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 Food and Drug Administration

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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Food and Drug Administration   Food and Drug Administration Icon_minitimeTue Dec 08, 2015 4:39 pm

I did a presentation on it in class today...

I must say that before now I never realized just how POWERLESS that organization is. Congress rarely passes acts for them, and they never grant them funding.

In 2010 Congress passed a Food Safety Modernization Act...

Then they refused to grant them the funding so they can actually enforce it and use their new powers.

I say this because its interesting how the food industries in the US would be in lawsuit after lawsuit if they did the same practices in Europe or Japan. Food companies get away with so much here because they get more profit than the FDA gets funding. :p

Also meat is excluded from the FDA. I'm guessing its because of the meat industry is too powerful. It "Regulates most foods, excluding meat". Its kinda scary xD

This can easily deviate into "how screwed up are you?" (sounds like a youtube video series name) and that's perfectly fine. XD
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Food and Drug Administration   Food and Drug Administration Icon_minitimeWed Dec 09, 2015 3:05 pm

Wow, that's a scary thought. I guess I should cut back on my meat intake.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Food and Drug Administration   Food and Drug Administration Icon_minitimeWed Dec 09, 2015 7:10 pm

I just think its because the meat industry is too powerful, haha.

Also, I dont think the nagas mind too much :B
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Food and Drug Administration   Food and Drug Administration Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2015 11:31 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
I just think its because the meat industry is too powerful, haha.

Also, I dont think the nagas mind too much :B

They're too busy shoveling food into their mouths, so I didn't think they'd mind. :3
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Food and Drug Administration   Food and Drug Administration Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2015 12:07 pm

Pendragon wrote:
Archmage_Bael wrote:
I just think its because the meat industry is too powerful, haha.

Also, I dont think the nagas mind too much :B

They're too busy shoveling food into their mouths, so I didn't think they'd mind. :3
That, and they're too primitive to understand what salmonella or e. coli is. They eat all their meat raw, after all, and the meat industry generally gets away with stuff by putting warnings about undercooked meat in tiny print. Way too tiny for nagas to read.

But in all seriousness, the various food, drink, and natural supplement lobbies (the last one is the worst; those bastards don't even make useful products) are all rather powerful. ...Actually, let's just say that almost all corporate lobbies in America are rather powerful.
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