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 A new kind of voracious predator

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Veteran knight
Veteran knight

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PostSubject: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2015 11:32 am

A new kind of voracious predator 14719__pinkie+pie_shipping_questionable_straight_grimdark_bondage_vore_drool_artist-colon-kloudmutt_soft+vore

A new kind of voracious predator Inflightmeal_by_ponythroat-d74j0ti

A new kind of voracious predator Catchanapple_by_ponythroat-d6dxbkr

A new kind of voracious predator Tumblr_nebhhm5sx61u2c4r9o1_r1_1280

A new kind of voracious predator Going_in_by_ponythroat-d6uhloc

A new kind of voracious predator In_the_gnashing_maw_by_necroex-d4wc9vy

A new kind of voracious predator Mlfw581_cVAgB

A new kind of voracious predator Chrysie_vore_animation_not_mine_read_description___by_avengedritsuko-d71gy93

A new kind of voracious predator Tumblr_ma1w2kFvCE1r271cy

A new kind of voracious predator Mlfw2936-13295810865509
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A new kind of voracious predator Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2015 2:57 pm

I like the part with the dragon. We need more of those.
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Veteran knight
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A new kind of voracious predator Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2015 3:20 pm

parameciumkid wrote:
I like the part with the dragon. We need more of those.

Dragons are too often considered 'uncreative and overused' here in Felarya. Pity. But this is part of why the traditional Kortiki style will be the 'Dragonfire Adept'. lol!

Ps: is it clear that this is a joke thread?
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PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2015 9:03 pm

No. This is very serious thread.
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PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2015 9:17 pm


I love this! Vore is nice, but when you have characters to use, it talkes it to a whole new level.
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Bandur Khan
Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2015 9:28 pm

Therefore I love to have some Characters in Store.

Yes, this is serious Thread.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2015 12:07 pm

Serious thread is serious? Then I'll seriously consider putting my ponies into Felarya. Razz They are in war with the Felaryan demons, as their Crystal Heart keeps their souls from being caught by both devils and angels alike. If this system catches on in Felarya, then all demons will starve here. angel


A new kind of voracious predator F7a22cb4c1f78109ea6b89209e204c1e

A new kind of voracious predator 0ce2aca7c791da5b8b8d0e9b8a7bf0b3c6e8a4c2
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A new kind of voracious predator Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2015 1:01 pm

You forgot the rest of that vore comic! The stomach shot is the best
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Veteran knight
Veteran knight

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PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2015 12:27 am

dragon808tr wrote:
You forgot the rest of that vore comic! The stomach shot is the best

Ah, can you post it here? (。⌒∇⌒)。
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PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2015 12:03 pm

Well, I couldn't find it. It might have gotten caught up in the flood of pony vore artists going away. But i did find this giantess gem


Also, one of my favorite pony artists (and is actually reachable for the occasional RP) is definately worth taking a look at. He usually writes interisting and detailed stories to accompany his art. And he also has one of my favorite vore peices of all time (Which i included below). Enjoy!



My favorite Vore:



:iconprincesscelestiaplz::iconsayingplz: Choose for the true and only ruler of equestria young subject.
:iconprincesslunaplz::iconsayingplz: You shall choose me my friend

A new kind of voracious predator Hail_for_your_favorite_princess_by_aegwinn-d8ik1sv

You woke up ontop of a strange stone pillar, surrounded by thick fog.
You can't remember what this place is or how you got there and when you tried to look around for anything, nothing of interest caught your eye.
There was just this thick fog all around you, leaving you alone on the small platform.
When you looked over the edge to see if you can climb down, you noticed that the piller went straight down into the white myst.
You could do nothing else but sit on your platform and wait for anyone to find.

After some minutes you started to hear some strange sounds and you saw something moving deep inside the fog.
You tried to get a better look at it when you heared a similar sound from the other side.
Nervously you looked back and forth between the two shadows untill the fog suddenly parted and revealed what lay within it.
From one side, the huge head of Celestia, princess of the sun, was coming towards you, from the other side princess luna, mistress of the night, approached your pillar.
You could only see their heads and necks, the rest of them was hidden below in the thick fog.

Luna smiled at you and she opened her mouth to speak.
"What a nice, little offering for us, don't you agree, sister?"
Celestia nodded.
"Indeed, he will do nicely."
"I can't wait to gobble him up."
Luna said and giggled.

"Not so fast, sister. It's his decision who he will serve as a meal."
Celestia said.
You could just look at the two alicorns in awe while they discussed who of them would eat you.
Swallowing nervously, you knew that you couldn't escape them.
"Do you realy have to eat me?" you asked scary

They both looked down at you and celestia smiled her motherly smile.
"Yes we do... You are an offering to us and it would be rude to not eat you.
but we leave you the decision who you want to get eaten by."

You sighed, knowing that you couldn't escape.
You were expected to end into the belly of one of these goddesses.
"I don't have a choice beside that, do I?
Ok, if it's all I can do..."

Celestia and Luna nodded.
they both lowered their heads towards the platform and opened their mouths.
Their tongues rolled out, forming a carpet in front of their maws for you to step on.

Looking from princess to princess, you could see into their open maws.
Celestias mouth looked big and inviting, her teeth shining white.
her throat was huge, looking like you could jump down and have no resistance untill you land in her stomach.

At the other side was Lunas mouth.
It was as roomy as Celestias, but her teeth were just as white as hers.
Lunas maw was dripping with far more saliva than Celestias and she had a hungry look in her eyes.
Her throat looked a bit tighter, but not less inviting.

It's a difficult decision, who will you choose?

You slowly walked towards Celestias open maw, climbing ontop of her tongue.
Luna closed her mouth and watched, looking a little bit disappointed.
You look around in awe while you entred the huge mouth.
Slowly Celestia lifted her head up but kept her mouth open so you could look out.
Her tongue slightly curled around you, licking you all over and giving you a good taste.
Celestia murred happily when she closed her mouth, leaving you in darkness.
her mouth was unusually warm while the small amount of slaiva seeped into your skin.
The princess licked you some more, enjoying you and playing a bit with her food.
Her tongue was warm and soft, massaging you gently while she pushed you around in her mouth.
From outside you could hear Lunas voice, muffled through celestias cheeks.
"How does he taste, sister?"
Celestia said, still with you in her mouth.

After a while and more licks from her soft tongue, Celestia finally tilted her head back.
You slowly slid towards her throat, your legs slipping in with ease.
Only when your hips slipped in, did the descent stop.
But your stay wasn't long because Celestia swallowed loudly, sucking you down in her throat in one quick motion.
You slowly slid towards her stomach, making a nice bulge in her white neck.
The throat was squeezing you every now and then, pushing you forward.
You heared Celestias heart loud and clear when you passed through her chest and before you knew it, your legs were squeezed through a tight opening into her huge stomach.
You landed in a pool of liquid inside the huge room and you started to feel around.
Strangely enough, there was a faint light in Celestias belly, letting you see your surroundings vagualy.
There were pools of liquid and a stray piece of cake every now and then.
at the on of the chamber was another opening that most likely lead to celestias intestines.
You could hear soft groans and gurgles from there that reminded you that you will take this path soon, too.

More slime was dripping from the stomachs roof and onto you.
The air was getting hotter around you and your skin began to tingle.
You felt how Celestia rubbed her belly with one hoof while you became more and more dizzy.
The last thing you heared before you blacked out was Celestias voice.
"Sleep well, little one. Soon you will be part of the sun..."


You decided to enter Luna's mouth and stepped forth onto her tongue.
Luna grinned was and her tongue quickly snaked around you.
She lifted her head up and pulled you into her mouth, sealing you inside with her lips shut.
As soon as you had entered her maw, you could feel thick globs of saliva running over your body, drenching you to the bone while Lunas tongue sucked the flavour from you.
You could hear Luna moan while she tasted you and was playing with her little snack.
You could tell how eager Luna was when she quickly tilted her head back, letting you slide towards her throat.
As soon as your feet pushed into it, you heared the night princess swallow, sucking your up to you chest. *GULP*
Lunas throat was incredible tight around your legs and she had to swallow again to completely get you down.
You became a noticable bulge in Lunas neck, that slowly traveld down, encouraged by more gulps every now and then.
The throat was constricting you tightly, leaving you barely enough room to take a breath.
The muscles massaged your body while you progressed along towards her hungry belly.
Lunas heart was pumping loudly, the sound booming loudly in your ears.
You felt relived when the tight throat finally gave way to the bigger stomach.
Falling down from the opening you land with a splash in a pool of liquid.
The insides of the chamber were pitch black. You couldn't see a thing and had to feel your surroundings with your hands.
The stomach around you groaned and churned as soon as you arived, splashing the liquid all over you.
Your skin started tingling while the air grew hotter.
The stomach ruimbled shortly before you could hear a muffled burp.
Some air had rushed from the chamber, leaving you with even less space.
Slowly you became dizzy and lost the feeling in your arms and legs.
You were just floating on the pool of liquid.
It was good that the chamber was so dark or you would have seen how your body slowly dissolved, turning you into a thick soup.
It didn't take long before you finally passed out, becoming nothing more then a meal for the princess of the night.

So to those Bronies reading this, who do you choose?
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A new kind of voracious predator Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2015 1:55 pm

Another favorite of mine


A new kind of voracious predator Accept_their_fate_by_made_in_donuts-d86xk0o

http://made-in-donuts.deviantart.com/ <Author

http://khorme.deviantart.com/ <also has great stuff.


That is a link to Ponythroat art (Aka Tsitra360) He withdrew his account, but you can still follow the DA Suggestions to more art, or his Tumblr Here:

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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2015 1:05 am

Hey, thank you for the great stuff. Very Happy

Also, I choose Luna. Celestia might take her time, and that would hurt. Of course, based on light vs dark, I would take Celestia. Who knows if being in Luna let's you meet nightmares.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2015 3:19 am

After reading the brief descriptions I chose Luna, and reading the story following afterwards, it certainly was the right decision Razz

(Not a brony, but it IS well done :3 )
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PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2015 7:31 am

Smile Im very glad you like them. I couldn't decide between the two, so i'd let celestia and luna play a game with me or something. You see, my favorite kinds of vore involve vore games (Ex. Dragon Vs Knight, cat and mouse, hanging on to a rope over the mouth) and I am also a big fan of vore where you chose between preds, such as the celestia and luna up there.

And even though its not pony, I think this artist is worth mentioning (And i love this pic)


A new kind of voracious predator Pick_one_and_jump_by_pwrof3d-d5piwh7

As for the rest of the pony vore, I reccomend derpibooru and (for best results) setting the filter setting to "Everything" So no art will be hidden.

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Mara's snack

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A new kind of voracious predator Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new kind of voracious predator   A new kind of voracious predator Icon_minitimeSun Apr 05, 2015 11:54 am

I think I may have something hidden in my vaults, saved from somewhere.

pretty big picture:

PS. I wonder, maybe we could put our pictures in spoiler tags. I also worry as for the NSFW content of these pictures. Vore isn't inherently NSFW here since there's no real 'nudity' persay, but I'd rather not take the risk. Some people do see vore as sexual, and that may be enough - so I'm a bit concerned as to actually posting these pictures.
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