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 Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.

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Veteran knight
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Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Empty
PostSubject: Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.    Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2015 2:55 pm

Teleportation defeats the purpose of the setting. Therefore I suggest that Felarya's dimensional instability makes any astral transportation extremely volatile.

The most common balancing factors I will address below.

"Teleportation is super rare. Only Lady Lesona can do that in all of Felarya."

Rarity is no limitation. It works and is in high demand, so people will find a way to facilitate it. Have two dozen mages set up a ritual circle and Negav can pop cargo and units back and forth. They could even keep the circle and magi-tek it into something permanent. And it's not rare at all. Just look at preds like the canopy fairies, and succubae.

"Teleportation can not work if you don't know where you're going."

Scouts could be deployed. They could act as a beacon, retrieve attuned objects, plant sensors, etc. Or use that circle for divination.

"Teleportation is blocked by thick materials, so you can't use it everywhere. It is unreliable."

Even just getting there would be invaluable, but you actually could raid temples or so. Teleport over a digging crew and they can have a 9 to 5 job bypassing all traps, and porting back for dinner. Or just teleport out pieces of the walls--and into any pred that comes by. After all, that is the danger of teleporting: that you end up in a solid object and die. This is it being used offensively, and an instant kill.

There is simply no canonically way that Humans can teleport easily."

Then they get some canon stuff to work for them, like brainwashing some canopy fairies. Maybe breed them even? To quote the wiki, "it's as natural as breathing for them."

Tl;Dr: If it exists, people will find a way to abuse it.
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Shady Knight
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Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.    Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2015 4:48 pm

http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/teleport.html#teleportRead these rules, young padawan, and see that you are overreacting.
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Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.    Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2015 6:05 pm

Let's post what we've discussed so far, shall we, Scry?

The Chat:

My point is... even assuming 3.5 rules (which I point out because we both know. The first thing anyone told me in here is that Felarya doesn't run on 3rd ed rules, no, seriously, that is EXACTLY the first thing I got told in this forum), it's 600 gp per trip per person, and that's not nothing: even if you get it all done in one trip, that still requires the treasures to be more than 600 gp per trip per person just to break even, or the Felaryan equivalent of it.

I don't know what rules you're referencing, Scry, about making a TP landing strip with a few hundred thousand in just a day, but I haven't been able to find them. Assuming I found them, if you say they're broken, we wouldn't have to use them, even if we could.

As for the throne room, it's one thing to say it can be replicated- it's another to say its replication is feasible. For all we know it's a Sagolian artifact, or takes specialized manpower that has better things to do than mass-produce artifacts. The thing about high CLs, so to speak, is that the people capable of pulling it off are not that many, and they might not be into that sort of stuff, for any price. High level wizards might have agendas to pursue other than building stuff, assuming the costs don't run up and away into the stratosphere in this particular setting. After all, ascarlin is more common- inflation in magic item creation costs is to be expected.

You also mentioned using succubi or canopy fairies, and that sounds... really badass. But do you really think there's someone capable of using succubi who wants to put their talents at the service of the highest bidder? That's pretty pimp- but let's assume some other demon instead- like cerberii or elliborins, both of which have the same problem you have when working with succubi- you know, working with devils is an excellent way to get into lots of trouble really really fast. And I don't mean trouble that ends at losing your money. I mean trouble that starts when you think that scheming creatures are nothing but a statblock full of impending abuse for your own profit.

While as for canopy fairies, if it were possible to mind-control and breed 'em like cattle, you shouldn't have any problem in the jungle in the first place, let alone need to teleport, which is not included in the things they do as easily as breathing. It could be, though- I'm imagining it's the same difference as the ethereal and the astral, or the spells blink (3rd lvl) and teleport (5th lvl), but I'd need confirmation from Karbo to state that with any certainty. Until then, the assumption that they can do both things when the most impressive of both (teleporting) was not stated seems like poor thinking.

A device powered by tons of frogs I could get behind- except roaches are probably a better option, as they are more compact and easier to maintain Razz

But it still assumes you can make such a device by wiring thousands of roaches in series. Which, albeit hilarious and awesome, remains an assumption.

Scryangi wrote:
Or just teleport out pieces of the walls--and into any pred that comes by. After all, that is the danger of teleporting: that you end up in a solid object and die. This is it being used offensively, and an instant kill.

This is the danger of assumptions, Scryangi- how does teleportation work? Any answer other than "teleportation doesn't exist" requires a set of assumptions which we need to agree on, before you start telling us how teleportation works in a fictional world.
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Veteran knight
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Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.    Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2015 11:37 pm

So let me get this straight: the defense is that Felarya does not work according to D&D rules, and yet you use D&D rules to convince me? But okay, I'll bite. Circle Magic is one of the oldest tricks in the book. With the help of more mages you can raise your effective caster level to fourty. Keep in mind that the game only goes to 20 and that anything beyond that is stuff like creating your own universe.

Also, I already wrote that I am fully aware of the fact that it is hard for one mage to teleport--despite Tahl Voidfingers and Lady Lesona being canon--and several workarounds even.

-People automating much of the work by creating a permanent teleportation circle.
-Summoning an angel who of course is Good natured and would help them. If demons can do it, then so can they. Or just contract one of those.
-Someone survived being attacked by a canopy fairy by enchanting her, and then researched her power.

People, what happens in real life when someone uses a technology that other people want to? They find ways to replicate it. In Felarya teleportation is possible. In Felarya you have entire guilds, no governments who want to plunder the jungle. And none of them is into Research end Development?

Oh, and Stabs? All you must do to break D&D is to abuse the item crafting rules. By raising the difficulty check you can bypass level and resource requirements, and DC's can be pumped. Also, creation and illusions are awesome. Read some guides on it. ^.~
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Great warrior
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Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.    Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Icon_minitimeThu Aug 20, 2015 5:43 am

You can find my reply here. Originally i wanted to reply in this thread, but it kinda... got too large to just have it as a response here. So yeah.

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Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.    Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.  Icon_minitime

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Teleportation is implausible. Make it impossible.
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