor happy to be elegant to this small mechanic, for she was desiring. Jor's warm breath would wash over Iria's face as she beckoned with her tongue. "I promise I can make you feel like you're in heaven. All you have to do is try it. So head or feet first?"
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer
Bandur Khan

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Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 7:19 am

Meanwhile many People were looking at Jor - and her enthralled small Girlfriend - and there was Jortrigan, too - with the Feet of a small Bo between her Lips. Hastily Iria went on the Bardesk, sat down there and carefully touched Jor´s Cheeks with her tiny Hands. And she just couldn´t resist to look this deep down in Jor´s Throat to see, how it looks behind the `Horizon´of her Tongue. Even smaller than Fabiola she had no Problem to put her whole Head down this stretched, rosy Throat. And how she moaned, as she saw this wet Softness, where Jor´s laryngal Flap was framed by these streamlined Muscles - every Time Jor closed her Voicebox, Iria could see so deep down, where a totally arousing Hole could be seen...

Desdemonah still thought: `Well - this Katie seems to be a Neko - as I learned, they are all a bit... playful in a dark Way - seeing Volg this big perhaps could change something, too.´
There they were - the now almost nine Inches tall Dunja - and the roughly three Inches tall other two...
"You go and ravage the Shop - I´ll take Care of them, okay?" Roth said - and this was the Start Signal - it seemed Eastwood and Desdenomah had a real Desire to change something - perhaps a bit, perhaps even a bit more...
And Dunja asked Kaheti with big Eyes: "Do You want to go, too? If so - can I accompany You?"

So Eastwood and Desdemonah went hastily into Donna Diana´s Shop, which was still pretty busy. While on their Way there Eastwood whispered to her: „Hehe, at least Kyle can´t peep, where he´s now...“
And as Desdemonah began to laugh, the Soldier Girl pouted: „Hey – it´s not that I wouldn´t like this...“
So they came into the Shop, seeing quite a Bunch of Customers, a happily busy Donna Diana with a ringing Cashbox – and a quite enthusiastic Shelley. The big and slender Dust Angel has gained an Advantage, as she transformed. She got more responsible while doing Things – like sewing Clothes for Example. Pretty fresh Stacks of new Attire made Eastwood and Desdemonah smile, as Shelley greeted them: „Why hello! Nice to see You two getting along quite well!“
Desdemonah looked at Shelley´s unique Appearance in all her tight black Leather and smiled: „Uhhm... yes. Eastwood is a nice Person, so there is no Problem with getting along...“
And while the Soldier Girl felt oddly touched hearing this, the Garden Girl went on: „We think we need a new Style...“
„Good You asked me instead one of these Guys over there...“ Shelley smiled, while pointing with her Thumb over her Shoulder towards some Sorcerers: „They would give You a pretty embarrassing Night Gown with Stars on it, I sewar... But when it comes to totally-show-off-Fashion for hot´n tough Girls like You two, I am Your... uhhm – You know...“
So Eastwood and Desdemonah told the Raven Angel, what they had in Mind – and because Shelley knew, they were about to leave soon, she knew it had to be rugged Stuff, too. So Eastwood ended up with some new Jackets and Tops, new Boots and Belts, as Desdemonah got her Stack, too – which was a bit more gaudy, of Course. Then Shelley began to smile pretty broad: „Now... to the Legwear, which I can say out of Experience is pretty important!“
„I can tell!“ they heared a thin Voice deep from within Shelley´s Tummy and Desdemonah smiled at her Belly Button: „Oh... is that You, Farn?“
„Yeeahh... Shelley wanted to test the `Eastwood-Style´, she said – so I am in here lengthwise – it´s totally hot – everything in here rubs so nice...“ Farn muffled back and Eastwood blushed, while Shelley nodded at her with a naughty Smile: „Seeing You and Kyle got me this Thought – so we tried it. It is totally hot to think, how deep he reaches down now – and it doesn´t ruin my Style, see?“
Showing them both the sleek profile of her Body they had to admit – no one could see a Thing. And Desdemonah looking at Eastwood, while Kyle agreed: „Oh yes – it is an unique Feeling, being so totally deep in here and at the Mercy of the most sexy Person I know...“
Eastwood blushed even more, hearing this from within her Pelvis Shelley laughed: „I see, I have to grow Farn up a bit to get the total Load!“
Then Shelley showed the curious Girls her new Collection of pretty hot Jeans – and they were not only almost indecently tight designed – the Cloth was enormously flexible and stretchy, too. So Eastwood ended up with some Jeans, which gave her a more adventurous and hardboiled Look – designed  with Pockets and Pouches, Rivets and Straps – and she loved them. Making a few Moves and Stretchings, squatting down and such, making many of the Customers gawk at her with big Eyes she finally said: „Oh, I do so love them – and Kyle surely will love them, too...“
„I bet – if not, he´s probably dead.“ Shelley smiled and turned over to Desdemonah, who wondered about a bright white Jeans – with broad transversed Inlets in a military Green – showing a red Cross in a white Circle. So she asked:   „Oh – this is... what is this?“
„Harhar... Destiny, I suppose...“ Shelley began to smile and said to the Garden Girl: „Where I come from this is the Sign of the Medics. And I thought, a new Look for their Outfit would be nice.“
So Desdemonah tried this Thing on and wondered about the Feeling – it felt fresh and a bit arousing at the same Time, because this Jeans seemed to rub her whole lower Half pretty gently – so she came out of the Changing Room – and Shelley and Eastwood looked at her in Awe, as she shyly asked: „Does this... look good?“  
„I... I would say so!“ Eastwood stammered, now seeing for the first Time, that this big Girl really was pretty longlimbed. And obviously a bit trained, too – no Wonder she could run almost ridiculously fast. So brownskinned Desdemonah stood there – with a fitting ultra-white bellyfree Top, similar to Eastwoods green one - and this totally white Jeans, which almost looked, as if it was simply airbrushed onto her Skin. It was this white, it seemed to emit a faint blue Light. Then Shelley gave her a glossy-red Leather-Jacket, which reached down to her Waist, gave her nicely emphasised Shoulders and she rolled the Sleeves back to Desdemonah´s Elbows – then Shelley squatted down in Front of Desdemonah and looked up to her: „Perfect! Talking about the `Nuba Queen´, harhar...“
And as Shelley stretched the Cloth on Desdemonah´s left Leg like the Rubber Skin of a Balloon, she also said: „Breathable, elastic and impact-ballistic Cloth with Lotus-Effect – this one never will get dirty, I swear!“
Squatting down next to Shelley Eastwood looked frowning at the Garden Girl from the same Position and asked the Raven Angel: „Question: What is a Nuba Queen?“
Desdemonah curiously looked down at them both – while Shelley seemed to show Eastwood something even she didn´t know herself, as the Raven Angel began to smile quite naughtily: „Nuba is a Word from a rarely spoken elven Language – and this here... This is called a Nuba.“
Shelley pointed directly (and with a pretty big Amount of Pleasure) at Desdemonah´s elegant Vulva, where the tight Middle Seam squeezed in a bit. Now, Desdemonah was not raised in a Civilisation, where talking about something like this was a No-Go, so she got simply curious, squatted down in Front of Shelley and Eastwood herself, fetched one of the Hand Mirrors, spreaded her streamlined long Thighs pretty wide and began to examine herself down there with a funny, self-critical Expression: „So – this is... a Nuba...“
Risen in a pretty similar objective Way, Eastwood looked at this so-called Nuba with Interest – and then she began to look at her own, simply saying: „You learn something new every Day.“
Finally Desdemonah looked up again and smiled in her typical relaxed Way: „Nuba sounds cute – I will call it this Way from now on. I like it – and it even looks cute!“
„Well – cute perhaps isn´t the fitting Term for this... This is quite a massive Apparatus You got there, I must say! No Wonder Kaheti loves You that much...“ Shelley grinned, while much Guys got red Heads, Nose Bleedings and soft Knees. And Desdemonah blushed and replied: „Uhhm... I don´t think, that this is the Main Reason...“
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Great warrior
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Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 8:32 am

Jor felt the small hands of Iria grasp her cheeks, as the attention focused on them. Iria stuck her head right in Jor's mouth, having seemingly no problem fitting herself into Jor's rosy maw, which welcomed her with a sigh of satisfaction as Iria's flavor assaulted her senses. As Iria drew closer to that alluring hole, it would reflexively swallow drawing her head into Jor's throat, whose strong throat muscles would massage the girl's face gently. Jor would continue to swallow as she stood up and then sat on the table, her feet on the rungs of the barstool in front, Iria's legs and waist dangling outside of her mouth as Jor made a smirking wink. For Iria, all was dark, and pulsing. Jor's throat cuddling her softly as she heard Jor's heartbeat. Suddenly, Iria would feel something sliding along her body. It was Jor's tongue which mischievously made its way between Iria's pant legs to rub at her Nuba.

Kaheti glanced towards Dunja and smiled. "Of course you can. Where would you like to sit? My shoulder, perhaps? Or somewhere else?" She would follow along in the direction the others had went after situating Dunja in her desired location. And of course step in just as Shelley teased Desdemonah about her massive Nuba and how Kaheti loved her for it. Lo and behold, Kaheti found she could still blush, as a slight bit of blood trickled from her nose when she imagined Desdemonah naked. She coughed lightly, and said to Shelley's back. "It might be a reason. But not the main one." She said, before her eyes found Desdemonah and she stopped staring. "Wow." Was the only thing she could manage.
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer
Bandur Khan

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Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 8:54 am

"It was You - I love the Way You dress - so I had to think about something in my, uhhm... Style." Desdemonah smiled at Kaheti, still squatting on the Floor. Her big dark green Eyes looked at Kaheti and Desdemonah remembered her: "As I said - I will be there for You. You always can be with me and even inside me, if You like..."
And Dunja had to admit, slowly nodding in Awe: "This is really something!"
Eastwood loved her new Style too and smiled, watching herself in a big Mirror nearby: "Woo, I think, Kyle will like this..."
And Kyle however was in a Trance, filled with voluptuous Dreams and Feelings, while Eastwood could feel his Head deep down in her Pelvis. So she let her smooth and brawny Stomach contract and rub against his Body.

Meanwhile Jortrigan was watching her `Sister´, while she felt, how Bo´s Head bounced against the soft End of her slim, deep Stomach, making her moan a bit. Watching Jor´s Tongue, while Iria was on her Way down, she herself sat down on the Bardesk and enjoyed the Show - and how her cute Victim moved inside her.
Feeling Jor´s playful Tongue made Iria moan and tremble, as she still had some Way to go, where this somehow... sexy looking Hole was stretching and growing bigger, so that Iria, thanks to her Nanotech Eyesight could even see another Hole, deep down in Jor´s wonderfully shaped, big Stomach...

Roth is a pretty pragmatic Person - taking Care of Volg and Katie was simple - for a dark Girl like her. Together they simply landed in Roth´s mighty Maw, surrounded by her Beartrap-like Teeth and they even had enough Space to slip together into Roth´s cavernous Esophagus. Both of them realized all the Scars in there... Roth surely had eaten some pretty vicious Prey, it seemed. Even in her brawny Stomach there were Scars. This dark Girl surely is a hard boiled one. And while Roth was relaxing on her Bed with a big Smile, Volg was looking at Katie - it was the first Time he saw a Neko from this close - and this complete. This Neko was unusually coloured - she was... pink.
The Shazir Assassin Girl obviously was used to pretty big Prey - so her Stomach was kind of spacy. Looking around the Neera could see the still a bit opened Esophagus - and the other End. too.
Then Volg observed Katie and said: "Well... I think You are not this bad of a Person - I think, Nekos are raised in another Way, that´s all... But as You can see by now, we really are actually thinking and feeling People, even if we are this small..."
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer
Bandur Khan

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Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 31, 2016 6:14 am


4th Planet of the Star System ELYSION PRIME

Much can be said about the lush World Eden VII - if You are a big Fan of Forests this also can be called a Paradise World. Colonized about 30000 Terranormed Standard Years ago the first Colonists were simply overwhelmed by the massive Flora this Planet had to offer.
There are Trees, about 700 Meters high - so the Colonists began to build their Houses on the Branches of these Trees - to not disturb the wonderful Nature of Eden VII.  Of Course there were Paths from one Settlement to another, but the very peaceful Wildlife on this World remained undisturbed - and it was the Wish of the Colonists that this all will stay this Way.

Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Edenviiwoodwayt9swv

Nowadays there are floating Homes and Cities in the Sky over the vast Forests and Meadows. Looking like colourful Melanges between Butterflies and Seashells they travel around the Planet and are the Homes of the peaceful Gardeners. Trading with rare Herbs and Potions brought Wealth to the Garden World and so the Gardeners got Access to advanced Technologies in Return - like the HERMES-Material, which made their Homes float. Nowadays the only Buildings tiuching the Ground can be found in the high and bald Mountains - where also Mining is a Profession of the native Inhabitants.
The Edenians are also skilled Pilots and are good in Meditation and controlling their vital Functions - they can be pretty hedonistic, but also open minded, so You can discuss almost everything with Edenians. Typical for an Edenian is this Calmness and Serenity. Edenians are also known for their sheer undrainable Amount of Patience - so no Wonder Desdemonah is the Way she ist. And the Garden Girl is very thankful to Kaheti, who reminded her to stay this Way...
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Great warrior
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Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2016 9:54 am

"It was me?" Kaheti asked surprised but also pleased that Desdemonah liked the way she dressed. She was also amazed by Desdemonah's beauty, and had to wipe up the little nosebleed she had earlier. When Desdemonah teased Kaheti about sticking with her and even that Kaheti can be inside her, Kaheti would blush and then grin. She stepped closer to Desdemonah, and nuzzled up against her. "I don't plan to let you go. And also, of course. We just need to train a bit more and maybe we can each take each other inside us. Maybe even in Eastwood style" Then she turned to Shelley, with a large grin. "Well seeing as how everyone else got a uniform upgrade, what can you do for me?"

Jor meanwhile was having the time of her life. She had the most delicious little girlfriend hanging out of her mouth at her flat belly, while her tongue played with the girl's Nuba. Evidently to Iria's arousal, as Jor could hear her moan deep in her. Jor swallowed deeply again, sending the girl's hips down her throat as the hole opened up for her and Iria's torso splashed into Jor's stomach. Now with just the girl's ankles outside her mouth, Jor winked at Jortrigan and finally tucked all of the girl inside her now moderately bulged belly. She merely looked pregnant as she rose to her full 10 ft height, ran a hand over her stomach, and gave a victory belch followed by swallowing some air for Iria. "Uuuuurrrrppp! Hah, well now, how are you doing in there dear? Comfy? Because I believe, I promised you a very special dance?"

Katie thought she was spent. Too emotionally drained to be afraid. But as Roth simply tossed both of them into her maw and her beartrap teeth clacked shut behind them, Katie whimpered pitifully. She was sent down Roth's esophagus with Volg, the scarred muscles shoving them down into Roth's brawny and roomy stomach. Realizing that there wasn't anyway she could really fight her way out, Katie pawed desperately at the opening to Roth's esophagus and whimpered that she didn't want to die. Eventually, she simply sank down and sat there. As Volg tried to speak to her, the unusual colored neko didn't have the heart to snap at him. "I was not taught to care. Food was food, and you ate it without question."
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer
Bandur Khan

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2016 10:14 am

"Well... let´s see... You still are the dark and shady one, right? How abut this Stuff?" Shelley managed to collect some Items, which looked a bit... unusual: Kaheti could see Lots of Straps, Belt Buckles and Rivets - within something made out of black Leather and Cloth: "The Colour is nearly as dark as Vanta Black - and some light blue Details, making You look `space-gothic´... I think, this could be Fun..."
Meanwhile Desdemonah and Eastwood had fetched themselves some Stools, on which they lolled joyfully - and Desdemonah suggested: "I can take Care of cute Dunja a bit, so You can test Your new Clothes, Kaheti."
Then Eastwood, still in an unusually cozy Mood, leaned forwards to the big Garden Girl and whispered: "You... need to remain exactly in this Pose!"
Irritated Desdemonah leaned towards Eastwood too and whispered back: "Uhhm... okay - but why?"
Blushing the Soldier Girl answered: "Because in this Pose I can... see Your cute Nuba..."
Desdemonah began to smile and answered happy: "Then I will stay this Way - this is a cute Request!"
So the brownskinned Garden Girl leaned back again and spreaded her endless Thighs in her new white Attire for Eastwood - and several other Admirers, who watched the whole Show. And Eastwood, admiring the joyful edenian Female had to admit in her Thoughts: `She really is pretty trained. Man, I don´t know how - but I´ll have to train my Nuba, too...´
The Soldier Girl analyzed this oddly enthralling View objectively at first, realizing that Desdemonah´s big Nuba was making the Place between her Legs pretty... broad, spacy and inviting. In `Co-Operation´ with her neat, round Bum it was simply... very, very hot. Especially in these totally white Pants, which were this taut and tight, it almost was insane.
Iria´s Face bumped softly into the funnel-shaped End of Jor´s deep Stomach, making the Girl moan again, as her Mouth began to rub against the next small, curled Hole. She was totally enthralled to be in this deep, rosy Softness - the wet Warmth and pulsing Feeling around her, as this malleable Organ began to cuddle her whole Body: "Uhh... can... I saty here a bit?"
Jortrigan simply swung herself on the Bardesk - with Jor between her long Legs. The demonic elven Woman smiled at her and she said: "It really is cool to be You - we now both are a bit stuffed, hehe - how about us two Hotties helping Dylan out a bit, hm?"

Volg looked at Katie - and due to her Cat Eyes she could see, that it was also in Sort of Awe somehow, as he replied: "I thought so. Your Kind is predatoric after all."
Then he blushed: "But - even if this may sound a bit weird - I rhink I really like You. Perhaps Nature has given Neeras some Sort of suicidal Affection towards Your Kind - but I think You are an unique and precious Person..."
Meanwhile Katie´s left Fist stopped pawing - and slipped through the Opening into Roth´s Esophagus. And this Opening... started to suck playfully at her Fist.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 20, 2016 8:03 am

Kaheti chuckled. "Yes, I am still the dark and shady one." Taking the offered outfit, something with a ton of straps and rivets or so it appeared. She turned to go to a changing room and stopped as her face began to flush and blood trickled out of her nose. Desdemonah had lolled back in such a way that her endless thighs and legs were exposed and spread along with her massive Nuba. Kaheti swallowed loudly as she handed Dunja to Dsdemonah, perhaps visibly resisting the lust that was clearly on her face. She stepped away towards a changing room having to drag her eyes away from her love partner.

Jor would coo and rub her pregnant looking stomach as Iria's face bumped up against the end of her stomach. She could also feel as well as hear the small girl's pleasure as her stomach cuddled and squeezed her gently, soft moans echoing from inside. Hearing Iris' question, Jor chuckled and rubbed her stomach again. "A tasty cutie like you? You can stay as long as you like." Then she tilted her head back to look upwards at Jortrigan, who had placed her between her legs as she sat on the barstool. "Hehe, I'm glad you like it. And yes, I think that would be a great idea." She'd say, glancing mischievously at Dylan and Akeno.

Katie stopped pawing, as Roth's esophagus opening began to play with her fist. She was surprised to find herself opening her fist and trailing her fingers playfully across the opening. Or at least what she could reach as it was massive. Her ears would flick forward and back as Volg began to speak. And she'd find she was blushing too. "You're a suicidal weirdo." She'd say, not even looking at him. However, her tail would brush softly against him happily.
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer
Bandur Khan

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 20, 2016 1:59 pm

Dunja was gently taken by Desdemonah, who still made Eastwood blush - and Shelley smile. The tall, longlimbed Woman said to Kaheti: "This is a pretty shortcut Jacket, made of ballistic and bladeproof Material, which will give You a nice futuristic and aggressive Look. Then we have this glossy-black Shirt with Sleeves, which will let You look like made out of black Glass - and here - my Masterpiece - a Pair of Pants in `super-advanced-Black´ like the Jacket - and like the Jacket with a light blue Line at the Sides. Making You look neon-fast - which You already are. I saw You run."
Then she whispered: "And You see - all this is also Lotus-coated. Annnd... pretty stretchy. So all this will fit very good, hehe..."

Meanwhile Akeno was sitting on the Desk - and stuffing Dylan with all Kiinds of Food - like roasted Chicken Legs, Steaks and Stuff like that. Pushing all this down Dylan´s Throat and deep down into her Belly was... obviously Fun for the small Yamata Girl. And Dylan was surprised about her pretty late discovered Abilities - but also happy to be able to do all this. So the small Yamata Girl was clinging with her Legs around Dylan´s Waist - and she really had to catch up with her Breath, while looking down into Dylan´s wide open Mouth, where all the Food was vanishing in to be digested instantly, thanks to Jessica´s ravenous DNA - making Akeno´s Fellow Students gawk at them both in Awe - and also at Jor and the newly appeared elven Woman. Meanwhile Iria was cuddling happily in Jor´s Belly - and curiously playing with the small curled Hole at the Bottom of her Stomach: "Wooh, this is so hot..."

"Well - I suppose, what Donna Diana taught me is right - People, which are used to think about many Things look at the average Details of Life in a different Way. Anyway - I think this is a good Opportunity to give You a Chance to prove Yourself. So You even can get real Friends - my Friends for Example." Volg said quietly - and touched the Tip of her Tail. And soon - Katie grew up to almost 10 Inches, making Roth wonder what was going on inside her. Soon the Neko Woman filled up Roth´s Stomach pretty well - and the Neera Mage, still being more than three Times smaller than the Neko, landed on her flat Belly, still looking into her big, catlike Eyes: "Even when You are this big - or even bigger, I think of You as someone remarkable. A Super-Being, so to speak. And being recognized by such a Person is a good Feeling - I like that."
He also knew, how wide feline Lifeforms can open their Jaws and what big Chunks they can swallow down - which also was fascinating for him. Maybe he WAS suicidal - but this was his Way of paying Katie a certain Amount of Trust.
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 20, 2016 3:35 pm

As the woman began explaining the properties of the offered jacket, Kaheti would raise an eyebrow. As she explained that the blade was bullet and bladeproof, Kaheti would draw-not Ivy, but another blade- and test it. If it held up to what she said, she would take it. She rather liked the idea of seeming made of black glass. It fit very well into her shadows. "I'm as fast as the shadows, dear." And so she slipped on the pants and shirt, buttoning and belting up the jacket. It fit well around her taut body, and she gave a slight whistle of amazement as she glanced down. Heck she didn't even know clothes could feel this good. Stepping out, she'd pose hands on hips, and say. "So, how do I look?"

Jor turned to Jortrigan as they strolled up to the pair. Jor watching amusedly as Akeno was stuffing Dylan full of whatever food they could grab for it to be digested immediately. "So, what's your plan?" She asked Jortrigan with a raised eyebrow.

Katie felt herself growing, turning to pin golden, slitted eyes on Volg. She now filled up a good amount of Roth's stomach at ten inches tall. Further surprised she was when Volg landed upon her stomach. "Never mind. You're really suicidal." She gave him a lightly amused smile as he quite literally stuck his head in the lion's mouth. "You like being recognized by me?"
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 20, 2016 4:08 pm

"Like an Obsidian Girl - a dark Glass Machine." Shelley answered with a broad Smile - and added: "Your Anatomy also tells me that You are pretty bendable. I think You can give Desdemonah a pretty nasty Payback with a perfect Split."
Then she smiled even more: "And yes - I am the naughty one around here, harhar..."
And Shelley´s elegant and now a bit edgy Face with this shady, but also hot Expression came closer and her stinging, crystal-bluegreen Eyes looked close at Kaheti: "And... let me tell You this: Scars... are Medals.

You still are here - and Your Enemies are not.
You may not be big - but You sure are hot.
A black Lightning, leaving Your Enemies to rot.

And You even managed to win over good and trustworthy Friends - if they were not around, You surely would have gotten me." Shelley ended her dark Poem. She really has quitted being a Fairy.

"Well... let´s see..." Jortrigan began to smile, while her right elegant Hand was wandering around Jor´s deep red Leather Bum. A Thing Vortrigan would not even dare to do - but this hellish Woman did it, because she wanted this. She began to smile: "Uhh - I can feel Bo´s Head within my Pelvis... I think making Dylan devour the Yamata Girl would be a nice Opening. Then we could go home to the Manor for even more Fun! But if we do this here, we could cause Trouble. Negavians are a bit old-school and easy concerned about Actions like this after all. This is why they are hiding behind this Wall."
Then she whispered to Jor: "The interesting Thing is: I believe Bo - he even loves me, when I am normal. This is... astonishing!"

After coming back to her Senses a bit Dylan however found herself clenched between the Thighs of a very aroused looking Akeno, who still sat in Front of her on the Table and still had her left Hand in the Opening of the blonde Tomboy´s Esophagus. And still heavy breathing the small and nicely rounded Yamata Girl bounced the wide open Place between her well-shaped Legs against Dylan´s Chest. Feeling how her pretty capable Stomach finally finished it´s Work Dylan smiled and began to suck at Akeno´s Hand a bit, while she embraced the small Girl around her taut dark blue Jeans Bum: "Ngh... haha..."
"Oh, Dylan Dono - You are so big and beautiful..." Akeno whispered, while her trembling little Hand slipped down Dylan´s Throat a bit deeper.

"Yes... I think about You like a Lady. You are... like someone noble. Even Your widesleeved pink Silk Blouson and Your wonderfully tailored dark pink Pants give You a noble Appearance..." Volg tried to nod: "I also think, You are wonderful everywhere. Perhaps even deadly wonderful."
The Neera Mage could feel her Fangs around his Neck - and the Warmth of Katie´s flat, rough and damp Tongue, as he looked deep into her Throat: "Have You ever seen this in a Mirror? This is... amazing. You barely have any Uvula, which makes Your Throat look stupendously exotic..."
Volg´s tiny Hands carefully touched her Cheeks, as he was amazed by the Size of Katie´s huge feline Pharynx: "You really are admirable - I like seeing this..."
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 22, 2016 11:07 pm

Looking at Klea, Ish thought back to when he was walking with her and Jor to the school. "I think there's a lake around this place, yes. As for how deep it is, I'm not sure."


Tache lost interest in this human and went back to browsing the gift shop. The fairy was curious at all the other things in the shop. She rarely had such an opportunity to explore them.
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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 22, 2016 11:19 pm

Meanwhile Jor was gone, due to her Duty as a Guard. But Kaela was still with him - and she said: "Well - I think it is not this deep - perhaps about eight Meters. But I can travel through it to any other Water Surface on this World - this makes it pretty convenient..."
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2016 2:41 am

"So you can go to a lake or even the ocean if you wanted to. Pretty good for getting places quickly." Ishoam said as he came up with a few ideas.
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2016 5:18 am

"Why, yes! This is how I travel. So I have seen much Things recently. You see... Nobody tells You, what You can do - You learn about Your Abilities more by Accident, so to say." Kaela explained, walking alongside Ishoam through the Silk Grass of the Isle. To their Left there was the creepy Cemetary with all the Weeping Willows and other dark looking Trees - and in Front of them there was the Lake. Now at Night, it looked more like a black Mirror, showimg them both all the Stars...
While coming to the Lake Kaela silently was gaining some Height - she grew back to almost 18 Meters and finally she sat dowm in the Grass at the Shoreline, placing Ishoam carefully between her endless Legs, which she spreaded a Bit to give him more Room. There she was - in all her Splendor, still wearing her favorite Jeans Attire and looking at the Man with an interested Expression: "No Wonder Your unusual Girlfriend likes You - I like Your Face. It looks a bit serious - but also kind and patient..."
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 26, 2016 8:17 am

Kaheti was surprised, and raised an eyebrow curiously. Strangely, the analogy fit-she was a girl of obsidian, a dark glass machine. Kaheti's dark eyes would find Shelley's and she grinned as Shelley told her a way to get back at Desdemonah with a perfect split. Then Shelley's face crept closer so that she was staring into Kaheti's eyes with barely an inch between them. Scars are medals? She thought, trying to understand what the darkened fairy was telling her. Then she realized that the fairy had seen her body full of scars, as she had changed right here with her. The poetry left Kaheti a little sheepish, but reminded her of a very important fact. She was here, she was still here. And still hot. "Well, you can still be my friend if you want to." She responded, scratching her head slightly. Time to get back at Desdemonah. i wonder if she'll nosebleed too. Kaheti walked out to the others and 1,2,3...dropped straight into a split, her pants taut around her curves. "So, do I look good?" She asked, staring hard for Desdemonah's reaction.

Jor contemplated this. Though she was slightly worried about the girl's safety given Dylan's digestive power. As for the part where Bo truly loved Jortrigan when she was normal, Jor nodded. "Yep, I felt it a mile away when I saw him watching you. Though to be fair, you do have a sexy, curvy butt while normal." She whispered back, her hand groping Volti's ass. Still though, she wandered up to them and whispered. "We have a place where you two can really get to know one another. Want to come with us?"

Katie listened, her ears perked up as Volg explained he thought of her as a lady. He even thinks of me as wonderful? Really...me?! Katie could feel that her fangs pricked against his neck, and even the feeling of his small head lying on her rough tongue. Instantly, her mouth was suffused with the most delicious of tastes that the Neera gave her. She could even feel his tiny hands touching her cheeks, the tiny mage amazed by her feline anatomy. Katie's hot breath washed over the small Neera as she struggled inwardly. Come on, he's only food. A few quick gulps and you'll put the mousie where he belongs... B-but he called me wonderful. I just can't...
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 26, 2016 9:01 am

"Hehe, okay - perhaps we two one Day will hunt some rich Scumbags... This would be Fun!" Shelley whispered and watched Kaheti, as she collapsed on the Floor in a very special Way - making Desdemonah react in a very special Way. Like Eastwood she became Eyes like Golf Balls - then she jumped off her Chair, ran over to Kaheti, squatted down and embraced her joyfully, where she was: "Moooh... You´re so adorable, I just can´t resist! You should see Yourself as I do just now!"
Carefully catching the totally surprised Dunja out of the Air Eastwood nodded slowly in respectful Awe: "Great Achievement - and I think this is a full fledged Battle Dress as well?"
"You bet it is!" Shelley leant in the Doorway with a broad Smile.

FWHAPP! it made, leaving a smoky Cloud, smelling like Cinnamon - and Vortrigan was back - with a pretty red Face: "Man... this really was something!"
His Face got even redder, as he felt, where Bo was right now - and where Jor´s Hand was right now. Then he heared Bo´s muffled Voice saying: "Mohh... now it´s a bit less spacy - but totally hot! You are such a marvellous Person... Hey, what´s that? Deep down here... is a roasted Sausage?"
And Vortrigan´s Face got even more red than before, as he whispered: "Uhh... it´s the Sausage I wanted to tease Fabiola with..."

Akeno however looked at them both with a yearning Expression: "Whatever You say, Jor-Dono!"
Then she jumped off Dylan´s Lap and ran to the Bar: "I will pay for You, Dylan-Sama!"
"Well - no need to persuade me..." Dylan stood up with a broad Smile and fetched her Stuff - ready to leave the Tavern.

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Then Vortrigan looked at her and mentioned: "Say - didn´t You have Your Wallet in the right Back Pocket?"
Instantly Dylan´s right Hand groped back - and then anyone could see how her Mood dropped: "Some sneaky Bastard... pinched my MONEY!"
And Vortrigan mentioned over to Jor: "Good Thing it wasn´t me..."
And the Barkeeper smiled: "Hey, no Big - the tiny Lady here even paid Your Debt - and as I know You, You were almost broke anyway, right? So what´s the Fuzz?"

"You should see, how all this in here looks - and how it moves..." Volg said with a dreamy Voice: "As odd as it sounds - but I think there were at least a few ones, who weren´t this terrified getting down there, right?"
Then his small Hands touched the Neko Girl´s Nose: "This is cute, too - it´s so... snubby. With Your big, clear Eyes and Your broad Smile You have such a wonderful Face..."
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 26, 2016 9:41 pm

Ishoam blushed a bit as Kaela set him down, and was actually glad she was still wearing pants. "She ah, isn't quite my girlfriend. We're just roommates, and she pops me in her mouth sometimes."

He wasn't sure Kaela was planning on eating him or not. She was certainly almost tall enough to be able to swallow him, she just needed to make herself another 40 feet taller. It's not like she wouldn't be a cute giantess to be eaten by, her and Jor had that in common. He wouldn't mind ending up in either of their stomachs.

"And what you say about one's talents is true. I didn't realize I was into medicine before I took certain classes in school, and joining the military was already part of my plan, so I developed both skills in a convenient way. What about you? Where did you find your talents?"
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 27, 2016 2:25 am

Her tourqoise Eyes looked at him with a dreamy Expression, while she leaned back at one of the Trees. Then she answered: "At first in the Koa Melee School at Home - and then in the tuvalesian Secret Service..."
Then Kaela got big Eyes, began to laugh and continued: "Well, all this psionic Stuff showed up here. At Home I was an ordinary Woman - just as tall as You. But as I arrived here, someone - something, maybe... seemed to think it´s Time to pimp me up a bit. And my pretty kinky best Friend Pearl - who was `caught´ with me transformed - or `mutated´ as she calls it - into some Kind of supersonic Fairy. Inclusive Position Flashlights. She´s quite a Sight, I can tell."

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The huge tuvalesian Woman began to smile as she pointed between her Thighs and ar her smiling Mouth: "And Pearl... has some cute Kinks - I think I mentioned that already. And now that I am able to be a bit... bigger than usual, I can have some more Fun with her - so I understand Your `Room Mate´ quite well..."  
She looked at the Lake and resumed: "Now that I think of... there are many others here, having some unusual Desires and Wishes - and I say: Hey - why not? They are not hurting someone - and it´s Way better to do something like that, compared to - for Example starting a War, right?"
Laughing again with her warm, rough Voice she mentioned: "This was the Way I encountered `Grand Master´ Valerkan. I relaxed like this at a Rock on the topazial Sea and he came along - collecting rare Sea Shells - he loves them. And he also loved cuddling me down there, especially between these two Bulges here..." she pointed again between her Legs, spreading them a bit more and presented Ishoam her tight and taut Jeans Derriére in all the Splendour: "...which of Course woke me up. But I let him have his Fun. So we came to know each other. And he also loved to see how I swallowed some of these huge Tunas out there. Remembering Pearl I said to him - if he likes that, he can go even in there and see, what it looks like - because Pearl loves it within my Stomach - cuddling in there lengthwise, with her Head deep down in my Pelvis..." Kaela pointed in her wide open Mouth with this elegant, wide stretched and quite impressive Throatbow - Ishoam also could see the Tip of Kaela´s laryngal Flap deep in her voluminous Maw. It seemed the athletic, brownskinned Woman would not have to grow any further to be able to swallow Ishoam. Then Kaela continued with a Smile: "In Fact I sometimes have to persuade her to come back out - especially when I am getting hungry, harhar... Well, the Point is - I have no Problem with Valerkan and his Wishes - and he imbued me with the Trick of changing my Size at Will. A fair Trade, if I may say so, is it not?"
Looking at her enormous Wristwatch Kaela smiled: "Well, by now... Dan should have confessed to Pearl - and she should have devoured him a bit. So now... we have a happy Pearl and a Dan who thinks, he has reached the Peak of Nirvana, harhar..."
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 27, 2016 2:54 am

Ishoam had indeed looked down her maw and into her throat. "So you want to eat me in order to get a chance to know Poss. Alright, I'll indulge you. Consider me your willing snack." He said looking up at her and then down to her belly, knowing he would soon be residing inside it.

"And Pearl sounds like a nice girl. I wouldn't mind getting to know her as well, or that giantess, Jor I think her name was, from the bridge earlier."
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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 27, 2016 3:01 am

Tilting her Head Kaela suggested: "Well... how about this - we will go to Pearl first. So You can say, if You like her. Because..." she began to smile: "Pearl can fly us to Your Friend in no Time. How would this be?"
Then she winked at him: "You know - she can be over 90 Feet tall, if she wants to - her newest Trick. It´s Fairy-Stuff in her Case, I think. So You also can decide, in which Esophagus You vanish, hehe... She has her Nickname `Mawberry´ not for Show, You know..."
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to Black Manor College!   Welcome to Black Manor College! - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 27, 2016 3:41 am

"Yeah sure. Let's find Pearl first." He said in an upbeat attitude. "Heck, maybe we could even see if that giantess at the bridge wants me as a snack."

He then went and leaned against the fabric of Kaela's jeans, right where her crotch was. He wasn't trying to do anything sexual to it, it just looked comfortable to lean against.

"Do you know where we might find her?"
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