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 Cynefrid Stelen-Heort's Lyrical Treasury of Central Felarya

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Tasty morsel

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Join date : 2015-05-23
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Cynefrid Stelen-Heort's Lyrical Treasury of Central Felarya Empty
PostSubject: Cynefrid Stelen-Heort's Lyrical Treasury of Central Felarya   Cynefrid Stelen-Heort's Lyrical Treasury of Central Felarya Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 2:12 pm

(( OOC: Not much here now, but I intend to update it as I make more material. ))

In the time I've spent visiting the numerous bars, pubs, and taverns of Negav, I have heard many an interesting song. Most of them make references to things I am only beginning to understand now, after years living in this city. I have compiled some of these songs in this book so that they may be on record. Bear in mind that some verses of certain songs (Including the infamous drinking song The Harpy's Rant) have had to be edited or omitted entirely, else no publishing house would even dream of taking on my manuscript.

Song of the Untamed World
Adventurer's trad.

Oh hostile world of mystery
Unmatched in wealth and fame;
How many times thine ancient heart
Have mortals tried to tame?

Thy ground doth cure all mortal ills
Thy gems make poor men kings;
Yet still you stand unconquerèd
By those avarice brings.

The grey-cloaked scourge came to this land
To kill, enslave, or seize;
Their onslaught failed, you held them off
For thirteen centuries.

The ages passed, and empires clashed
Ur-Sagol rose and fell.
Though eras end, ne’er do you bend
Come high waters or hell

So when hear I the nations cry
“This world is ours to claim!”
I bid them, look at history:
Felarya can’t be tamed.

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