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 New Year's Day

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PostSubject: New Year's Day   New Year's Day Icon_minitimeFri Dec 31, 2010 3:48 am

First of all, mina Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu, Happy New Years everyone.

I'm still three hours away from it, but why not put it out there anyway.

I was also thinking, as I'm sure Felarya has some kind of calender, how is the new year celebrated across the land... and sea?

Does Negav have some massive gathering in a town square to count down the last seconds of the passing year? If so, how would that go down exactly?

And what do the mermaids throw to say, "Happy New Year!"
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: New Year's Day   New Year's Day Icon_minitimeFri Dec 31, 2010 8:23 am

For the type of society places have, I'd imagine the Delurans and Miratans to throw a bigger party than the Negavians when New Years comes (then again, I'd also imagine they have a different New Years date than Negavians, so it'd seem to them like they're the only ones celebrating the New Year).

Many Giant Predators probably wouldn't notice, since you kinda need a concept of "years" and "calendar" to throw a party for New Years (most non-civilized Giant Predators would probably celebrate New Years either by a pattern noticed in general Prey species at the time, or just throwing a general party at the end of one season instead of going on a specific date, unless they're dragged into a Fairy New Year or the like).

Negav? I wouldn't imagine crowds on the street, but perhaps end of the year feasts, ceremonies, possibly being a time of Gift Exchange provided they don't go through Christmas ("Since you made it to the end of the year, congratulations! I got a gift for you!"), etcetera.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: New Year's Day   New Year's Day Icon_minitimeFri Dec 31, 2010 1:34 pm

sounds pleasant. though any intelligent group of people would need a time telling system so they can schedule things (like "I'll meet you at the next full moon blah blah blah" or something).

I imagine Negav has a calander of sorts, the vishmitals should have one if the magiocrats didn't already install one earlier. It's kind of hard to establish a calender with erratic seasons happening in only specific areas of the dimensional plane every so often.

felarya seasonal changes: spring. winter. spring. summer. spring. fall. summer. winter. XD

anyway, happy new year!
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: New Year's Day   New Year's Day Icon_minitimeSat Jan 01, 2011 4:32 am

Happy new year people ! Razz

gt500x wrote:

And what do the mermaids throw to say, "Happy New Year!"

Probably penguins X3
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: New Year's Day   New Year's Day Icon_minitimeSat Jan 01, 2011 9:13 am

Happy one more year till the year of IMPENDING DOOM!!!!!

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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: New Year's Day   New Year's Day Icon_minitimeSat Jan 01, 2011 10:03 am

Just two more years before another apocalypse theory get debunked.

Haooy new year btw.
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PostSubject: Re: New Year's Day   New Year's Day Icon_minitime

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