Well, I don´t have a Clue, who or what Gerry´s Mod is - but I can tell You, what I have done, as I felt just the same long ago (okay, my Parents are not this bad): About 20 Years ago I had made one Discovery, which was enlightening - especially if You count Yourself to the Bunch of People, which listen to REASON and THINKING - and not to superstitious Stuff like Religion and Belief. This one Truth is clearing once and for all everything around You - and it did help me personally as much as nothing before or after. This one essential Fact is this:
This Universe isn´t there for the Purpose of being liked by us.
So what did I do? I have armoured my Mind. Because the second biggest Truth is one, which You are already well aware of: No one cares. Really. Jesus loves You? Oh yeah? Well, I suppose someone has to do the Job, right?
Back to me - I never was at a College - or a University - I didn´t enroll anywhere and I didn´t have got a Stipendi...Thingie - but despite this I know a Lot what´s going on in this World - You can believe me that. So after I have armoured my Mind, I shove my Ass out of the Sand and began to help myself - I found a Job, got good Cash and good Palz - and now I have my own Stuff, my own Home and all this - and I have MY PEACE. So no one cares? Well, I don´t care either. Screw them. You have to think about Yourself - because any other Guy is thinking about himself, too. Samaritans are a Myth - and this World is full of Egoists.
Okay, one Thing is a Lie - I care about You. I hope You know that. Otherwise I wouldn´t bore You with all this Crap. But I also know when You are young You tend to take everything personally - but You have to realize: People are fucking dumb. And thick. Even Family Members are - because they think all they see and know is a Given. All there is - is there forever they think.
And You, too. Most People begin to realize the true Value of something or someone only if this Thing or Person is gone all of a Sudden. Before that - who cares - he, she, it - is there, right?
One other Thing: Because everyone thinks he has to study some Bullshit, there is no one more around doing a decent and honest Job - like repairing Cars or TVs. They all think, they have to do some pseudo-intellectual Business-Bullshit like meddling around with Shares and Stocks they don´t even own - juggling with Stuff what´s far away from being real (and being THEIRS, by the Way) - or they wanna be `Corporate Consultants´. Of Course - everyone needs a Consultant for Problems he didn´t have before of this Rubbish. The World is barking mad - and as we have realized - no one cares.
Because most of these Guys nowadays are Stock Traderz, `Banxterz´or Consultants, no one does a REAL Job anymore and anything is `outsourced´ to China - so they don´t have to sweat one Drop. So we have a Population that is growing even too dumb to open up a Can of Ravioli. And we have a wannabe-elitarian Sourcepool which allows the Colleges to be picky. So some Guys - like You - are falling behind. Perhaps You are not a Failure, as You put it - but there are Lotsa Guys, who were better than You - and the Teachers can chose.
Blow them.
Look for a real Job. Oh, of Course You have to work a bit more hard - but it is REAL Work for REAL Money - no bad Awakenings in the Future, when Thousands of Professors, Bachelors and other Eggheads get no Job - because there are so much of them. Perhaps You´ll find something You are really good at - Paintjobs on Cars, Tuning Motorcycles or something else...
Okay - the Universe doesn´t care about You - but this also means, it doesn´t hate You.
So stand up and get Yourself a friggin Chance, willya?