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 Another Nail in the Turn Based Coffin

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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Another Nail in the Turn Based Coffin   Another Nail in the Turn Based Coffin Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2015 3:59 pm

So just now I was on Charas-Project.com, look here if you're interested http://www.charas-project.net/forum/index.php?topic=29366.msg391195#msg391195, checking the local feeds and I see this interesting article about the remake of FF7, which I've been quite happily looking forwad to thinking it'll be like the original but with better graphics, but then I read that it's battle system is going to basically be FF15's action based system. My poor little heart cracks in half and stab my future game list into pieces. T-T Why Square Enix? Why do you enjoy tormenting this poor daft old fool so much? Especially when I've deffended you to other fans up till you made the silly online games which I didn't care for int he slightest, THirteen which turned our GFs/Aeons into transformers and then the atrocious FF15 the only Final Fantasy with an ALL MALE CAST. >_- WHY THE FRACK CAN"T YOU GET IT RIGHT?!

Ahem....sorry annoying day and then I come home to this. Rather angry and tempted to rant but no. I must be calm and ask am I the only one who fears for the turn based gaming vibe? That it's slowly being killed one title at a time? And not even replaced with good stuff but crap! I can't be alone right?
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Another Nail in the Turn Based Coffin   Another Nail in the Turn Based Coffin Icon_minitimeThu Dec 17, 2015 9:11 pm

But on the plus side, we have Undertale now. Smile
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Another Nail in the Turn Based Coffin   Another Nail in the Turn Based Coffin Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2015 8:32 am

Oh sure...Like they haven't done an all female cast in final fantasy *cough cough X-2 >.>* I welcome that change and don't find it bad. Your supposed to be paying attention to the story anyways so...

Not to mention that real time combat system wasn't even marked bag. Keep in mind Jedi, They remade an online game, FFXIV, and apologized in rather classy matter, then reworked it and made It much better to where it's one of the most played mmo's currently to date. I have good trust in square enix at this point that the upcoming titles won't be bad. Another problem is that i don't know about you, but jrpgs are like a plague over in japan as much as first person shooters are over here, they're trying a new approach while trying to be innovative and for that I commend them for. Not enough companies make great risk to make something better with an already good franchise.

Undertale is great because it's atmosphere and theme try to remind you of a good childhood. It supposedly does that excellently from what i observed (still need to play it).

Don't be mad over something till you play it or observe it well enough after release, otherwise you are feeding and unhealthy speculation train.
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PostSubject: Re: Another Nail in the Turn Based Coffin   Another Nail in the Turn Based Coffin Icon_minitime

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