Hello everyone! I'd like to share this happy anniversary with you all! Last night (Well, early this morning) 1 year ago is when I stumbled on the wonderful world of Felarya! The story is that On October 20th of last year, I was searching for some interesting vore late at night. Somehow or another, I decided to look up Felarya. I had found it years ago while browsing the net on an old flip phone, but there were only 2 or 3 mangas out at that time, and I thought Felarya was simply a paid vore series and didn’t think much more of it. On that night when I found the Felarya manga, I knew that I had found something special.
I had found that most of my first and best vore art was done by Karbo, but I never looked into it! I looked over the Felarya wiki and joined the Felarya fourms on october 30th. With the tragic death of my beloved girlfriend in November, I needed them. At least they could talk to me. And also one of my friends who isn't even interested in vore was willing to RP with me for 3 months streight to help my depression. Some of it was Felarya stuff. Over time, I have been able to contact the main writers and artists for Felarya and make many friends there! I am really glad to know them. We have differences, but always work them out!
I just want to thank everyone here! You have been really awesome!
Now, a question for you all, how did you first find Felarya? I'm always interested in the origin stories!
((Ps, Stabs, if you choose to move this to Off topic, i won't be mad, i was honestly debating where to post it myself.))