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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Characters    Characters  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 7:08 pm

On a side note, if you want to use any of my characters, just ask. Tell me what you've got planned for them and I'll see what I can do.

Name: Lith Kingshore
Race: Neko
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Hair: Sandy, down to shoulderblades and wavy.
Fur (ears, tail, spine): Lion gold-brown
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: ?
Disposition: Rowdy
Special Abilities: None

Bio: A neko with a very short fuse. She is a mercenary that works mainly as a bodygaurd for those traveling in low-risk areas (ie: dangerous as all get-out) of Felarya and wealthy enough to afford her firepower. And she certainly has firepower.

She loves any projectile weapon; if it shoots something, she probably has it. From the simple bow to high-tech plasma rifles, she is a good shot with most anything. Although she is a decent sniper and great with a pistol, Felarya calls for a lot of damage very fast, so she uses a heavier assault rifle most of the time. She usually carries this, a single laser pistol, and a shotgun.

She is quite large, and she is surprisingly strong and can carry a lot of ammo and gear at once. Though she has a volatile temper, she knows that Felarya is very dangerous and quiets down a lot once outside Negav, where she lives. She is fairly savvy when it comes to danger assessment, and if someone wants her to accompany them through a particularly bad area, she'll refuse, regardless of pay.

If her group gets into trouble, she'll try to save them, but she isn't stupid and won't hesitate to escape if the situation is hopeless. If caught or cornered, though, she will fight up until the last moment. She always has a set of sunglasses that she puts on when she is about to fire a lot of rounds (to keep the spent cartridges from hitting her in the eyes).

She drinks a fair amount (though never when on a job), and appreciates good alcohol. Giving or buying her a drink or two is a pretty good first step to introducing yourself to her.

History: Lith is a native of Felarya. She was born and raised in Negav by her parents. Her father, Alim, was a merchant of average wealth and status, her mother, Lin, a jeweler. They were both eaten while traveling from Negav to Safe Haven, hoping to trade with the small but well-known village. Orphaned at 14, Lith spent a good deal of her adolescence barely scraping by with what was left of her parent's money.

After her parent's funds ran out, she tried her hand at several different jobs, from being a waitress to a locksmith. Her explosive attitude, however, got her fired from all of them. Finally, she found a profession where her love of firearms and temperament were well-placed: Mercenary. Initially working through other companies, her good record (15% client survival rate for as far as the edge of the Forest of Whispers) allowed her to start working as a freelance bodygaurd and mercenary.

She now lives in Negav. She frequently visits a certain bar (not sure what to call it yet) and that is where she meets with several other of my characters (coming up) now and then.

Another "main" character of mine.

Name: Quen
Race: Elf
Age: 132
Gender: male
Hair: Black, down to his knees
Eyes: Blue.
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 60 kilos or about 150 lbs
Disposition: Cool
Special Abilities: None

Bio: A strange and rather cool-natured elf that lives in the deepest recesses of Negav's Library. He always is wearing a grey wool trenchcoat, a grey beret, and extremely thick coke-bottle glasses.

Quen is something of an enigma. He spends a great deal of time in the Library, mostly in the very deep and unstable parts of it (he's assumed to live there, though no one has ever seen his actual house). Mostly he stays secluded there, avoiding regular visitors and tourists alike, and even the library's staff rarely see him.

How long he's been in the Library is a mystery, as is his homeland. He is pale and thin but not skinny, and has an elfish face under his hat and glasses. His ears are larger than a normal elf's and more bat-like, however, and he has an extra joint in his long fingers.

He is a very avid reader and scholar, and absorbs enormous amounts of information on a daily basis. Once he learns something, he never forgets it. Ever. Living in the largest library in Felarya has equated to a load of knowledge in most subjects, and a appreciation for high intelligence in others.

Because he rarely interacts with the normal inhabitants of Felarya, he is cool towards most anyone he encounters. He stays neutral to all comments and opinions offered to him, and stays out of any arguments he may happen upon. Though this attitude makes most think that he is cold or arrogant, the truth is that he is simply shy and adverse to sunlight.

He is also a scientist, and has written many papers on various topics dealing with the ecology of Felarya (though none have ever made it outside the Library). This is one of the few things that will get him out of the Library: Field research. He goes out now and then to directly study the inhabitants of Felarya, both predators and prey. This is one of the few times he will make direct contact with anyone.

Unfortunately, he has very poor eyesight and when he is too caught up in research or reading to listen (he has sharp hearing), he's very easy to sneak up on. His glasses make things look very small, so he will often initially mistake a large, mature predator for a young, small one.

He is always after new knowledge, and he has always wanted to talk to some of the well-known intellects of Felarya, such a Menyssan and Nemyra. As he would do just about anything to speak to either one and either would most likely eat him, it's probably a good thing he can't reach them.

History: Quen comes from a world where the surface of the place is a desolate, never-ending desert with almost no water and very little in the way of anything resembling livable conditions. Most of the creatures have moved underground, including the subterranean elves called the Vrai. Down in the dark, they have become subtly different than their aboveground brethren. They have large, very sensitive ears, small, weak blue eyes, and pale skin that sunburns easily.

He was born below ground and spent the entirety of his life in the dark. What little light he saw was always from glowworms or other bioluminescent creatures. Finally, he was pulled into Felarya through a strange book he found in the cave systems. After being deposited in the deeper parts of Negav's Library, he got over the initial confusion and began to read.

He read, and read, and read, made himself a nice little home in a quiet corner, and read some more. He met Jab, a harpy, while out field researching, and he visits her regularly to exchange information.

Name: Illyn Drathe
Race: Human
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Hair: Red, not quite to her shoulders
Eyes: Brown
Height: 4' 10"
Weight: 35 kilos or about 85 lbs
Disposition: Shy
Special Abilities: Restrictive magic

Bio: A girl who is a fairy hunter. She is fairly new to the job and often hesitates too long when trying to catch a fairy.

Illyn is rather shy around people her own size or larger, which is why she likes fairies. She is a cadet fairy hunter and has a lot of trouble in her attempts to capture any fairy she has set her sights on. She tends to get hysterical if the fairy(ies) confront her, and will usually start swinging her little net around frantically if she feels threatened.

While her normal net is just that, normal, she has a magical talent for restrictive magic. It's not enough to stop a predator, but she can keep a human-sized creature still for several minutes. One of her techniques for catching fairies is a "mana net", a net woven from magic that soaks up mana like a sponge. Any fairy so caught will find itself severely weakened and unable to change size.

History: Illya came from her homeworld of Escera when she heard that Felaryan fairies "are unusual". What no one told her was that, unlike the variety of fairies on Escera (who are normal fairy size and quite common in that world), Felaryan fairies can change their own or thier target's size as they like.

She is brand-new in Felarya, having come through the portal in Ur-Sagol. She is very much a tourist in Felarya and even bought a fairy doll from Mhurr's Many Travels shop. Most of the people who have met her have bet running on how fast she'll be eaten by a fairy. No one has bet for more than a week.

Well, heres a fellow I though of who is rather comedic. Hope you like him.


Name: Thatris Jibbs
Race: Human
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown, normal length
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 58 kilos or about 145 lbs
Disposition: ?
Special Abilities: Boneless

Bio: A very odd man who is lost in Felarya. He is a traveler and doesn't seem to mind, however.

Thatris is an oddball. He wears a stereotypical adventurer's hat and clothes (think Indiana Jones), but his backpack, unlike the usual backpack full of food and weapons, is full of handkerchiefs, which he hands out to certain people he meets (how he decides whether a person gets one or not is a mystery). He always, always has this very strange look on his face, a vacant smile that never changes no matter what happens to him.

He never says much, and mumbles what he does say (and even this makes little sense), so it's hard to talk to him normally. He seems to always be lost, and rarely has any set destination in mind, but he still wanders all over the wilds of Felarya seemingly at random. Whether he's looking for a way home or for a particular person/place/thing isn't known. He has a strangely relaxed, flowing aspect to his motions.

He is universally oblivious, and nothing phases him or changes his ever-present smile. Insults, threats, and even pain just roll off of him with no apparent effect. He doesn't take much note of his surroundings, either. Like a Glouteux, he has no concept of danger and will completely ignore predators, casually observing them or walking in front of them without showing even an ounce of fear.

This doesn't make him an easy meal, though. His bones are made of cartilage and very flexible, his organs and flesh able to be compressed with no damage, so he can squeeze through even a tiny hole with no trouble. If he can make it to some kind of opening, he can squish himself inside and thus escape, just like an octopus.

His blank smile never, ever leaves his face. Verbal abuse won't alter his expression, and even monstrous torture can't get him to stop with the smile. Seeing even the worst forms of torment done to others has no affect. He isn't evil or uncaring, though, and he's willing to help people who ask him for it. If you don't ask for help, or he can't help, however, he will be on his way without a second glance.

History: Thatris came to Felarya from a different dimension, a huge and jungle-covered plane of existence (making Felarya seem rather homey) called Evenwood. There, humanoids of normal size are nearly extinct, all but wiped out by disease and war. Animals, too, are not very common, the whole world covered with and dominated by plants.

He was abandoned by his parents when they found he had the bizarre birth defect of being near boneless. They left him out in the jungle, hoping that he would die in the wild, but he was lucky enough to be found by one of the world's very rare dryads. The dryad, Laurel, considering the baby too small to be a good meal and having too much potential as a future meal to leave alone, took him and raised him.

Though she had planned to eat him when he grew up into a full sized dinner, Laurel turned very much into his mother and came to love her little adopted boy. When he got older, she encouraged his interest in travel. He went all over Evenwood, gone sometimes for months, but he always came back to visit his adoptive mother and tell her about his travels.

He became lost in Felarya while traveling around Evenwood, caught in one of the "Vanishing Worlds" that sometimes pop up in Felarya. Caught in a new world and utterly lost, he began to wander around this vast and dangerous place, always a traveler.

Name: Jack "Smokes" Williams
Race: Elf
Age: 78
Gender: Male
Hair: Bald, but a big grey mustache/beard
Eyes: Violet
Height: 6'
Weight: ?
Disposition: Grouchy
Special abilities: Fire Magic

Bio: An old man who lives out on the edge of Bulvon Wood close to the Great Tree. He is rarely in a good mood and tends to blow up easily. As he's a fire mage, this can be rather dangerous to anyone close by.

"Smokes", as his name suggests, smokes pretty much constantly and you will probably never see him without a lit cigarette sticking out of his thick beard (you can't even see his mouth through it). He even smokes in his sleep! He always has a few packets hidden away somewhere on him and will let the cigarette burn down to a stub before starting a new one (he often accidentally lights his beard on fire this way).

He is good with fire magic and capable of producing and sustaining a grapefruit-sized fireball for nearly an hour. He usually uses his talent only to light his cigarettes. Age does tell, however, and his flame isn't that hot, only strong enough to consume wood or cloth; melting metal is beyond him. Still, he lives in the forest and therefore fuel is everywhere. It wouldn't be a good idea to anger him unless you have magic or are a fire resistant creature. He can also blow out a massive cloud of magically heated smoke that creates a murky, eye-irritating smokescreen.

He grows his own tobacco near his house, and gets EXTREMELY annoyed when anyone or anything disturbs it. The local fairies (who haven't eaten him, surprisingly enough; maybe they keep him around to tease) know him quite well and regularly mess with his plants, then fly away giggling when he roars at them to stop and comes after them. They mockingly call him "Gramps". He doesn't seem afraid of fairies, but the big predators he considers a threat and will avoid them unless they bother his tobacco or he's in his nicotine fury mode.

History: Smokes was born in a world where people are much like anywhere else, but magic is an accepted part of war. Wars using both magic and guns take place often, so militarism is a fact of life. He grew up learning how to be a soldier, and his talent with fire magic made him a prime candidate for being a Flamethrower, a mage unit in his countries military that are used to incinerate enemy forces and buildings.

He was registered as a soldier at first, seeing field combat in six major battles and earning a medal called the Crowdbuster (50 soldiers killed in one battle) twice. Soon he was placed in the Flamethrowers' third division as a high ranked mage officer. He finally retired at age 54 with 38 years of service and more than 30 medals.

He had smoked all his life, but he was surprised when the doctors told him he had a small but developing cancer of the lungs at 58. He had nearly resigned himself to his fate when he heard of Felarya, a beautiful but dangerous world with magically restorative soil, air and water. He decided to go there, hoping that the pervasive healing powers of the land would kill the cancer in it's infancy.

He came in through Ur-Sagol, and in a few years, just as predicted, his cancer was dead. He moved around Felarya for a few years, adventuring and often barely escaping the jaws of predators. At last, he admitted he had to settle down in his old age and moved to his current home in Bulvon Wood.

Name: Yelleckamachi "Yell" Evetts
Race: Human
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6'
Weight: 170 lbs. or 75 kilos
Disposition: Professional
Special Abilities: Sonic Magic

Bio: "Yell", as he is called, is a Master Fairy hunter, and definitely a force to be reckoned with. He uses a type of sonic based magic by means of a trumpet.

Yell is a very collected man, and tends to be fairly polite to anyone he meets, even fairies he is going to capture. Professional to the core, Yell is well-prepared, well-informed, and able to keep his cool under pressure. It is these qualities that have kept him alive through countless sprite-hunts, often extremely dangerous, and successful.

History: Yell grew up in a world where fairies are very rare, almost legendary. Wanting to catch one, he went out into the ancient forests to find one. He did, and caught his first fairy. After that he became a professional fairy-hunter, and has traveled to many different worlds to catch many types of fairy.

He has recently come to Felarya to capture Felaryan sprites, as he heard they were extremely dangerous. He has also taken on an apprentice, Illyn Drathe.

Last edited by MrNobody13 on Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:15 pm; edited 14 times in total
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Characters    Characters  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 7:09 pm

Just a note, it'd be best to leave this all in one thread... ^^;
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Characters    Characters  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 7:23 pm

Oh. I apologise for the ?flooding? Let me know if I do anything wrong. I've never posted anything anywhere before and though I've read the rules I'm still pretty ignorant on computer etiquette.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Food for thought   Characters  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 11:40 pm

How about a sexist pig? One who thinks women are stupider and weaker, someone who swaggers through Felarya full of cocky arrogance that nothing will get him?
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PostSubject: Re: Characters    Characters  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 2:53 pm

Not really my style, but if I can get a good idea behind it I might.

Just bumping this as I've added multiple characters and edited a lot of stuff.
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